For the Mom with Lots of Little Ones :: Hanni Go {Ep 64}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: **First of all, thank you for all the amazing comments &amp; entries to “The Color Method” giveaway. Praying if you didn’t win you will still find a way to study God’s Word. Sounded like several of you were desperate for a way to know God more. Congratulations to the winner, Rebeka Griffith!!**<br> Having more than two children, all younger than 5 years old, is a challenge.<br> It’s hard to forget my summer of 2009. . . three boys all under the age of four.<br><br> <br> <br> Last week I watched a sweet mom holding a lap-jumping infant, while trying to negotiate with a disgruntled 2 year old, and answer the questions of her curious 4 year old, all in a whisper, trying to keep them quiet in the middle of a theater performance.<br> That’s when the post traumatic stress feelings came back to me. . .<br> The overwhelming sense of failing someone or something. Remembering the exhaustion of meeting needs 24/7/365.**<br> And yet. That’s no longer my reality.<br> Here I am 5 years later and my life looks completely different. <br> We just went on a family trip. And yes, of course, there was the usual whining and fatigue. But all-in-all we had a wonderful time with four kids. . .and came back happy, not spent.<br> So when today’s guest, Hanni Go, mom to 3 kiddos, emailed me about doing an episode focusing on life with lots of young kids, I agreed wholeheartedly. Because moms to little ones need a nap HOPE!<br> <a href=""></a><br> Perhaps you aren’t that mom.<br> But I’ll bet you know someone who fits this description and could use a little pep talk of “me too” today. Feel free to pass this puppy along to your friend (awarding you 20,000 good friend points).<br> In our conversation, we cover the gamut. . .from setting your schedule to decreasing middle-child-bad-behavior to spending time with your spouse.<br> Hanni shares some great practical tips and I try to help give encouragement and perspective.<br> **And FYI, I also have the fondest memories of cuddling with those three little boys. Spending loads of time playing and loving precious tiny men.<br> <br> What we chat about:<br> <br> How do we balance life when there are so many people who need you, all the time, at the same time<br> Re-evaluating commitments during the busy years of little ones<br> Accepting the help of others and swallowing our pride, not trying to do it by ourselves<br> Setting realistic expectations for how life will be<br> Recognizing this time with lots of littles is hard, but over in 5 years.<br> The memories of your young children aren’t about your failures, but how they felt<br> The challenge of type A moms in the little years to feel like they aren’t getting a lot “done”<br> How God shapes us into His image through those challenging times.<br> Seeing the significance of the work you are doing–not resenting your husband &amp; his work<br> Know what kind of mom you are. . .let go of being all-the-moms<br> How to discipline consistently when all your kids are different<br> When you and your husband differ on discipline<br> Why middle children act out more and how to help<br> One guaranteed way to help make your day run more smoothly<br> How to get some “self care” time during the day<br> Defining what your family values and focus in on those things<br> What helped Heather feel ahead of the game during those “little years”<br> What Hanni started doing one night a week to feel refreshed and encouraged<br> How to care for your marriage during these years with lots of littles<br> The value of the little years on your children’s future devotion to God (examples of Hannah &amp; Jochebed)<br> <br> Links Mentioned:<br> **Amazon Affiliate Links included below**<br> <br>