Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity

Summary: Proven Business Success Principles and Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Enjoying Better Work Life Balance. You will discover proven and practical ideas you can immediately apply in all areas of your business and personal life so you can achieve your goals in the time frames you desire. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives, No Excuses, and The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Listen to the Podcasts and you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com/landing today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit www.AccountabilityCoach.com and receive 10% off all high-value products and services along with many complimentary resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. You have access to tools like the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, a Wheel of Life exercise for helping you find balance in everyday life, assessments, articles, and so much more. Subscribe to the high-content Blog and receive valuable information. https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/

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  • Artist: Anne Bachrach
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 The Strategic Thinking Model™ – Free Download Page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:10

The time to implement a strategy is now! The Leaders role in strategy making: We all have a voice in strategy-making, as well as greater latitude to respond opportunistically to developing conditions. In the past, strategic thinking was generally reserved to closed-door meetings with upper management. This method employs feedback with lower-level management, who has direct contact with employees and clients. Strategy making: Sees strategy and change as inescapably linked and assumes that finding new strategic options and implementing them successfully is harder and more important than evaluating them. This rule puts ideas into action and places the importance of the application rather than extensive and time-consuming evaluation before action. Change is happening all the time, so the time to implement the strategy is now – not later – so you can capitalize on the benefits. Applying Strategic Thinking practices to your business will accelerate your success by allowing a crystal clear focus to drive daily tasks - for you and your team. To download a complimentary copy of a strategic thinking model, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/strategic-thinking-model/. This document can easily be modified to be of value to you and everyone on your team. If you do get value from these Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short review. It is very much appreciated. To obtain high-content business success webinars, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/ and hover over the Free Articles tab at the top of the page and you can see FREE WEBINARS. Review the options and pick the ones that will best help you be even more successful and download and implement those concepts. Remember to Join the Silver Inner Circle if you haven’t done so yet. IT’S FREE! You will receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) or Subscribe to my blog on Kindle and receive business success tips https://www.amazon.com/The-Accountability-Coach/dp/B003JBHR4Y/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1315931264&sr=1-1 - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach Business professionals and entrepreneurs who utilize Anne Bachrach’s proven business-success systems make more money, work less, and enjoy better work life balance. Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Get your audio copy today.

 The Strategic Thinking Model™ – Free Download Page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:10

The time to implement a strategy is now! The Leaders role in strategy making: We all have a voice in strategy-making, as well as greater latitude to respond opportunistically to developing conditions. In the past, strategic thinking was generally reserved to closed-door meetings with upper management. This method employs feedback with lower-level management, who has direct contact with employees and clients. Strategy making: Sees strategy and change as inescapably linked and assumes that finding new strategic options and implementing them successfully is harder and more important than evaluating them. This rule puts ideas into action and places the importance of the application rather than extensive and time-consuming evaluation before action. Change is happening all the time, so the time to implement the strategy is now – not later – so you can capitalize on the benefits. Applying Strategic Thinking practices to your business will accelerate your success by allowing a crystal clear focus to drive daily tasks - for you and your team. To download a complimentary copy of a strategic thinking model, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/strategic-thinking-model/. This document can easily be modified to be of value to you and everyone on your team. If you do get value from these Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short review. It is very much appreciated. To obtain high-content business success webinars, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/ and hover over the Free Articles tab at the top of the page and you can see FREE WEBINARS. Review the options and pick the ones that will best help you be even more successful and download and implement those concepts. Remember to Join the Silver Inner Circle if you haven’t done so yet. IT’S FREE! You will receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) or Subscribe to my blog on Kindle and receive business success tips https://www.amazon.com/The-Accountability-Coach/dp/B003JBHR4Y/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1315931264&sr=1-1 - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach Business professionals and entrepreneurs who utilize Anne Bachrach’s proven business-success systems make more money, work less, and enjoy better work life balance. Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Get your audio copy today.

 The Strategic Thinking Model™ – Free Download Page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:10

The time to implement a strategy is now! The Leaders role in strategy making: We all have a voice in strategy-making, as well as greater latitude to respond opportunistically to developing conditions. In the past, strategic thinking was generally reserved to closed-door meetings with upper management. This method employs feedback with lower-level management, who has direct contact with employees and clients. Strategy making: Sees strategy and change as inescapably linked and assumes that finding new strategic options and implementing them successfully is harder and more important than evaluating them. This rule puts ideas into action and places the importance of the application rather than extensive and time-consuming evaluation before action. Change is happening all the time, so the time to implement the strategy is now – not later – so you can capitalize on the benefits. Applying Strategic Thinking practices to your business will accelerate your success by allowing a crystal clear focus to drive daily tasks - for you and your team. To download a complimentary copy of a strategic thinking model, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/strategic-thinking-model/. This document can easily be modified to be of value to you and everyone on your team. If you do get value from these Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short review. It is very much appreciated. To obtain high-content business success webinars, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/ and hover over the Free Articles tab at the top of the page and you can see FREE WEBINARS. Review the options and pick the ones that will best help you be even more successful and download and implement those concepts. Remember to Join the Silver Inner Circle if you haven’t done so yet. IT’S FREE! You will receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) or Subscribe to my blog on Kindle and receive business success tips https://www.amazon.com/The-Accountability-Coach/dp/B003JBHR4Y/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1315931264&sr=1-1 - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach Business professionals and entrepreneurs who utilize Anne Bachrach’s proven business-success systems make more money, work less, and enjoy better work life balance. Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Get your audio copy today.

