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Summary: RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z Interviews with experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.

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 How Much Water Is TOO Much Water? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you're an endurance athlete, too much water consumption could be putting your life in danger.Water is essential for life. Experts have stressed that you need to drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water on a daily basis. However, the amount of water you need depends on a few things. What if you're an endurance athlete? What if you live in a warmer climate and you're outside more frequently? One thing doctors always recommend is that whenever you feel thirsty, you should be drinking water. Is there such a thing as too much water? You may be surprised to learn that drinking too much water can be incredibly dangerous for your health and potentially fatal. Recent expert recommendations are saying that endurance athletes such as marathoners or those who are constantly physically active should drink plenty of water based on level of activity, but only when they feel thirsty. This is because overdrinking, especially when exercising, has become a huge problem. When you drink too much water, you drastically decrease your sodium levels and can exceed your body's ability to get rid of the fluids through your sweat and urine. When your body can't excrete these fluids, your sodium levels continue to deplete and can do so while exercising up to 24 hours later. What are the warning signs of too much water? Mild symptoms may appear at first, such as a headache, confusion, seizures, and vomiting. What else can you do to ensure you're getting the right amount of water? Dr. Howard Mell joins Dr. Leigh to discuss water consumption and how you can avoid overdrinking.

 Do Statin Drugs Influence Your Aggression Levels? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

New research suggests that statin drugs may impact aggression levels in both men and women.Your body needs cholesterol in order to create a healthy balance of cell membranes and hormones that help you function on a daily basis. However, having bad cholesterol (LDL) can cause an unhealthy build-up of plaque in your arteries. To help lower your bad cholesterol levels, your doctor might recommend statins. Statins are a class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the production of cholesterol in the liver. Your liver produces about 70 percent of total cholesterol in your body. A recent study looked at how the statin drugs might influence your aggression levels and found that men who take statins become less aggressive while women become more aggressive. Why is that? Listen in as Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD, shares the recent study that might show a link between cholesterol drugs and aggression.

 Sports Specialization: Safe for Young Athletes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is it better for your child athlete to focus on one sport or dabble in many different areas of athletics?If your child is interested in athletics, you may be thankful because of all the amazing health benefits that come with being active at such a young age. If he or she is showing an interest in several sports, you may think this is good thing too. But, it can actually backfire. In fact, many parents are turning to sports specialization. Sports specialization is defined as year-round training in one sport, with the exclusion of any other sport. Some believe that sports specialization isn't a good idea, since it involves intense training year-round and usually starts at a young age. Critics also point to psychological stress on your athlete, the increased risk of injury, or an increased risk of burnout/dropout. However, others believe it allows your child a chance to develop many skills (mental and physical) that they can use later in life and allows the potential for school scholarships. If you're interested in sports specialization, when is it safe and appropriate? Joel Brenner, MD, discusses sports specialization and whether or not it's safe for your child.

 Pre-Participation Sports Physicals: Why Are They Important? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A PPE (pre-participation physical exam) can catch an abnormal health condition that could potentially increase your child's risk of injury.If your child has sparked an interest in playing sports and plans to play for a school team or a league, you may want to consider getting a pre-participation physical exam (PPE). Typically, a PPE is a requirement before your child is able to play in junior high, high school, college, or professional sports. This helps ensure safety in your athlete's training and competition activities. What does a PPE cover? During the PPE, your physician may examine your child's past medical history (allergies, birth defects, chicken pox, diabetes, etc.), a sports-specific history (any injuries), family history, and an exam of your child's head, thorax, abdomen and genitalia. Neurological, orthopedic, and additional exams may be performed as well (lab work, x-rays, etc.). Why are PPEs so important? Joel Brenner, MD, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss pre-participation physical exams and why they're so important for your child's overall health.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Oxalates in Your Diet & Why Do Certain Products Absorb into Skin Better than ... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: It seems everyone is saying how good green smoothies are for your health. I was talking to a friend who said her son was getting kidney stones, even though he drank a green smoothie. Can you comment on oxalates in the diet? An oxalate is a very powerful oxidant that initiates free radicals found in plants and animals. Vitamins and minerals can also bind to these. In high amounts, your body wants to get rid of these oxalates and they're typically excreted out through urine. However, when oxalates continue to build up, your body can create kidney stones. Dr. Mike suggests changing up the green smoothies to decrease the oxalate load. If collagen can't penetrate your skin, why does retin-a minoxidil penetrate for hair loss treatment? Dr. Mike wants you to understand that different things absorb into the skin better than others. For example, fattier things like lipids and hormones work on the skin well and absorb a lot better. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at or call in, toll-free, to the LIVE radio show (1.844.305.7800) so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Can Excessive Fat & Sugar Change How You Think? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: I read that fat and sugar can change my gut bacteria and ultimately change how I think. This seems farfetched to me. What do you think? It's true that eating lots of fat and sugar can change the species within your gut bacteria. It can cause imbalances that weren't there before, which can result in infections and other issues. However, Dr. Mike needs to know more about what you mean by think... "thinking" encompasses both cognition and memory. An article published in June 2015 suggested that high amounts of fat and sugar can cause a loss of cognitive flexibility, which allows you to handle changes in your environment (example: walking from your living room to your kitchen). If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at or call in, toll-free, to the LIVE radio show (1.844.305.7800) so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Chaos to Calm: How Wild Animals Can Treat PTSD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can wild animals help heal your PTSD symptoms?Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that's triggered by a traumatic event which caused some kind of harm. While psychotherapy and drugs are often used to treat PTSD, there's a new school of thought behind addressing the condition: animal therapy.  You might be a little intimated enlisting wild animals to help ease your PTSD symptoms, but a new program is proving this method works. The CATalyst program helps you achieve peace of mind by bringing you face to face with wild animals who mirror your stress and get you grounded. As you walk through The CATalyst refuge, animal teachers show you how to shift from chaos to calm. Listen in as Kevin Rose shares more information about the CATalyst program and how animals can help ease your PTSD symptoms.

