Date Smarter, Not Harder! show

Date Smarter, Not Harder!

Summary: Ms. HeartBeat (Deborrah Cooper), a social researcher, dating expert, author and advice columnist, serves as producer and host of The Date Smarter, Not Harder Relationships Talk Show. With almost 20 years of relationship industry experience, Ms. HeartBeat provides reliably witty, often hilarious and informative advice about modern dating issues. She is the author of the Top Black Books of 2007 Award Winning guide to modern dating: "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged", "24 Types of Suckas to Avoid" and "The Black Church...Where Women Pray and Men Prey!" Order your copies on Amazon.Com. Join Deborrah and exciting guests as they discuss a wide variety of relationships based subject matter on Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. (PST).

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  • Artist: Ms HeartBeat
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Eating Vegan and Healthy Soul Food Cooking - Why Vegan is the New Black | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

Can a diet free of meat, milk, eggs, butter and cheese actually taste good? Deborrah Cooper, author of the new cookbook WHY VEGAN IS THE NEW BLACK: MORE THAN 100 DELICIOUS MEAT AND DAIRY FREE MEAL IDEAS YOUR WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE says the answer is "absolutely!" Her goal for this book was to help change the perception that healthy foods look weird and taste bad. The typical American diet is full of greasy high sodium fast food that really packs on the pounds and sets us up for serious health problems. Reducing the quantity of animal protein and upping the plants we eat has been proven to reverse heart disease, normalize blood sugar and lipids, and lower both weight and blood pressure in just a couple of weeks.  Statistics support these concerns, especially in the black community. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 78.6 million Americans are obese, which directly impacts the health and longevity of nearly one-third of the U.S. population. Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis impact the sexual health of Americans as well, reflected in erectile dysfunction in men, and reduced desire and blood flow to the vaginal area in women. These are largely preventable afflictions, directly related to what we put in our mouths. Reality is, what we're putting on our plates is killing us. Find out more about how you can begin changing your diet for the better in this broadcast.  #whyveganisthenewblack #veganrecipes #blacksgoingvegan

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 Unwed Pregnancy - Is the Baby a Blessing or a Huge FAIL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Recently, Pastor Marvin Winans refused to allow an unwed mother of a 2 year old boy to have her child blessed in front of the congregation along with the children of married parents. The baby momma is irate and says she "never felt so disrespected and degraded in my life." Really? To me there is a big difference between being an "unwed mother" and a "single parent" and folks need to get real clear on that. Single parents could be widows or divorced (with primary custody), or aunts who adopted their deceased sister's children rather than let them go to foster care, or fathers whose wife died or went into the crack zone so he split and took the kids with him. Unwed mothers have never been married, no signs of marriage, sometimes barely know the fool they are pregnant by. There is a huge difference. But since its Pastor Winan's church, his belief system guiding the church, and his interpretation of religion guiding him why argue with him? Bottom line - what is up with black women having all these kids out of wedlock and thinking its okay? Why do black women not have a wedding first THEN have children? Why say that "babies are a blessing!" when you know you don't have the resources or maturity to raise a child? Why not seek an abortion or a morning after pill? Are out of wedlock children and missing fathers going to be the downfall of the black community?  Join us to discuss this important topic. The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

 Never Date a Dead Animal with Author Nancy Nichols | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

NEVER DATE A DEAD ANIMAL  is a must read for women who date, fall in love with and commit to antisocial personalities. Ask yourself these questions: Are you influenced by a man’s good looks, flattering words, charisma and success? Do you sometimes question a man’s hurtful behavior, but keep dating him anyway? Do you have a history of dating and falling in love with the wrong man? Do you mistrust your instincts that your husband or boyfriend is lying to you, ridiculing or demeaning you? Have you recently broken up with or divorced an abusive man? Are you trying to find the courage to leave a toxic relationship?If you answered "yes," to even one of these questions--this book is for you!  A genuine eye-opener, Never Date a Dead Animal reveals:   The early warning signs of the narcissistic sociopathic con-artist  The covert psychological warfare of an abusive man The vicious, addictive cycle of abuse and its traumatic effects on its victim The callous pre-meditated end game of these personalities The sub-conscious agendas which cause women to attract, fall in love with and commit to men who maltreat you Call 347-327-9215 and join us!

