Evil Conservative Radio show

Evil Conservative Radio

Summary: Monday thru Thursday at 10PM EDT Americans and foreigners with decent internet access are invited to get the Evil Conservative take on the news and views from Washington and around the world. As a caricature, Evil Conservative offers a defacto no-spin zone, as two dimensions simply don't allow for spinning. Make sure you check our page at www.EvilConservativeOnline.com and simul-streaming on Liberty Works Radio Network. Please note that, due to the simulcasting, there is are 30 seconds of silence to start the show, and two 5-minute silences during the show at :15 and :35. Thank you for listening.

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  • Artist: EvilConservativeRadi
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 Progressivism in Perpetuity? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Wait till you hear about the Dems' not-so-secret plan to ensure radical liberal rule in perpetuity... also, Obama blasts Vegas - AGAIN... Plus, EC's excited - The Daily KOS has poll numbers showing that Dems just can't work with the "radicals" that make up the GOP's base.

 The Problems Between Us Are Nothing That a Nuclear Bomb Can't Solve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

EC discusses how Obama's sudden love for nuclear research is ticking off the left, and how the United Nations isn't even bothering to fake their own global warming "research" anymore. We'll discuss the "Religion of Peace" for a bit, and also Italy opens its first transgender prison.

 Defending Scott Roeder, and the State of Obama | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Scott Roeder's trial has begun, and, for the first time, a defense in a baby-killer-killer's (in this case, it's baby-killer Tiller's killer's) trial is predicating itself upon the moral and legal imperative to protect the lives of unborn children. Will this float? Also, we'll take a look at why the State of the Union was more like the State of Obama speech, and we'll talk about some of the WHOPPERS he told last night.

 Astroturfing for Obama and Other Fun Hobbies... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we'll take a look at the phony populism that is at the heart of the liberal "mandate" to re-form America, presumably in the image of a third-world kleptocracy... NY Times turning on Obama?... and why a non-Gator fan can cheer Tim Tebow...Tune in and call in!

 Is Obama the GOP's Secret Weapon? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

the Dems suffered smashing defeats in Virginia and New Jersey... and even Massa-friggin-chussetts. Now Harry Reid takes a nosedive in the polls in HIS home state, and guess who's coming to save the day? President Obama... but whose day is he saving? EC roars back from vacation with tonight's episode. Tune in and call in!

 The Scott Heard 'Round the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Can Scott Brown win the Senate race in Massachusetts against Obama crony and left-wing lightweight Martha Coakley, and help delay the destruction of our Republic by the Democrats?

 The Myth of Democracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

It was George Bush's obsession to export "democracy" to places where the majority of people seem to despise us. Democrats and Republicans alike constantly sing its praises. Why do you suppose that the elites in power have such universal affiliation with and support of a system that would, on its face, seem destined to deliver their comeuppance? What did our founding fathers have to say about it? EC asks - is democracy really so good?

 No Recession for the Federal Reserve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The Fed released its numbers yesterday, or at least as close to them as you and I are ever likely to get. The results? In a year where many Americans lost their homes, and countless more lost their jobs, and even more still had to scale back their lifestyles to survive in an economic crisis, the good folks at the Fed made more than $45 Billion profit. How you like them apples?

 Byrds of a Feather - Dems and Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are Harry Reid and Bill Clinton racist or do their ill-considered remarks show us something more about the Dems?; Also, Hugo Chavez screws up Venezuela - Obama must be sooooo jealous; Global warming takes the credit for frigid December...

 Is THIS Why Glenn Beck is Bashing the Birthers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

EC explains the Saudi link that may just be the explanation behind Glenn Beck's rant this week against the "birthers"... Irony in the air as terrorists slip through unnoticed while Joan Rivers can't get home... Are Dem pols deserting the sinking ship?

 Exploding the Myth of the Blue-Dog Democrat; 2009's Top Ten Corrupt Politicians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

A couple of interesting reports were issued today; Americans for Limited Government has released their analysis of the "Blue Dog" Democrat voting record... it really just helps to make the case that there IS NO SUCH THING as a "moderate" Democrat, and Judicial Watch released its list of the Top Ten corrupt politicians- see where your favorite pol ranked!

 Obama's Payday to Big Healthcare, and the Pedantic Paganism of Avatar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In my wildest paranoid fantasies, I could never have conceived of such an ingenious way to turn citizens into criminals. EC talks about Obama's plan to have the IRS and Big Healthcare team up to seize your liberties, reviews Avatar, and shares an end-of-year list or two.

 Homo-Occultism, Phony Sciences, Fascism, and the UN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

You mean they didn't teach you all about this in school? Not on your life. The PC police don't want you to know what's behind the radical homosexual agenda... and they SURE don't want you to know how they have historically organized. You may have sensed that the battle for "privacy" and to "keep the government out of the bedroom" has taken on a nastier tone. It's no longer about tolerance. It's about approval. EC explores the revelations in Pink Swastika, and puts the homo-fascists in perspective. You know, this isn't the FIRST time they've tried to take over the world.

 Is Fort Knox Full of Fake Gold?... 100 Reasons Why Climates Change - Naturally! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The mainstream media isn't talking about it, but the internet is abuzz with rumors that our nation's gold supply was secreted out of the country and that Fort Knox is nothing more than a scam. On first blush, it sounds ridiculous, and we'd love to debunk this one, but with frauds like the Climate Change Conspiracy, and TARP and the socialized medicine strongarm.... who knows??

 Will the NWO Crap Out in Copenhagen Climate Conspiracy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With Obama the "evolutionary flashpoint" there to end the festivities on a high note, it remains to be seen just how much of their radical agenda the global elitists will get done. EC talks about the duplicity, the media love-in, and the thirst for power that is the driving force behind all this nonsense.


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