The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Frustrated with poor results despite following the advice of other experts? Are you dealing with a health challenge or obstacle and having a hard time getting started? No matter what stage you are at, The Dr. Rob Show, featuring weight loss expert, Dr. Robert Maki, will provide you with up to date, cutting-edge information and support to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. For the last several decades, the information and advice we have received about weight loss is wrong. We have to get away from the typical “diet” mentality all together, especially in the stressful 21st century. Losing weight is more complicated than just reducing calories, but it does not have to be impossible as long as you have the right information and take the proper approach. The goal of The Dr. Rob Show is to provide practical solutions you can incorporate into your life to ensure you reach your goals and get the body and health you deserve.

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 DRS 53 | Carbohydrates, What’s The Big Deal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about carbohydrates. Dr. Rob talks about how he and his wife have put themselves into ketosis in the month of january. He also mentions how they have been able to have small amounts of food and drink with a lot of carbs in them and still stay in ketosis. We also talk about the benefits as well as the negative side of being on a low carb "diet" plan, all the different high carb foods as well as the different kinds of alcohol and why it has such a negative impact on the ability to lose weight. We also talk about the difference between a good carb and a bad carb.         In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Discuss Dr. Rob and his wife going into ketosis Discuss benefits and negative effects of a low carb "diet" plan Discuss all the high carb food and drink   What Do you Think? Have you been on a low carb diet plan before? Was it difficult? What were your results, in the short and long term?   Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 Why Can’t I Lose Weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  In this episode we talk about an podcast from , in which a broad arrangment of topics were discussed, but it all boiled down to the modern diet and why its so hard for us to lose weight. In agreement with the podcast, Dr. Rob references said podcast in discussing our modern day diet and all the money in research that goes into perfecting the craving effects of the ingredients that is put into the food we eat, so we keep coming back for more.       In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Discuss references made from podcast Discuss modern foods and the research that goes into developing those foods. Discuss how modern diet causes weight gain.   What do you think? Do you have difficulty losing weight because of the modern day diet?   Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 51 | FAD Supplements = BAD Supplements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode we discuss the new “fad” supplements that have been getting more publicity in recent times, one of which is a supplement that claims to help menopausal symptoms with a side effect of helping the consumer to lose weight as well. We talk about how all of these so called “fad” supplements also state that you must have a healthy diet and exercise regularly to have the desired effects of taking said supplement. Is it the supplement or the healthy diet and exercise that is allowing you to lose weight? We will answer that question. Because of a listener requesting more information about the 80/20 rule, we go into depth on the 80/20 rule topic. We also give healthy food and exercise tips.  Share this episode with your friends who need help with their weight. This is a great starting point for anyone!  Click the link to sign-up for our weight-loss challenge   In this episode of  the Dr. Rob Show... Discuss FAD weight loss supplements Discuss basic nutrition concepts Discuss healthy eating tips Discuss exercise tips Discuss the 80/20 rule approach to weight loss What do you think? Have you been guilty of using FAD/BAD supplements?  How do you do with the 80/20 rule? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 50 | What is Leptin? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode we discuss a special phone call Dr. Rob received in the last week which guides us into our main topic of the day. Today we talk about the hormone Leptin, which is a hormone that is released from your body fat and communicates with your brain to let it know that you have enough body fat so you can stop eating (i.e. shuts off your appetite). Dr. Rob explains, the more fat someone has, the higher the level of Leptin that is being released. Your brain becomes resistant to the increased level of Leptin and eventually your brain stops receiving the “stop eating” signal all together.  We answer some commonly asked questions and we also talk about different ways to address Leptin related issues. What Do you Think? Have you ever had your Leptin levels checked?  If you are overweight, and have been struggling to lose it you should ask your doctor to check your Leptin level. Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS SE2 | Special Edition 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we talk about the passion that Dr. Rob has for helping people to become the healthiest they can be. We also have a very important special announcement for our listeners. But you have to listen to find out what it is. You don't want to miss this!             In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss Dr. Rob's passion for weight loss Discuss our special announcement to our listeners. Click here to find-out more What do you think? Are you just as passionate about losing weight as we are about helping people to lose weight? Take Action We want to hear your thought's and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 49 | The Thanksgiving Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss the Thanksgiving effect. Based off last years podcast we talk about some of the same things we did then, but dive a bit deeper into the topic. With the holiday season fully under way we talk about all the yummy foods we have access to and the pattern we typically fall in during this time of the year, way’s to over come some of the typical holiday temptations and the mind set of holiday food consumption. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… The Perfect Weight Loss Solution discount code is thankyou, which will give you over 60% off the regular price.  This discount will expire on Dec 31st, so don't wait too long. Discuss the typical meal intake pattern for many Americans and how it contributes to weight gain and eventually Type II Diabetes. Discuss the fact that the amount of insulin released from the pancreas is related to the type and amount of food consumed. Discuss the fact that skeletal muscle and the heart prefers to use fat as an energy source as opposed to sugar. Discuss the "Pleasure Trap" and how it manifests in American lifestyle. What Do You Think? Do you get tired after you eat a meal?  