Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Don't Mom Alone Podcast

Summary: Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, connects you the listener with people and resources to help you feel less alone. Consider it an invitation to "withness".

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  • Artist: Don't Mom Alone Podcast
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 Hello, Beauty Full Elisa Morgan {Ep 89} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2412

Hello, Beauty Full Elisa Morgan {Ep 89}

 How to Stay Calm with School Stress :: Kirk Martin {Ep 88} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:42

**Congratulations to Lisa of Being StepMom, you are the winner of Liz Curtis Higgs latest book, “It’s Good to Be Queen”.** Lately when I’ve hung out with mom friends, we end up swapping school stress stories. We commiserate over homework battles. And how to manage all the different kids’ needs with crammed afternoon & evening schedules. We share how we want to instill responsibility, but struggle watching our kids get in trouble over forgetfulness. Only a month into school, many of us have already received the negative behavior reports. And we wonder how to manage the issue from our end. It seems to me we all need a little calming pep talk from our friend, Kirk Martin (  Before interviewing Kirk, I asked y’all on Instagram & Facebook to share some of your school stress questions. And we got so many great ones! Thank you!! So in this episode, we chat about creative ways to motivate our kids while keeping the long term goals in mind. We hit on the topic of perfectionism, children with special needs, competition among siblings, and loads more. Most of all, I loved Kirk’s example of the prodigal son’s father (Luke 15) in fostering an inviting, grace-filled environment. What we chat about: * How do I motivate my kids to “want” to do homework? (age specific ideas) * What should my long term goals be when helping with their homework? * Should kids do homework right when they get home from school? * How do you manage 3 kids’ homework, especially if one has special learning needs? * If my son gets in trouble at school, should he also have consequences at home? * How do we handle competition, vying for position between sibling? * What do we do with our perfectionist children? How do we help them not give up? * How do you help a child with ASD persist when school is hard for him? * What if my Kindergartener doesn’t want to go to school? Connect with Kirk: Site :: Twitter :: Facebook :: Podcast Links Mentioned: * Top 35 great books by grade * Email Newsletter–top 10 free newsletters (check out #6!!) * Live (free) Workshops * CDs/DVDs * 1-888-506-1871–Toll Free Number for Frustrated Parents How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio.

 How to Stay Calm with School Stress Kirk Martin Ep 88 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3042

How to Stay Calm with School Stress Kirk Martin Ep 88

 It’s Good to Be Queen *Giveaway* :: Liz Curtis Higgs {Ep 87} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:17

Seems appropriate to watch portions of the Miss America pageant while putting the finishing touches on this podcast episode. I’m not a pageant fanatic, mind you. But as a little girl, a friend and I used to watch VHS pageant replays and try to learn the opening dance routine. We’d practice our runway walks and humble acceptance speeches. We dreamed about being “picked” and donning that crown. There is something in each of us longing for royalty. To be recognized, favored and made significant. . . a maybe even wear a tiara. Today’s podcast guest, acclaimed author & speaker, Liz Curtis Higgs, shares what she learned while researching the famous Queen of Sheba. You may be surprised to learn there is more to the Queen Sheba than her wealth and power. In studying her trip to visit King Solomon (1 Kings), we see how a queen can be humbled and learn to praise God as Lord.  For those of us who struggle with strong personalities (and even big mouths), Liz gives some wonderful advice on being Biblically bold.  ANNNDD! Since we want to be generous like Sheba, Liz’s publisher is giving away a copy of the book. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment below and let me know if you did any of the following: 1) Followed Liz on Twitter or Facebook 2) Left a review on iTunes for this podcast 3) Plan to gather gals & do this Bible study. Winner announced Monday, Sept 21, 2015. What we chat about: * The sacrifice and support necessary to live the life of a speaker. * What qualities and character we can learn from the Queen of Sheba. * Liz shares interesting details about the Queen’s travel to visit Solomon. * Why Sheba went to talk with Solomon. * Difference between Biblical boldness and arrogance. * Being bold to say the hard things when we make emotional messes in our families. * What we learn from the humbling of Queen Sheba. Connect with Liz: It’s Good to be Queen :: Author Site :: Facebook :: Pinterest :: Vimeo :: Twitter Links Mentioned: * The Parable of the Lily: Special 10th Anniversary Edition (Parable Series)** * It’s Good to Be Queen: Becoming as Bold, Gracious, and Wise as the Queen of Sheba** * It’s Good to be Queen Study Videos * Check out Liz’s other books/studies **Amazon Affiliate Link How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio. If you don’t have an iDevice, you can listen via 

