Audio Sancto show

Audio Sancto

Summary: Audio Sancto is a podcast of sermons in plain English on Catholic dogma, doctrine, and devotion.


 (2012-07-15) False Prophets in Our Spiritual Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:32

Sermon titled "False Prophets in Our Spiritual Life" given on Sunday July 15, 2012. Size: 4.2 MB; duration: 18:32. The Christian life is necessarily a life a prayer and sacrifice to bring us closer to Him and make us like Him. Fear, worry, anxiety, sadness are the wages of sin and from the devil. Counsel from St. Ignatius of Loyola. The ravening wolves of the spiritual life. Fear kills; love gives life. What should be our motive to pray? How to pray. Interior silence. Can we not find at least one half-hour to converse with our best friends? Conversation with Christ. The only failure in the spiritual life is to give up.

 (2012-07-08) I See Men Like Trees, Walking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:19

Sermon titled "I See Men Like Trees, Walking" given on Sunday July 8, 2012. Size: 4.4 MB; duration: 19:19. In defense of the true meanings of the two miracles of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Read Mark, 6:31 to 8:29. Explains why Our Lord made the blind man see in two phases. Firstly, to remind the disciples who He is (the blind man represents His disciples). Secondly, to extract a confession of Faith from the Apostles and Peter. Those who walked with Christ may not have been able to see Him clearly because of sin and error. How does this apply to me? What is my blindness and profession of Faith?

 (2012-07-08) Baptism and Sustenance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:59

Sermon titled "Baptism and Sustenance" given on Sunday July 8, 2012. Size: 2.1 MB; duration: 08:59. St. Paul explains baptism. Explains the ritual and what is effected. Christ's miracles are act of charity. The sacraments sustain us on our journey to Heaven so we preserve the graces received at Baptism.

 (2012-07-01) 4-for-4 and Our Blood Covenant with Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:57

Sermon titled "4-for-4 and Our Blood Covenant with Jesus" given on Sunday July 1, 2012. Size: 6.4 MB; duration: 27:57. Comments on the condition of the USA: the four sins they cry out for vengeance. Examples of human tribal blood covenants. Men see blood as life and the sharing of blood is the sharing of life. Three examples from Old Testament (Abraham, the Passover, day of Atonement); three examples from the New Testament (Sweating of Blood, piercing of the Sacred Heart, Sacraments � Precious Blood).

 (2012-06-24) The Birth of Saint John the Baptist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:49

Sermon titled "The Birth of Saint John the Baptist" given on Sunday June 24, 2012. Size: 3.6 MB; duration: 15:49. St. John is the final witness, prophet to announce the Messias. St. John, like Our Lady, is not holy because of the extraordinary graces given but because he heard the Word of God and kept it. What is our mission? What will make us holy? What will give us peace?

 (2012-06-24) Saint John the Baptist: Preparation Through Prayer, Penance, and Preaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:42

Sermon titled "Saint John the Baptist: Preparation Through Prayer, Penance, and Preaching" given on Sunday June 24, 2012. Size: 2 MB; duration: 08:42. Cleansed from Original Sin by the voice of Our Lady. His extraordinary mission required extraordinary graces and penance. He preached to prepare the world for the Messias. Since the hearts of the people were hard, God sent St. John to soften their hearts by teaching repentance and penance.

 (2012-06-17) The More Selflessly We Love, the More We Are Loved | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:48

Sermon titled "The More Selflessly We Love, the More We Are Loved" given on Sunday June 17, 2012. Size: 4.5 MB; duration: 19:48. Love wishes the good of the other person to the extent of the sacrifice of our own good. Love loves so much even to the forgetfulness of ourselves and then others will be drawn to the same selflessness for us. We are all attracted to unselfish people and are repelled by selfish people. Ability to love is the true test of virtue. "To give what we cannot keep in order to gain what we cannot lose."

 (2012-06-17) Lost Lambs and Penance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:15

Sermon titled "Lost Lambs and Penance" given on Sunday June 17, 2012. Size: 2.6 MB; duration: 11:15. Spirit of the Pharisees vs. the Spirit of Christ. Repentance is a grace of God; the lost sheep is brought back, repenting, and Christ puts it His shoulders. The sheep can leave the sheepfold on it's own but it cannot return by itself. What is necessary for true contrition and satisfaction?

 (2012-06-10) The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist: He Is Really There | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:14

Sermon titled "The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist: He Is Really There" given on Sunday June 10, 2012. Size: 4.6 MB; duration: 20:14. Belief in Christ is also belief in the Trinity, the Incarnation and the True Presence. Council of Trent teachings. Luther broke and others broke from Luther. That these beliefs have continued through the centuries proves God is preserving the Church. Judas failed in the Eucharist. Archbishop Fulton Sheen and the Holy Hour.

 (2012-06-10) Increasing the Desire for Interior Joys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:56

Sermon titled "Increasing the Desire for Interior Joys" given on Sunday June 10, 2012. Size: 4.1 MB; duration: 17:56. Losing desire for interior joys. Pursuit of worldly joys will be greater is a great error. If we work to virtue our entire life we seek union with God and His joy. This gives glory to God now. Ask for grace to follow opportunities for virtue. Peace of soul through patience.

 (2012-06-09) A Traditional Battle Plan for Combating Habitual Sin, part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:34

Sermon titled "A Traditional Battle Plan for Combating Habitual Sin, part 2" given on Saturday June 9, 2012. Size: 11.8 MB; duration: 51:34.

 (2012-06-09) A Traditional Battle Plan for Combating Habitual Sin, part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:31

Sermon titled "A Traditional Battle Plan for Combating Habitual Sin, part 1" given on Saturday June 9, 2012. Size: 13.4 MB; duration: 58:31.

 (2012-06-09) Part 2: Catholic Counter-Revolutionaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:13

Sermon titled "Part 2: Catholic Counter-Revolutionaries" given on Saturday June 9, 2012. Size: 9.4 MB; duration: 41:13. Continuation of the call to the counter revolution. The infiltration of the culture and the Catholic Church. Quotes from Archbishop Chaput (of Philadelphia) on the state of the Church. The "Oath Against Modernism" (Pope St. Pius X). The example of St. Edmond Campion -- "In condemning us, you condemn all your ancestors, all the ancient bishop, priests, and kings." The blood of martyrs; the blood of counter revolutionaries is the seed of future Christians. Vendee and Christero examples. HHS Mandate.

 (2012-06-09) Part 1: Catholic Counter-Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:54

Sermon titled "Part 1: Catholic Counter-Revolution" given on Saturday June 9, 2012. Size: 9.4 MB; duration: 40:54. The way we pray is the way we believe; Sumorum Pontificum; "The Mass [Liturgy] that just won't die." History of the Faith; Would our forefathers recognize the Liturgy and Faith of today? "Change agents" -- modern Catholics. Traditionalists must rebuild -- a Catholic counter revolution.

 (2012-06-03) Three Persons in One Substance: A Discussion on Trinitarian Theology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:17

Sermon titled "Three Persons in One Substance: A Discussion on Trinitarian Theology" given on Sunday June 3, 2012. Size: 3.7 MB; duration: 16:17. St. Augustine and the vision of the Child Jesus. We will never be able to understand all the mysteries of the Faith, but we can believe them. Person � who? Nature � what? Three Persons is the Trinity; one Nature is God. Gift of Wisdom. Time is now to stand up for the Faith.


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