Power Your Platform show

Power Your Platform

Summary: Welcome to Power Your Platform, the podcast for women who are building bold story brands! Each week, we’ll explore big ideas about story building and shine a spotlight on courageous women just like YOU who are owning their story, following their purpose and changing the world. Whether you’re a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro, this podcast is for you. I'll help you move your mindset from uncertain to unstoppable and provide you with the storytelling tools you need to make a real impact. Because we all have a story to tell. And somewhere, someone is waiting to hear yours.

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  • Artist: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach
  • Copyright: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach


 95 - Pushing Your Boundaries with Amputee Author Laurie White | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:29:56

Get ready to hear from a powerhouse woman today who survived a severe gunshot wound while on active duty as a police officer, and who now shares her story of hope and resilience with audiences everywhere. My guest on the podcast today is Laurie White, a retired RCMP Officer who was shot in the leg with a sawed-off shotgun in 1998 while stationed at her first posting in Kitimat, BC. At the time, Laurie was attempting to execute a search warrant at the residence of a sex offender. The damage from being shot was so severe, that Laurie’s leg had to be amputated 5 inches below the knee. After only ten months of rehabilitation, Laurie successfully returned to full, unrestricted general policing duties with a prosthetic leg. In the year 2000, Laurie received the Governor General’s Meritorious Service Medal as well as the Medal of Velour from the International Association of Women in Policing. Today, Laurie is a keynote speaker for a wide range of audiences, and recently published her memoir called, “10-33, An Officer Down Steps Back Up.” In today’s episode, Laurie and I talk about how she transformed her trauma, loss, and grief into a story of hope, resilience, and post-traumatic growth. Here are my Top 10 takeaways from today’s interview: 1. Time and distance can often give us a new perspective on our past experiences and help us find meaning in the journey. 2. When one person shares their story, it causes a ripple effect and often inspires others to do the same. 3. Vulnerability builds authentic connection with others and reminds us that we’re not alone. 4. Sharing our story on the stage is different from sharing our story on the page, but both can be powerful opportunities to create impact. 5. Play to your strengths by leveraging the skills that are transferable from one area of your life to another. 6. Slowly push your boundaries, allowing yourself to gain a foothold before scaling that next mountain. 7. Constantly shift your goals as you grow. 8. Practice and repetition are the only way forward when it comes to sharing yoru story. 9. Figure out your goals, your budget and your target audience when sharing your story onstage or in print. 10. Today’s power move is to gather your thoughts and determine your takeaways when looking to uncover the story in your experience. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe “10-33: An Officer Down Steps Back Up” by Laurie White -   https://tinyurl.com/2p93rmcu Canada Writes - https://www.facebook.com/groups/canadawrites/ Canada Arts Council - https://canadacouncil.ca/ Ontario Arts Council - https://www.arts.on.ca/

 94 - Three Ways to Own Your Story | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:26:08