 It's Good to Be Queen Liz Curtis Higgs Ep 87 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2536

It's Good to Be Queen Liz Curtis Higgs Ep 87

 Behind the Scenes of “War Room” :: Wynter & Alena Pitts {Ep 86} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:51

Ever felt like you are in a battle? With your kids. A friend. Your spouse. (raising my hand). What if we viewed the battle differently? Instead of using the same failing tactics (anger, nagging, retreat…), you and I tried another approach. Most of us know the Sunday School strategy: to “pray without ceasing”. But when do you pray in your day?  Maybe in the morning. Before meals. Putting kids to bed. And what do you pray? For needs to be met. Out of gratitude. Or desperation. Have you ever considered writing down Scripture and praying for God to move in specific areas of your life? With fervent prayers? Well, the latest hit movie, “War Room”  defines the true enemy and disciples viewers in a practical battle strategy. If you want to be inspired for how prayer can impact your life and change your attitude towards others, please see this new movie. On today’s podcast episode child actress, Alena Pitts (11 years old) and her mom Wynter Pitts (author of “For Girls Like You”, tween girl devotional) give us a behind-the-scenes look at the “War Room” movie. Alena & Wynter also share how filming the movie impacted their prayer lives. Hear about their favorite clips in the film. And at the end of the episode my 10 year old son gives his movie review. My hope is you see the movie, get inspired, and start praying with a real battle strategy. If you need help, I found women who have mentored me in prayer. Ask someone whose prayer life you admire to meet with you once a week for an hour.  Make a plan, pray fervently and watch God move. What we chat about: * Fabulous resources Wynter produces for moms of girls * How the Kendrick Brothers cast Alena in the role of Danielle * Behind the scenes on how Kendrick Brothers led the cast spiritually * How has making the movie changed Alena’s prayer life * How the Holy Spirit groans on our behalf…when you don’t know what to pray * What is the meaning behind the title “War Room” * Alternative ideas to creating your own war room or creating a prayer notebook * The importance of reviewing answered prayers * What we can be praying for Wynter & Alena * How does a man get to a point of surrender Connect with Wynter or Alena: For Girls Like You :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Pinterest Alena Pitts :: Facebook :: Twitter  :: Instagram Links Mentioned: * For Girls Like You: A Devotional for Tweens **Amazon Affiliate Link * For Girls Like You Podcast * Leaving Ordinary: Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer (InScribed Collection) by Donna Gaines ** Amazon Affiliate link * “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” (Proverbs 11:2) * “ If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,

 Behind the Scenes of War Room Wynter and Alena Pitts Ep 86 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2571

Behind the Scenes of War Room Wynter and Alena Pitts Ep 86

 I'm Happy for You (Sort Of...Not Really) :: Kay Wyma {Ep 85} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2966

I'm Happy for You (Sort Of...Not Really) :: Kay Wyma {Ep 85}

 I’m Happy for You (Sort Of…Not Really) :: Kay Wyma {Ep 85} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:26

