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Summary: RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z Interviews with experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.

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 Sugary Soda Intake & Cellular Aging: You're Damaging Your Cells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Researchers found that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas increased cellular aging of your tissues.You might already be aware of the damage sugary drinks pose to your waistline, your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, but did you know it could also be damaging your telomere? Telomeres help protect your chromosomes from deterioration, and are located at the end of each of your chromosomes. They help your cells' chromosomes from melding together and creating an abnormality, which could lead to disease or cancer. A study published in The American Journal of Public Health back in October 2014 found that by drinking sugary sodas, you're shortening the life of your telomeres. Researchers looked at 5,309 men and women between the ages of 20 and 65 that had previously enrolled in the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Researchers compared white blood cell telomere length and responses to the survey that included sugary-sweetened soda. Researchers found that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas increased cellular aging of tissues. What are some ways you can reduce cellular aging? Stop drinking sugary sodas Get enough sleep Stop smoking Eat wholesome and nutritious foods Reduce stress Are there any nutrients you can take? Black tea Grape seed extract Dr. Mike discusses this study, if you should stop drinking sugary-sweetened sodas, and how you can avoid damaging your telomeres.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Osteopenia, Capping Your Teeth & Clarity on NAD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Here you'll find the answers to health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: I have osteopenia, and I have been taking calcium and vitamin D for about two years. However, nothing has really changed. I heard about strontium and was wondering your thoughts on it? Osteopenia is low bone density and the beginning stage of osteoporosis. As you age, your bones become thinner and lose minerals, causing them to become weaker and at risk for breaking or fracture. You may want to consider taking vitamin K2 to help your bones absorb your calcium and vitamin D. Strontium has been around since the 50s and 60s and was actually the most commonly taken supplement. In Dr. Mike's opinion, strontium works great and helps improve your bone health. Do you have to have missing teeth capped? I heard if you don't, your jaw can move and cause your other teeth to become misaligned. This might depend on where your missing tooth is. For example, if it's in the back of your mouth, you don't necessarily need to cap your teeth. However, if it's in the front you may want to consider this, but not because of the risk of your teeth becoming misaligned. Have you heard about NAD? Some companies are promoting it as an energy and anti-aging supplement? Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is the cellular process of all living things. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide plus hydrogen (NADH) is a supplement that plays an important role in cell energy production. So, yes, NAD can be used for cell energy. If you can't make cell energy, unfortunately you won't live very long. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Can Bugleweed Cure Your Hyperthyroidism & Is Soy Bad for Your Thyroid? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: I have hyperthyroidism (high T4) and I do not want radiation therapy or surgery. I'm currently taking a drug called tapazole and I'm also on a beta blocker. Can I ease off my medications and take lemon balm and theanine? Can I replace the tapazole and use bugleweed? Unfortunately, no. Dr. Mike doesn't think that the combination of lemon balm and theanine would work for you and treat your hyperthyroid. However, there have been some studies on bugleweed and treating hyperthyroid, but only mild cases. If you have mild hyperthyroidism, you may want to consider asking your doctor about trying it. Does soy affect the thyroid gland? This has been a controversial topic between doctors, scientists and researchers. Dr. Mike believes that certain compounds in non-fermented soy can cause some issues but fermented soy does not. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Acetaminophen & NSAIDs: What's the Difference? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Acetaminophen and NSAIDs are the two most common pain reliever medications.Whenever you have a cold, fever, or an injury, you might consider taking an NSAID like an aspirin to relieve your symptoms. However, if you're not monitoring how much you're taking, you could be putting yourself at risk for some dangerous and serious health issues. In fact, emergency hospital visits have drastically increased due to people who've accidentally overdosed on NSAIDs. Before you begin taking NSAIDs, you want to be sure of three things. First, you should read the label of the NSAID you're taking. Second, you should take only one NSAID product at a time. Lastly, if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to talk to healthcare provider/pharmacist. What about taking acetaminophen? Is it just as dangerous? Acetaminophen is another common pain reliever and fever reducer, and the most common form of acetaminophen is Tylenol. There are side effects to taking acetaminophen, just like any other medication and you should ask your doctor of any potential risks to your health. Can you alternate between taking acetaminophen and NSAIDs? Since Tylenol doesn't have the exact side effects as those categorized under NSAIDs, it might even be helpful to alternate between taking the two (at the recommended dose). Dr. Byron Cryer joins Dr. Mike to discuss the differences between acetaminophen and NSAIDs and the recommended uses for each.