In today’s episode, I want to dive a bit deeper into a topic I’ve touched on many times before, but haven’t fully explored in this podcast until now. And that’s the idea of owning your story. Because at the heart of building a purpose-driven platform is this powerful idea. And today, we’re going to unpack what it means to “own our story” and what that looks like in practical terms. Brene Brown put it this way. She said, “You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” So today, I want to focus on what it means to OWN our story, and I want to break it down into three parts. Those three parts include: owning your privilege, owning your pain and owning your purpose. So let’s start with the idea of owning our privilege. For this part of your story journey, I want to challenge you to sit down and write out as many privileges as you can think of that you now have or have grown up with. Because really, privileges are kind of like invisible ink. They’re completely unnoticeable until we shine a light on them and really take the time to reflect. And the reason why it’s so important to own our privilege is that it makes us more empathetic storytellers. It prompts us to acknowledge the fact that members of our audience may not enjoy all of the privileges we have in life. And when we own our privilege, we can better recognize the systems of inequality in our culture, and work towards levelling the playing field for those around us. The second part of owning our story is about owning our pain. And we all have pain, don’t we? It’s a part of every human’s story, but often it’s the part we try to forget. Pain can come in many forms. It can be emotional pain, physical pain, spiritual pain, social pain or psychological pain. None of us make it through this life unscathed, that’s just a fact. But there’s power in pain when we own it as a part of our story.  When we own our pain and recognize the power of sharing our scars with others, it can be transformative. Because others see the humanity in us and we recognize the humanity in others. And this recognition connects us to each other. And that’s what storytelling is all about, whether on a personal or a professional level. It’s about finding ways to build bridges over the spaces that divide us so we feel more connected, and more whole. And that leads to the third and final step which is owning our purpose. Because without owning our privilege and owning our pain, we can’t really own our purpose. And I think this is why so many of us struggle to find our purpose in the first place. After all, our purpose often stems directly from those two parts of our identity: our privilege and our pain. The problem is that most of us don’t take the time to reflect on our privilege and pain long enough to recognize the purpose that lies inside them. So let me ask you this: what are the privileges you’ve enjoyed in your life? What about the pain? And when you think about it, how do the two work together to fuel your purpose? This is what’s meant by owning our story. It’s about owning our privilege, owning our pain and owning our purpose. Only then will we be truly positioned to make real impact in the world. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 93 - Rediscovering Your Wild with Jess Spooner of Rewild Wellness | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:32:15

I hope you’re ready to take a walk on the wild side, because my guest on the podcast today is all about rediscovering your wild! Jess Spooner is an environmentally focused entrepreneur, guide, coach and speaker based in St. John’s, Newfoundland. She specializes in working with clients who are looking to reconnect with nature and live life off the beaten path. As the owner of Rewild Wellness, Jess has some great insights to share with us today about sustainability, community building and eco-psychology. In this episode, we talk about pausing for effect and the power that nature has in helping us rediscover our story. Jess also points out that 90% of Canadians spend 90% of their time indoors. Let that sink in for moment – and hey, if you can, why not take this podcast outside today? Even if it’s for a stroll around your suburban neighborhood, getting outside can help increase your creativity, your productivity and improve your overall mental health. All great reasons to spend time outdoors, wouldn’t you say? Today’s conversation with Jess reminded me why I love to spend time in nature and how it helps remind me of who I am and the purpose of my story whenever I make the effort to reconnect with the natural world. Here are my Top 10 Takeaways from today’s conversation with Jess Spooner of Rewild Wellness. 1. Rewilding is all about returning to a sense of freedom that comes with being in a natural state. 2. Being alone in nature can help you rediscover your inner voice and come back to the core of who you are. 3. We need to give ourselves permission to reclaim our own thoughts and viewpoints about the world around us. 4. Fun, play and child-like creativity are all a part of the rewilding process. 5. Spending time outdoors is for everyone –so ask yourself when was the last time YOU reconnected with nature? 6. Each new landscape holds stories for us to discover; the more we explore, the more we learn. 7. You’re never too old to be what you might have been. 8. Spend time outside every day – no matter what the weather may be. 9. If walking in the woods makes you nervous, find a public park or open green space where you can reconnect with the natural world. 10. Today’s power move is to examine the thoughts you have about spending time outdoors and notice the stories you’re telling yourself about what it means to connect with nature. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Rewild Wellness - https://www.rewildwellness.ca/

 92 - How Stories Build Trust | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:37