What if your son can’t read as he enters first grade? What if your daughter prefers wrestling to ballet? What if your living room sofa has a couple rips and stains from a decade of use? These things shouldn’t be a big deal. But then you notice your friend’s first grade boy is reading chapter books. . . and her daughter gracefully glides into class with a giant bow on her head . . . and their living room just got a make-over with coordinating floor-to-ceiling curtains. Personally? My feelings of “less than” often start at a place of comparison. I know I shouldn’t compare. I know it doesn’t make me feel good. Yet day after day I glance around making sure I keep pace with the Joneses. How do I move past comparison to contentment? And even more important, how do I get to a place where I can celebrate her athletic child or new couch or beach vacation? Well, today’s podcast guest, Kay Wyma, shines a light on the age old comparison problem and guides us to a better place of connection and true community. In Kay’s latest book, “I’m Happy for You (Sort Of . . .Not Really)”, she helps readers find contentment in a culture of comparison. “Looking at what we lack prevents us from noticing how sweet the world already is. But when we shift our focus from what could be to what actually is, we find extraordinary joy in our ordinary lives.”  I’ve been a big Kay fan since a dinner party over six years ago.  As I sat hugely pregnant with our 3rd son, she encouraged me in my role as young mom. Kay is authentic, brilliant and refreshing.  My hope is her wisdom and practical tips in this episode help you stop comparing and draw you closer to the women you interact with daily. What we chat about: * Encouraging one another by running alongside, instead of determined to “win” * Focusing on “being together” more than hosting the perfect dinner party * Being our best instead of being “the best”, discovering our “you”-niqueness * How a “mental” computer reboot (cnt/alt/del) helps fight comparison * Whose light is revealing your reflection (& the Kylie Jenner Challenge) * How to help our kids navigate social media and speak life to their friends * How our friends can help us “reboot” the messages we believe. * How to enter back-to-school with fresh perspective, moving from comparison to compassion (repurposing school supplies). * Why I can never look at an Instagram pic of feet on the beach the same way. Connect with Kay: The MOAT Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter Links Mentioned: * I’m Happy for You (Sort Of…Not Really): Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison *Amazon Affiliate Link * Kathie Lee Gifford video How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called 

 How to Fight Fear & Believe in a Faithful God :: Lisa Appelo {Ep 84} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:50

When I go to bed, the next day’s plans are made trusting the sun will rise, as it does every morning.  Without conscience thought, I believe in it’s faithful presence. Because of this rhythm of life (and others like it) I can wrongly assume each day will continue to be the same. I can take relationships and moments for granted. Then when a tragedy comes my way, a spirit of fear often follows close beside. The “what if” has entered the picture and I struggle to shake a fear of what could happen. In Lisa Appelo‘s case, in June of 2011 she went to bed with her husband of 26 years and was awakened by the sounds of him having a fatal heart attack. With one of her worst fears realized, Lisa learned to lean on her faithful God. By fighting fear with God’s promises, she moved forward in the life He has called her–a life of loving and training her seven beautiful children (and daughter-in-law).  In this episode Lisa shares her story, but more importantly she shares her faith. Then she disciples us in taking thoughts captive, holding them up to the truth of Christ. At the end of the episode I beg Lisa to share some mommy wisdom with me. But this is the main deal, y’all… We have put our trust in a God who declares himself to be faithful. It’s not that He chooses to be faithful to us. It is His very character. . . He is faithful. He can be nothing else to us. –Lisa Appelo Thank you all for your kind emails, comments, texts regarding my dad. God has been good to minister to my heart in deep ways and I’m seeing the fruit of sharing my burden with the body of Christ.  What we chat about: * How Lisa’s world changed the Summer of 2011 * What the end of a marriage covenant looks like * How God blesses us when we obey His simple promptings * What encouragement Lisa would give to a young woman in a hard marriage season * How to fight fear considering Proverbs 31 & 2 Corinthians 10:5 * How do you know God is faithful when your husband passes away * What’s one thing Lisa’s learned boys need * What regular family Bible reading routine helped Lisa in her parenting * Lisa’s awesome idea for dividing up home responsibilities * How the body of Christ comes together to help care for widows & single moms Connect with Lisa: Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest Links Mentioned: * Lisa’s Story * Say Farewell to Fear (Lisa’s blog series) * “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Psalm 68:5 How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio.

