People of the Free Gift show

People of the Free Gift

Summary: Grounding believers in their identity in Christ and equipping them to reach those caught in "religion."

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  • Artist: Jason Oakes
  • Copyright: Copyright 2015 Jason Oakes. All rights reserved.


 The Gospels: A Dispute with the Pharisees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:52

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth A Dispute with the Pharisees John 8:12-59 Connect with Us Website - Archived Messages - Facebook - Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on Paypal - set up electronic giving by entering the email “” Follow-up Discussion Questions Are there any lingering questions from last week’s message? What did you learn about Jesus from this passage? What did you learn about yourselves from this passage? What is the significance of the darkness and light metaphors? Why is believing Jesus is God a “core” belief? Do you have any questions about this belief? Does it help you to see Jesus as a model for living out the Christian life? How so? How do we please God? How does the truth make you free? What are the consequences for not believing “in” truth or not believing “the” truth? Is it hard to embrace the idea that those you love that do not believe are servants of sin and children of the devil?

 The Gospels: Woman Caught in Adultery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:44

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Woman Taken in Adultery John 8:1-11 Does it make a difference to you whether John 7:53-8:11 was in the original manuscript of John or not? Why do you think Jesus handled the situation this way when all the evidence pointed to the woman’s guilt? Why is motive, why we do what we do, so vitally important? Has anybody ever tried to use God’s word against you as a Christian? How did you, or should you, respond? Why is conjecture dangerous when you are studying God’s word? What did you learn about conviction? Why is it vital to start with forgiveness? Why is it equally as vital not to end with forgiveness? If you like this message: Subscribe Write a review on itunes Share with others Thank you for all the support! Connect with Us Archived Messages - Facebook - Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on Paypal - set up electronic giving by entering the email “”

 The Gospels: Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:55

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles Matthew 8:19-22; Luke 9:51-62; John 7:1-53 Do we have the same sense of mission and identity clarity that Jesus had? Why is it important to clarify that Jesus wasn’t a “good” man? How did the “if you want to know if it is true” section help you personally? Evangelistically? What can we learn evangelistically from Jesus’ talk about not being able to “go” where he “went?” What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives personally? In what ways do we see people divided over Jesus today? How can we speak truth to these opinions? Did you gain anything from the story of Nicodemus? Website -  Archived Messages - Facebook -  Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on Paypal - set up electronic giving by entering the email “”

 The Gospels: Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:55

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles Matthew 8:19-22; Luke 9:51-62; John 7:1-53 Do we have the same sense of mission and identity clarity that Jesus had? Why is it important to clarify that Jesus wasn’t a “good” man? How did the “if you want to know if it is true” section help you personally? Evangelistically? What can we learn evangelistically from Jesus’ talk about not being able to “go” where he “went?” What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives personally? In what ways do we see people divided over Jesus today? How can we speak truth to these opinions? Did you gain anything from the story of Nicodemus? Website -  Archived Messages - Facebook -  Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on Paypal - set up electronic giving by entering the email “”

 The Gospels: Forgiveness and Restoration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:58

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Forgiveness and Restoration Matthew 18:15-35 Why is it important to balance truth and love in our communication? Why is going to the individual and avoiding the triangle important for our relationships? What is the purpose of church discipline? How do we go about practicing this in today’s world? Why is it important to gather together with other believers for prayer? What role does perspective play in forgiveness? In what ways do you struggle with forgiveness? If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for your support! You can connect with us at: 1) 2)  

 The Gospels: Forgiveness and Restoration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:58

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Forgiveness and Restoration Matthew 18:15-35 Why is it important to balance truth and love in our communication? Why is going to the individual and avoiding the triangle important for our relationships? What is the purpose of church discipline? How do we go about practicing this in today’s world? Why is it important to gather together with other believers for prayer? What role does perspective play in forgiveness? In what ways do you struggle with forgiveness? If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for your support! You can connect with us at: 1) 2)  

 The Gospels: The One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:01

Matthew 18:6-14; Mark 9:42-50; Luke 15:4-7 Is there a group of people that you struggle loving like God loves them? Is there an area of sin that you struggle taking as seriously as God does? Do you have any questions about hell? Why does who we are and what we do matter? What are some ways that we can become better about valuing the one? As individuals? As a church? Who came to your mind when we talked about God’s “annoying” grace and God’s will for none to perish? If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others  Thank you for your support! You can also connect with us at: 1) 2)  