 8 Tips to Help Manage People Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:31

The success of a business depends hugely on the employees. If they aren’t committed to the goals and don’t put in their best efforts, achieving success can be extremely difficult and maybe impossible. Even if you have achieved considerable success till now, sustaining it in the future and taking your business to the next level is a whole different ballgame. You need to be able to manage the people working for you in the best way possible to make sure they are working towards your business’ success. You need to make sure each and every employee is motivated and working towards the end goal. This requires you to share your vision for the company with them. It is easier said than done though. There are many things you need to do to improve your management skills and manage your employees in a better way. Let’s explore 8 tips that can help you manage people better. 1. Define Values Every business, regardless of scale, needs to have a set of clearly defined values. The values for your business are basically a code your employees follow when performing their day-to-day functions. Not outlining the values of your business causes confusion. The employees are not clear about what to do when faced with any given situation. Defining values also makes your expectations of the employees known to them. That way, they can perform to the standards you expect of them. For instance, the punishment for failure to complete work or violating a business policy should be made clear so that the employees don’t step out of line. 2. Build Teams Some entrepreneurs use the strategy of pitting employees against each other and creating a competitive atmosphere. The idea behind it is clear that employees get motivated to work hard and outperform their peers. However, for a company, it is better that the people learn to work together than on their own. You can think of your business as a well-oiled machine. All the cogs need to be working perfectly and more importantly, working in tandem to make the machine work. 3. Foster Accountability Accountability is a crucial ingredient in a work environment. You need to foster accountability and hold your employees responsible for their work. This results in them taking on more responsibility and makes your job of managing them easier. As you know, added responsibility can be a source of motivation for the employees. They begin feeling that you are relying on them to play a major role in the success of your business. To create the right environment for accountability, you need to outline your expectations clearly. Then, if the employee doesn’t fulfill your expectations, you can reprimand them. All good business owners do allow a grace period for the employee to rectify the situation but don’t make it too extensive or it can cause other employees to not take you seriously. Take the necessary action at the appropriate time. However, don’t try to make an example of the employee just for the sake of intimidating others. 4. Rewards & Punishments The best tools you have in your arsenal for managing people are rewards and punishments. The fear of punishment and the aspiration of a reward are the foremost sources of motivation for most people. You need to use them according to the situation. Make sure there is a balance between rewards and punishments. None of your employees should feel unfairly treated. Using rewards and punishments perfectly can help in managing people better. Punishments are often linked to low productivity and employee morale but can eventually get the work done. Rewards and punishments both can be categorized under tangible and intangible. For instance, simply pestering an employee until they complete their work is an example of intangible punishment. On the other hand, if you issue a written notice or cut the salary of the employee, it becomes a tangible punishment. Same goes as far as rewards are concerned. A pat on the back or a word of encouragement is an intang

 8 Tips to Help Manage People Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:31

The success of a business depends hugely on the employees. If they aren’t committed to the goals and don’t put in their best efforts, achieving success can be extremely difficult and maybe impossible. Even if you have achieved considerable success till now, sustaining it in the future and taking your business to the next level is a whole different ballgame. You need to be able to manage the people working for you in the best way possible to make sure they are working towards your business’ success. You need to make sure each and every employee is motivated and working towards the end goal. This requires you to share your vision for the company with them. It is easier said than done though. There are many things you need to do to improve your management skills and manage your employees in a better way. Let’s explore 8 tips that can help you manage people better. 1. Define Values Every business, regardless of scale, needs to have a set of clearly defined values. The values for your business are basically a code your employees follow when performing their day-to-day functions. Not outlining the values of your business causes confusion. The employees are not clear about what to do when faced with any given situation. Defining values also makes your expectations of the employees known to them. That way, they can perform to the standards you expect of them. For instance, the punishment for failure to complete work or violating a business policy should be made clear so that the employees don’t step out of line. 2. Build Teams Some entrepreneurs use the strategy of pitting employees against each other and creating a competitive atmosphere. The idea behind it is clear that employees get motivated to work hard and outperform their peers. However, for a company, it is better that the people learn to work together than on their own. You can think of your business as a well-oiled machine. All the cogs need to be working perfectly and more importantly, working in tandem to make the machine work. 3. Foster Accountability Accountability is a crucial ingredient in a work environment. You need to foster accountability and hold your employees responsible for their work. This results in them taking on more responsibility and makes your job of managing them easier. As you know, added responsibility can be a source of motivation for the employees. They begin feeling that you are relying on them to play a major role in the success of your business. To create the right environment for accountability, you need to outline your expectations clearly. Then, if the employee doesn’t fulfill your expectations, you can reprimand them. All good business owners do allow a grace period for the employee to rectify the situation but don’t make it too extensive or it can cause other employees to not take you seriously. Take the necessary action at the appropriate time. However, don’t try to make an example of the employee just for the sake of intimidating others. 4. Rewards & Punishments The best tools you have in your arsenal for managing people are rewards and punishments. The fear of punishment and the aspiration of a reward are the foremost sources of motivation for most people. You need to use them according to the situation. Make sure there is a balance between rewards and punishments. None of your employees should feel unfairly treated. Using rewards and punishments perfectly can help in managing people better. Punishments are often linked to low productivity and employee morale but can eventually get the work done. Rewards and punishments both can be categorized under tangible and intangible. For instance, simply pestering an employee until they complete their work is an example of intangible punishment. On the other hand, if you issue a written notice or cut the salary of the employee, it becomes a tangible punishment. Same goes as far as rewards are concerned. A pat on the back or a word of encouragement is an intang