If you’re looking to build a culture of trust with your audience, then this episode is for you. After all, trust is what leads our customers and clients to take action. But before they do, they need to have some faith in us, and that faith is often sparked by storytelling. After all, trust is currency these days, wouldn’t you agree? In fact, more and more often, we’re putting our money where our trust is. Just think about the brands you purchase, the places you go and the coaches you hire. Chances are, they’re closely linked to the level of trust you have with that product or organization or individual. As women who are building successful brands and business, we need to be aware of how much our audience trusts us. Because that level of trust is directly correlated to the number of people who will purchase your products or hire you for your services. And it’s worth mentioning that trust is not a short-term strategy. It’s a long game. Because the more we prove our worth and build our credibility over time, the more people will trust us and become raving fans of our work. On the other hand, we’ve all seen those get-rich-quick posts about how you can 10X your income in 10 days or how downloading a particular course will lead to instant results – often with barely any effort. But if claims like this were actually true, don’t you think EVERYONE would be doing it? The truth is that trust takes time. But the good news is that if you haven’t been focused on trust-building in your business, you can start doing it TODAY. And one of the best ways I’ve found to build trust with an audience is through story sharing. So let’s first take a look at 3 ways stories help us build better trust with our ideal audience: First, stories make us more relatable to our audience. Second, stories can help us build trust, because they make us more believable. And a third reason why authentic storytelling is key to building trust is that it engages our audience in a conversation they’ve been waiting to be a part of. Let me ask you this: when was the last time you started a conversation with your business? Here at Power Your Platform, we’re always launching new conversation topics, from the importance of owning our story and following our purpose to raising our voice and sharing our story with others. We’ve also had great conversations within our free Power Your Platform Facebook group about decision-making and quoting more women and how to get clarity on your own story message. There seems to be no end to the conversations around this topic of story branding. Remember, when you start a conversation, you increase engagement with your audience. And as you engage, you build a relationship. And if those relationships are built on mutual respect then, they’ll inevitably result in higher levels of trust on both sides of the conversation. And if you’re looking for some support to help narrow down the stories you’re sharing with your audience to help you build greater trust, then be sure to reach out to me today! Send me a DM on social media at @poweryourplatform or reach out through our main web site at powerherplatform.com. Let’s start building brands that are founded on a culture of trust that’s fueled by authentic storytelling. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 91 - Building a Story-Driven Business with Afiya Beauty | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:36:18

I’m excited to bring you an interview today with two inspiring women who are challenging the status quo and shaking up the beauty industry. Shamsa and Kaltum Hassan are the owners and founders of Afiya Beauty, an artisanal skincare company focused on creating handcrafted and nutrient dense skincare for all women. As you’ll hear today, these two sisters are passionate about cultivating community and creating experiences that make women of all skin types feel radiant and fabulous. In today’s interview, I speak with Shamsa and Kaltum about how their brand values are driving the direction of their business, and how storytelling plays a key role in connecting them with their ideal audience. We’ll also discuss why it’s important for underrepresented groups of women to challenge the status quo, and how to ensure your actions are aligned with your core purpose. Knowing these two remarkable women personally, I have to say I feel so proud of the progress they’ve made over the past couple of years as they’ve launched and grown their new business. Even now, they continue to inspire me as they provide a great example of how internationally sharing an authentic brand story can play such a pivotal role in a company’s early success. By the way, I want to give you a heads up that while I was recording today’s interview, I was having some slight microphone issues, so please disregard the less-than-perfect recording and focus on the content. Because it really is remarkable if you pay close attention. Here are my Top 10 Takeaways from today’s conversation with Shamsa and Kaltum of Afiya Beauty: 1. Your core business values can help anchor your brand and help you make more aligned decisions as you grow. 2. Keeping your “why” at the forefront of everything you do will help you connect with your ideal audience and set you apart in the marketplace. 3. Your messaging will be stronger over time if you consistently link it back to your key value pillars. 4. People connect with stories, so be sure to take your audience along with you on your brand journey. 5. Telling your story will help you create a loyal tribe of raving fans and customers. 6. Showing up consistently is key if you want to make a long-lasting impact. 7. Share your story in as many ways as possible. Remember, it can take up to 21 touchpoints before someone makes the decision to hit that purchase button. 8. Don’t just rely on social media to tell your story – look for unique opportunities that are ideally suited to reach YOUR core customer or client. 9. Who you think is your audience might not be who buys from you. So be sure to track who your customers actually are and connect with them regularly. 10. Today’s power move is to show up consistently and authentically for your audience. Even if you don’t get what you expect, you’ll get what you need. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Afiya Beauty – www.afiyabeauty.com

 BONUS - “Idea to Impact" Workshop Coming June 16th | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:33

