Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Divorce, Racial Discrimination, and the Canopy Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: I did not agree with your previous comments on divorce. Cannot we say that God is a divorcee since He divorced Israel? Where do you stand on the doctrine of mans free will and Gods sovereignty in saving His elect? Can you explain true saving faith? What is the Christians responsibility towards racial discrimination? What is your opinion on Kent Hovinds canopy theory? What is the correct spelling of Sarah? In Genesis chapter 17 it is spelled with an h but in 1 Peter 3:6 it is missing the h in the King James Version? Why do I do the things I should not, and why do not I do the things I should?

 Best of BAM: The Timeless Treasure of Mere Christianity, and QA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares his thoughts on the book, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Interestingly, this book came as the result of a series of BBC radio broadcasts given by Lewis during World War II while many were questioning their faith. Lewis desire was to distill and defend the essence of the Christian faith, and his words still speak to us with profound relevance today. Mere Christianity is a treasure that believers will want to read again and again. Hank also answers the following questions: I have a friend who does not believe that Jesus was God and that it was not Gods blood shed on the cross. How can I show him from Scripture that this is false? I was married to the same woman twice, but we are divorced again. How should I handle this situation? What would happen to an atheist who repented on his deathbed? Would he be saved? How can we fight against the Devils schemes? Why was David judged so harshly when he counted his army in 2 Samuel chapter 24?

 QA: Prayer, Hypnosis, and Proving the Existence of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Why did not God have regard for Cains offering? Since my prayers are not going to change Gods mind, what is the point of prayer? Paul said that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness, but if you look at his life you see a lot of sin; so how is he considered righteous? Does Scripture address the use of hypnosis? I was talking with an atheist and I communicated some of the arguments from Frank Tureks book, Stealing from God, but I was not able to convince him. Can you give me some tips on how to prove the existence of God? I have heard people say that Job spoke negative confessions in Job 3:25, and that’s why all of the hardship befell him. Could you explain this verse?

 The Cross Before Me with Rankin Wilbourne Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

we pick up the conversation from our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast, in which Hank talked with pastor Rankin Wilbourne, co-author of The Cross Before Me: Reimagining the Way to the Good Life.

 The Cross Before Me with Rankin Wilbourne Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, we pick up the conversation from our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast, in which Hank talked with pastor Rankin Wilbourne, co author of The Cross Before Me: Reimagining the Way to the Good Life.

 The Cross Before Me with Rankin Wilbourne Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present another episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast, in which Hank talked with pastor Rankin Wilbourne, co author of The Cross Before Me: Reimagining the Way to the Good Life.

 Bears Gone Wild with Jeremy Cummings, and QA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank welcomes Jeremy Cummings, teacher of Old Testament at Charlotte Christian School, to discuss his article in the Christian Research Journal titled, Bears Gone Wild: Responding to Attacks on the Portrayal of God in the Old Testament. Hank and Jeremy unpack the story of Elisha and the bears in 2 Kings chapter 2 and also talk about the importance of teaching students to understand Scripture so they will be prepared to defend their faith in a hostile world. Hank also answers the following questions: Why are there missing verses in modern Bible translations? I have been watching a television program of someone who denies hell; could you explain what the Bible teaches about hell and annihilationism? I have been witnessing to a friend who claims to have read the Bible but does not believe it. At what point do I stop sharing the gospel with him?

 Best of BAM: Responding to Atheists, Casting Pearls Before Swine, and the Gift of Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank thanks listeners for supporting the Christian Research Institute and reminds them of the tremendous impact their prayers and support can have in changing lives around the world. Hank also answers the following questions: During the Tribulation, will any Christians take the mark of the beast, and how will Satan try to deceive us? I have been debating some atheists online; how do I respond to the accusation that I believe in something false just because it gives me hope and comfort? Can you explain what Jesus meant when He said to not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine? Do Christians still have the gift of prophecy? How do I distinguish between God, the loving Father, and God the judge?

 QA:The Millennium, Dietary Laws, and Leviathan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Will children be born during the Millennium? Will there still be sin? Do the dietary laws in Leviticus chapter 11 still apply today? What is the veil you refer to when talking about the second coming of Christ? What is the leviathan mentioned in the Bible? I attend a church that believes in the pretribulation rapture, but my wife and I do not; is this something we should just keep quiet about?

 QA:Constantine, Saints and Sinners, and Leaving an Inheritance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: What is the relationship between the signs and the unclean spirit in Matthew 12:38-45? What role did Constantine play in the canon of Scripture and Sunday worship? Even though Christians are sinners, are not we still considered saints? I am an 83 year old widow and two of my children are in serious trouble with drugs; should I keep them in my will or give it to my grandchildren? I am questioning my salvation because of Matthew 7:21-23. How can I know that I am a true Christian?

 QA:Church Membership, Annihilationism, and Joyce Meyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Can you address churches that allowing gay couples to become members? If I continue attending this church, am I a part of this belief system? Why would God create people knowing they will go to hell? I have been thinking about annihilationism; am I off base? What is meant by the phrase, increase our faith in Luke 17:5? Can you clarify your statements about Joyce Meyer and the prosperity gospel?

 QA:The Binding of Satan, Oneness Pentecostalism, and Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Do you believe that the binding of Satan in Revelation 20 is not to be taken literally? How then do you interpret Satan being released? Can you explain the parable of the unjust steward in Luke chapter 16? I have been attending a Oneness Pentecostal church and I am really confused. What is your opinion of their beliefs? Can I cut my hair, wear pants, and still go to heaven? Can you clarify who the Nephilim are in Genesis chapter 6? Most of the people in my church support gun ownership and capital punishment, but how do I reconcile this with a loving God? What are the best translations of the Quran and Hadith? I have a friend who thinks that marriage is just a certificate made by modern man and is not biblically based and that it is okay for unmarried couples to live together. What is your opinion on this?

 QA: Communion, When Life Begins, and Sanctification | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: How often should we take Communion? Where does the Bible teach that life begins at conception? Is street preaching biblical? Is it unbiblical to have a savings account? Is this storing up treasures on earth? What is sanctification? Since Isaac was tricked into giving the birthright to Jacob, why could he not just give it to Esau? When did the timeframe of BC end and AD begin? How should we answer the objections of those who say we should not use male gender designations for God?

 Best of BAM: Turning the World Upside Down, and QA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reminds listeners not to get caught up in the woes of humanity. In other words, do not allow bad news to divert us from the good news of the gospel. In light of this, we must remember the power of one. One person with God equals a majority. Today, too many in Christians are on sidelines, cursing the darkness instead of building a lighthouse in the midst of the gathering storm. If we look at what the disciples did in the midst of the Roman Empire, we should be encouraged. The apostles had seen the resurrected Christ, and because of this, they turned the world upside down. If we stand together in this epoch, we can do the same. Hank also answers the following questions: I have a friend who is a Seventh Day Adventist; should we still observe the Sabbath on Saturday? I heard someone teaching that 1 John 1:9 wasn’t written to Christians, but to Gnostics and that we do not need to confess our sins. Do you have any thoughts on this? How do you explain the release of Satan in Revelation chapter 20, if this is not a literal thousand years? Does God love Satan?

 QA: Divorce and Remarriage, Discernment, and Prosperity Preachers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: What is your take on the biblical grounds for remarriage? Where is the historical data for the divinity of Jesus? Is there any evidence outside of Scripture? How can I research a book or author for biblical accuracy? If I give to a church or an organization will God bless me for that? Will God punish me for my family’s past sins?


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