 8 Tips to Help Manage People Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:31

The success of a business depends hugely on the employees. If they aren’t committed to the goals and don’t put in their best efforts, achieving success can be extremely difficult and maybe impossible. Even if you have achieved considerable success till now, sustaining it in the future and taking your business to the next level is a whole different ballgame. You need to be able to manage the people working for you in the best way possible to make sure they are working towards your business’ success. You need to make sure each and every employee is motivated and working towards the end goal. This requires you to share your vision for the company with them. It is easier said than done though. There are many things you need to do to improve your management skills and manage your employees in a better way. Let’s explore 8 tips that can help you manage people better. 1. Define Values Every business, regardless of scale, needs to have a set of clearly defined values. The values for your business are basically a code your employees follow when performing their day-to-day functions. Not outlining the values of your business causes confusion. The employees are not clear about what to do when faced with any given situation. Defining values also makes your expectations of the employees known to them. That way, they can perform to the standards you expect of them. For instance, the punishment for failure to complete work or violating a business policy should be made clear so that the employees don’t step out of line. 2. Build Teams Some entrepreneurs use the strategy of pitting employees against each other and creating a competitive atmosphere. The idea behind it is clear that employees get motivated to work hard and outperform their peers. However, for a company, it is better that the people learn to work together than on their own. You can think of your business as a well-oiled machine. All the cogs need to be working perfectly and more importantly, working in tandem to make the machine work. 3. Foster Accountability Accountability is a crucial ingredient in a work environment. You need to foster accountability and hold your employees responsible for their work. This results in them taking on more responsibility and makes your job of managing them easier. As you know, added responsibility can be a source of motivation for the employees. They begin feeling that you are relying on them to play a major role in the success of your business. To create the right environment for accountability, you need to outline your expectations clearly. Then, if the employee doesn’t fulfill your expectations, you can reprimand them. All good business owners do allow a grace period for the employee to rectify the situation but don’t make it too extensive or it can cause other employees to not take you seriously. Take the necessary action at the appropriate time. However, don’t try to make an example of the employee just for the sake of intimidating others. 4. Rewards & Punishments The best tools you have in your arsenal for managing people are rewards and punishments. The fear of punishment and the aspiration of a reward are the foremost sources of motivation for most people. You need to use them according to the situation. Make sure there is a balance between rewards and punishments. None of your employees should feel unfairly treated. Using rewards and punishments perfectly can help in managing people better. Punishments are often linked to low productivity and employee morale but can eventually get the work done. Rewards and punishments both can be categorized under tangible and intangible. For instance, simply pestering an employee until they complete their work is an example of intangible punishment. On the other hand, if you issue a written notice or cut the salary of the employee, it becomes a tangible punishment. Same goes as far as rewards are concerned. A pat on the back or a word of encouragement is an intang

