People of the Free Gift show

People of the Free Gift

Summary: Grounding believers in their identity in Christ and equipping them to reach those caught in "religion."

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  • Artist: Jason Oakes
  • Copyright: Copyright 2015 Jason Oakes. All rights reserved.


 The Gospels: Linked by 12 Years | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 46:15

The intersection of two miracles linked by "12 years." What can we learn from these two incredible miracles in the lives of two very different people?  This is part of a larger sermon series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." To access all of our archived messages for FREE, go to People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 Sharing the Gospel: As Simple as A.B.C. | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:17

This is a special "Evangelism Principles" episode of the podcast.  Several of the pastors in the Big Sky Area of Montana collaborated on a "Beyond the Walls" Evangelism Training event in Billings. Pastor David Lopez spoke on "Sharing the Gospel: As Simple as A.B.C." A - Admit that you are a sinner B - Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again from the dead, and trust Him and Him alone for your salvation C - Choose to follow Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you and to come into your life and change you from the inside out.  This is part of a larger series called "Biblical Evangelism Principles." To access any of our past messages via podcast or Youtube for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 8 to 15 - The World is Smaller than you Think | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:10

This is a special "Evangelism Principles" episode of the podcast.  Several of the pastors in the Big Sky Area of Montana collaborated on a "Beyond the Walls" Evangelism Training event in Billings. Pastor Ross Lieuallen spoke on "8 to 15: The World is Smaller than you Think." The Great Commission can seem daunting. If we think our mission is to reach everybody, chances are we'll reach nobody. Pastor Ross helps you narrow down the target of your mission field, helping you to see that more than likely, you already know and have relationship with the people God wants you to reach out to with the gospel. This session helps you identify them, and then gives some practical suggestions on what to do for them and with them once you know who they are. 

 The Gospels: Legion and his Household | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 41:16

What can we learn from the miraculous exorcism of 2,000 demons from a man into a herd of swine that committed suicide off the edge of a cliff? This is part of a larger sermon series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." To access all of our past messages via podcast or Youtube for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 The Gospels: Jesus Stills the Storm | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 41:47

What can we learn on a practical day to day basis about living out God's peace and faith during life's storms from Jesus calming the storm?  This is part of a larger sermon series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." To access any of our previous messages on podcast or youtube for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 Are We Supposed to Share the Gospel with Everybody? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 05:04

This is a special "evangelism principles" episode of the podcast where take clips from previous teachings and focus in on principles of evangelism taught in the Bible to help better equip you to reach your friends and family for Christ.  In this episode, we ask the question, "Are We Supposed to Share the Gospel with Everybody?" The answer may surprise you.  To listen to any of our archived messages for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus

 The Gospels: Jesus the Healer | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 49:08

Jesus healed many when He walked the face of this earth, but does He still heal today? Is there healing in the atonement guaranteed to each believer, or not? How do we pray for healing in a way that balances honesty and faith with submission?  This is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." To access any or our archived messages, visit  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 The Gospels: The Day a Demon Came to Church | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 46:50

Jesus cast a demon out of a man in the middle of teaching at a service at the synagogue in Capernaum. Lots of lessons for us to learn about not allowing demons to play a role in our lives as Christians.  This is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." You can access all of our archived messages at  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have recieved, freely give." - Jesus

 The Gospels: Jesus Heals a Nobleman’s Son | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 39:39

Jesus heals a nobleman's son, and in doing so, Jesus not only reveals His power and authority over time and space, but we see the process of this nobleman coming to faith in Jesus.  I also share a little bit of my own story in this message when I share about how I can relate to this nobleman through my journey of being healed of leukemia as a teenager by Jesus.  This message is part of a larger sermon series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." You can access all of our archived messages via podcast and youtube FREE at People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus.

 The Gospels: Andrew, Simon, James and John | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 43:49

The encounter that four fishermen had with the miraculous power of Jesus that caused them to follow HIm.  This is part of a larger sermon series called: "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man."  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion."  You can access all of our podcasts, videos, seminars, articles, social media and resources completely for  FREE at "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus

 “I’m a Christian Too!” part 6 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:01

What do you do as a Christian when a member of a pseudo-Christian group says, "I'm a Christian Too!"  One way to deal with this is to take them at their word, assuming that Jesus is your common ground, and invite them into a conversation.  This tactic teaches you how to use this as a springboard to invite them into a conversation based on the gospels, focusing on the events of Jesus' life and His teachings.  This is part of the teachings for the Understanding the Cults class for the J-term, In-Ministry program at Bethel Seminary San Diego.

 “I’m a Christian Too” part 5 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:50:34

What do you do as a Christian when a member of a pseudo-Christian group says, "I'm a Christian Too!"  One way to deal with this is to take them at their word, assuming that Jesus is your common ground, and invite them into a conversation.  This tactic teaches you how to use this as a springboard to invite them into a conversation based on the gospels, focusing on the events of Jesus' life and His teachings.  This is part of the teachings for the Understanding the Cults class for the J-term, In-Ministry program at Bethel Seminary San Diego.

 The Gospels: Jesus Returns Home | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 44:02

After experiencing some success in Jerusalem and in the region of Galilee, Jesus returns home to Nazareth and has the opportunity to speak in the synagogue. What is the response?  This is part of a larger sermon series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man."  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus

 The Gospels: Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:46:20

What can we learn from Jesus' conversation with a woman He should have, by cultural norms and expectations, never been talking to?  This is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man."  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus

 How LDS View Joseph Smith | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:42

This was a speech given by Jayson Kunzler, a faculty member at BYU Idaho, originally entitled "Millions Will See Brother Joseph Again." It is all about how LDS really view and what they really believe about Joseph Smith. Every Christian needs to hear this. Every LDS needs to hear this. My prayer is that this will stir your heart to reach out to your LDS friends and family with the good news that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus alone taught in the Bible alone to the glory of God alone.  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion. "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus


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