Ginghamsburg Church Podcast show

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  At The Movies: An Unexpected Journey: The Hobbit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:43

Are you RESTLESS to get out and live on purpose? Are you READY to make personal sacrifices for the good of many? Are you RESOLVED to push through inevitable discouragement and temptation? Join Pastor Mike this weekend in worship as he shares his best message through a beloved story, AT THE MOVIES: the unexpected journey Featuring the motion picture: The HOBBIT

  At The Movies: Life Happens: Captain Phillips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:49

Not many of us can relate to being attacked by pirates on the open sea, but the statement "life happens" is one that resonates with all of us. It's in these moments that who we truly are is revealed...and we discover the character inside. Join us this weekend as we continue our At the Movies series with Captain Phillips-Life Happens AT THE MOVIES: life happens

  At The Movies: Fully Alive: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel..."     -Walter Mitty's deepest hope for his life "I have come that you might have life and live it to the full."     -Jesus' greatest promise to his followers Join us in worship this week as Walter Mitty (via Pastor Nick) refuels our deepest desire for a life well lived. AT THE MOVIES: fully alive Featuring the motion picture The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

  At The Movies: New Birth: Gravity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:40

AT THE MOVIES: "Gravity" Gravity. It keeps us grounded, controlled, securely fastened to the earth - and as humans we've learned to like that feeling. Yet ironically it's when that security is stripped away that we're forced to get in touch with the strength, resolve and hope necessary to move our lives forward in powerful ways. So if you're in the forward movement mindset join us this weekend for a movie with a message for every human seeking a fresh start. AT THE MOVIES: new birth Featuring the motion picture "Gravity"

  At The Movies: The Greatest Commandment: 42 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:18

It's easy to underestimate the power just one person can have to change the world. Jesus said it would always start with loving God and loving others. Still, how can just one person tear down the formidable barriers of evil so evident in this life? This weekend begins a new series in worship - discovering gospel truths through the lens of motion pictures. It's a great time to bring a friend - and an open heart. Come and find out how one man's courage and character truly can change the world. At The Movies: The Greatest Commandment : Movie "42"

  Encounter: RESURRECTION: If I Should Die Before I Wake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:00

We're intrigued - if not terrified - by the subject of life and death. And if you're like most people, the resurrection of Jesus leaves you with just a few little questions. We WANT to believe - to discover how this one incredible event might point the way forward into a greater, more beautiful and powerful life.  Join Pastor Mike and Pastor Nick for this post-Easter weekend discussion - asking our best questions and exploring all the possibilities of the resurrection. RESURRECTION: if I should die before I wake

  Encounter: Forever Changed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:50

It's easy to feel conflicted about the story of Easter. On one hand, who doesn't love the idea of a resurrection? On the other hand, dead things just don't come back to life- right? "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." This weekend let's explore the possibilities together. Let's take a look at Jesus' resurrection story one more time: the credibility, the crowd and the crazy promises Jesus fulfilled...

  Encounter: ENCOUNTER: an invitation to wake up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:07

Have you ever experienced a spiritual haze? Life intensifies but you lose faith - and find yourself rationalizing bad behavior and settling into lazy habits. Something's not working, and you sink into a spiritual force stronger than you alone can handle. This weekend as we turn the corner towards the cross Jesus invites us to encounter HIMSELF - and freedom from all that seeks to steal, kill and destroy.  ENCOUNTER... an invitation to wake up

  Encounter: ENCOUNTER: An Invitation Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:05

It was an encounter she could've never imagined. Accused, shamed and guilty there was nowhere to turn except to him - to forgiveness. Who could refuse such an intervention, an invitation to grace. Join us in worship this week as Pastor Nick takes us into the next story of our Lenten series... ENCOUNTER... grace an invitation to change

  Renegade Gospel: revolutionary love, part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:50

Most of us struggle with “neighbor” love – simple acts of kindness requiring a modest amount of sacrifice. The call of Jesus is to a much more profound level of love, however, demonstrated by laying down our very lives. Join us in worship this weekend as Pastor Mike begins the final segment of our summer series, a challenge to live out the true claims of the kingdom of God. RENEGADE GOSPEL: Revolutionary Love

  Renegade Gospel: radical kingdom, part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:16

The world says, "all or nothing," but the Jesus-life demands "all for everything."  Entry into God’s kingdom requires all we have--but paradoxically awards us everything we could possibly need.  Too good to be true? Check out this weekend’s message as we gather in rich community... RENEGADE GOSPEL: radical kingdom part 4

  Renegade Gospel: radical kingdom, part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:20

Make no mistake, this radical kingdom lifestyle is no walk in the park. While the world is busy dividing according to differences, we follow the call to aggressive inclusivity. Everybody IN. Join us in worship this weekend as we celebrate kingdom life within - challenged to reach out in a brand new way. RENEGADE GOSPEL: Radical Kingdom Part 3

  Renegade Gospel: radical kingdom, part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:24

Jesus was always talking about another world--the "kingdom of God." Not a place, a space or a royal throne, but a rag-tag group of followers committed to a "thy-kingdom-come, thy-will-be-done" kind of lifestyle. Is that the brand of Christianity you signed up for? Consider the call as we go deeper this weekend... RENEGADE GOSPEL: Radical Kingdom Part Two

  Renegade Gospel: radical kingdom, part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:60

Is this life merely a waiting room for the next -- or is the good news of God's kingdom right here, right now? Join us as we enter the second segment of our RENEGADE GOSPEL series - because how you're living right now MATTERS. RENEGADE GOSPEL: radical kingdom, part 1

  Renegade Gospel: the rebel jesus, part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:29

We all want to SEE God - but the Divine shows up in the places we least expect. We are called to take a walk on the sacrificial side - and discover Jesus in the every day of life.. RENEGADE GOSPEL: the rebel Jesus - part 4


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