 8 Tips to Help Manage People Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:31

The success of a business depends hugely on the employees. If they aren’t committed to the goals and don’t put in their best efforts, achieving success can be extremely difficult and maybe impossible. Even if you have achieved considerable success till now, sustaining it in the future and taking your business to the next level is a whole different ballgame. You need to be able to manage the people working for you in the best way possible to make sure they are working towards your business’ success. You need to make sure each and every employee is motivated and working towards the end goal. This requires you to share your vision for the company with them. It is easier said than done though. There are many things you need to do to improve your management skills and manage your employees in a better way. Let’s explore 8 tips that can help you manage people better. 1. Define Values Every business, regardless of scale, needs to have a set of clearly defined values. The values for your business are basically a code your employees follow when performing their day-to-day functions. Not outlining the values of your business causes confusion. The employees are not clear about what to do when faced with any given situation. Defining values also makes your expectations of the employees known to them. That way, they can perform to the standards you expect of them. For instance, the punishment for failure to complete work or violating a business policy should be made clear so that the employees don’t step out of line. 2. Build Teams Some entrepreneurs use the strategy of pitting employees against each other and creating a competitive atmosphere. The idea behind it is clear that employees get motivated to work hard and outperform their peers. However, for a company, it is better that the people learn to work together than on their own. You can think of your business as a well-oiled machine. All the cogs need to be working perfectly and more importantly, working in tandem to make the machine work. 3. Foster Accountability Accountability is a crucial ingredient in a work environment. You need to foster accountability and hold your employees responsible for their work. This results in them taking on more responsibility and makes your job of managing them easier. As you know, added responsibility can be a source of motivation for the employees. They begin feeling that you are relying on them to play a major role in the success of your business. To create the right environment for accountability, you need to outline your expectations clearly. Then, if the employee doesn’t fulfill your expectations, you can reprimand them. All good business owners do allow a grace period for the employee to rectify the situation but don’t make it too extensive or it can cause other employees to not take you seriously. Take the necessary action at the appropriate time. However, don’t try to make an example of the employee just for the sake of intimidating others. 4. Rewards & Punishments The best tools you have in your arsenal for managing people are rewards and punishments. The fear of punishment and the aspiration of a reward are the foremost sources of motivation for most people. You need to use them according to the situation. Make sure there is a balance between rewards and punishments. None of your employees should feel unfairly treated. Using rewards and punishments perfectly can help in managing people better. Punishments are often linked to low productivity and employee morale but can eventually get the work done. Rewards and punishments both can be categorized under tangible and intangible. For instance, simply pestering an employee until they complete their work is an example of intangible punishment. On the other hand, if you issue a written notice or cut the salary of the employee, it becomes a tangible punishment. Same goes as far as rewards are concerned. A pat on the back or a word of encouragement is an intang

 9 Online Marketing Tips Internet Newbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Getting your offline business online can be overwhelming and confusing. You find yourself asking questions such as: Do I really need to be on Facebook? What’s the craze over Twitter and how does it help my business? Do I really need a blog and how do I find the time to write blog posts when I’m trying to run my business? These questions, along with many more, are common and important questions to ask when taking your offline business online. This episode is meant to help answer some of your questions and provide guidance for navigating the world of online marketing. Tip 1: The Internet is a Community Realize that the internet is a community and this concept will help you grasp the most important piece of mastering online marketing. You are not here to sell. You are a part of a worldwide community who has valuable solutions to offer your ideal client and prospect community. Tip 2: Keep it Real Internet users can smell “fake” a mile away. Sleazy sales tactics don’t work and no, people don’t care what you had for lunch. What people do want is valuable information and resources! Post free tips - provide links to additional resources like key tips and articles on your blog, podcasts, and videos - announce special promotions. Keep it real, keep it high-value. Tip 3: Social Networking No-No’s If you’re new to social networking, it’s very easy to make a mistake and lose the trust of your tribe forever. In the beginning, do more listening than talking. Think of yourself as the new kid on the block.... learn the ropes, observe, and take notes. Connect with people from various industries and pay close attention to those people who have huge followings (they’re probably doing something right). Model their successes, and steer clear of the social networking no-no’s. Tip 4: Your Website Isn’t Just a Website Just a few short years ago, websites were horrible to look at: flashing banners, hot pink backgrounds, hard-to-read text, and bad headshots. Today, your website isn’t just a website - it’s a presence. It’s your brand. It’s your business. It’s YOU. It must be engaging, informative and offer massive value without cheesy sales tactics. Tip 5: Consistency is Key Because the internet is a community, you must be willing to consistently participate. Tweeting once per month isn’t going to get you noticed. Online marketing should be part of your everyday marketing plan. A few minutes per day (at least 4 days per week) is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to connect with over 1 billion people - some of whom I’m sure are your ideal prospects. Your assistant can help by taking existing information and consistently put it out there for you. Tip 6: Expand Your Market While you may not be interested in becoming the next Mari Smith, there are plenty of people, worldwide, who recognize the power of the internet to expand their market and grow their business. Why would you not access a resource that provides you with free or low-cost ways to reach more of your ideal prospects? Leverage the resources available to you! Tip 7: Get the Inside Scoop on What People Really Want The internet provides a perfect way for you to find out exactly what your market wants. It’s as simple as joining LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter - and then listening to what people are saying. What frustrates them? What products or programs are they raving about? Who are they following - and interacting with? You’ll find that people are generally brutally honest about their experiences - and that helps you help them. Tip 8: Find an Untapped Resource of Allies, Partners, and Clients You’ll quickly find that there is an endless supply of people who are willing to spread the word about high-quality products and services to their friends and family. If you have a great product or service, you’ll probably find people who are willing to sing your praises. You’ll also likely find unexpected joint-venture partners, affiliates and clients! Tip 9:

 9 Online Marketing Tips Internet Newbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Getting your offline business online can be overwhelming and confusing. You find yourself asking questions such as: Do I really need to be on Facebook? What’s the craze over Twitter and how does it help my business? Do I really need a blog and how do I find the time to write blog posts when I’m trying to run my business? These questions, along with many more, are common and important questions to ask when taking your offline business online. This episode is meant to help answer some of your questions and provide guidance for navigating the world of online marketing. Tip 1: The Internet is a Community Realize that the internet is a community and this concept will help you grasp the most important piece of mastering online marketing. You are not here to sell. You are a part of a worldwide community who has valuable solutions to offer your ideal client and prospect community. Tip 2: Keep it Real Internet users can smell “fake” a mile away. Sleazy sales tactics don’t work and no, people don’t care what you had for lunch. What people do want is valuable information and resources! Post free tips - provide links to additional resources like key tips and articles on your blog, podcasts, and videos - announce special promotions. Keep it real, keep it high-value. Tip 3: Social Networking No-No’s If you’re new to social networking, it’s very easy to make a mistake and lose the trust of your tribe forever. In the beginning, do more listening than talking. Think of yourself as the new kid on the block.... learn the ropes, observe, and take notes. Connect with people from various industries and pay close attention to those people who have huge followings (they’re probably doing something right). Model their successes, and steer clear of the social networking no-no’s. Tip 4: Your Website Isn’t Just a Website Just a few short years ago, websites were horrible to look at: flashing banners, hot pink backgrounds, hard-to-read text, and bad headshots. Today, your website isn’t just a website - it’s a presence. It’s your brand. It’s your business. It’s YOU. It must be engaging, informative and offer massive value without cheesy sales tactics. Tip 5: Consistency is Key Because the internet is a community, you must be willing to consistently participate. Tweeting once per month isn’t going to get you noticed. Online marketing should be part of your everyday marketing plan. A few minutes per day (at least 4 days per week) is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to connect with over 1 billion people - some of whom I’m sure are your ideal prospects. Your assistant can help by taking existing information and consistently put it out there for you. Tip 6: Expand Your Market While you may not be interested in becoming the next Mari Smith, there are plenty of people, worldwide, who recognize the power of the internet to expand their market and grow their business. Why would you not access a resource that provides you with free or low-cost ways to reach more of your ideal prospects? Leverage the resources available to you! Tip 7: Get the Inside Scoop on What People Really Want The internet provides a perfect way for you to find out exactly what your market wants. It’s as simple as joining LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter - and then listening to what people are saying. What frustrates them? What products or programs are they raving about? Who are they following - and interacting with? You’ll find that people are generally brutally honest about their experiences - and that helps you help them. Tip 8: Find an Untapped Resource of Allies, Partners, and Clients You’ll quickly find that there is an endless supply of people who are willing to spread the word about high-quality products and services to their friends and family. If you have a great product or service, you’ll probably find people who are willing to sing your praises. You’ll also likely find unexpected joint-venture partners, affiliates and clients! Tip 9:

 9 Online Marketing Tips Internet Newbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Getting your offline business online can be overwhelming and confusing. You find yourself asking questions such as: Do I really need to be on Facebook? What’s the craze over Twitter and how does it help my business? Do I really need a blog and how do I find the time to write blog posts when I’m trying to run my business? These questions, along with many more, are common and important questions to ask when taking your offline business online. This episode is meant to help answer some of your questions and provide guidance for navigating the world of online marketing. Tip 1: The Internet is a Community Realize that the internet is a community and this concept will help you grasp the most important piece of mastering online marketing. You are not here to sell. You are a part of a worldwide community who has valuable solutions to offer your ideal client and prospect community. Tip 2: Keep it Real Internet users can smell “fake” a mile away. Sleazy sales tactics don’t work and no, people don’t care what you had for lunch. What people do want is valuable information and resources! Post free tips - provide links to additional resources like key tips and articles on your blog, podcasts, and videos - announce special promotions. Keep it real, keep it high-value. Tip 3: Social Networking No-No’s If you’re new to social networking, it’s very easy to make a mistake and lose the trust of your tribe forever. In the beginning, do more listening than talking. Think of yourself as the new kid on the block.... learn the ropes, observe, and take notes. Connect with people from various industries and pay close attention to those people who have huge followings (they’re probably doing something right). Model their successes, and steer clear of the social networking no-no’s. Tip 4: Your Website Isn’t Just a Website Just a few short years ago, websites were horrible to look at: flashing banners, hot pink backgrounds, hard-to-read text, and bad headshots. Today, your website isn’t just a website - it’s a presence. It’s your brand. It’s your business. It’s YOU. It must be engaging, informative and offer massive value without cheesy sales tactics. Tip 5: Consistency is Key Because the internet is a community, you must be willing to consistently participate. Tweeting once per month isn’t going to get you noticed. Online marketing should be part of your everyday marketing plan. A few minutes per day (at least 4 days per week) is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to connect with over 1 billion people - some of whom I’m sure are your ideal prospects. Your assistant can help by taking existing information and consistently put it out there for you. Tip 6: Expand Your Market While you may not be interested in becoming the next Mari Smith, there are plenty of people, worldwide, who recognize the power of the internet to expand their market and grow their business. Why would you not access a resource that provides you with free or low-cost ways to reach more of your ideal prospects? Leverage the resources available to you! Tip 7: Get the Inside Scoop on What People Really Want The internet provides a perfect way for you to find out exactly what your market wants. It’s as simple as joining LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter - and then listening to what people are saying. What frustrates them? What products or programs are they raving about? Who are they following - and interacting with? You’ll find that people are generally brutally honest about their experiences - and that helps you help them. Tip 8: Find an Untapped Resource of Allies, Partners, and Clients You’ll quickly find that there is an endless supply of people who are willing to spread the word about high-quality products and services to their friends and family. If you have a great product or service, you’ll probably find people who are willing to sing your praises. You’ll also likely find unexpected joint-venture partners, affiliates and clients! Tip 9:

 9 Online Marketing Tips Internet Newbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Getting your offline business online can be overwhelming and confusing. You find yourself asking questions such as: Do I really need to be on Facebook? What’s the craze over Twitter and how does it help my business? Do I really need a blog and how do I find the time to write blog posts when I’m trying to run my business? These questions, along with many more, are common and important questions to ask when taking your offline business online. This episode is meant to help answer some of your questions and provide guidance for navigating the world of online marketing. Tip 1: The Internet is a Community Realize that the internet is a community and this concept will help you grasp the most important piece of mastering online marketing. You are not here to sell. You are a part of a worldwide community who has valuable solutions to offer your ideal client and prospect community. Tip 2: Keep it Real Internet users can smell “fake” a mile away. Sleazy sales tactics don’t work and no, people don’t care what you had for lunch. What people do want is valuable information and resources! Post free tips - provide links to additional resources like key tips and articles on your blog, podcasts, and videos - announce special promotions. Keep it real, keep it high-value. Tip 3: Social Networking No-No’s If you’re new to social networking, it’s very easy to make a mistake and lose the trust of your tribe forever. In the beginning, do more listening than talking. Think of yourself as the new kid on the block.... learn the ropes, observe, and take notes. Connect with people from various industries and pay close attention to those people who have huge followings (they’re probably doing something right). Model their successes, and steer clear of the social networking no-no’s. Tip 4: Your Website Isn’t Just a Website Just a few short years ago, websites were horrible to look at: flashing banners, hot pink backgrounds, hard-to-read text, and bad headshots. Today, your website isn’t just a website - it’s a presence. It’s your brand. It’s your business. It’s YOU. It must be engaging, informative and offer massive value without cheesy sales tactics. Tip 5: Consistency is Key Because the internet is a community, you must be willing to consistently participate. Tweeting once per month isn’t going to get you noticed. Online marketing should be part of your everyday marketing plan. A few minutes per day (at least 4 days per week) is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to connect with over 1 billion people - some of whom I’m sure are your ideal prospects. Your assistant can help by taking existing information and consistently put it out there for you. Tip 6: Expand Your Market While you may not be interested in becoming the next Mari Smith, there are plenty of people, worldwide, who recognize the power of the internet to expand their market and grow their business. Why would you not access a resource that provides you with free or low-cost ways to reach more of your ideal prospects? Leverage the resources available to you! Tip 7: Get the Inside Scoop on What People Really Want The internet provides a perfect way for you to find out exactly what your market wants. It’s as simple as joining LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter - and then listening to what people are saying. What frustrates them? What products or programs are they raving about? Who are they following - and interacting with? You’ll find that people are generally brutally honest about their experiences - and that helps you help them. Tip 8: Find an Untapped Resource of Allies, Partners, and Clients You’ll quickly find that there is an endless supply of people who are willing to spread the word about high-quality products and services to their friends and family. If you have a great product or service, you’ll probably find people who are willing to sing your praises. You’ll also likely find unexpected joint-venture partners, affiliates and clients! Tip 9:

 Setting Client Boundaries:4 Tips to Handle Demanding Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:49

The important thing to remember when handling demanding clients is to take sole responsibility for establishing and managing their expectations. Manage them effectively - and everyone will remain on the same page and walk away satisfied. Fail to manage them effectively - and you’ll end up with some level of conflict (however minor or severe). Clients will follow your lead; they will be however demanding or easy-going as your client boundaries dictates, and it’s best to establish those boundaries before the contract is signed. 1. Establish Rules from the Get-Go Establishing rules from the get-go is ideal and will help ensure a positive client relationship. Ideally, all projects should be secured with a firm contract (that protects and supports you and your client) before any money is exchanged or any work commences. This not only ensures everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of a new relationship, it helps reduce the chances of possible conflict at any time during the project. If you’ve been doing business without any client boundaries in place, it’s best if you do not take on any additional clients until you establish a basic contract or service agreement. If you’ve never used contracts, approach it from this angle: • What are you clear on delivering and not delivering? • What problems or issues have you run into in the past? • How could you design your contract or service agreement to avoid those problems and issues in the future? • What are the expectations they can expect from you and you from them? You may also want to consider what you would like to do and how you would like to direct the outcome of future projects before you design the program. For example, if you design a program that makes you miserable, it’s going to be near impossible to create a positive experience for your clients. On the other hand, if you could design the program - and direct the outcome should problems arise - how would you like to do that and how would it best be done? (Be clear on what you’re willing and not willing to do.) If you’re just starting out in business or you’re new to a specific industry, it can be difficult to establish rules when you’re not always sure what exactly will be required. That’s okay. In the beginning, you’ll have to feel your way through, client by client, until you gain complete clarity. The best advice would be: don’t do anything in the beginning that you are not willing to continue throughout your client relationship and/or for future clients - although sometimes that may be hard to know in the beginning. The internet has many resources that can be found to help you in many situations. Communication is very important to any successful relationship. Tell the truth, succinctly and directly, and in a way that is all about them. As an example, if you’re not willing to work late hours or weekends, set your availability strictly to normal business hours, Monday through Friday (or Tuesday through Thursday). If you prefer clients do not have access to your cell phone, set up a business line with a virtual receptionist or automated voice mail that you check 2 to 3 times per day. 2. What to Do When You Change the Rules Mid-Game If you need to change the rules mid-game, be flexible. Remember that expectations were set in motion from the onset and changing them could lead to conflict. If you must change the rules mid-game, get clear on: 1) What the client wants and expects 2) Specifics of the agreement that must be adjusted 3) Specifics of the agreement where you are flexible 4) Specific ways you will meet/exceed client expectations, even with contract adjustments. Clarify these terms as clearly as possible before you arrange a phone conversation with the client. If you are unclear about any terms, clarify them before discussing “changing the rules.” Remember, the biggest trigger to conflict is not properly managing and meeting client expectations. If you know what

