Learn Portuguese | PortuguesePod101.com show

Learn Portuguese | PortuguesePod101.com

Summary: Learn Portuguese with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at PortuguesePod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 European Portuguese Survival Phrases #34 - How Do You Say This and That in European Portuguese? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:29

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Como se diz “wine” em português? Como se diz isto em português? Como se diz isso em português? Como se diz “Happy birthday” em português? ----Formal English---- How do you say “wine”in Portuguese? How do you say this in Portuguese? (neutral) How do you say that in Portuguese? (neutral) How do you say ‘Happy birthday' in Portuguese? --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Brazil Holidays #17 - Mother’s Day | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:48

Learn more about Brazilian culture with PortuguesePod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Brazilian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Brazil. In this video, you'll learn all about Mother's Day in Brazil and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Portuguese vocabulary. Join Paloma for a dose of Brazilian culture! Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Portuguese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Lower Beginner #15 - Using Formal Portuguese at the Airport | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:38

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Sara: A senhora vai para Porto Alegre, não é? Marisa: Não. Eu ia, mas agora eu vou para o Rio. Sara: Por quê? O que é que aconteceu? Marisa: Bom, o chefe me telefonou ontem à noite. Sara: E daí? Marisa: Eles precisam de alguém lá na seção de vendas. Sara: Vai ver que eu vou acabar indo para Porto Alegre! Marisa: Pois é, né. Bem, eu acho que estão chamando o meu voo. Sara: Ah tá. Tenha um ótimo voo, senhora. Marisa: Obrigada jovem! Igualmente. ----Formal English---- Sara: You're going to Porto Alegre, right ma'am? Marisa: No. I was going to, but now I'm going to Rio. Sara: What for? What happened? Marisa: Well, the boss called me last night. Sara: So? Marisa: They need someone in sales there. Sara: You'll see that I'll end up going to Porto Alegre! Marisa: That's how it is, isn't it? Well, I think they're announcing my flight. Sara: Oh, okay! Have a great flight, ma'am! Marisa: Thank you, young woman! You too. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 European Portuguese Survival Phrases #33 - May I Take Your Picture? in European Portuguese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:45

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Com licença, poderia tirar uma foto de si? É permitido tirar fotos aqui? ----Formal English---- Excuse me, can I take your picture? (formal) Can I take a picture here? --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 News #94 - The Exclusive Inner Circle Kicks Off! Tips, Tools & Strategies For Mastering Portuguese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:31

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 European Portuguese Survival Phrases #32 - Can You Take My Picture in European Portuguese? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:34

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Poderia tirar uma foto de nós, por favor? Poderia tirar uma foto de mim, por favor? ----Formal English---- Can you take our picture, please ? Can you take my picture, please? --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Brazil Holidays #16 - Black Awareness Day | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:09

Learn more about Brazilian culture with PortuguesePod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Brazilian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Brazil. In this video, you'll learn all about Black Awareness Day in Brazil and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Portuguese vocabulary. Join Paloma for a dose of Brazilian culture! Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Portuguese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Audio Blog #13 - Learn the Samba in Brazil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:27

