The Secret Lives of Men show

The Secret Lives of Men

Summary: Dr. Blazina has a unique ability to tackle complex issues and make them accessible. This can be seen across the various dimensions of his career as a psychologist, researcher, and professor. He has been a guest on more than 40 radio shows across the country, ranging from National Public Radio to Sirius XM. He has also been featured in popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Women's Health. Dr. Blazina is the author of four books including “The Secret Lives of Men: What Men Want You to Know About Love, Sex, and Relationships.” The Secret Lives of Men radio program is dedicated to a positive exploration about the various facets of male's lives from growing up to growing old, all the while trying to grapple with the central part of their identity, being a man. Dr. Ryan A. McKelley provides special guest commentary each week.

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 The Highly Sensitive Person: Dr. Elaine Aron | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and water? Are you "too shy" or "too sensitive" according to others? Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? If your answers are yes, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Most of us feel overstimulated every once in a while, but for the Highly Sensitive Person, it's a way of life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist, workshop leader and highly sensitive person herself, shows you how to identify this trait in yourself and make the most of it in everyday situations. Drawing on her many years of research and hundreds of interviews, she shows how you can better understand yourself and your trait to create a fuller, richer life.   

 Eating Mindfully: Susan Albers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food. Susan Albers  Psy.D. What would it be like to really savor your food? Instead of grabbing a quick snack on your way out the door or eating just to calm down at the end of a stressful day, isn’t it about time you let yourself truly appreciate a satisfying, nourishing meal? In our modern society, weight concerns, obesity rates, and obsession with appearance have changed the way we look at food—and not necessarily for the better. If you have ever snacked when you weren’t hungry, have used guilt as a guide for your eating habits, or have cut calories even when you felt hungry, you have experienced “mindless” eating firsthand. This mindless approach to food is dangerous, and can have serious health and emotional consequences. But if you’ve been mindlessly eating all your life, it can be difficult to make a change. When it comes down to it, you must take a whole new approach to eating—but where do you begin? Practicing mindful eating habits may be just the thing to make that important change. In fact, it might just be the answer you’ve been searching for all these years. The breakthrough approaches in Eating Mindfully, by Susan Albers, use mindfulness-based psychological practices to take charge of cravings so they can eat when they are hungry and stop when they feel full.  

 Men and Emotions : Ron Levant Ed.D. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Ron Levant Ed.D. suggests that the North American male suffers to some degree from cultural conditioning which causes men to repress their vulnerable and caring emotions causing them to become underdeveloped in emotional expressiveness; a condition called  Normative Male Alexithymia. On today’s program we explore men and their emotions. Dr. Levant is a past-President of American Psychological  Association, and is the Editor of the journal “Psychology of Men and Masculinity.” He is currently Professor of Psychology, The University of Akron.  

 Self-Compassion: Kristin Neff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind. Kristin Neff From leading psychologist Dr. Kristin Neff comes a step-by-step guide explaining how to be more self-compassionate and achieve your dreams in life.Dr. Kristin Neff and other leading psychologists indicates that people who are compassionate toward their failings and imperfections experience greater well-being than those who repeatedly judge themselves. The feelings of security and self-worth provided by self-compassion are also highly stable, kicking in precisely when self-esteem falls down. This book powerfully demonstrates why it's so important to be self-compassionate and give yourself the same caring support you'd give to a good friend. This groundbreaking work will show you how to let go of debilitating self-criticism and finally learn to be kind to yourself.

 iDisorder: Larry D. Rosen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology  Larry D. Rosen. IDisorder: changes to your brain’s ability to process information and your ability to relate to the world due to your daily use of media and technology resulting in signs and symptoms of psychological disorders - such as stress, sleeplessness, and a compulsive need to check in with all of your technology. Based on decades of research and expertise in the "psychology of technology," Dr. Larry Rosen offers clear, down-to-earth explanations for why many of us are suffering from an "iDisorder."  Our world is not going to change, and technology will continue to penetrate society even deeper leaving us little chance to react to the seemingly daily additions to our lives. Rosen teaches us how to stay human in an increasingly technological world.   Show More Show Less

 Soldier Dogs: Maria Goodavage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

People all over the world have been riveted by the story of Cairo, the Belgian Malinois who was a part of the Navy SEAL team that led the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound. A dog's natural intelligence, physical abilities, and pure loyalty contribute more to our military efforts than ever before. You don't have to be a dog lover to be fascinated by the idea that a dog-the cousin of that furry guy begging for scraps under your table-could be one of the heroes who helped execute the most vital and high-tech military mission of the new millennium. Now Maria Goodavage, editor and featured writer for one of the world's most widely read dog blogs, tells heartwarming stories of modern soldier dogs and the amazing bonds that develop between them and their handlers. Beyond tales of training, operations, retirement, and adoption into the families of fallen soldiers, Goodavage talks to leading dog-cognition experts about why dogs like nothing more than to be on a mission with a handler they trust, no matter how deadly the IEDs they are sniffing, nor how far they must parachute or rappel from aircraft into enemy territory. "Military working dogs live for love and praise from their handlers," says Ron Aiello, president of the United States War Dogs Association and a former marine scout dog handler. "The work is all a big game, and then they get that pet, that praise. They would do anything for their handler." This is an unprecedented window into the world of these adventurous, loving warriors.

