Ginghamsburg Church Podcast show

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  • Artist: Ginghamsburg Church
  • Copyright: ©Copyright 2018, Ginghamsburg Church


  Simply Free: Simply Free: Life Investments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Jesus cautioned repeatedly about money and treasures, but it could be entirely possible to miss his point. We work at building bigger, better and more only to find our lives drained, empty and meaningless. Still today Jesus invites men and women to a shift in perspective that will ultimately free us from the worries of wealth. Come together this weekend as Pastor Mike shares a message of challenge and commitment - 

  A Special Weekend: Do Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:07

Painful changes in our world have prompted us to change the tone of worship this weekend.  We’ve seen the images on our screens and there is something inside us that just stops for a moment and ask, “Why?"  Why create human beings capable of this kind of evil?  It’s dark, and in moments like this — in places like Beirut, Paris, Sudan -and Dayton—it can feel like darkness is winning. This weekend we’ll gather to remind ourselves that we are not at war with God. We are at war with evil- the result of choices made that are against the created order of God. Our God is love – and calls us his people to DO LOVE —to be light in dark places. Join us, won’t you?

  Simply Free: Simply Free: Seek First | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:37

Anxiety levels can run high about the most basic of concerns: What to eat? What to drink? What to wear? Jesus addressed these exact concerns centuries ago, assuring that while it's standard fare to worry about such issues, his followers could live knowing they have a heavenly, all-loving father who already knows their needs. "Seek God's priorities first," Jesus challenged, "and all your needs will be provided." What would your life look like if you could truly live light-hearted and care-free?    Join in this weekend in worship as Pastor Roz and his wife Callie share their story and financial journey...   SIMPLY FREE: Seek First

  This is my Story: This is my Story: Investing in the Next Generation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:04

When God begins to write your story the results just may exceed your expectations. Soon the overflow begins infusing others with that same life, writing the best chapter of all. This "pass it on" mentality is actually part of God's greater story--the rhythm of discipleship. Come, take a closer look this weekend at what it means to step into someone else's story and realize the fullest potential of your own. 

  Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: Carlos Whittaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:05

Every moment of every day, we have a choice to make. We can either let the minutes pass us by or we can claim them for what they are: opportunities to unlock the full depth of life's potential. Join us this weekend as we welcome author and speaker Carlos Whittaker, sharing his methodology for living intentionally - claiming moments that touch the lives of others. We are excited to feature Carlos' message as a part of our current series, THIS IS MY STORY.

  This is my Story: This is my Story:  Discover | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:23

There's power in a story.  Jesus knew it - using word pictures and stories day in and day out to describe the hope of redemption with a weary world.  It's been said that the world isn't made of atoms, rather it's made of stories - individual lives that all deeply matter to God.  Your life is a story - a not-yet-finished, possibly messed-up-and-broken story. Our good news is that at any moment we have the power to say this is NOT how the story is going to end! This weekend as we gather for a new series of worship messages, let's explore the power of a fresh page and open hearts. See you in worship this weekend at Ginghamsburg.

  Core Strengths: Core Strengths: A Faith That Overcomes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

The New Testament book of I John refers to God as Light, Love and LIFE - so why do so many people of faith settle for dark days, loveless relationships and a ho-hum existence? Perhaps it's time to truly name Jesus as LORD - discovering the strength to overcome and the beauty of a life lived fully after God.  

  Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: Leonard Sweet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:58

The story of Christianity didn't take shape behind pulpits or on altars or in books. No, the story of Christianity takes shape around tables, as people face one another as equals, telling stories, sharing memories, enjoying food with one another..." excerpt, "From Tablet to Table" by Leonard Sweet.    This weekend we welcome beloved guest speaker, writer and church futurist Len Sweet to share his re-discovery message of Jesus' powerfully simply kingdom movement - forged through conversation around the kitchen table. It's a don't-miss weekend for sure!   Bring Back the Table 

  Core Strengths: Core Strengths: Do Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:47

Have you ever wondered what the wind looks like? The wind is a powerful force we feel on our skin, and we know the great effect it has when we see the trees bowing under its breath. But no one has actually seen the wind.   Have you ever wondered what God looks like? No one has ever seen God, but just like the wind the world is filled with evidences of him, great and small. If God is love, then the question we're really asking is what does love look like? Sound like? Feel like?    Join Pastor Mike and special guest Noel Garrett this week as we dig further into I John to learn how to love and live as the evidence of God in the world.    CORE STRENGTHS: Do Love

  Core Strengths: Core Strengths: Love As Jesus Loved | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:07

God is LOVE... engagement or indifference? Some phrases have been turned so often, they leave us nearly numb. But what if "God is LOVE" was a central truth around which the universe evolved? Could you live in full confidence of that LOVE? And what might happen if we began to return that LOVE to God - and to others - just as Jesus did? Let's gather with open hearts this weekend for the second message of Mike's early summer series - and be challenged to discover the power and possibilities of God's incredible LOVE.  CORE STRENGTHS: love as Jesus loved.

  Core Strengths: Core Strengths: Walking Like Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:00

Father's Day is just ahead, reminding us all of the significant role men play in our families. Life gets crazy however, and it's easy to see how a crowded pace and tempting allures could cause men--young and old--to lose sight of their created purpose as sons, husbands and fathers. Join Pastor Mike this weekend as we begin a new series of messages for overcoming the challenges that hold us back.   CORE STRENGTHS: Three essentials for a powerful faith.

  Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: James Barnett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:04

Given the choice, would you trade your "safe haven" of mediocrity for the dangerous and uncertain way of Jesus?  As temps go up this week the challenge of the gospel is getting hot, hot, hot! This summer might be your very best time to get into some holy mischief with a challenge to carry out the subversive kingdom project launched by the cross of Christ. Let's gather this weekend in worship with open hearts as guest speaker and entrepreneur James Barnett shares a word of challenge and invitation... A Divine Adventure.

  Happily Ever After?: Happily Ever After?: Whoa Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:41

I believe in THIS You believe in THAT THIS  'n THAT are keepin' us from loving one another... And maybe THAT's right where you are. The little things get on your nerves, and it's just hard to see your way through to the Love you originally married. God's idea calls us to stop the madness and rediscover the awe and wonder we first felt - one intentional step at a time. Join us this weekend as Pastor Nick brings us fresh insight and ancient wisdom for the most challenged of relationships. HAPPILY EVER AFTER?: WHOA Man 

  Happily Ever After?: Happily Ever After: Growing Intimacy In A Sexually-Charged Culture Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:36

So...what DOES the Bible say about sex? When you live in a world where sex is bought, sold, underestimated and overhyped, discovering the truth about physical intimacy can be one challenging roadblock. But here's the good news: deep connection in your marriage is possible - in fact, that's been The PLAN all along...  Join us as Pastor Mike continues our popular message series HAPPILY EVER AFTER

  Happily Ever After?: HAPPILY EVER AFTER? Growing Intimacy In A Sexually-Charged Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:01

Sex can make you cRaZy. There's OUR way of navigating the rough road toward intimacy - and then there's GOD'S way - MUCH better of course - since God created us and all. But how to find THAT road? And might there be a plan for intimacy in singleness as well? Join Pastor Mike for this weekend's edition of our popular series about all things marriage...  


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