I’m excited to share with you that I'll be hosting a FREE Idea to Impact Workshop taking place on Thursday, June 16th from noon - 1 pm EST. In this 1-hour, virtual workshop, we'll get our feet wet in the Idea Waterfall and discuss how YOU can create a ripple effect with the big idea behind your product or service. By the end of this workshop, you’ll become familiar with the 5-step process it takes to take to move from idea to impact, and you’ll discover the value of your own story when creating a splash. You’ll also have a better idea of what YOUR next step is to move from idea to impact This session will also include time for Q&A, so it’s a great opportunity to show up and get YOUR questions answered in real time. And in case you’re new to this podcast, then let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a Story Coach and the founder of PowerHER Platform which is a business I’ve built to provide coaching, workshops and strategy sessions to help women leaders, speakers and entrepreneurs who are looking to create impact through storytelling. In fact, that’s what this entire podcast is about and for nearly 100 episodes now, I’ve talked about various aspects of how to launch and grow your personal and professional brand using authentic storytelling. Because what I hear over and over again from the women I work with is that they’re looking to do more than put in a 9 to 5 workday. They’re looking for meaningful work and to create a lasting impact in the world around them. So if this sparks your interest and YOU’RE ready to move from idea to impact in your own life, then I hope you’ll join us on Thursday, June 16th from noon – 1 p.m. for this virtual workshop opportunity. PLUS if you take the time to help us spread the word about the Idea to Impact workshop before June 16th, then we’ll even enter you into a BONUS draw for a free, one-hour strategy session with me, your Story Coach! All you need to do is share the link that’s in the shownotes and tag @poweryourplatform when you do. If you win this free, one-hour strategy session, then I’d love to help support YOU as you move from idea to impact. So what do you say? Will you join us on June 16h? I hope you will. Again, just click on the episode shownotes for the direct link. Because the rest of the world is waiting. It’s TIME for us to move from idea to impact! EPISODE LINKS: “Idea to Impact” Workshop - https://tinyurl.com/2p8n98cc Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 90 - Why "Frictional" Stories are Necessary for Business Growth | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:41

In today’s show, I’m excited to share with you Five Facts about Friction that I’ve discovered along my story PATH, and how they can help reframe your own story journey. So let me ask you this: in times of conflict, do you run towards it? Or run in the other direction? (I’m definitely the latter.) The very word itself – “Friction” – is an uncomfortable one, isn’t it? It suggests something resistant and abrasive even. For some reason, it makes me think of sandpaper. But without friction, there would be no stories which I’ll talk about a bit more in just a moment. And what’s more without friction, we would have no solutions to share with our audience. The fact is that friction is not only unavoidable, it is also absolutely necessary for the creation of great businesses. So today I’m going to outline 5 friction facts and how conflict can help us create not only better story brands, but more effective businesses as well: 1. Friction helps define who we become. In fact, if you look back on your life, I guarantee you’ll be able to think of at least a few moments of great friction or conflict. Usually, times of resistance in our lives are accompanied by heightened emotions which commits them to our memories/ 2. The second fact about friction is that it forces us to find solutions. After all, friction is very often caused by conflict, and when we’re in conflict, there’s really no way out but to find a solution After all, without friction in the form of challenges or problems or barriers, we wouldn’t ever need to activate our problem-solving skills, would we? If I’m honest, it’s the friction that’s forced me to find solutions I might not otherwise have found. And today, those solutions are the basis of my own business, and I get to share them with my clients every single day. 3. The third fact about fiction is that it helps us get traction. And let’s be honest, without traction, it’s impossible to move forward. Whether you’re driving a go-kart or an SUV, you’ve gotta have traction. When you’re driving on a slippery surface, it’s friction that stops the tire rubber from sliding on the road surface and as a result, we stop slipping and start moving forward. And the same is true in our own lives. 4. The fourth fact is that friction helps us slow down. Be honest. When was the last time you were bombing down the highway without another car in sight, only to realize you were driving waayyyy above the speed limit? But the benefits of slowing down include: that it allows us to pause and reflect; it helps us catch our breath; and it allows us to connect with others on a deeper level. The overall impact is that we’re able to steer clear of burn-out and make peaceful progress rather than scaling faster than necessary. 5. The fifth fact about friction is that it can help spark new ideas. When we come up against a tough challenge, the conflict that’s generated is going to cause us to look at things in a different way. Getting outside of our regular patterns of life and work though can inevitably spark new ideas and ways of doing things. Sometimes, things NEED to change in order for growth to happen. And in other cases, it’s just time to deal with an age-old problem that we’ve been ignoring for way too long. So if you’ve been dealing with a lot of conflict in your life or business lately, just remember: where there’s friction, there’s a story: a story about how you grew, how you pivoted, how you made some necessary changes in your life, and ultimately, how you emerged from a challenge better than before. So go ahead and embrace friction as a friend rather than a foe. Because your story’s not over yet.