 How to Use NSAIDs Safely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

NSAIDs are the most common medication used to ease pain, but are they safe?Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are the most common pain relief medications used around the world to help ease inflammation, fever, and pain. The most recognized NSAIDs are aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, and Aleve. However, with the increase of hospital visits and deaths due to frequent use of NSAIDs, there has been a growing concern about the side effects. Side effects include high blood pressure, kidney damage, gastrointestinal problems, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, and fainting. Is there a way you can take NSAIDs safely? Add up how many NSAIDs you're taking daily Know your medicines that fall under NSAIDs Dr. Byron Cryer joins Dr. Mike to discuss the uses of NSAIDs, the side effects, and how to take them safely.

 Treating Your Cold: 3 Reasons Why Your Zinc Lozenges Fail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Doctors used to suggest zinc to help shorten the length of your cold, but does it really help?Zinc is an essential mineral that is needed by your body's cells. Zinc has numerous benefits for your health, like boosting your immune system, preventing respiratory infections and eye diseases, and aiding in cell reproduction. Researchers and doctors used to suggest using zinc to help treat your common cold, but not all clinical trials using zinc lozenges have been successful. Some researchers suggest that by taking zinc (as a syrup or lozenge) would shorten the length of your cold, as well as prevent you from catching a cold. On the other hand, more research conducted has found no difference in cold symptoms between individuals who took zinc or a placebo. So what are three reasons your zinc lozenges fail? Timing of your cold Type of cold  Dose you're using  Dr. Mike discusses the importance of zinc, and the medical debate on whether zinc lozenges can help or hinder your cold.

 Truth About Soda & Your Child's Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

More and more studies show that too much soda is bad for children.Your child comes home from school and grabs a soda or sweet drink from the fridge; but is that a good idea? When it comes to their health, children and sweetened beverages are simply a bad match. That's not all. Soft drinks are rotting kids' teeth, as numerous studies have shown. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, soft drinks pose a risk of dental issues because of their high sugar content, as well as enamel erosion because of their acidity. Listen in as Corinn Cross, MD, discusses soda and other sugary drinks and the negative effect they could be having on you child.

 Measles: Who Should Be Worried & Why | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Should you be concerned even IF your child is vaccinated?Unless you are living in a bubble, you’ve most likely heard about the measles outbreak currently going on in the U.S. A foreign traveler with the measles visited Disneyland in December of 2014 exposing countless individuals. Fast-forward a month and we are up to 102 cases in the first month of 2015. The majority of the cases are in southern California, but there are now 14 states reporting cases of the measles, including Arizona, where we just had tens of thousands of people visit for the Superbowl. And, while it seems there is no shortage of opinions, anecdotes and rhetoric flying around, many parents still find it hard to get basic information about what is measles, what should they do, and do they need to worry. For some parents this information will bring peace of mind, for others it may sway them to reconsider the pros and cons of a non-vaccination choice. Listen in as Corinn Cross, MD, discusses this latest measles outbreak and how you can help protect yourself, your community and your family.

 Baby Food: Is it Loaded with Sodium & Sugar? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do your kiddos eat commercially prepared foods? They may be loaded with sugar and sodium.Approximately 79% of US children aged one to three years exceed the upper level of 1500 mg/d of sodium recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) for this age group, and 23% of U.S. children aged two to five years are overweight or obese. What does this mean for your child? According to the 2014 American Academy of Pediatrics Nutrition Handbook, “food choices to be encouraged, whether home or commercially prepared, are those with no added salt or sugar.” Listen in as Mary Cogswell, RN, DrPH, discusses the latest findings and the truths behind today's commercial baby foods. 

 Ask Dr. Mike: Treating Asthma Naturally & Is Juicing Good for Your Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk you wanted to know: I've had asthma most my life and it's not getting better as I've gotten older as my doctor said it would. Are there any natural ways I can treat it? Asthma occurs when you have inflammation in your air passages that results in the narrowing of the airways that transport oxygen from your nose and mouth to your lungs. There are natural ways to help ease asthma symptoms, but this doesn't mean you should gear away from inhalers or steroids. You might want to talk to your doctor about taking suplatast, which inhibits TH2, causing TH1 to come up, which decreases asthma symptoms. However, if you try to treat the immune system, it might clear up some of the inflammation. Here are some natural ways to ease asthma symptoms: Grape seed extract Probiotics Magnesium Selenium I have read a report published by Mayo Clinic that Juicing is not any better for you than eating the fruit or vegetable. What's your take? By juicing fruits, you are stripping away essential fiber and concentrating the sugars which wouldn't be good for anyone who has diabetes, or if you're watching your sugar intake. Some say that vitamins and minerals from veggies are absorbed quicker in your body through juicing than by eating them. However, there isn't any solid scientific research done on whether or not juicing is better than eating fruits and veggies. Dr. Mike suggests that for every one fruit, you need to eat three vegetables. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Remineralize Your Teeth, Receding Gums, & Organic vs. Natural Food Labels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: Can you remineralize your teeth? Your teeth are on one of the most important parts of your body. In order to function properly, they need to be taken care of. If you've lost minerals or enamel, your teeth are more susceptible to infections, diseases and decay. If you're not taking care of them, for instance not brushing or flossing, your teeth can slowly start to decay and cause a handful of health problems. In order to keep a healthy mouth, you need to reestablish a balance between tooth breakdown and build up. Some researchers suggest minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese, and biotin can help. However, make sure you have adequate amounts of vitamin D & K2. These vitamins are crucial in helping the minerals get to the teeth. Studies have also shown that maintaining a low acid diet can help remineralize your teeth. My gums are receding, is there anything I can use to stop it? Receding gums occurs when the lower part of your teeth becomes exposed, which can be a sign of gum disease. However, if you cut open the soft gel CoQ10 and rub the oil from the inside right on your gum, it can help. What's the difference between organic and natural? Organic refers to how things are grown, raised and cultivated. Natural refers to how it is processed. Food that's labeled organic means the food is without pesticides, chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics. When food is labeled as natural, it has to do with how it's packaged. For example, if you add preservatives in the packaging process, it's not natural. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice

 A Recipe for Good Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What does it mean to be healthy?In today's world, being healthy can mean a variety of things. The traditional definition of healthy is the state of well-being, and being free from physical or psychological diseases. Staying in a constant state of wellness can be difficult, especially when your lifestyle and daily habits factor into the equation. Not only is physical health important, but your mental, emotional and spiritual health are also important. Most health starts from the inside, which includes consuming the proper nutrition your body needs for energy. Taking care of yourself as a whole can be extremely beneficial in the long run. What exactly is a good recipe for health? Creator of Get America Moving, Jim Kirwin, joins Dr. Mike to discuss the four key drivers of health.

 4 Key Drivers of Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What are four things that can boost your health?Health can mean a variety of things, depending on who you're asking. What you view as healthy may be different to what your friends, co-workers, and family members think. You may think you don't need to exercise anymore once you reach a certain age and you just need to focus solely on your nutrition. Or, you may think the other way around, focusing all your attention on exercising and not considering nutrition as an important role in your health. However, research has confirmed that any great length of inactivity as well as a diet full of fatty, sugary, processed foods can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and many other health issues. You may be interested in knowing your health is based off of four simple principles of health. What are the four key drivers of health? Exercise Nutrition Knowledge "eXercise Factor" Creator of Get America Moving, Jim Kirwin, joins Dr. Mike to discuss what the four key drivers of health.

 How to Reduce Your Risk of an Early Death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A 20 minute daily walk can reduce the risk of premature death.The lack of exercise, lifestyle habits, and a healthy diet are the main contributors to many health issues such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. If you're someone who doesn't like to run or use the gym, you can still reduce your risk of an early death by walking for 20 minutes a day. A recent study conducted rom Cambridge's Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit used recent data of 9.2 million European deaths among men and women. Approximately 337,000 deaths were caused by obesity, but 676,000 were from physical inactivity. Researchers also wanted to measure the link between physical inactivity and premature death from data of 334,161 men and women in Europe. Only a quarter men and women from the data were categorized as inactive. Over a 12-year period, in those men and women who moved from the inactive category to moderate activity, the risk of premature death decreased. Walking has numerous health benefits such as boosting your mood, strengthening your bones, maintaining a healthy weight, improving your balance, and shedding your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. How else can walking improve your heath? Dr. Mike discusses the recent study that shows walking daily for 20 minutes can reduce your risk of an early death, and the numerous health benefits associated with walking.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Trinity of Nutrients for Blood Pressure, Avoiding Gluten & Mega Cleanses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: You mention on a past show the trinity of nutrients for blood pressure. What were those again? Dr. Mike previously discussed three nutrients -- pomegranate, grape seed extract and milk peptides -- that are proven to safely and effectively lower blood pressure (if you missed the segment, you can listen here). However, Dr. Mike recently has been following the research on oil leaf extract. It's not part of the trinity, but can drop your systolic (top number) pressure. What are your thoughts on mega cleanses? Dr. Mike believes that you can overdo cleanses, especially colon cleanses, which can disrupt your body's digestion and ability to absorb nutrients. Since this can happen, Dr. Mike doesn't think you need to be doing cleanses all the time. Dr. Mike does do a liver cleanse about twice a year by using milk thistle, passion fruit extract, and artichoke extract. On occasion, Dr. Mike will use a month's supply of modified citrus pectin, or since that can be costly, oral EDTA. My sister is obsessed with gluten. She avoids it and tries to get me to do the same. Do I really need to run from wheat and gluten? Unless you suffer from celiac disease, gluten-intolerance, or show  any symptoms after eating gluten or wheat, NO. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.


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