 Why It's Stupid to Help a Man be a Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

There is a lot of talk in the black community about black women being the "rock" of the family and for their men. Many of the commonly heard phrases amongst black men and women are: I take care of my man! If I don't do it for him, somebody else will! I expect my woman to nurture me I need my woman to help me She needs to make me feel like a man Black women need to help the black man come up - we can't do it by ourselves Women need to help achieve and build, and not just try to get with a brotha after he's done all the work by himself Things like this get on my nerves. I truly believe great numbers of black males are confused about what manhood is and instead are caught up in a continual infancy expecting women to take care of them, essentially exchanging one mommy for another they have sex with. Why have black women fallen for the okey doke of "helping" black men make their dreams come true? What's in it for HER to help HIM is my question? What is it that black men do by themselves for themselves these days - with no dependence on or assistance from women? Join the discussion today at 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST by logging on or calling 347-327-9215

 Mr Cee and Suspect Sexuality in Black Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

You know the story of Mr. Cee, top hip hop DJ who confessed to having numerous encounters with transgender women... men who dress like and live their lives as women because they say they were born in the wrong body. But Mr. Cee is married. He has a family. He was sneaking around with transgender prostitutes and having unprotected sexual encounters with them. Then going home to his wife. All over the web people are defending Mr. Cee and saying this is why gay black men go into hiding - the judgments and condemnation of black people. What do you say about this situation and black men hiding who and what they are from the women in their lives? Do they have the right to present a false front because they are afraid of the repercussions? The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

 What Men Do WRONG In Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Men worry about falling in love and having a woman abandon them. They worry about a woman cheating. They worry about a woman being loyal. They also worry about a woman taking their children and what they consider to be "their" money.But what is it that a man can do to bond his woman to him emotionally and mentally to make sure she has no interest in leaving him? Why don't men understand that once a woman loves you, if she stops loving you its ALL YOUR FAULT???Let's talk about the things men do wrong and what they can do and say instead to make sure their woman is happy and excited to be in a relationship with them.The call in number is 347-327-9215.

 Male War on Women - Stalking and Violence Against Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

In this final edition of our four part series on the War Against Women we'll investigate how men view rejection by females, modern dating trends in the "hook up" generation, stalking behaviors, why men murder ex-wives and ex-girlfriends, and birth control sabotage as a weapon in domestic violence. The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

 Male War on Women - Pedophile Grooming and Campus Assaults | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:00

We continue the discussion of the war on women and girls being waged by males worldwide. In this broadcast we'll address the ridiculous number of campus sexual assaults and pedophile grooming rings that may be after your child. Can it be that the majority of the males in the world are sociopaths and truly hate women? Watch this video about governmental ties to pedophile rings. Listen to Part One of this series:  Womb Envy and the Male War on Women first. Listen to Part Two of this series: Pedophilia on the Rise - The Male War on Very Young Girls. All parents need to watch this video about online photos of their children and GEO tagging, and change the settings on their Smart Phones immediately. Call in to share your thoughts at 347-327-9215.

 Pedophilia on the Rise - Male War on Very Young Girls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We continue the discussion of the war on women and girls being waged by males worldwide. In this broadcast we'll address the global trafficking of very young girls by adult men, child brides and forced "marriages", child molesters, child abductions, pedophile rings, and the implications that male legislators, judges and police charged with "protecting and serving" are instead protecting the attackers and blaming the victims. Can it be that the majority of the males in the world are misogynistic sociopaths like Valerie Solanas said in The Scum Manifesto? Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep, profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness. But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company. Listen to Part One of this series:  Womb Envy and the Male War on Women first. All parents need to watch this video about online photos of their children and GEO tagging, and change the settings on their Smart Phones immediately.

 Womb Envy and the Male War on Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Men are waging war on all things female across the globe. Why? Because they have womb envy and fear female power. Men hate women and this is why: #1 Men hate women worldwide and have declared war on the entire female gender; #2 Men hate women because they are jealous of what women are and the power women have, things men do not and never will have; and #3 Men hate women because men have womb envy and secretly want to be women. Yeah, I said it.  You may not believe it, but then I have to ask the deadly question: Coud these statements be true and the reason why men are doing all they can to control and destroy that which is female, including Mother Earth herself? Was Valerie Solanas onto something when she wrote The SCUM Manifesto? Stalking, assaults, rape, child molestation, abduction, sexual harassment at places of employment, laws being passed which strip women of the rights to control their own bodies and fertility, laws being passed which make it legal for adult men to "marry" infant girls - robbing them of a childhood, murders of women and children, beatings, sex slavery, manipulation and lying - the list goes on. Come ready to discuss the global war on women and children, and male hatred towards all things female demonstrated in the most vile and violent acts. If these trends continue escalating as they have been for the past 20 years, what will become of women and children? Please spread the word by SHARING this information on your social media sites and email. This is Part 1 of a three-part series. Listen to Part Two: Pedophilia on the Rise - The Male War on Very Young Girls

