Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Don't Mom Alone Podcast

Summary: Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, connects you the listener with people and resources to help you feel less alone. Consider it an invitation to "withness".

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 How to Get Real & Savor More :: Shauna Niequest {Ep 65} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:46

How are you doing? Honestly. What is the pace of your day? What do you long for and feel you are missing out on? What activities have you crammed in your life out of a “should” mentality? When do you focus on your spiritual life? Today we are getting honest about our lives.  And discussing ways to deepen relationships, simplify schedules and connect spiritually. This week’s podcast guest is the talented, Shauna Niequist. Author of several books (“Cold Tangerines”, “Bread & Wine”, etc), she has a new devotional available called, “Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are”. If you are longing for friends you can share vulnerably with, Shauna offers a simple plan. If you struggle with the concept of slowing down and “savoring”, we discuss our own struggle and practical ways to start. If you want to expand your spiritual life beyond time alone with your Bible, then Shauna paints a beautiful picture of what that can look like. Shauna dishes out oodles of wise words. Enjoy! And if you are interested, here is where you can get a copy of her new book, “Savor” (click on book for Amazon affiliate link, expect longer shipping time):       Barnes & Noble Sams Club What we chat about: * What Shauna usually cooks for St. Patricks’ Day * Why Shauna has always shared so openly * Advice on how to start being vulnerable with your friends–a simple plan to get started * Articulating the things that are undone and not what you’d like about your life, but choosing to be okay with what is and to savor. * Advice for the Type A/ control freak who struggles to be fully present. * How striving and doing can make us tired and lonely–how Shauna learned that the hard way. * Setting boundaries and taking breaks from the internet In modern day parenting we’ve equated love with efficiency.-Wayne Muller * What our kids view as “present, loving parenting” * Disappointing the right people * Fear that drives creatives. . .”I have to hustle or the opportunity will go away.” * Realizing your life will look completely different in 15 years * Why Shauna decided to write a devotional and how it came from her own personal journey * Why there are recipes every 14 days * What Shauna learned from her trip with 25 other ladies When somebody tells the truth about their life, especially the ugly side, the scary side, it sets you free to live with that same vulnerability and courage. -Shauna Niequist Connect with Shauna: Site :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Facebook :: Pinterest Links Mentioned: * Cheddar Sage Shepherd’s Pie–switch out the sage for thyme and extra cheddar * Nigella Lawson’s Guiness Chocolate Cake * Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (*Amazon Affiliate Link) * “There’s no there, there”–Glennon * Wayne Muller’s “A Life of Being, Having,

 How to Get Real & Savor More Shauna Niequist Ep 65 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2025

How to Get Real & Savor More Shauna Niequist Ep 65

 For the Mom with Lots of Little Ones :: Hanni Go {Ep 64} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:46

**First of all, thank you for all the amazing comments & entries to “The Color Method” giveaway. Praying if you didn’t win you will still find a way to study God’s Word. Sounded like several of you were desperate for a way to know God more. Congratulations to the winner, Rebeka Griffith!!** Having more than two children, all younger than 5 years old, is a challenge. It’s hard to forget my summer of 2009. . . three boys all under the age of four. Last week I watched a sweet mom holding a lap-jumping infant, while trying to negotiate with a disgruntled 2 year old, and answer the questions of her curious 4 year old, all in a whisper, trying to keep them quiet in the middle of a theater performance. That’s when the post traumatic stress feelings came back to me. . . The overwhelming sense of failing someone or something. Remembering the exhaustion of meeting needs 24/7/365.** And yet. That’s no longer my reality. Here I am 5 years later and my life looks completely different. We just went on a family trip. And yes, of course, there was the usual whining and fatigue. But all-in-all we had a wonderful time with four kids. . .and came back happy, not spent. So when today’s guest, Hanni Go, mom to 3 kiddos, emailed me about doing an episode focusing on life with lots of young kids, I agreed wholeheartedly. Because moms to little ones need a nap HOPE! Perhaps you aren’t that mom. But I’ll bet you know someone who fits this description and could use a little pep talk of “me too” today. Feel free to pass this puppy along to your friend (awarding you 20,000 good friend points). In our conversation, we cover the gamut. . .from setting your schedule to decreasing middle-child-bad-behavior to spending time with your spouse. Hanni shares some great practical tips and I try to help give encouragement and perspective. **And FYI, I also have the fondest memories of cuddling with those three little boys. Spending loads of time playing and loving precious tiny men. What we chat about: How do we balance life when there are so many people who need you, all the time, at the same time Re-evaluating commitments during the busy years of little ones Accepting the help of others and swallowing our pride, not trying to do it by ourselves Setting realistic expectations for how life will be Recognizing this time with lots of littles is hard, but over in 5 years. The memories of your young children aren’t about your failures, but how they felt The challenge of type A moms in the little years to feel like they aren’t getting a lot “done” How God shapes us into His image through those challenging times. Seeing the significance of the work you are doing–not resenting your husband & his work Know what kind of mom you are. . .let go of being all-the-moms How to discipline consistently when all your kids are different When you and your husband differ on discipline Why middle children act out more and how to help One guaranteed way to help make your day run more smoothly How to get some “self care” time during the day Defining what your family values and focus in on those things What helped Heather feel ahead of the game during those “little years” What Hanni started doing one night a week to feel refreshed and encouraged How to care for your marriage during these years with lots of littles The value of the little years on your children’s future devotion to God (examples of Hannah & Jochebed) Links Mentioned: **Amazon Affiliate Links included below**