You may be experiencing the Thanksgiving Effect. Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 48| Healthy Foods to Lose Weight Fast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Get your thinking caps on for this one folks, we have some brain exercises for our regular listeners! In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we talk about Charlie’s recent illness and Dr. Rob explains how the fall and winter months is a prime time for people to get sick. He also gives some quick tips on what to expect this time of year and some possible causes for your typical fall and winter illness. In our main topic we discuss the A.N.D.I. scale by Whole Foods and how, even though it consists of good wholesome foods, it mainly caters to the vegetarian/vegan audience. Dr. Rob explains how animal protein is not bad for you and could actually help you in your weight loss goals, as well as the misconceptions that society has placed on animal protein. We also go back into the Micro and Macro nutrient discussion. Which foods contain what and what’s better for you? Dr. Rob also makes some comparisons of specific foods and also talks about how different cultures that have more of a whole food based diet seem to have less disease and obesity than your standard “American” type diet. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the A.N.D.I. scale Discuss micro and macro nutrients Discuss the difference between certain cultures and their foods What Do You Think? Are you eating the right types of food for your weight loss goals? Should you change your diet? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 47 | The Plateau Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show, we revisit the plateau effect discussion. We chose to dive deeper into this topic because of a recent episode of the Biggest Loser in which all the contestants on the show barely lost any weight and one even gained 5lbs, even though they maintained their diet and continued to work out vigorously. Dr. Rob explains how counting calories ultimately turns your body against you. By counting and restricting calories your body goes into “starvation mode”, which will ultimately lead to fat storage and re-bound weight gain. We also talk about the different hormones that are effected by restricting calories and the negative effects that happen to your body by doing so.  No matter what you do, your body will eventually plateau at some point and Dr. Rob gives some tips on how to power through that time. He explains what to do and what not to do when you hit your plateau point. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss the plateau effect Discuss how counting calories turns your body against you Discuss ways to over come the plateau effect What Do You Think? Have you struggled with the plateau effect? What did you do to over come it? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 46 | Why Do I Have Low Libido? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this Episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss libido in both men and women. We talk about the approximate age where libido peaks as well as when it begins to drop off due to low testosterone levels for men, and low estrogen levels for women.  Dr. Rob also talks about all of the other effects on the body testosterone and estrogen has and how having low and high levels of each of these hormones, effects the body.  We explain how exercise effects all types of hormones in the body, but specifically the rise in testosterone and growth hormone from vigorous exercise/activity.  Having a sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to your testosterone/estrogen levels, which can ultimately lead to low libido.  By simply changing a few small things in your daily lifestyle, Dr. Rob explains how you can return your testosterone or estrogen levels back to normal. In this Episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss low libido in both men and women Discuss how testosterone/estrogen levels effect libido Discuss how exercise effects both testosterone and estrogen levels Discuss how healthy lifestyle can normalizes hormone levels and improve libido What Do You Think? Do you suffer from a low libido? How have you managed your hormone levels? Take Action Want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 45 | What Is The Best Nutrition For Endurance Athletes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we briefly discuss the 4th episode of  The Biggest Loser, which recently had only a brief 2 minute nutrition segment hosted by one of the past contestants.  We mention the fact that even though nutrition is critically important in weight loss success, the TV show tends to focus more on the fitness and exercise aspect of weight loss, which we feel is sending the wrong message to people.   Dr. Rob also mentions an article he recently came across that highlights Nighttime Eating Syndrome (NES), which is characterized by no morning appetite, evening and nighttime eating and insomnia.  Dr. Rob doesn't agree with this being classified as a legitimate syndrome.  Dr. Rob also answers a question from a listener regarding optimal endurance nutrition.  For many endurance athletes still follow the concept of carbo-loading to prepare an event; however, Dr. Rob explains why this approach is not very efficient. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the 2nd and 3rd episode of  The Biggest Loser Discuss Nighttime Eating Syndrome (NES) Discuss why carbo-loading is not the best idea for endurance based exercise Discuss ultramarathoner - Dean Karnazes Discuss the best type of Endurance Nutrition What Do You Think? Are you an endurance athlete?  Do you carbo-load to prepare for endurance events? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 44 | Is There a Perfect Diet for Everyone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the recent passing of Steve Jobs and his contributions to the world through his work at Apple and Pixar.   Dr. Rob also talks about his experience of working with executives from both Disney and Pixar when he was practicing in Los Angeles.  Dr. Rob was the director of a blood type diet based program, which was effective for weight loss, but also produced excellent results for a wide variety of other inflammatory based conditions and diseases.   The blood type diet approach was popularized by Dr. Peter D'Adamo and his best selling book, Eat Right For Your Type.   Using blood type is a simple way to determine an immunologically friendly, or an anti-inflammatory diet for an individual.  The majority of the population falls into two categories.  Approximately 35- 40% are A+ blood type and about 35-40% of the population are O+ blood type.  People with the A+ blood type tend to eat more of a plant based diet, whereas people with the O+ blood type tend to eat more of an animal protein based diet.  