 The Gospels: The One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:01

Matthew 18:6-14; Mark 9:42-50; Luke 15:4-7 Is there a group of people that you struggle loving like God loves them? Is there an area of sin that you struggle taking as seriously as God does? Do you have any questions about hell? Why does who we are and what we do matter? What are some ways that we can become better about valuing the one? As individuals? As a church? Who came to your mind when we talked about God’s “annoying” grace and God’s will for none to perish? If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others  Thank you for your support! You can also connect with us at: 1) 2)  

 Vision Sunday 2017: The Body of Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:24

Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Follow-Up Discussion Questions What did you learn about the body of Christ from these passages? What part of the church’s vision do you feel lead to making happen? What gift do you believe God has given you? Why does presence matter? Do you have any questions about how the church operates financially? In what ways do we “need” our church family? In what ways are the gifts for all of us, and yet our gift is unique to us? What role is God calling you to play in Vision 2017? Ministry Opportunities (circle all that apply) Youth Ministry volunteer Children’s Ministry volunteer Awana Small Group Facilitator Prayer Warrior Worship Team Outreach Northern Treasures Youth Center Summer Lunch Program The Gifts (circle one that best fits you) Prophecy Service Teaching Encouraging Giving Leadership Mercy If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for the support! You can also connect with us at: 1) 2)  

 The Gospels: Like a Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:35

The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth Like a Child Matthew 18:1-5; 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-41; 10:13-16; Luke 9:46-50; 18:15-17 How can we apply the concepts of the least being greatest and leading from behind? What do you think Jesus meant when he told us to be like a child? What can we learn from Jesus’ statement that “he who is not against us is for us?” In what ways can we “bring a glass of cold water in his name?” How can we better, as individuals, and as a church, bless the children like Jesus? If you liked this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for the support! You can also connect with us at:

 The Gospels: Faith as a Mustard Seed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:33

Matthew 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42 Follow up questions: What part do you play in watching over the flock? In supporting the Pastor, council and deacons in watching over the flock? What did you learn about evil spirits? Do you want to discuss any of these things? What is the proper way to deal with evil spirits and Satan? Do you believe that all things are possible to those who believe? Why or why not? What can we learn about prayer from the father of this demon-possessed son? If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for your support! You can also connect with us at: 1) 2)

 The Gospels: The Transfiguration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:07

Peter, James and John get a glimpse into the glory of Jesus, which is also a glimpse into the glory which shall be revealed in us as believers.  We also explore an alleged Bible contradiction and ask ourselves what we are struggling to let go of from our life before Christ.  If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for the support!   You can also connect with us at:

 The Gospels: The Passion Foretold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:06

Immediately following Peter's declaration that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, he sticks his foot right back in his mouth by telling Jesus that he's not allowed to die and rise again from the dead. Essentially, Peter rejects the gospel, launching Jesus into a discussion that Christianity is about taking up your cross, losing your life and living for the Kingdom.  One last topic: Is the last verse of this section saying that some of the apostles wouldn't die before the Second Coming? If so, did this happen? If not, what is he talking about?  If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for the support! You can also connect with us at: 1) 2)

 The Gospels: Upon this Rock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:07

In this passage, Jesus asks the single most important question that any of us will ever answer. "Who do we say that he is?"  Peter's answer gives rise to one of the most controversial passages that has divided the church in several ways. Which interpretation is right? Which church is the "one true church?"  We also ask the question, "How do we know that God has communicated with us?" with the understanding that every statement about God made by man is inherently false, while every statement made by God about himself is inherently true.  If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for your support! You can also connect with us at:  

 The Gospels: The Leaven of the Pharisees | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 28:54

Is doctrine important? To what extent is our role as Christians, or even our identity as Christians, formed by doctrine? To what extent should Christian leaders be protective over, and focus on shaping, the doctrine of their followers?  If you like this message: 1) Subscribe 2) Write a review on itunes 3) Share with others Thank you for the support! You can also connect with us at:


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