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- O Samba A cultura brasileira tem grande influência dos povos africanos que vieram como escravos e dos portugueses colonizadores. E não poderia ser diferente com o gênero musical que melhor representa esse país, o samba. O samba nasceu da mistura do estilo musical africano e brasileiro. A origem da palavra "samba" é africana, e seu significado é ligado às danças típicas tribais desse continente. Esse gênero musical surgiu no Rio de Janeiro, e o primeiro samba foi gravado em 1917, chamado "Pelo telefone", composta por Donga e Mauro de Almeida. Esse gênero musical é tocado utilizando-se instrumentos de percussão, como o tambor, o surdo e o timbau, acompanhados por instrumentos de corda, como o violão e o cavaquinho. A vida e o cotidiano das pessoas que vivem nas cidades, especialmente as populações pobres, é o principal tema do samba. Uma característica interessante do samba é que esse gênero se divide em vários tipos de samba. Os estados que possuem os sambas mais famosos e conhecidos são a Bahia, o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Alguns dos tipos são samba-enredo, que surgiu no Rio de Janeiro, e fala sobre o assunto que a escola de samba vai apresentar em seu desfile no Carnaval, define a coreografia e a cenografia usadas pela escola; o samba de partido alto, que fala sobre a realidade dos morros e de regiões mais carentes; o pagode, estilo de música que faz uso também de sons eletrônicos e que alcançou grande sucesso no Brasil devido às letras fáceis e românticas; outro tipo é o samba de gafieira, que tem influência dos ritmos latino e norte-americano, sendo usado nas danças de salão. O samba sempre pode ser misturado com outro estilo musical, inovando e agradando muito. O samba é o hoje um símbolo brasileiro, sendo considerado um Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade na categoria de "Bem Imaterial". Há no Brasil o Dia Nacional do Samba, no dia 2 de dezembro. ----Formal English---- The Samba The Brazilian culture has great influence from the African people that came to Brazil as slaves and with the Portuguese colonies. And it could not be any different with the musical genre that better represents this country, the samba. The samba was born from the mix of the African and Brazilian musical style. The origin of the word "samba" is African, and its meaning is linked with the typical tribal dances of that continent. This musical genre started in Rio de Janeiro, and the first samba was recorded in 1917, called Pelo Telefone ("through the telephone"), composed by Donga and Mauro de Almeida. This genre is played using percussion instruments, like the drum, the surdo, and the timbau, followed by string instruments such as the guitar and ukulele. The lives and daily lives of everyday people who live in the cities, especially the poor, are the main themes of the samba. An interesting feature of the samba is that this genre is divided into several types of samba. The states that have the most famous and well-known samba are Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. Some types are samba-enredo, which began in Rio de Janeiro and talks about the theme the samba school will present in its parade in the Carnival, defining the choreography and the scenery that will be used by the school; the samba de partido alto, talking about the reality of the hills and the poorest regions; the pagode, a music style that also makes use of electronic sounds and has a lot of success in Brazil due to the easy and romantic lyrics; and another type of samba is the samba de gafieira, which has the influence of the Latin and American rhythms danced in ballroom dancing. The samba can a [...]

 European Portuguese Survival Phrases #31 - Asking Directions in European Portuguese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:03

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Vá em frente. Vá sempre em frente. À esquerda. À direita. Vire à direita. Vire à esquerda. Vire à direita no semáforo. Primeiro cruzamento à direita. ----Formal English---- Go straight. Keep going straight. On the left. On the right. Take a right. Take a left. Turn right at the traffic light. First intersection on the right. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 News #93 - Quick Sneak Peek at 2 New Languages & An Olympic-Sized PortuguesePod101.com Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:07

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Audio Blog #19 - Brazil’s Oldest Story – A Dance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:17

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- O carnaval pernambucano O carnaval de Pernambuco é muito peculiar das outras regiões do Brasil, possui características únicas. A cidade de Recife foi berço do frevo e do maracatu. Frevo é um ritmo musical muito agitado. E o maracatu é uma manifestação cultural da música folclórica afro-brasileira. O frevo teve origem nos movimentos da capoeira. Nessa época, os capoeiristas eram perseguidos pela polícia, e por meio dessa dança podiam lutar a capoeira disfarçadamente. Com o tempo o frevo foi sofrendo influência de outras danças, como a marcha e a polca. Sua dança é acompanhada por uma roupa típica, e também por um pequeno guarda-chuva, bem colorido, que é uma estilização das armas de defesa usadas na capoeira. O nome da dança vem da palavra "ferver", referente à agitação, confusão e rebuliço causado quando o frevo é dançado. A origem do maracatu remonta as festas em homenagem aos Reis Magos, organizadas por grupos de escravos que celebravam nos pátios das igrejas a coroação do rei Congo. Seu ritmo musical simboliza a luta e a liberdade do povo negro. No cortejo há vários personagens, como o rei e a rainha, os príncipes, o ministro, os duques, os condes, os vassalos, a dama de paço, o escravo e as baianas, entre muitos outros. A palavra "maracatu" também era usada para expressar confusão, bagunça, e entre os escravos era usada para alertar a chegada dos policiais que vinham reprimir as manifestações. Na cidade de Olinda, seu carnaval ostenta dezenas de bonecos gigantes que desfilam nas principais ruas da cidade. O mais conhecido é o Homem da Meia-noite, que desde 1932 dá início, às zero hora de sábado, ao carnaval olindense. Além dos bonecos, os blocos tradicionais da região percorrem as ladeiras da cidade ao ritmo do frevo. ----Formal English---- The Pernambuco Carnival The Pernambuco carnival is very peculiar from the other regions of Brazil, and has unique characteristics. The city of Recife is the birthplace of Frevo and Maracatu. Frevo is a very exciting musical rhythm. And the Maracatu is a cultural manifestation of African-Brazilian folk music. Frevo originated from the movements of Capoeira. At that time, the police persecuted the capoeiristas, and through this dance, they could fight the capoeira surreptitiously. Eventually, Frevo was being influenced from other dances such as the march and polka. His dance is accompanied by typical clothes, and also by a small colorful umbrella, which is a stylization of defense weapons used in capoeira. The name of the dance comes from the word "boil," referring to shake, confusion, and noise caused when they dance the Frevo. The origin of Maracatu exalts the festivities in honor of the Biblical Magi, organized by groups of slaves who celebrated the coronation of King Congo in the courtyards of churches. Your musical rhythm symbolizes the struggle and the freedom of black people. In the procession, there are several characters, like the king and queen, the princes, the Minister, dukes, earls, the vassals, the lady of the palace, the slave, and women from Bahia, among many others. The word "Maracatu" was also used to express confusion, mess, and among the slaves was used to alert the arrival of the police officers who came to repress the protests. In the city of Olinda, its carnival exhibits dozens of giant puppets parading in the main streets of the city. The best known is the Man of Midnight, which since 1932 starts at midnight Saturday during the carnival of Olinda. Besides the dolls, the traditional blocos pass through the slopes of the city with the rhythm of Frevo. ------------------------- [...]