 89 - Refining Your Success Story with Jaspreet Bhandal | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:36:31

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the hustle of everyday life, then it’s not a coincidence that you’ve tuned into this podcast episode today. Because my guest on the show is Jaspreet Bhandal, a holistic meditation and yoga instructor who strongly believes in the slow grow mentality. Six years ago, she decided to leave behind the hustle of a full-time career and create a life she truly loves. In today’s interview, Jas and I talk about the most important question we need to ask ourselves when our life is feeling off-centre. We also discuss a key power move you can make in the next few minutes to immediately take action and leave behind the overwhelm for good. Here are my Top 10 Takeaways from today’s conversation with Jas: 1. We are all multifaced human beings and each us defines success in our own unique way. 2. The most powerful question we can ourselves is WHY we’re living our current lifestyle. 3. We need to give ourselves permission to leave behind the hustle and embrace the slow grow. 4. Adopting a slow grow mentality can help us intentionally attract the right kind of clients and allow us to make decisions thoughtfully and strategically. 5. In order to find our true purpose and direction, we need to carve our times of quiet in our day to process what’s happening in our lives and decide what comes next. 6. Calm, clarity and creativity can all be found in the quiet spaces of our everyday lives. 7. True relationship building requires a slow grow approach to doing business. 8. Building community is vital for our mental and emotional well-being. 9. Prioritizing connection over our calendar can be a bold way to build community and live richer lives. 10. Today’s power move is to breathe. Observe what happens in your body when you do. Notice your thoughts. Find your focus. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Yoga with Jas -  https://www.yogawithjas.com/

 88 - Long Weekend Reading List! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:09

If you’re listening to this episode on the day it drops then we’re about to head into the May long weekend – and for Canadians at least, that means heading out of the city to open up the cottage or at the very least setting up a lawn chair in the backyard to catch a few rays. And while I’m not sure what the weather forecast will be for the long weekend, I do know we’ll all be welcoming some downtime after what has been a very long winter. So to help you make the most of your long weekend, I wanted to share with you my Top 4 Long Weekend Reading Recommendations. Because if you’re an avid reader like me, then chances are you’re hoping to crack the cover on a great new book or download the audio version on your phone. Book #1 - “Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World” by Eve Rodsky In this book, Eve talks about the fact that creativity is not optional, it’s absolutely essential. And she backs it up with plenty of interesting stories and research. The main message of her book is that we need to clear a path to reclaim our unicorn space, and engage in fun, creative activities in the midst of our “busy’ lives. Only when we spend time in our unicorn spaces, Eve argues, will we be able to unleash our gifts and talents into the world. Book #2 - ”Mother of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men” by Katrine Marcal In “Mother of Invention”, the author demonstrates how gender bias stifles the economy and holds us back, delaying innovations sometimes for hundreds of years. But, she argues, if we would get rid of our biases towards innovative ideas originating with women, we would be able to unleash the full potential of our global economy. She points out that when society brands something as feminine – like a rolling suitcase for instance – these ideas have traditionally been seen as inferior, or less innovative, and certainly not worthy of investment or being taken seriously. And if you’re a woman entrepreneur who has ever sought out venture capital, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Book #3 - “LifePass: Drop Your Limits, Rise To Your Potential” by Payal Kadakia. In this book, Payal talks about her unique approach to goalsetting that changed her life and her business. Using her four-step approach, her LifePass followers reflect on their life, identify their dreams, put themselves back in charge of their priorities and make progress towards specific, measurable goals in life and in business. Book #4 – “The Power of Voice: A Guide to Making Yourself Heard” by Denise Woods. In this book, Denise helps her readers articulate more clearly; gain confidence in any situation; release tension and stress; address speech issues and become more powerful speakers in the process. If the budget is tight, be sure to look for these books at your local public library or make an effort to support local by shopping at a small bookstore near you. Happy long weekend, everyone! EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 87 - Five Storytelling Lessons from Julia Child | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:04