 Setting Client Boundaries:4 Tips to Handle Demanding Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:49

The important thing to remember when handling demanding clients is to take sole responsibility for establishing and managing their expectations. Manage them effectively - and everyone will remain on the same page and walk away satisfied. Fail to manage them effectively - and you’ll end up with some level of conflict (however minor or severe). Clients will follow your lead; they will be however demanding or easy-going as your client boundaries dictates, and it’s best to establish those boundaries before the contract is signed. 1. Establish Rules from the Get-Go Establishing rules from the get-go is ideal and will help ensure a positive client relationship. Ideally, all projects should be secured with a firm contract (that protects and supports you and your client) before any money is exchanged or any work commences. This not only ensures everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of a new relationship, it helps reduce the chances of possible conflict at any time during the project. If you’ve been doing business without any client boundaries in place, it’s best if you do not take on any additional clients until you establish a basic contract or service agreement. If you’ve never used contracts, approach it from this angle: • What are you clear on delivering and not delivering? • What problems or issues have you run into in the past? • How could you design your contract or service agreement to avoid those problems and issues in the future? • What are the expectations they can expect from you and you from them? You may also want to consider what you would like to do and how you would like to direct the outcome of future projects before you design the program. For example, if you design a program that makes you miserable, it’s going to be near impossible to create a positive experience for your clients. On the other hand, if you could design the program - and direct the outcome should problems arise - how would you like to do that and how would it best be done? (Be clear on what you’re willing and not willing to do.) If you’re just starting out in business or you’re new to a specific industry, it can be difficult to establish rules when you’re not always sure what exactly will be required. That’s okay. In the beginning, you’ll have to feel your way through, client by client, until you gain complete clarity. The best advice would be: don’t do anything in the beginning that you are not willing to continue throughout your client relationship and/or for future clients - although sometimes that may be hard to know in the beginning. The internet has many resources that can be found to help you in many situations. Communication is very important to any successful relationship. Tell the truth, succinctly and directly, and in a way that is all about them. As an example, if you’re not willing to work late hours or weekends, set your availability strictly to normal business hours, Monday through Friday (or Tuesday through Thursday). If you prefer clients do not have access to your cell phone, set up a business line with a virtual receptionist or automated voice mail that you check 2 to 3 times per day. 2. What to Do When You Change the Rules Mid-Game If you need to change the rules mid-game, be flexible. Remember that expectations were set in motion from the onset and changing them could lead to conflict. If you must change the rules mid-game, get clear on: 1) What the client wants and expects 2) Specifics of the agreement that must be adjusted 3) Specifics of the agreement where you are flexible 4) Specific ways you will meet/exceed client expectations, even with contract adjustments. Clarify these terms as clearly as possible before you arrange a phone conversation with the client. If you are unclear about any terms, clarify them before discussing “changing the rules.” Remember, the biggest trigger to conflict is not properly managing and meeting client expectations. If you know what

 Setting Client Boundaries:4 Tips to Handle Demanding Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:49

