How to Get Real & Savor More :: Shauna Niequest {Ep 65}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: How are you doing?<br> Honestly.<br> What is the pace of your day? What do you long for and feel you are missing out on? What activities have you crammed in your life out of a “should” mentality? When do you focus on your spiritual life?<br> Today we are getting honest about our lives.  And discussing ways to deepen relationships, simplify schedules and connect spiritually.<br> This week’s podcast guest is the talented, Shauna Niequist. Author of several books (“Cold Tangerines”, “Bread &amp; Wine”, etc), she has a new devotional available called, “Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are”.<br> <a href=""></a><br> If you are longing for friends you can share vulnerably with, Shauna offers a simple plan.<br> If you struggle with the concept of slowing down and “savoring”, we discuss our own struggle and practical ways to start.<br> If you want to expand your spiritual life beyond time alone with your Bible, then Shauna paints a beautiful picture of what that can look like.<br> Shauna dishes out oodles of wise words. Enjoy!<br> And if you are interested, here is where you can get a copy of her new book, “Savor” (click on book for Amazon affiliate link, expect longer shipping time):<br><br> <br>  <br>  <br>  <br> Barnes &amp; Noble<br> Sams Club<br> What we chat about:<br> <br> * What Shauna usually cooks for St. Patricks’ Day<br> * Why Shauna has always shared so openly<br> * Advice on how to start being vulnerable with your friends–a simple plan to get started<br> * Articulating the things that are undone and not what you’d like about your life, but choosing to be okay with what is and to savor.<br> * Advice for the Type A/ control freak who struggles to be fully present.<br> * How striving and doing can make us tired and lonely–how Shauna learned that the hard way.<br> * Setting boundaries and taking breaks from the internet<br> <br> In modern day parenting we’ve equated love with efficiency.-Wayne Muller<br> <br> * What our kids view as “present, loving parenting”<br> * Disappointing the right people<br> * Fear that drives creatives. . .”I have to hustle or the opportunity will go away.”<br> * Realizing your life will look completely different in 15 years<br> * Why Shauna decided to write a devotional and how it came from her own personal journey<br> * Why there are recipes every 14 days<br> * What Shauna learned from her trip with 25 other ladies<br> <br> When somebody tells the truth about their life, especially the ugly side, the scary side, it sets you free to live with that same vulnerability and courage. -Shauna Niequist<br> Connect with Shauna:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Site</a> ::<a href="" target="_blank"> Twitter</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram </a>:: <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Pinterest</a><br> Links Mentioned:<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Cheddar Sage Shepherd’s Pie</a>–switch out the sage for thyme and extra cheddar<br> * Nigella Lawson’s <a href="" target="_blank">Guiness Chocolate Cake</a><br> * Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (*Amazon Affiliate Link)<br> * “There’s no there, there”–Glennon<br> * Wayne Muller’s “A Life of Being, Having,