Evil Conservative Radio show

Evil Conservative Radio

Summary: Monday thru Thursday at 10PM EDT Americans and foreigners with decent internet access are invited to get the Evil Conservative take on the news and views from Washington and around the world. As a caricature, Evil Conservative offers a defacto no-spin zone, as two dimensions simply don't allow for spinning. Make sure you check our page at www.EvilConservativeOnline.com and simul-streaming on Liberty Works Radio Network. Please note that, due to the simulcasting, there is are 30 seconds of silence to start the show, and two 5-minute silences during the show at :15 and :35. Thank you for listening.

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  • Artist: EvilConservativeRadi
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 "ILLEGAL" is not a Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Arizona is coming under fire from the lawless left, primarily because their state government decided it's time to protect the rights of people who don't act with total disregard for immigration law. With nasty words like "racist" and "nazi" being thrown around, we know the left is deeply ensconced in their position of phony self-righteousness for all the wrong reasons. I checked on my census form, and best I can tell, "illegal" isn't even a race.

 Obama's Plan for Election 2010: Divide and Conquer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Most presidents tailor their message to the American people. In fact, we've come to expect that, but not from our most un-presidential President Barack Hussein Obama. He speaks to Obama seeks to connect with "young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women." Screw the rest of us.

 Breathing Fire into Freedom: Maj Gen Paul Vallely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight U.S. Army Maj. General Paul Vallely joins EC for an in-depth discussion on "birther" LTC Terry Lakin's possible courtmartial for demanding Obama demonstrate his eligibility for office, and the the rise of the dangerously incompetent senior officer in the US military, as well as an up-to-the-minute situation report on the threats to Israel.

 Obama's Populist Financial Reform Hoax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Millions of Americans are rightfully and righteously indignant about Wall Street's hijinks as they took advantage of the little guy, so what do we need now? Someone willing to use all that indignation to fuel their own agenda, of course. Luckily, Obama's stepping to the plate to take advantage of Wall Street and little guy simultaneously - only a government can screw over so many people at one time

 Obama's Mugabe Plan for America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

With Obama's war on Wall Street gaining momentum with the prosecution of Goldman Sachs, now might be an opportune time to take a look at where he may be drawing inspiration, and no one comes to mind quite like Robert Mugabe, who brought much hope and change to his 30-year rampage in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

 Obama the Corporatist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

You could call it "socialism for the rich," and, if it keeps going unchecked, will enslave us all. What is corporatism anyway? We'll also talk to Ryan Mauro about the danger posed by an allied Russia and Iran

 How Barack Obama Mocks You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The world is watching as Barack Obama meets and exceeds all the most paranoid concerns about how he would run the country, turning our government into everything sane people fear and hate. Obama and his lackeys are openly mocking our citizens, our way of life, and our founding fathers in front of the whole world. Are we deserving of such contempt? Well, we did elect this anus.

 Obama's Submission to Islam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Barack Obama is a very busy man, with much on his agenda. That makes it kind of noteworthy when he starts spending the political capital from his first real legislative "victory" (healthcare) on priorities explicitly outlined by Muslim leaders. So we'll discuss why this week these issues are being suddenly brought forward by Obama, how much of a "victory" was healthcare anyway, and whether he has the political capital he thinks he does.

 Why Obama's Flying the White Flag | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Why on Earth would we give up the security that the United States' nuclear threat has provided us for the last half century? Two words, really. Arab League. I also wonder how all this ties in to LTC Lakin and his fight to ensure the legitimacy of his chain of command

 Global Fascist Regime Our Only Hope Says Green Guru | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Most of us sane people have known for some time that what the environmentalists really want, more than clean water and "sustainability," in fact, more than anything, is CONTROL. James Lovelace, inventor of the Gaia hypothesis and a revered wacko on the left, puts it plainly. But guess what? He's not the only one.

 Why Obama Lifted a Non-Existent Drilling Ban | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As the day wore on, the good news that Comrade Obama had opened up the Atlantic Coast for drilling was dampened slightly by the news that the ban had already been lifted by Bush in 2008, and that Obama's political posturing actually declared more US coastal waters OFF-LIMITS to drilling. Tonight EC will explain both how that happened and we'll explore the likely reasons WHY Obama is engaging in such deceptive positioning on the issue of American energy for Americans.

 Obama Orders Extra Change, Hold the Hope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we'll take a look at some of the changes that Obama and his team have in store for us, even as he rips American society apart over his wildly partisan agenda. We'll also take an honest look at the left's Eternal Golden Boy, Che Guevara. There's a lot about him that you probably won't find printed on your teenager's T-shirt.

 The Perfection of Victimhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

It's not a very closely guarded secret that liberals love to be the victims. What's harder to understand is how they can steamroll opposition, brutally silence dissent, and rig the machinery of the republic, while simultaneously protesting their "victimization." An intellectually honest person might call it a bad case of projection, but an astute observer notices the direction of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals and a case of public manipulation.

 Soviet-style Medicine, International Humiliation and the USSA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As Barack Obama ignores his international agenda and leaves allies high and dry to pursue his all-emcompassing objective of grinding the American taxpayer under his heel, Hillary Clinton gets humiliated in country after country. I wonder why no one respects the USSA anymore?


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