 Trauma of PTSD: There IS Hope for Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can you heal after you've experienced something traumatic?Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that's triggered by a traumatic event which caused some kind of harm. PTSD can be a result of a kidnapping or mugging, car accident, natural disaster, rape, or abuse, and is quite often seen in military personnel returning from war. PTSD is a huge problem and is responsible for the suffering of millions. In fact, according to PSTD Treatment Help, roughly five million Americans suffer from PTSD annually. What are the treatment options available? The primary treatment for PTSD is psychotherapy, but it can also often include heavy medication. Combining these treatments can help improve symptoms. What else do you need to know about PTSD? Kevin Rose joins Dr. Mike to discuss the trauma of PTSD and the treatment options available.

 Managing Panic Attacks without Drugs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What are some ways you can manage your panic attacks without having to use medications?If you've ever experienced a panic attack, you know how trapped, scared, and uneasy you can feel. Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder where you have repeated attacks of intense fear or nervousness that something bad will happen. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a panic attack is a quick, intense fear and discomfort that includes the following symptoms: sweating, nausea, feelings of chocking, chest pain, trembling, chills, and shortness of breath. What are some ways you can manage your panic attacks without having to use medications? Listen in as Dr. Mike discusses panic attacks, the medications that are used to treat it, and the other ways you can manage your panic attacks without drugs.

 Hot Potato Salad: Summer Food Safety Tips & Tricks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are there any foods you should be avoiding during the summer months?With summer in full swing, you might have already attended a few outdoor picnics and BBQs. With the sweltering heat from the powerful sun beating down, do you know which foods are safe to be kept outside? For instance, how long can your mayonnaise-based potato salad be left out for guests to enjoy? Listen in as Felicia Stoler, PhD joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss summer food safety tips that you and your family should follow while attending parties and other outdoor events.

 5 Summer Foods to Eat in July | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What summer foods should you be adding to your grocery list?Now that summer has arrived, you might have noticed the produce section looking colorful, fresh, and ample. There are so many yummy choices to pick from throughout the entire summer. But, specifically during July you might want to try out these foods: Figs Peaches Cherries Rhubarb Peas What are some other foods you should buy in July? Listen in as Dr. Felicia Stoler shares the top five foods you should be eating during this hot summer month.

 Hour 2: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 7.4.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this! Straight talk from You Doc, Michael Roizen, MD. Dr. Mike discusses more of the most prevalent health news you need to know from the past week. Plus, find out "What's Toxic & What's Not" from toxicologist and regular contributor, Gary Ginsberg. More from RealAge Busy Woman's Guide: Germs You Don't Need to Worry About

 Modern Fathers: Being Dad in 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today's dads are dealing with more than age-old questions. They're grappling with the latest baby gadgets, being more involved at home, and shifting traditional family roles. Today's dads are dealing with more than the age-old questions, like "How are we going to afford this new baby?" Many questions will never go away. But nowadays, fathers are also grappling with the latest baby gadgets, being more involved at home, and shifting traditional family roles. For decades, many new dads have turned to Armin Brott, "the superdad's superdad." His bestselling books, The Expectant Father and The New Father, are packed with practical, hands-on answers, freshly updated for 2015. Listen in to understand why his advice has changed the lives of millions of readers -- fathers and mothers alike. Bonus! Getting Smart About Smartphones

 Hour 1: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 7.4.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world. World-renowned physician, Dr. Michael Roizen, MD, continues to update your understanding of the meaning of health by providing an in-depth review of the most impactful health headlines. He discusses the health news that matters most to you. Dr. Roizen is later joined by Armin Brott, known as the "the superdad's superdad" and author of The Expectant Father and The New Father.  Bonus! Real Age Tip Bottled Water Recall Tied to E. Coli

 Preventing & Stopping Childhood Obesity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Childhood obesity is a national health epidemic and doctors are calling for an emergency.According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), obesity leads to shorter life spans, lower quality of life, and numerous chronic medical problems, many of which now begin during childhood. Experts fear that the current generation of children might live shorter lives than their parents due to the long-term effects of obesity. BMI (Body Mass Index) is a way to measure your child's risk for obesity. The rating is based on your child's weight and height. The AAP advises that if a child's BMI is at or above the 85th percentile, he or she falls under the overweight category. This is a risk factor for obesity and other future medical problems. What if your child is already overweight? How can you help prevent more weight gain and the risk of obesity? Cori Cross, MD, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss the childhood obesity crisis and how you can prevent and stop obesity in your child.


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