 How to Fight Fear & Believe in a Faithful God :: Lisa Appelo Ep84 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3049

How to Fight Fear & Believe in a Faithful God :: Lisa Appelo Ep84

 How to Quit Hustle & Embrace Small-Moment Living :: Emily Freeman {Ep 83} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:36

The back-to-school emails have arrived in my inbox. The extra-curricular race begins in just a couple weeks. And our loosy goosy Summers get traded in for non-stop activity and hustle. As the mom of four boys, busyness comes with the territory. But does my soul have to keep a hurried pace? What if I chose to “sit down” on the inside, re-centering my motivations, so I can more fully engage with my boys? Well, today’s podcast guest, Emily Freeman (author of “Grace for the Good Girl”), is our guide to inviting Christ into the small moments of the day. She and I discuss the benches in her cul-de-sac and how they became a visual reminder of making time for soul rest. On August 18th, Emily’s newest book, “Simply Tuesday”, releases. You can find a copy any place you like to buy books. (Definitely make sure to join in on the Instagram fun and share your small moments using the hashtag: #itssimplytuesday.)   Love this quote from the interview: Life is not one week long race to the weekend. That’s why I love Tuesday so much. Because Tuesday is a weekly reminder this is my real life. These are my real people. This is where I live. It’s our Tuesday moments where Jesus shows up as a kind companion. Tuesday is the everyday. If you want to see your everyday life…look at your Tuesday. -Emily Freeman (Listen to Emily read the first chapter of “Simply Tuesday” –> Here) What we chat about: * Why we prefer the term “middle school” to “junior high” * How two benches transformed Emily’s cul-de-sac community…and her daily living * Why Emily is suspicious of ‘hustle’…especially in herself * The phrase her counselor gave her  & how it changed her view of everyday moments * How Tuesday moments have become weekly reminders of her real life * What happens when we stop racing against others and turn towards them Connect with Emily: Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Pinterest Links Mentioned: * Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life* * Graceful (For Young Women): Letting Go of Your Try-Hard Life* * A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live* * Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World* * Sarah Masen*–Tuesday *Amazon Affiliate Links How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio. If you don’t have an iDevice,

 How to Quit Hustle & Embrace Small Moment Living :: Emily Freeman {Ep 83} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2376

How to Quit Hustle & Embrace Small Moment Living :: Emily Freeman {Ep 83}

 What Your Kids, Marriage & Mind Need :: Monica Swanson {Ep 82} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:46

Sometimes mid-week or mid-day I get stuck in a faulty mindset.  That thinking impacts my behavior. The result is yucky…and doesn’t meet the needs of my kids, my husband or myself. Anyone else relate? Today’s podcast guest is Monica Swanson (aka, “The Grom Mom”). As the homeschooling mom to four boys, 5 to 16 years old, she understands what a chaotic, full, and imperfect home looks like. Yes, Monica lives in Hawaii. Yes, her boys are adorable. But they are all human. And they make messes and mistakes. So Monica’s learned that in order to enjoy the life she is living she needs to adjust her perspective. In this episode, Monica and I chat about what teenage boys need, how to re-connect with our husbands and how to reclaim a healthy body image. Each topic led us to a conversation about re-calibrating what we see. (Personally loved her thoughts on how we can “expand” our pre-set mental limits). ((Oh, and definitely check out some of her blog posts linked below. . . you’ll be happy you did)). What we chat about: * How did Monica and her crew end up (and stay) in Hawaii * What teenage boys need from their moms * The one thing that can change everything * How Monica re-calibrates her perspective * A new way to think about your perceived limits (your “up to here”) * Learning to ask our husbands for what we need * What to do to re-connect with our husbands when there is distance * A new ebook Monica is writing about healthy body image * The importance of getting our mind right with Scripture and affirmations Connect with Monica: Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Pinterest Links Mentioned: * What a Teenage Boy Needs Most from His Mom * That thing in your head that may change everything * On Expanding * Podcast interview with Kris Habashy * Five Ways to Build Bridges When There is Distance in Your Marriage * Ephesians 5:28-30 “ In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows,

 What Your Kids, Marriage & Mind Need :: Monica Swanson Ep 82 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2266

What Your Kids, Marriage & Mind Need :: Monica Swanson Ep 82


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