Audio Sancto show

Audio Sancto

Summary: Audio Sancto is a podcast of sermons in plain English on Catholic dogma, doctrine, and devotion.


 (2012-09-22) The True Spirit of Poverty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:05

Sermon titled "The True Spirit of Poverty" given on Saturday September 22, 2012. Size: 2.3 MB; duration: 10:05. Nine considerations for growing in the spirit of Poverty: (1) The poor in spirit have the feeling that they always have too much for themselves whereas those who do not have the spirit of poverty feel they never have enough. There is always something else they need. (2) The poor in spirit are convinced that nothing is due to them. (3) They choose for themselves that which is common and ordinary, and even that which is less. (4) They remind themselves of those in the world who are in need when they use the goods of this world. Thus, they have a certain holy and spontaneous uneasiness when making an expenditure for themselves. (5) They know how to adapt themselves to life's little demands by making due with what is available. (6) They are available for the service of others in a disinterested manner, that is to say, without seeking some material or affective compensation. (7) They even sense the needs of their neighbors with a certain awareness which enables them to help them without being asked. Such people easily relate to the poor when they meet them. (8) They count spontaneously on the help of God when things seem to be lacking. By faith they live the Gospel saying, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its justice and all these things will be added to you besides." Poverty keeps us humble! It keeps us looking UP! (9) They feel a profound joy and contentment at not needing anything, at being free of things of this world.

 (2012-09-16) On The 5th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:51

Sermon titled "On The 5th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum" given on Sunday September 16, 2012. Size: 4.1 MB; duration: 17:51. An analogy is drawn between the treasure of the Cross of Christ, lost for a while and then recovered and returned to Jerusalem, and the traditional form of the Latin Mass which was lost after the 1960s and restored to the the New Jerusalem, the Holy Catholic Church, with the implementation of Summorum Pontificum five years ago.

 (2012-09-16) Help The Priest to Help You: The Love of God and Confession | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:49

Sermon titled "Help The Priest to Help You: The Love of God and Confession" given on Sunday September 16, 2012. Size: 5 MB; duration: 21:49. In the Sacrament of Penance, the priest is a judge, a doctor, a teacher, and a loving father. He wants nothing more than to help us grow in or regain the state of grace. We should open our soul to the priest and tell him all: God already knows our sins -- what difference does it make if the priest knows? The seal of confession prevents the priest from revealing anything said in confession (and is a sin for the priest which only the Pope can forgive).

 (2012-09-15) The Blessed Virgin Mary: Co-Redemptrix of Mankind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:07

Sermon titled "The Blessed Virgin Mary: Co-Redemptrix of Mankind" given on Saturday September 15, 2012. Size: 2.3 MB; duration: 10:07. Just as Eve cooperated with Adam in the fall of mankind into Original Sin, the new Eve -- the Blessed Virgin Mary -- cooperates with her Divine Son in the redemption of mankind, earning her the (not yet dogmatically defined) title of "Co-Redemptrix."

 (2012-09-09) Our Lady of Sorrows Will Help You Overcome Habitual Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:16

Sermon titled "Our Lady of Sorrows Will Help You Overcome Habitual Sin" given on Sunday September 9, 2012. Size: 4.9 MB; duration: 21:16. The Blessed Mother is a tower of strength for us. St. John Vianney: "Struggles put us at the foot of the Cross, and the Cross at the gate of heaven" and we will find Mary both at the foot of the Cross and at the Gate of Heaven. Saint Bernard: "Our Lady's sufferings amount to more than all of the suffering of all of the rest of the Saints combined." The dead boy in the Gospel reading is symbolic of a soul in moral sin and a public sinner at that (the whole town was there to see him dead). Both repentance AND perseverence are necessary for salvation. After confession, be prepared to fight battles against temptation. A consideration by St. Alphonsus Liguori of the spiritual challenges faced by relapsing sinners. A reflection on Sampson and the folley of thinking we will always have recourse to confession after falling into sin. Review the battle plan for overcoming habitual sin. The boy in the Gospel was restored to life through the intercession of his mother. Always have devotion and recourse to the Blessed Mother.

 (2012-09-09) Why Bother to Attend Holy Mass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:05

Sermon titled "Why Bother to Attend Holy Mass" given on Sunday September 9, 2012. Size: 5.5 MB; duration: 24:05. Apart from obeying a precept of Mother Church, what is the purpose for attending Holy Mass? Christ lives in Heaven interceding for us principally by His sacrifice on Calvary. Holy Mass is the exact projection of this continual sacrifice. At Holy Mass, we are united to Christ. If temporal food gives life to the body, Heavenly Food gives gives life to the soul. For Mass and Holy Communion we must fix an intention at the Offertory; we must unite ourselves to the priest. The Catechism of the Council of Trent: "Holy Communion is an antidote for our daily faults." Our Lord wants to know what He can do for us. Ask Him to arrange our souls and spiritual lives so they please Him. Comments on making a GOOD thanksgiving from St. Teresa, St. Pierre Julian Eymard and St. Alphonsus Ligouri.