 For the Mom with Lots of Littles-Hanni Go {Ep 64} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3645

For the Mom with Lots of Littles-Hanni Go {Ep 64}

 The Color Method :: Lacey Dobrient {Ep 63} *GIVEAWAY* | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:27

Our hearts wander. We long to remain faithful to God, but forget we are human. The great news is God isn’t going anywhere. He longs for you to know Him. Not just know about Him, but know His deep, deep personal love for you. Today’s guest, Lacey Dobrient, shares her own story of wandering, the single life, loss of her father and secondary infertility. . .events which all led her to study God’s Word more intently. Lacey shares the method God revealed to her when she prayed for a way to know Him more. I know there are lots of Bible study options out there, but I wanted to share this fun and purposeful one with y’all. AND I didn’t even know all the authentic sharing Lacey would do during our interview. Powerful stuff. Oh, AND, one lucky listener will get their own set of pens and guidebook. To be entered to win, leave a comment below or a review on iTunes. Giveaway ends March 14th and the winner will be announced on the 16th. **This giveaway has now ended** What we talked about: * Lacey’s legacy of faith and the memories she has of her parents in God’s word. * Making the transition with your kids from Bible stories to Bible study. * Lacey’s season of straying from God. * Why she felt God kept her single until 38 * The life event that broke her heart and changed it. * Her lesson to live authentically * The shock of pain with secondary infertility. * When hard things happen how do we believe God is good. * A desire to grow closer to God, but not knowing how. * The approach God gently led Lacey to study her Bible. * Realization that Bible study is a spiritual experience and to approach with prayer. * What God spoke to her through a purple pen and the geneology in Matthew. * How Lacey decided to assign colors to Bible themes * The influence you can have your children through Bible study. * What “face on face” love is and how to have that with God. Connect with Lacey: Site :: Contact :: Shop Links Mentioned: Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:8 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. 1 Corinthians 2:13 * Kay Arthur-The Holy Spirit Unleashed in You: Acts (The New Inductive Study Series) ** (Amazon affiliate link) * ESV Single Column Journaling Bible  ** (Amazon affiliate link) * Kickstarter Bible–Bibliotheca * Matt McCauley, Youth Pastor at Village Church–One Generation to Another What book of the Bible are you studying right now? How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store,

 The Color Method Lacey Dobrient Ep 63 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2247

The Color Method Lacey Dobrient Ep 63

 How to Stop Yelling, Lecturing & Power Struggles :: Kirk Martin {Ep 62} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:07