 Man Poaching and Side Chicks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Have you heard that "husband stealing" is on the rise world-wide? That could mean the fantasy perfect family life you think you will or do have is in danger. After all, nobody wants someone that nobody else wants, right? Research on animal mating has shown that female animals are more likely to choose a male for a mate that has already been chosen by other female. Similarly, female humans view men as more desirable when they are surrounded by other women vs being alone or surrounded by other men. Side Chicks often feel that an attached man has demonstrated his ability to commit and in some ways his qualities have already been "pre-screened" by another woman. They figure if that woman (the wife or girlfriend) has it going on and picked this guy, he must be worth picking for herself as well. Side Chicks feel they get the best the man has to offer, then send him home so his wife can deal with his drama, the bills, the dishes and the laundry. Although there are those Side Chicks that catch Main Chick feelings and cause themselves serious problems. Is your man in danger of being poached by another woman? Do you expect your man to have a SIde Chick or mistress, and you're resigned to it as long as he comes home and pays the bills? Are the Side Chicks and mistresses the women doing the real winning in the game of love?Join us for another interesting and controversial discussion on dating and relationships! Call in to 347-327-9215 to participate live.

 Black vs White Men - Which is Best for Modern Black Women? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

Interracial relationships have always gone on in the black community, primarily taking place between black men and women of other races. However, over the past 15 years or so, black women are catching up and marrying non-black men at greater numbers each year. Though black women with white and other men is a growing trend, most black women still prefer to marry a black man. Even though black men are falling further behind socially, economically, educationally en masse, and they tend to insist on a double sexual standard, female submission, and male dominance as a matter of course - most still see themselves as a prize that every woman wants. So the question must be asked - are white and Asian and Latina women really chasing black men for marriage or just for the entertainment value? Are black men truly "in demand" with women of other races, or are such thoughts the fantasies of delusional narcissists? And if a black woman wants marriage and a family of her own, is waiting on a black man the most sensible option or should she broaden her horizons to include men of all ethnicities or should she "stick to her own kind?" What are the pros and cons of interracial marriage for black women? Are black women better matched with white men? Please join us for what is sure to be a heated discussion! The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

 The Mythical Good Black Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

All over the country, black women hold out hope of finding the mythical "Good Black Man." This guy is as rare as a Unicorn. Yeah I do know a few (some of them call this show), but reality is that 99.5% of black men are no where NEAR a "good black man" in behavior, attitude or treatment of women. Yet, black women insist on holding onto the hope that they will meet such a guy. It is my position that most black men are the same due to their socialization. That means that only a very small number of men are going to escape the clutches of a group mentality which praises sexuality, gaming on and violence towards women, and condemns commitment and honesty. The violence is what makes men stand around and not say a WORD to men they observe violating, cheating on and abusing women. What we have currently is a society in which males are encouraged to condone abuse of women and children in a quest for power. Black males believe women are inferior to them and must "submit". They also condemn defending, protecting and loyalty to the female gender. Their general attitude is bros before hoes. To me this means that 99.5% of black men are anti-female and hate women because they want more than anything to dominate and control them. Definitely not LOVE them. My position is that black men are after total and complete control of black women by any means necessary, and will resort to violence to get that control. Shadid McDonald sits in as guest co-host to share the male point of view. Share your take with us by calling 347-327-9215.

 Do Black Men Hate Black Women? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The question has to be asked. Looking at the verbally and emotionally abusive language and cruel words used both online and offline - coupled with reports all over the world of atrocities and assaults committed by black and brown men against their women, it's pretty hard to say there is much in the way of love being demonstrated. Why is it that the men black women want to love, want to be cared for by, want to have children with, and want to grow old with are seemingly focused on their anniliation? Is this a situation where black women need to wake up and accept that there is a war going on and they are going to be on the losing end if they don't start fighting back? Call in to 347-327-9215 to share your thoughts.


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