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 5 storytelling lessons I’ve learned from Julia Child over the years, as inspired by the new HBO series, “Julia”. Lesson #1 – It’s never too late to be what you might have been. Did you know that Julia didn’t start cooking until age 32? Not only that, the cookbook that made her famous, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, wasn’t published until she was 49. Let’s embrace new opportunities with spirit and optimism no matter what age we may be. Lesson #2 – Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd. As the HBO series suggests, Julia knew what it meant not to fit in from a young age. But she kept her eye on what mattered to her, and proved to herself and the entire world that standing out in the crowd can be one of the best possible ways to get noticed. Lesson #3 - Never take no for an answer. There were many points along her story path where Julia was rejected and even ridiculed for being different from everyone else. But her strong inner sense of purpose keep Julia in the game. She knew she wanted to change the way Americans thought about eating and cooking, and so she pushed past the voices of her naysayers – even when some of those naysayers were members of her own family. Lesson #4 - Women need to support other women. In the HBO series, Julia’s character observes, “I envision a confederacy of women, an estrogen safety net.” Throughout the show, Julia is surrounded by a group of supportive women who cheer her on, come to her defense and help her film her first pilot. The reminder is clear: when women take the time to lift up other women, we all win. Lesson #5 - Let go of perfection and develop a keen sense of humour. In one memorable scene, Julia is filming one of her TV segments when she drops the food she’s preparing on the floor. Without missing a beat, she scoops up the dropped food off the floor and tells her audience, “Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?” It’s a worthwhile reminder the next time we drop a ball or two in our own life or business. Bon appetit! EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 86 - Becoming Your Own Champion with Jackie Jarrell | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:34:53

If you’re a fan of women’s sports or hockey in general, then you’re going to love the episode that’s coming your way! My guest on the podcast today is Jackie Jarrell, a Team Canada Inline Hockey Player and two-time World Champion who has played for Canada in a total of 11 World Championships to date. Besides racking up a trophy case full of medals and accolades, including Leading Scorer at the World Championships, she is also a Registered Kinesiologist and the owner of Gold Performance Training which provides Strength and Conditioning Coaching to over 150 athletes. And did I mention she’s a fitness consultant with the NHL Officials Academy? This girl is on fire! In today’s episode, Jackie and I talk about hockey – obviously – but also about what it takes to be a female leader in a male-dominated field and how we can transfer the skills we’ve learned along our story path to other parts of our lives and businesses. You are not going to want to miss this conversation. And be sure to listen in right to the end of today’s conversation when I share my Top 10 Takeaways. PLUS if you head over to our Power Your Platform Facebook group, I’ll be sharing the takeaways there as well. There is so much I learned from Jackie today that it was hard to capture it in just 10 key takeaways! But I’ve done my best, so here they are: 1. Never underestimate the sheer power of hard work and determination. 2. Breaking barriers in male-dominated fields takes courage and hard work, but it opens the doors for so many who will follow after us. 3. Seek out opportunities to encourage others with the work you do – because you never know what kind of impact you’re going to have. 4. Stepping into new leadership positions can be uncomfortable at first, but we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and do it anyway. 5. We all have transferrable skills that allow us to transition from one phase of our lives to the next. Take stock of your transferrable skills and then move forward with confidence. 6. When you start something, commit to following through. Just getting started isn’t enough. We need to keep moving forward. 7. Teamwork is a skill that’s transferrable to any industry and it will help pave your way to success. 8. Ask yourself, “What do I value?” and then reflect on how you can live yorur values out in everyday life. 9. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and challenge you to move to the next level in your life and business. 10. Don’t be afraid to blaze a new trail – the journey can be long and tiring, but the view at the end of the pathway can be life-changing. Thanks so much for listening in today! If you enjoyed today’s interview, let us know your key takeaways! And be sure to share them on social media – and when you do, remember to tag @poweryourplatform. We’d love to hear your ideas and share them with our own audiences. Until next time, keep owning your story, following your purse and raising your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear your story. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Gold Performance Training -  https://goldperformancetraining.com/