Interestingly,  neither type tolerates wheat or dairy products very well.  This means that 80% of the population should not consume wheat and dairy products on a regular basis.  Many people, even without knowing their blood type tend to consume a diet consistent with the characteristics of their actual blood type.   People who are A+, tend not like much animal protein and are commonly vegetarian or vegans.  People who are O+ like protein and do very well with protein.   The blood type approach makes the argument that their is not a "perfect" diet for everyone. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the 2nd and 3rd episode of The Biggest Loser Discuss the recent passing of Steve Jobs Discuss Dr. Rob's experience working with executives from Pixar Discuss the documentary Forks Over Knives What Do You Think? Do you know your blood type?  Do you follow any of the blood type specific recommendations? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 43 | Sugar – “I Wish I Could Quit You” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss sugar cravings.  This discussion is a continuation of our last episode, which we talked about circadian rhythm and how artificial light affects our hormones, which ultimately affects our weight and health.  The artificial light environment we live in today can also cause us to crave sugar.  To put it simply, if you are not sleeping, then your brain wants food.  More specifically, your brain wants sugar, which is obviously the default energy choice for the brain.  Also, Dr. Rob discusses a recent article, which suggests that sugar cravings for children might be biological.  Of course, sugar cravings are biological.  We are all hardwired for carbohydrates.  Our sugar cravings and overall appetite is a feed forward system, which means the more sugar or "carbs" you eat, the more you want.  This can become a slippery slope for someone trying to lose weight, or dealing with a health condition like Diabetes. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss sugar cravings due to artificial light Discuss the book, "Lights Out," written by T.S. Wiley Discuss the recent article: sugar cravings for children might be biological Discuss tips for curbing sugar cravings What Do You Think? Do you have sugar cravings?  How have you dealt with them in the past? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 42 | Effects of Working Nights on Weight and Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss circadian rhythm and the effects that working the night shift has on weight and overall health.  Dr. Rob brings up a book called Light Out, which was written by T.S. Wiley, the creator of the Wiley Protocol.  The premise of this book revolves around the idea that electricity and the invention of the light bulb was the beginning of our demise from an health standpoint.  In the book, artificial light is blamed for having an excessive appetite and sugar cravings, which contributes to the obesity and Diabetes epidemic.           In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss circadian rhythm and sleep deprivation due to artificial light Discuss the effects of working nights on weight and health Discuss the book, "Lights Out," written by T.S. Wiley Discuss The Wiley Protocol What Do You Think? Do you, or have you ever worked nights? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 41 | Is The Biggest Loser A Big Failure? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss a recent article criticizing  the reality weight loss TV show, The Biggest Loser.   It is hard to deny the popularity of the show, but many weight loss experts are criticizing the approach the contestants of the show undertake.  The dramatic weight loss results on a weekly basis, certainly makes for good television; however, significantly reducing calories and the intense exercise is not the best approach for long-term weight loss success.   This same,  "eat less and exercise more," outdated approach has been shown time and time again to produce short term results, but ultimately leading to long-term failure.   So are contestants of The Biggest Loser being set up for failure?  Who's fault is it if some of the contestants re-gain the weight?  Certainly, the initial reaction would be to blame or point the finger at the contestants.  Of course, there is a certainly level of personal responsibility for making the necessary diet and lifestyle changes  long-term, but in reality it is not the contestants  fault for re-gaining the the weight.  It is the approach.  America loves to see the contestants transformations, which is amazing to watch and very inspiring, but the show is sending people the wrong message when it comes to successful weight loss.   In It is fundamental to understand that weight gain and obesity is not a calorie and lack of exercise problem, it is a hormonal problem. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the recent criticism of The Biggest Loser TV Show Discuss some of the difficulties some past contestants have had after the show Mention Dr. Rob's ebook The Perfect Weight Loss Solution What Do You Think? Do you watch /  like The Biggest Loser? How fault is it if a contestant re-gains the weight? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook            

 DRS 40 | “Worry Weight” – How Stress Causes Weight Gain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we welcome back a previous guest to the show, Dr. Valorie Davidson (Dr. Rob's Wife) and discuss the new controversial kid's book titled "Maggie Goes on a Diet."  This book has not been released yet, but has been met with some opposition stating that it is sending the wrong message and is encouraging young girls to diet.  Dr. Rob and Dr. Davidson give their opinion about the book.  Also in this episode we discuss "Worry Weight," and how stress causes people to gain weight.   In the 21st century chronic psychological stress is just a fact of life.  Whether it is work, family or finances we all have a constant level of stress that overtime tends to take a toll on the body and as a result, predisposes people to gain weight, especially around the waistline.   In fact, in many cases people with high levels of stress, don't consume that many calories on a daily basis, but still continue to gain weight overtime.  This is what we refer to as "non-caloric weight gain," and can make the weight loss process very frustrating.  Stress induced weight gain can be attributed to a hormone called "Cortisol," which incidentally enough is commonly referred to as the "stress hormone." In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the new kids book, "Maggie on a Diet" Discuss "worry weight," and how stress causes weight gain Discuss the "stress hormone," called cortisol What Do You Think? What do you think of "Maggie on a Diet?"  Do you think it sends the wrong message? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook      


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