 (2012-09-02) Thy Kingdom Come: Seeking First The Kingdom of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:57

Sermon titled "Thy Kingdom Come: Seeking First The Kingdom of God" given on Sunday September 2, 2012. Size: 3 MB; duration: 12:57. Catechism of the Council of Trent instructions on this Gospel. The second petition in the "Our Father" asks that His Kingdom come. This is our petition for all we need to live our natural and supernatural lives. How should we petition? What should be our disposition? The influence of demons. Man falls often and abandons his good resolutions. Diligence in asking and laboring for the Kingdom of God. Why Faith, Hope and Charity are important to achieve the answer.

 (2012-08-26) Evolution Continues to Devolve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:48

Sermon titled "Evolution Continues to Devolve" given on Sunday August 26, 2012. Size: 5 MB; duration: 21:48. On Atheistic Evolution: Creation without God. Commentary by Pope Leo XIII; Nobilissima Gallorum Gens. HHS Mandate for school children in Oregon. Pray the Family Rosary. Richard Dawkins' "New Atheists". Thomistic philosophic foundations to explain the atheistic evolution errors. What is truth? Truth is when Judgement equals Reality. How to show there is an objective standard. Self-evident propositions are First Principles: Identity A = A; Non-contradiction A ≠ B; Excluded Middle. These are evidence no one can really deny. Lawrence Krauss, "A Universe from Nothing" -- 'Nothing' is something; 'Nothing' has a nature; 'Nothing' has properties and almost everything else. This is contrary to self-evident propositions.

 (2012-08-26) God Works Through His Priests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:26

Sermon titled "God Works Through His Priests" given on Sunday August 26, 2012. Size: 5.1 MB; duration: 22:26.

 (2012-08-21) Authentic Christian Masculinity: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:51

Sermon titled "Authentic Christian Masculinity: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux" given on Tuesday August 21, 2012. Size: 2.7 MB; duration: 11:51.

 (2012-08-19) Go and Do Likewise: Being a Good Samaritan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:09

Sermon titled "Go and Do Likewise: Being a Good Samaritan" given on Sunday August 19, 2012. Size: 4.4 MB; duration: 19:09. Fr. Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen, Divine Intimacy #273: We are the wounded man who has fallen by the robbers: the world the flesh and the devil. We get farther away from God as we sin. We are not guiltless in our temptations. Who in our lives is in need of healing, patience, or kindness? Will we hold a grudge or show mercy? Those who wound themselves are most in need of help. What does the one in front of us need? Be selfless and charitable so you can show it. We must spend time with Christ in order to imitate Him. Conversation with Christ. How to implement the Corporal Works of Mercy.

 (2012-08-19) Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: Father Peter Whelan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:51

Sermon titled "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: Father Peter Whelan" given on Sunday August 19, 2012. Size: 2.5 MB; duration: 10:51. Why does God allow evil? So that good might come from it. The example cited in today's sermon is the extraordinary and heroic Charity displayed by Father Peter Whelan at the Andersonville prison camp during the American Civil War.

 (2012-08-18) Why Homeschool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

Sermon titled "Why Homeschool" given on Saturday August 18, 2012. Size: 2.7 MB; duration: 11:54. Every task is an opportunity to grow in holiness. The only evil in the world is when our will is not in union with God's. Is God able to give an imperfect gift? God loves us and would never do anything to harm us. Peace in the home is not always possible, but peace in the heart is. Homeschooling is so valuable because your children see love and self-sacrifice in action.

 (2012-08-15) The Assumption and Merit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:52

Sermon titled "The Assumption and Merit" given on Wednesday August 15, 2012. Size: 4.3 MB; duration: 18:52. Carmelite traditions. The singular and extraodinary graces merited by Our Lady. Sacrifice is the source of merit. What sacrifices and suffering did Our Lady endure to merit the graces God gave her? How we can enter into these sufferings and gain these merits. Discussion of whether or not the Blessed Mother suffered physical death (non-dogmatic).

 (2012-08-12) Christ Works Through His Sacraments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:47

Sermon titled "Christ Works Through His Sacraments" given on Sunday August 12, 2012. Size: 4.1 MB; duration: 17:47. Review of the elements of sacraments and what they effect. What is matter; what is form; what is intended by the Church? Today's Gospel gives us a type of Our Lord and His work through the sacraments. The healing of man and our reunion with God is the principle work of Christ. The words form the action and make the sacrament "happen."


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