 Portuguese Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners #5 - Looking At a Photograph from Brazil | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:29

Learn Brazilian Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com! Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of Portuguese conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in Portuguese? Then this Portuguese Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a Portuguese question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in Portuguese! In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Portuguese conversation about a photograph. Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find Portuguese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 European Portuguese Survival Phrases #30 - Where Can I Find This Place in European Portuguese? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:34

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Há um hospital por aqui? Há uma caixa automatica por aqui? Há uma casa de câmbio por aqui? ----Formal English---- Is there a hospital near here? Is there an ATM near here? Is there an exchange office near here? --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Brazil Holidays #15 - Day of Saci (Halloween) | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:10

Learn more about Brazilian culture with PortuguesePod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Brazilian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Brazil. In this video, you'll learn all about Day of Saci (Halloween) in Brazil and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Portuguese vocabulary. Join Paloma for a dose of Brazilian culture! Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Portuguese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Upper Intermediate #23 - A Delicate Portuguese Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:01

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Cesar: Ei Leonardo, eu poderia falar contigo? Leonardo: Ei, sim. Que bom te ver aqui. O que você manda? Cesar: Eu esperava falar-te a respeito de Éli. (nervous) Leonardo: Sim, sim. Claro. Cesar: Sabe, desde que comecei a namorar com a tua irmã, eu penso em ti como o irmão que eu nunca tive. Leonardo: Você não tem dois irmãos? Cesar: É vero, mas tu pareces alguém que tem a sabedoria dos antigos em tempos turbulentos e agora é um daqueles tempos. Estou muito confuso, bro. Leonardo: Ok, continua. Cesar: Eu não sei como expressar isso exatamente. Oh wow, tá mais difícil que eu pensei. Leonardo: Tá bom. Estou ouvindo. Cesar: Certo, eu tenho pensado muito sobre o estado das coisas entre eu e a tua irmã e tu és o homem na família de Éli... Então eu estava pensando...será que posso ter tua permissão para...Posso me casar com a Éli? Leonardo: Wow! Cesar: Isto é sim? Leonardo: Desculpa! Sim! Sim! Eu não estava esperando que você iria...falar isso! Sim, você tem meu consentimento. Cesar: Obrigado! Preocupo-me muito sobre isto há tempo. Obrigado mesmo irmão! Ha! Daqui a pouco poderei falar isto literalmente. ----Formal English---- Cesar: Hey Leonardo, could I talk to you? Leonardo: Hey yeah. Great to see you. What's on your mind? Cesar: I was hoping I could talk to you about Éli. (nervous) Leonardo: Yeah, yeah of course... Cesar: You know, ever since I started dating your sister, I think of you as the brother I never had. Leonardo: Don't you have two brothers? Cesar: Indeed, but you seem like someone who can offer sage wisdom at turbulent times, and this is one of those times. I am really confused, bro. Leonardo: Okay, go on. Cesar: I don't really know how to put this into words really. Oh man, this is harder than I thought. Leonardo: Okay, I'm listening. Cesar: Right well, I've been thinking a lot about the way things are between me and your sister and you're the man in Éli's family. So I was wondering...could I have your permission to...can I marry Éli? Leonardo: Wow! Cesar: Is that a yes? Leonardo: Sorry! Yes, yes. I just wasn't expecting that you'd...say that. Yes, you have my blessing. Cesar: Thank you! I've been worried about this for a long time. Thank you so much, bro. Ha! in a bit I'm going to mean that literally. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!


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