Ginghamsburg Church Podcast show

Ginghamsburg Church Podcast

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  • Artist: Ginghamsburg Church
  • Copyright: ©Copyright 2018, Ginghamsburg Church


  SPENT: emotions well SPENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:51

Emotions: can't live with 'em - can't live without 'em. Life gets crazy, and we can blow up or bottom out - leaving a wake of destruction in ourselves and others. Don't miss week two of this series about the stewardship of time, emotions and money - and the richness of the life Jesus promised.   emotions well SPENT  

  SPENT: time well SPENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:43

Ever been at the end of your rope, nothin' left to give, love tank and bank account on empty? There's a better way. Don't miss this three-week series about the stewardship of your time, emotions and money - the richness of the life Jesus promised.    Week 1: time well SPENT   

  Frontrunner: FRONTRUNNER: Why Jesus? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:22

Divisions among humans are nothing new. People have been looking for a political savior since the beginning of time. This present moment in history offers us the best of opportunities, however -  to discover anew the one whose kingdom is not of this world.  Join us this weekend in worship for a pre-election series - as together we encounter THE ONE who bridges our great political divide:  FRONTRUNNER: Why Jesus?  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937: Go Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:58

It's fall in the 937: the sun is shining, the pumpkins are gleaming and all is right in the world. Until, of course, it isn't. Stuff happens, and our worlds are quickly turned upside down. What happens then?  Jesus told us to gather in groups of two, three or more - where we'll discover that hope is resurrected in relationship. Don't try to do life alone. Join us this weekend in worship -   LOVE The 937 GO TOGETHER  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937: Go Local | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:27

As fall descends on the 937, we hear Jesus encouraging and empowering his followers to reach out and BE his harvesters in this season of possibility. What might our communities yield if we refused to give up hope, moving in faith towards renaissance and revival?  You're invited to join up with Pastor Chris and the worship team this weekend as we consider the call to - GO LOCAL LOVE the 937  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937: go GLOBAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

While most of our lives are lived in the 937, our greater calling is to share God's heart for the global community. Attempting to change the world is futile, however, unless God first changes our hearts to love as God has so amazingly loved. Join us in worship this weekend for stories, songs and communion at God's great table. An unforgettable hour of sharing the heart of God. LOVE the 937: go GLOBAL  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937: love THEM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:51

God is love? Check. God loves me? Check. Me love THEM? Not. So. Fast.  While it's fairly easy to love the people most like us, it takes a small miracle to move out of our comfort zones to begin relationships in new spaces and places. Could it be that God's best blessings are only ignited as we faithfully, miraculously step into new territories of promise?  Join us this weekend at Ginghamsburg for great moments of celebration, hope and vision for new places in our community-  LOVE the 937: love THEM  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937 ...because YOU are LOVED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

Crazy thing is, if you've never immersed yourself into the God who IS LOVE, you won't realize your own personal lovability. Yet... when we step inside that Divine embrace we encounter a power that changes absolutely everything about who we are and what we can do. Come on in to worship this weekend as Pastor Mike helps recover our truest identity -   LOVE the 937 ...because YOU are LOVED.  

  LOVE THE 937: LOVE the 937…because GOD is LOVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:32

God is LOVE - but what does that really mean in the midst of our own personal drama and cross-cultural breakdown? When we get a right and true picture of God it will transform us. It will determine our values and lifestyle. And ultimately it will empower us to -  LOVE the 937 ... because GOD is LOVE.

  LOVE THE 937: LOVETHE937 - “hooked” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:46

Jesus' teachings were deep - but his mission was simple: invite followers and equip them to invite others until a full-on movement begins to form. He started with just two fisherman, but for James and John NOTHING about life would ever be the same. Completely, miraculously, unapologetically hooked. YOU ARE INVITED to one of the Ginghamsburg campuses this week as we begin a new SERIES and a new SEASON- engaging our own communities to become completely, miraculously, unapologetically hooked. LOVETHE937 - "hooked"


This weekend as we say goodbye to summer, we also put a final stamp on our HEART ISSUES series. And while our heart issues are many, perhaps the one that most challenges us is our ability to love the people where we live. Real love moves into real life...   It's another don't-miss weekend as we welcome beloved Ginghamsburg friend and servant, Dr. Frank Thomas, to share God's word for the Ginghamsburg community -   HEART ISSUES: GOD MOVED INTO THE NEIGHBORHOOD

  WORSHIP at the AVENUE: WORSHIP at the AVENUE: MADE FOR THIS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:08

THIS is the place of God’s calling. THIS is the time of God’s working. THIS is the reason we gather. YOU were MADE FOR THIS! JOIN US for a worship CELEBRATION like no other –THREE worship TIMES, TWO rockin’ BANDS and ONE compelling VISION:  MADE FOR THIS! No Saturday worship this weekend only. Join us 8:30, 10 or 11:30am on Sunday, August 21, in the Avenue. Details  

  HEART ISSUES: HEART ISSUES: STAY THROUGH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:53

Relationships ain’t easy and no matter where life’s taken you, chances are you’ve been tempted to bail when times got rough. Join Pastor Chris this weekend in worship as he shares a message from his heart;  conversation and stories around the amazing power of perseverance.  HEART ISSUES: STAY THROUGH  

  HEART ISSUES: HEART ISSUES: STEP IN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:48

Worship this weekend… Do you remember who opened the "Jesus Door" for you? A friend, a sibling – a parent or a coach perhaps? We all share a profound ability to speak into the lives of others …looking beyond the problems to the possibilities of all our relationships. HEART ISSUES: STEP IN

  HEART ISSUES: HEART ISSUES: different is good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

"Me thinks the whole world is crazy except me and thee; and sometimes I wonder about thee." Ever been there? We’ve been taught to conform and celebrate SAMENESS - but what if the kingdom of God points a different way? What if God’s creation intended huge, gaping, unique DIFFERENCES? How might that work for us? Join us this weekend as Pastor Chris opens God’s word and a brand new series with a message of hope for those who’ve never quite fit in. HEART ISSUES: different is good  


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