Evil Conservative Radio show

Evil Conservative Radio

Summary: Monday thru Thursday at 10PM EDT Americans and foreigners with decent internet access are invited to get the Evil Conservative take on the news and views from Washington and around the world. As a caricature, Evil Conservative offers a defacto no-spin zone, as two dimensions simply don't allow for spinning. Make sure you check our page at www.EvilConservativeOnline.com and simul-streaming on Liberty Works Radio Network. Please note that, due to the simulcasting, there is are 30 seconds of silence to start the show, and two 5-minute silences during the show at :15 and :35. Thank you for listening.

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  • Artist: EvilConservativeRadi
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 What's Rotten in Denmark: The Climate-Industrial Complex, Earth Worship, and the UN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we'll take a look at the Copenhagen climate conference and the people-hating, earth-worshiping, prosperity-destroying ideology that's driving it.

 The Democrat Party is the Only Place Where Rich White Guys Get to Play the Racism Card | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

EC takes on the Big Racism a la Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Robert Byrd

 Carbon Hypocrites Flock to Copenhagen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The Copenhagen Shakedown has begun, and the global elite are hoping that the world will pull together as one to fight the plague of carbon emissions into the environment- no matter how much carbon their private jets and limos may require to make it so. We'll look at this serious effort to turn each and every one of us into carbon-spewing criminals by definition.

 Obama's War Follies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight at West Point, President Obama dished out a double-dose of double-speak, which I'm sure made Democrats 4 times as in love with him. He also didn't miss an opportunity to use the venerable institution, and the brave young cadets in attendance, as just so much political capital.

 Why the Global Warming Fraudsters Are Digging In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Today the White House said that, despite the evidence of rampant fraud and data manipulation at the CRU (Global Warming's Pentagon), Obama and his hucksters are still quite convinced that climate "science" is sound, and that climate change is real.

 Global Warming Fraud Puts Science in the Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week's theme seems to be "Liberalism vs. Science." Facts, data, and reality all seem to be malleable when they don't mesh with the political agenda of the "scientists" doing the research. The fraud-based takeover of the world's economy that we have come to call global warming is coming under fire. Will the genuinely foolish people who actually believed it all wake up and smell the coffee, or are they too emotionally invested in their Plan A (which is to destroy the world in the name of global warming)? We'll also talk a little bit about the bankruptcy of evolution, and we'll have some super special guests for the third segment.

 How Obama is Destroying the Black Middle Class | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The unemployment rate is advertised at a concerning 10.2%, but more honest assessments are pegging the number at closer to 17.5%. What the media isn't telling you is that the unemployment rate for young black Americans is closer to a shocking 35%. Obama is declaring war on the middle class, and the first victims are the very people he keeps saying he wants to help.

 Investigate the Global Warming Hoax NOW!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we'll interview car dealer Phil Wolf, whose Denver billboard (featured on Drudge today), is angering liberals and educating drivers. I bet he's had some interesting reactions... Also, is it possible that the climate fraudsters at the IPCC may be investigated? ... We'll also talk about the craziness this weekend in the subways of NYC, where straphangers were LOCKED INSIDE a subway car with a psycho and the dead man he just murdered... we'll also talk about Ft Hood- was it Al Qaeda's "Third Wave"?...

 In NYC Terror Trials, Obama Helps the... Defense??? and The Obama Mammogram Flim-Flam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Why on Earth are the 9/11 defendents being tried in a civilian court in NYC? There's no doubt that it will be a disturbing and dangerous undertaking - and the President is only making things worse with his ill-advised comments on the case. This is unacceptable- this is NOT Obama's first day on the job...A brutal gun tragedy in NYC, where guns are banned... Obama administration's mammogram flim-flam...

 The Worst is Yet to Come | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are we headed for another downturn in the economy? More and more economists are saying exactly that. We have fake jobs in phony districts being "created" with stimulus $$, phony unemployment numbers, manipulated inflation figures- and, just how are we paying for all this anyway? Just who benefits from a "jobless recovery" anyway? It can't be good when the government is just printing money to pay its obligations. Just where do we go from here, exactly?

 9/11 Trial in NYC? You've Gotta Be kidding Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Unfortunately, it's no joke, as Obama has decided to import admitted terrorists for a show trial in lower Manhattan. What's going to be on trial and how much of a threat is this to NY'ers? We'll discuss...

 How the AARP is Giving Seniors a RAW DEAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Siver citizens beware! The AARP doesn't have your best interests at heart- in fact, they stand to profit MIGHTILY from Obamacare. EC explains the conflict of interest that ensures that the AARP will make life harder and more expensive for seniors... and how the AARP is lining its pockets and supporting loony leftist policies with funds that they scammed from seniors.

 Is There a Secret Global Government Agenda Behind UN's Copenhagen Treaty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight EC will explain the Copenhagen Treaty in light of the excellent legal analysis done by John Charlton. Does this treaty really sneak in a global government? Is there really a plot to create an "enforcement" regime that would police the entire globe? As they say, the devil is in the details. Also, EC will have some (hopefully) final remarks on the Ft Hood massacre, and the frightening way in which our nation has responded so far, and, if we have time, we'll talk about the asteroid that almost hit us last week, and maybe introduce our planned topic for tomorrow night, which is how the AARP is screwing the seniors who support the organization.

 I Guess "Terrorism" and "Jihad" Aren't Politically Correct Anymore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Fingers are pointing all over the Obama administration, as agency after agency try to pin the blame for this horror on other agencies. Who missed all the warning signs? And since when are emails to Al Qaeda linked imams and personal statements that disturb fellow officers signs of post-traumatic stress, anyway? And what kind of post-traumatic stress hits someone BEFORE they've ever seen combat? Weirds situation, this.... also, is the Vatican on an alien hunt?

 Ft Hood Killer was Disillusioned Obama Transition Team Member? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Everyone knows by now that the Ft Hood massacre was committed by a radical Muslim, opening fire on his defenseless comrades while yelling "Allahu Akbar!!" President Obama, for his part, has encouraged us to not jump to conclusions. What most people don't know is that the shooter, Maj Hasan, was a big supporter of President Obama and even served on his transition team. We also know that many on the left are getting upset about Obama's failure to follow through on his campaign promises. Maybe this is the first documented case of terrorism because of Obama's broken promises...


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