Evil Conservative Radio show

Evil Conservative Radio

Summary: Monday thru Thursday at 10PM EDT Americans and foreigners with decent internet access are invited to get the Evil Conservative take on the news and views from Washington and around the world. As a caricature, Evil Conservative offers a defacto no-spin zone, as two dimensions simply don't allow for spinning. Make sure you check our page at www.EvilConservativeOnline.com and simul-streaming on Liberty Works Radio Network. Please note that, due to the simulcasting, there is are 30 seconds of silence to start the show, and two 5-minute silences during the show at :15 and :35. Thank you for listening.

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  • Artist: EvilConservativeRadi
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 Somewhere Tonight a Muslim Terrorist is Planning an Attack... Florida Fishing Threatened by Govt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The government is hemming and hawing about the attack today at Ft Hood. The fact of the matter is that this was a coordinated terrorist attack on a military base on US soil. How much longer will we avoid discussing what we all know is the root cause of this and the people we all know are instigating this kind of violence? We're also expecting a call from Carmen Reynolds, who's on top of a law change in Florida that's threatening to literally shut down fishing in the gulf, and the DC house call that drew thousands today to denounce Obamacare.

 Public Schools Prepping Kids for ObamaFascism... Why Lindsey Graham and the RINOs Need to Be Purged | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we'll share a few clips from schools around the country, where it seems the order of the day is to worship Obama in creative and creepy ways (ed: is there a way to worship a politician that ISN'T creepy?). Are your kids being brainwashed? Also, EC takes on the RINOs and particularly Lindsey Graham. This guy is nothing more than a skidmark on the underwear of government, and when we get done you'll think so, too.

 Election-Day Smackdown for Liberals... Flu Emergency? What Emergency?... More Al Gore Shamelessness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Today was a bad day for socialism, which means it was a pretty good day or you and me and our Constitution. We'll talk about what's going on in today's watched races and what these results mean... Obama's declared an emergency over the swine flu, but is it really? We'll look at a few things that we can all agree are really threats to American lives and EC will tell you what the number ONE killer in America really is... more Al Gore stupidity (is that redundant? should I just say "more Al Gore?")

 Conservatives Strike Back... plus Al Gore's REAL Incentive to Shill Global Warming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

What's so important about tomorrow's three elections anyway? EC talks about the encouraging groundswell of support behind Doug Hoffman, Scozzafava's senseless antagonism of conservatives and how she blew her chance to come out of this looking good, and Al Gore's enormous payday for advancing his global warming crusade.

 A Trillion Here, A Trillion There... Pretty Soon You're Talking About Real Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Nancy Pelosi unveiled the massive House health care plan today... kinda. Ever wonder how much 1,990 pages at $2.2 million per word would be? Well, now we know. It's around $1.055 Trillion. The Democrat plan appears to be to spend us into oblivion. We'll also be joined by Chris from Islam in Action tonight.

 Obama's Abandoning Our Troops in Afghanistan to Please the Meatless Peaceniks at the UN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight EC will discuss how Obama's cavalier handling of the request for troops in AFghanistan is costing American lives - Top climate alarmist says we need to give up meat to save the world...

 Obama's Abandoning Our Troops in Afghanistan to Please the Meatless Peaceniks at the UN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight EC will discuss how Obama's cavalier handling of the request for troops in AFghanistan is costing American lives - Top climate alarmist says we need to give up meat to save the world...

 Theosophy, Islam, the UN, and the New World Order | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With the United Nations making a strong power-move to have Obama sign over our national sovereignty Dec 10 in Copenhagen, it begs the question of what would a world government look like and what would be their objectives? EC demonstrates the terrifying plans already in place at the United Nations, the ideological roots that the UN shares with Nazism, and the sickeningly unholy objectives of this cabal of elitists.

 Obama's Attacking Paychecks... Could YOURS Be Next? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The most inept and malicious administration in history took another swing at property rights with an administrative decision to limit executive pay... While the debate rages about just HOW MUCH of the healthcare industry our federal government will be helping itself to, the healthcare experts in the government are very busy screwing up the flu vaccine delivery... GAO says America's long-term fiscal outlook is "unsustainable"... Someone who should know says growing up Soviet is a lot like growing up in America in 2009... Obama's polling numbers pushing lower...

 Obama's Goal: Absolute Destruction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The early tally for Obamacare looks to be "under $900,000,000,000.00" according to Nancy Pelosi. She said that with a straight face, believe it or not, the White House is busy "Delphi'ing" Fox News, and the retail price of our national sovereignty has finally been determined - One (1) Nobel Peace Prize, with no strings attached. It's obvious that Obama knows nothing about creating jobs - he's never built ANYTHING... but he DOES know how to destroy things.

 How We'll Lose Our Freedom By the End of the Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

ECR Live every Mon-Thurs 10-11 PM EDT. Tonight We're going to talk about the Delphi Technique and the Alinsky Method of implementing it, its extrapolation into media misinformation, and the dire warning of Lord Christopher Monckton- is it true that the final nails in the coffin of our prosperous way of life will be hammered in by the end of the year?

 Who Are the REAL Racists Here? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With the media dedicated leftists and the powerlessness pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson busy sliming Rush Limbaugh... EC asks "Who Are the REAL Racists Here?"

 Obama's Message on Healthcare=His Message on Iranian Opposition: "We're Going to Let You Die" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Evil Conservative Radio is on the air every Mon-Thurs from 10-11 Pm EDT. We cover tomorrow's topics tonight.

 How Obama's Petty Personal Grudge Is Costing Lives, Undermining our Military in Afghanistan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Every Mon-Thurs 10-11PM EDT Evil Conservative Radio delivers fast-paced, hard-hitting, up-to-the-minute news and commentary.

 Why Isn't Obama Listening to His Commanders in Afghanistan? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Every Mon-Thurs 10-11PM EDT Evil Conservative Radio delivers fast-paced, hard-hitting, up-to-the-minute news and commentary.


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