 Introverts at Ease: Nancy Okerlund | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Introverts at Ease: Nancy Okerlund Depending on who you listen to, introverts make up 25-50% of the U.S. population, or between 80 and 160 million people. That's a lot of self aware folks with strong powers of observation, concentration and focus. But many of us don't feel strong or energetic, and even wonder if there's something wrong with us. Some of us don't even realize we're introverts. The latest research shows that introverts are hardwired differently, with specific energy and lifestyle needs that sometimes conflict with those of extroverts. It's not about becoming more extroverted; it's about allowing yourself to think and behave in ways more suitable to being an introvert in an extroverted culture. Introvert expert Nancy Okerlund captures the essence of the introvert dilemma, and provides realistic strategies and techniques to help you create a more energized and fulfilling life.   Show More Show Less

 Da Vinci's Ghost: Toby Lester | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image This is the story of Vitruvian Man: Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing of a man in a circle and a square. Deployed today to celebrate subjects as various as the nature of genius, the beauty of the human form, and the universality of the human spirit, the figure appears on everything from coffee cups and T-shirts to book covers and corporate logos. In short, it has become the world’s most famous cultural icon, yet almost nobody knows anything about it. Like Vitruvian Man itself, the book captures a pivotal time in the history of Western thought when the Middle Ages was giving way to the Renaissance, when art and science and philosophy all seemed to be converging as one, and when it seemed just possible, at least to Leonardo da Vinci, that a single human being might embody—and even understand—the nature of everything.

 Mad Men on the Couch Dr. Stephanie Newman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Mad Men has captured the imaginations of millions of viewers, winning fifteen golden globes and four Emmys. In  Mad Men on the Couch, Dr. Stephanie Newman analyzes the show’s primary characters through the lens of modern psychology.

 Game of Thrones and Philosophy: Henry Jacoby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

An in-depth look at the philosophical issues behind HBO's Game of Thrones television series and the books that inspired it. George R.R. Martin's New York Times bestselling epic fantasy book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, and the HBO television show adapted from it, have earned critical acclaim and inspired fanatic devotion. This book delves into the many philosophical questions that arise in this complex, character-driven series, including: Is it right for a "good" king to usurp the throne of a "bad" one and murder his family? How far should you go to protect your family and its secrets? In a fantasy universe with medieval mores and ethics, can female characters reflect modern feminist ideals? Draws on great philosophers from ancient Greece to modern America.

 "Way of the Puck" Eric D Anderson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

"Way of the Puck" is a documentary about the history of the sport of air hockey. The growth, decline and near extinction of a sport many people do not know exists. Discover the stories, passion, and lives of the champions who play this sport competitively and keep the sport of air hockey alive. Directed and Produced by Eric D Anderson

 Marriage Rules: Harriet Lerner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up Following a unique format perfect for today's world, the author of The Dance of Anger gives us just over 100 rules that cover all the hot spots in long-term relationships. Marriage Rules offers new solutions to age-old problems ("He won't talk"/"She doesn't want sex") as well as modern ones (your partner's relationship to technology.) Harriet Lerner, PH.D., is one of our nations most loved and respected relationship experts. A renowned scholar on the psychology of women and family relationships, she is the author of The New York Times bestseller, The Dance of Anger, and other acclaimed books that together have sold over six million copies. A clinical psychologist in private practice, Lerner is a distinguished speaker, consultant and workshop leader. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, and NPR and she hosts the "Dance of Connection" blog on She is also, with her sister, an award- winning children's book writer.

 Willpower: Roy F. Baumeister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

In Willpower, the pioneering researcher Roy F. Baumeister collaborates with renowned New York Times science writer John Tierney to revolutionize our understanding of the most coveted human virtue: self-control. In what became one of the most cited papers in social science literature, Baumeister discovered that willpower actually operates like a muscle: it can be strengthened with practice and fatigued by overuse. Willpower is fueled by glucose, and it can be bolstered simply by replenishing the brain's store of fuel. That's why eating and sleeping- and especially failing to do either of those-have such dramatic effects on self-control (and why dieters have such a hard time resisting temptation). Baumeister's latest research shows that we typically spend four hours every day resisting temptation. No wonder people around the world rank a lack of self-control as their biggest weakness. Willpower looks to the lives of entrepreneurs, parents, entertainers, and artists-including David Blaine, Eric Clapton, and others-who have flourished by improving their self-control.

 The Secret Life of Pronouns: James Pennebaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

?We spend our lives communicating. In the last fifty years, we've zoomed through radically different forms of communication, from typewriters to tablet computers, text messages to tweets. We generate more and more words with each passing day. Hiding in that deluge of language are amazing insights into who we are, how we think, and what we feel. In The Secret Life of Pronouns, social psychologist and language expert James W. Pennebaker uses his groundbreaking research in computational linguistics-in essence, counting the frequency of words we use-to show that our language carries secrets about our feelings, our self-concept, and our social intelligence. Our most forgettable words, such as pronouns and prepositions, can be the most revealing: their patterns are as distinctive as fingerprints.   Show More Show Less

 Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

  Show More Show Less What if there were a magic pill that could make you happier, turn you into a better parent, solve a number of your teenager's behavior problems, reduce racial prejudice, and close the achievement gap in education? Well, there is no such magic pill-but there is a new scientifically based approach called story editing that can accomplish all of this. It works by redirecting the stories we tell about ourselves and the world around us, with subtle prompts, in ways that lead to lasting change. In Redirect, world-renowned psychologist Timothy Wilson shows how story-editing works and how you can use it in your everyday life.  


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