 85 - Three Myths About Being an Expert | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:16:51

Somewhere in our lives, many of us have bought into one of three myths about being an expert – or maybe we’ve bought into all three. Myth #1: “I’m Still Learning, So I Must Not Be an Expert”. The truth is that you don’t need another degree or another certification or another course to start serving your audience TODAY. "Procrasta-learning" as I call it, is simply a way of letting fear hold us back from doing what we’re already equipped to do. The fact is that you are ready right now to take action and put your ideas into motion. Myth #2: “Someone Else Can Do It Better Than I Can”. The habit of comparing ourselves to others is really the mother of all self-sabotaging techniques and it will hold us back again and again from achieving our true purpose. The idea that “Someone Else Can Do it Better Than I Can” most likely comes from one of two places: either it’s an excuse, because we’re actually scared of our own success OR we actually have a specific individual in mind who we believe to be better than us in our specific area of expertise. Two solutions I suggest: a) stop paying close attention to your competitors on social media and b) keep a journal of your progress so you can compare yourself to your own progress. Myth #3: “Only Braggers Call Themselves Experts.” Repeat after me: it’s not bragging if it’s true. For many of us, making everyone comfortable with our level of leadership and expertise is vital in order to be accepted into the tribe and not seen as a potential threat. The fact is that our leadership and expert status are going to be resented by some. But that’s their story. Not yours. Worrying about what other people think about you and your progress is a dead weight thought that will only slow you down and will certainly drown out any plans for launching and growing a success brand or business. When you find yourself distracted by these 3 myths, consider instead the 7 signs that you are already an expert: 1. You’re at least one or two steps ahead of someone you could help. 2. You have some sort of credibility in your field, whether that’s educational credentials or hands-on job or life experience. 3. You’ve developed a specific set of skills over time that others can benefit from. 4. You have testmonials from people you’ve helped. 5. You can demonstrate success using a certain product or approach in your own life or business. 6. Other people refer customers or clients to you. 7. You’ve made mistakes and learned from them.  If you said yes to any of the signs I just mentioned, then I would suggest that perhaps you are more of an expert than you think you are. Because once you begin to truly believe you’re capable of anything, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world believes it too. EPISODE LINKS: Free Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 84 - Finding the Power to Speak Up with Megan Hamilton | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:40:50

If you’ve ever struggled with the idea of being visible and speaking your mind, then today’s episode is for you. My guest on the podcast today is Megan Hamilton of ubu Skills, a speaking, visibility and confidence coach for women and nonbinary people. Megan has used her classical theatre training and 25+ years of performance to build a step-by-step speaking system that not only allows you to deliver incredible speeches, but also provides her clients with a framework to have difficult conversations, build their confidence and increase their visibility. In today’s episode, we talk about where true confidence comes from and how we can take action when our brain tells us to take cover. PLUS, we also discuss the power move that you can make today to help you put today’s content into action. I hope you feel inspired to take action after listening to today’s interview with Megan Hamilton. Because you already have everything you need to get started. It’s up to you to take action and step outside your comfort zone. Here are my top 10 takeaways from today’s conversation with Megan: 1. Know what lights you up. Then go ahead and make your life whatever you want it to be. 2. Know your own process for solving the challenges you face; then share it clearly and consistently with your core audience. 3. Realize that you already have the tools to be seen and heard; all you need is the confidence to step into your purpose. 4. As you move through your day, recognize and acknowledge the systems of privilege that have been established there and who benefits from them. Then go ahead and challenge the status quo. 5. The only one who can truly build your confidence is you. 6. Having conversations with others about what moves you and what upsets you is a powerful part of the process of finding your own voice. There’s a power in sharing our story with others. 7. When it comes to being visible in the world, remember it’s more about substance than polish. 8. Keep showing up, using your voice and stepping outside your comfort zone. 9. We need to acclimate once we reach a new level of success; this will allow us to pause and prepare for the next level. 10. Today’s power move is to write down the things that are holding you back from taking action on your dream. Then break down those ideas into manageable pieces and take one step every day towards your ultimate goal. EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe ubu Skills - https://www.ubuskills.com/