After 9 years of struggling with his strong-willed son, today’s podcast guest, Kirk Martin, heard God ask: What if your son is made like that on purpose? What if by trying to change his behavior you are frustrating My purposes for him? What if the key to changing your son’s behavior is  to change your behavior? Bam! What a concept? Turning my control issues from my kids towards myself. Disconnecting my mom worth from my boys’ performance (reminds me of the whole “Let him be a jerk” lesson) I love Kirk’s realistic approach to parenting. He understands what your home dynamics are like. And gives practical tips. After listening to today’s episode you will have at least three different “tricks” to apply. Most of all, I’m thankful for the new perspective he has given me. Kirk helped me recognize how emotionally invested I was in my boys’ behavior and freed me from the need to regulate their behavior for them. The last couple days I’ve enjoyed the boys more. I’m also less tense and frustrated when we are out in public. In fact, I may need to go back and listen to this episode more than once, so it sticks! What we chat about: * Kirk’s realization that he needed to focus on his own behavior and stop trying to fix his son’s strong-willed behavior. * The switch he made from training 1500 kids in his home to training parents to calm themselves. * The one thing you can do today to de-escalate a tense situation in your home. * How to calmly handle your child’s meltdown I can only control one person in life, and that’s me. * How motion changes emotion–helping little ones calm down b/c they don’t know how to “think” their way out. * What to do in the middle of Target aisle 3 when your child freaks out * Handling a tantruming child when his siblings are fighting and another needs help with homework and dinner is cooking (Heather’s daily 5 pm reality). If you don’t care enough about yourself, to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually. . .why would anyone else care? * How sometimes parents want good behavior so badly, they are too invested in it and give children too much control. * How to be an impartial giver of wisdom. * Heather’s light bulb moment. . . * Write down your emotional triggers & do the opposite of what you normally do. Connect with Kirk: Site :: Twitter :: Facebook :: Podcast Links Mentioned: * Email Newsletter–top 10 free newsletters (check out #6!!) * Live (free) Workshops * CDs/DVDs * 888-506-1871–Toll Free Number for Frustrated Parents Here’s a video sampling of Kirk’s teaching on discipline: (click here if reading via email) In this episode I admit one of my emotional triggers. What is one of yours? How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to GodCenteredMom.

 How to Stop Yelling, Lecturing, Power Struggles Kirk Martin Ep 62 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2166

How to Stop Yelling, Lecturing, Power Struggles Kirk Martin Ep 62

 The Power of Sex in Marriage :: Francie Winslow {Ep 61} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:43

Yep. We’re going there. I know, I know.  Motherhood is exhausting and the last thing you want to think, talk or do is that.  But, I also know you love your husband and want to be emotionally connected to him. Perhaps the best way to get what you want is to consider his need for (sex). (if it’s in parenthesis and italicized it. . .totally counts as whispering).  Today’s guest, Francie Winslow, joyfully shares the truth God has taught her about sex within marriage. Being a southern gal, it took a clear sign from God to decide to make this the topic she will be speaking and writing about in 2015. Y’all. Francie brings it. As a mom to four young kiddos, she understands the struggles of transitioning from tired mom to hot wife. But she also knows the power sex has to transform your marriage, family and community. Make sure you listen to the whole episode because the last 15 minutes she gives us tips on how to switch gears and get our minds/bodies ready for sex. She also shares what’s in her little kit to help “freshen up” at the end of a long mommy day. What we talk about: * The path of obedience God took Francie on this past fall & the topic He has called her to speak/write about. * Encouragement to those in a relationship with addiction/abuse to get professional help. * Francie’s southern upbringing, knew about abstinence but not about abundance within marriage. * The negative messages Francie received requiring her to rewire thinking about sex–how it’s good, why and it’s purpose. * The one need of your husband you are the only one who should fill it–privilege perspective instead of a burden. “Sex is a key that emotionally connects a husband and a wife.” * Considering his need before your own is the key to connection. * The science and hormones involved in sex. “The more the more, the less the less” * How our society benefits from a healthy sex life–higher goal than “have to” * 7 tips for the tired mom who struggles switching gears to hot wife. * The contents of Francie’s tired mom bathroom tool kit (make your own!). “Actions of love lead to feelings of love.” -Tim Keller Connect with Francie: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Instagram :: The God Experience  Links Mentioned: * Francie’s first GCM podcast interview– For Freedom Been Set Free * Mary Flo Ridley—Birds & Bees? Oh, help me please! “then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Phil 2:2-4) Additional Resources:

 Power of Sex in Marriage Francie Winslow Ep 61 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2802

Power of Sex in Marriage Francie Winslow Ep 61

 Strip Church :: Catherine Smith {Ep 60} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:28