The important thing to remember when handling demanding clients is to take sole responsibility for establishing and managing their expectations. Manage them effectively - and everyone will remain on the same page and walk away satisfied. Fail to manage them effectively - and you’ll end up with some level of conflict (however minor or severe). Clients will follow your lead; they will be however demanding or easy-going as your client boundaries dictates, and it’s best to establish those boundaries before the contract is signed. 1. Establish Rules from the Get-Go Establishing rules from the get-go is ideal and will help ensure a positive client relationship. Ideally, all projects should be secured with a firm contract (that protects and supports you and your client) before any money is exchanged or any work commences. This not only ensures everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of a new relationship, it helps reduce the chances of possible conflict at any time during the project. If you’ve been doing business without any client boundaries in place, it’s best if you do not take on any additional clients until you establish a basic contract or service agreement. If you’ve never used contracts, approach it from this angle: • What are you clear on delivering and not delivering? • What problems or issues have you run into in the past? • How could you design your contract or service agreement to avoid those problems and issues in the future? • What are the expectations they can expect from you and you from them? You may also want to consider what you would like to do and how you would like to direct the outcome of future projects before you design the program. For example, if you design a program that makes you miserable, it’s going to be near impossible to create a positive experience for your clients. On the other hand, if you could design the program - and direct the outcome should problems arise - how would you like to do that and how would it best be done? (Be clear on what you’re willing and not willing to do.) If you’re just starting out in business or you’re new to a specific industry, it can be difficult to establish rules when you’re not always sure what exactly will be required. That’s okay. In the beginning, you’ll have to feel your way through, client by client, until you gain complete clarity. The best advice would be: don’t do anything in the beginning that you are not willing to continue throughout your client relationship and/or for future clients - although sometimes that may be hard to know in the beginning. The internet has many resources that can be found to help you in many situations. Communication is very important to any successful relationship. Tell the truth, succinctly and directly, and in a way that is all about them. As an example, if you’re not willing to work late hours or weekends, set your availability strictly to normal business hours, Monday through Friday (or Tuesday through Thursday). If you prefer clients do not have access to your cell phone, set up a business line with a virtual receptionist or automated voice mail that you check 2 to 3 times per day. 2. What to Do When You Change the Rules Mid-Game If you need to change the rules mid-game, be flexible. Remember that expectations were set in motion from the onset and changing them could lead to conflict. If you must change the rules mid-game, get clear on: 1) What the client wants and expects 2) Specifics of the agreement that must be adjusted 3) Specifics of the agreement where you are flexible 4) Specific ways you will meet/exceed client expectations, even with contract adjustments. Clarify these terms as clearly as possible before you arrange a phone conversation with the client. If you are unclear about any terms, clarify them before discussing “changing the rules.” Remember, the biggest trigger to conflict is not properly managing and meeting client expectations. If you know what

 Setting Client Boundaries:4 Tips to Handle Demanding Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:49

The important thing to remember when handling demanding clients is to take sole responsibility for establishing and managing their expectations. Manage them effectively - and everyone will remain on the same page and walk away satisfied. Fail to manage them effectively - and you’ll end up with some level of conflict (however minor or severe). Clients will follow your lead; they will be however demanding or easy-going as your client boundaries dictates, and it’s best to establish those boundaries before the contract is signed. 1. Establish Rules from the Get-Go Establishing rules from the get-go is ideal and will help ensure a positive client relationship. Ideally, all projects should be secured with a firm contract (that protects and supports you and your client) before any money is exchanged or any work commences. This not only ensures everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of a new relationship, it helps reduce the chances of possible conflict at any time during the project. If you’ve been doing business without any client boundaries in place, it’s best if you do not take on any additional clients until you establish a basic contract or service agreement. If you’ve never used contracts, approach it from this angle: • What are you clear on delivering and not delivering? • What problems or issues have you run into in the past? • How could you design your contract or service agreement to avoid those problems and issues in the future? • What are the expectations they can expect from you and you from them? You may also want to consider what you would like to do and how you would like to direct the outcome of future projects before you design the program. For example, if you design a program that makes you miserable, it’s going to be near impossible to create a positive experience for your clients. On the other hand, if you could design the program - and direct the outcome should problems arise - how would you like to do that and how would it best be done? (Be clear on what you’re willing and not willing to do.) If you’re just starting out in business or you’re new to a specific industry, it can be difficult to establish rules when you’re not always sure what exactly will be required. That’s okay. In the beginning, you’ll have to feel your way through, client by client, until you gain complete clarity. The best advice would be: don’t do anything in the beginning that you are not willing to continue throughout your client relationship and/or for future clients - although sometimes that may be hard to know in the beginning. The internet has many resources that can be found to help you in many situations. Communication is very important to any successful relationship. Tell the truth, succinctly and directly, and in a way that is all about them. As an example, if you’re not willing to work late hours or weekends, set your availability strictly to normal business hours, Monday through Friday (or Tuesday through Thursday). If you prefer clients do not have access to your cell phone, set up a business line with a virtual receptionist or automated voice mail that you check 2 to 3 times per day. 2. What to Do When You Change the Rules Mid-Game If you need to change the rules mid-game, be flexible. Remember that expectations were set in motion from the onset and changing them could lead to conflict. If you must change the rules mid-game, get clear on: 1) What the client wants and expects 2) Specifics of the agreement that must be adjusted 3) Specifics of the agreement where you are flexible 4) Specific ways you will meet/exceed client expectations, even with contract adjustments. Clarify these terms as clearly as possible before you arrange a phone conversation with the client. If you are unclear about any terms, clarify them before discussing “changing the rules.” Remember, the biggest trigger to conflict is not properly managing and meeting client expectations. If you know what


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