 83 - Increasing Your Impact with Storytelling + FREE download | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:22:25

British anthropologist Jane Goodall once made the statement that “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” I love that quote, don’t you? It reminds me that everyone has an impact – but not everyone DECIDES what kind of impact they’re going to have.  And I don’t know about you, but I want to choose the impact I make in the world. I want to pick up the pen in my own life’s story and leave an intentional mark on the page. And that’s why I created the Story IMPACT Framework which I speak of often with my clients and with those who are looking to create a long-lasting impression in their community and in the industry where they serve.  So the Story IMPACT Framework is a simple 6-step process which breaks down what it takes to move from idea to impact. Because I find a lot of women I speak to want to make an impact – they’re just not sure where to start or how to grow that impact once they begin. So if that sounds familiar, then this episode is for you!  The Story IMPACT Framework is actually built around the word IMPACT, so it’s pretty easy to remember.  I is for Identity. Your identity is the core structure around which your story is built.   To make this more clear, I created The Story IMPACT Wheel which has eight parts:  1. Your Heroes  2. Your Villains  3. Your Proudest Moments  4. Your Painful Moments  5. Your Inspirations  6. Your Values  7. Your Challenges  8. Your Triumphs  To download a copy of the Story Wheel, see the links list below. M is for Meaning. And it’s meaning that creates the distinction between our experience and our story.  P is for the Purpose that drives us to do the work we do.  A is for the ideal audience we share.  C is for the challenge that we share for our audience.  T is for transformation which is the evidence that we’ve made an impact.  Together, let’s create an IMPACT the world can’t ignore!  EPISODE LINKS:  FREE download: Story Impact Wheel – https://www.powerherplatform.com/storywheel  Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807  PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/  Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 82 - My Secret Success Weapon (and You Can Use It Too!) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:22:09

Today’s podcast is for anyone who is feeling stuck. And no matter what you do, it seems you just can’t make any real progress. Maybe you have a goal in mind or a business idea even, but it always seems like you’re spinning your wheels. So today I want to unpack the idea of decision-making as our secret success weapon. Because the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve come to accept that any forward motion we make in life requires the ability to make decisions and stick to them. In fact, studies show that the average adult makes about 35,000 decisions a day. Wow! Those who can harness the true power of decision making are well on their way to achieving their goals and making the impact they want to make in the world. So the more I thought about this topic, the more I came to realize there are actually four kinds of decision makers. And I want you to listen closely to determine which kind of decision maker you are. 1. The Avoider 2. The Researcher 3. The Second Guesser 4. The Action Taker The thing to remember is that progress is absolutely impossible unless we’re taking action. Action takers are decision makers by default. You can’t take action without making decisions. And each action you take inevitably leads to more decisions that need to be made. But the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Decision-making is like a muscle. The more you flex it, the stronger you become. So here’s to the decision makers. If you want to be powerful, you need to be a decision maker. If you want to progress, you need to be a decision maker. If you want to make an impact, you need to be a decision maker. And I feel so strongly about this that I’m actually launching a 21-day challenge inside our free Power Your Platform Facebook group today called 21 Days of Decision Making. And in the group, we’ll be challenging you to make decisions – some small and some big – about life and business, decisions that will help move you forward and help you grow your business. So I hope you’ll join us there after the show. To join, simply click on the shownotes for this episode or visit powerherplatform.com/community. Because it’s time to be courageous and begin making the decisions that will help us step into the impact we’re meant to have in the world. This is your time. This is my time. This is our time. What do you say? The decision is yours. EPISODE LINKS: 21-Day Challenge (Free Facebook Group) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe


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