*Congratulations Becca! You are the winner of Emily Thomas’ gorgeous print. Thanks to all who listened, reviewed, & commented!* I can get pretty passionate on today’s topic. And that passion has even led to some “voice raising” at a casual friend gathering. Cuz one thing I won’t back down on is the Gospel and sharing the good news with the whole world.  We all are in need of a Savior.  And no one sin is greater than another.  Like Jesus defending the adulterous woman, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8). After the men holding stones dispersed and Jesus dismissed the woman, asking her to sin no more, he said, “I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.” As followers of Jesus we do not walk in darkness, but carry the light of life. So many are lost, wandering in darkness, not because they are worse than we are, but because have not been shown the Light and love of Jesus. In today’s episode I interview Catherine Smith, Strip Church Event Coordinator. She shares about their ministry to women in strip clubs. AND tells listeners how to get involved in their new initiative, Bright Lights, Big Cities. One of my favorite parts of this episode is realizing the special love moms have to offer a broken world. I pray God speaks to you through our conversation and perhaps moves you to serve in this exciting way. What we talk about: * The unbelievable story of how the got started “People are not expecting to meet with Jesus at a porn convention.” * The need the XXXChurch saw that no one else was filling * The vision and goal of StripChurch to invest & build relationships * The launch of Bright Lights, Big Cities–what it is and what they need * When the leaders training happens and what’s involved * What you could do to help a team, if you can’t commit to training * Why moms minister best to women in the sex industry–the power of a mother’s love “Don’t blame the dark for being dark. Blame the light for not shining in the dark.”-Craig Gross, Founder of * The resources available through XXXChurch for those struggling with porn addiction: * X3Groups–accountability groups for men & women * to help parents navigate technology * X3Watch filtering and accountability app * The difference and call to holiness for those within the church, choosing to follow Christ “We are not for porn, we are for people.” Connect with Catherine: Links mentioned: * resources–where to start * 100 cities included in the Bright lights, big cities initiative * Bright Lights, Big Cities Training * Online accountability for every device– * helping parents navigate technology * X3 Groups for accountability * Testimonials from women who have left the sex industry (click here to watch if reading via email): Can you help spread the word about this ministry?

 Strip Church :: Catherine Smith [Ep 60] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2367

Strip Church :: Catherine Smith [Ep 60]

 How to Know Which Way to Go :: Emily Thomas {Ep 59} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:30

Have you ever been in a situation and didn’t know what God wanted you to do next? Leave a job? Move to a new city? Adopt a child? Stop trying to adopt? Thankfully God has plans. He knows them completely. . .and, bonus, He knows your role. Now the execution of those plans may be difficult, but He is good and will redeem all things. Today’s guest, Emily Thomas, vulnerably shares her story of trying to follow the plan. Worried she’d miss it. Assuming she had to do all the right steps in order to make sure God’s plan succeeded. Emily is a funny (funny) talented mom to two little ones. She writes over at and creates inspiring & fun canvases (one she is giving away!). After Emily shares her mom story, she and I talk about some great topics: relying completely on God, boasting in our weaknesses, and how to keep your eyes on God throughout the day.  Good stuff. What we chat about: * Emily’s journey through infertility. * The “yes’ and “no”s. .  . following God, not knowing His next answer. * The brave love of birth moms who allow other moms to parent their babies. * Emily’s story of wanting to be prepared for the 2nd baby, hoarding baby stuff for 2 years, then selling it all. * What happened as she stood outside a consignment store holding an empty laundry basket. * How we all get stripped of what we think “matters” in motherhood and required to lean totally on God. * The process of following God through all the “yes” and “no’s”, learning to listen to what He’s doing. * How what we believe about God affects how we view life’s trials. * Why Emily got hit by bicyclists when she lived in China. * How Emily “keeps her eyes on God” during the day-to-day. * How God is not shocked by our weaknesses. **GIVEAWAY***: A print of this beautiful canvas by Emily, with the line from Hillsong’s Oceans. Leave a comment below or a iTunes review to be entered to win. Ends February 15th, 2015. Winner announced Feb 16th. Connect with Emily: Blog :: Shop :: Instagram :: Twitter Links mentioned: * “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'” (Isaiah 30:21) * Hillsong, “Oceans” * Declare Conference * Brave Love Ministry–> Hannah’s story * Thrive Women’s Clinic How do you keep your eyes on Jesus during the day? How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone,

 How to Know Which Way to Go :: Emily Thomas {Ep 59} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2730

How to Know Which Way to Go :: Emily Thomas {Ep 59}

 For the Love of God Jenny Supizio Ep 48 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2423

For the Love of God Jenny Supizio Ep 48


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