Power Your Platform show

Power Your Platform

Summary: Welcome to Power Your Platform, the podcast for women who are building bold story brands! Each week, we’ll explore big ideas about story building and shine a spotlight on courageous women just like YOU who are owning their story, following their purpose and changing the world. Whether you’re a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro, this podcast is for you. I'll help you move your mindset from uncertain to unstoppable and provide you with the storytelling tools you need to make a real impact. Because we all have a story to tell. And somewhere, someone is waiting to hear yours.

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  • Artist: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach
  • Copyright: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach


 18 - Embracing the Conflict in Our Stories with Penny Tremblay | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:43:36

Today’s episode features an amazing interview with Workplace Relationships Expert and Conflict Management Authority Penny Tremblay.    Want to know what you’re in for? Well, 25 years ago, Penny led a sales team into the Million Dollar Club using the principles of relationship strategies.  Since then, she’s developed her own brand called Learn to Play Nice in the Sandbox. She also teaches, speaks and writes on the glue that holds business relationships together – plus she studied Negotiation and Advanced Mediation at Harvard. So… there’s that!    She’s one incredible lady and I’m so excited to share our conversation with you.     Penny has such a great outlook on conflict and relationship building – and I’m so grateful she shared some of her very personal and moving stories with us today in this episode.    By the way, isn’t it great to know that we’re all in the same boat when it comes to mindset? It’s just a part of having a human brain!     Here are my Top 10 Takeaways from my conversation with Penny:      1. Conflict resolution is an inside job.     2. The most important feedback usually isn’t something we want to hear.     3. People are hired for their technical skills, but they’re fired or stuck in dead-end positions due to their inability to get along with other people.     4. Conflict is inevitable; but suffering is optional.    5. Healthy teams embrace conflict.     6. We can’t change our past, but we can change our attachment to it.     7. Watch your language… to yourself.    8. Learn to recognize the difference between thoughts and truth.     9. We connect with others when we share our stories of struggle and challenge.     10. And finally, it’s always better to teach from your scars and not your wounds.     Thanks so much for listening in today!  EPISODE LINKS:  Penny Tremblay - https://pennytremblay.com/  Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807  PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/  Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 17 - Unlocking the Power of Small Stories | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:26

Today we’re digging into the Power of Small Stories and talking about how we can unlock the potential of ordinary teaching moments.  Because let’s face it, we’ve all been impressed by the history-changing stories of women like Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart and Laura Secord. But the truth is, that small stories matter too. And what’s more, they’re a lot easier for most people to relate to.   So today I’m going to share a tool I’ve created called the StoryNET. And I hope it’s as useful for you when it comes to story catching, because I know it’s been helpful for me.   Small stories matter in a big way. And here’s the thing: we’re surrounded by small stories every day of our lives, am I right?  Of course, since we move through our lives at such a breakneck speed, we often don’t take the time to notice the small stories because we’re so distracted by so many other things. Now some of these things could actually be tragedies or crises in our lives which obviously demand our full attention.   But most often, we’re NOT distracted by the big stuff. We’re distracted by, well, pretty much everything. It could be a notification on our phone or it could be the fact that we’re trying to multitask and juggle three or four activities at once.   If you’ve never seen this in action, by the way, just attend a child’s soccer game and keep your eye on the parents who are answering emails while cheering on the home team while also chatting with the other soccer parents about who’s turn it is next week to bring the popsicles. And yes, I may be speaking from personal experience here.   So how can we flip this script? How can we start paying attention to the amazing moments all around us and giving them our full attention? Because when we do, that’s when the stories -- and the lessons they teach -- come into focus.   And here’s the tool we can use to to do it. It’s called the Story NET and it’s a simple strategy for catching the everyday stories in your life before they pass you by.   NET stands for Notice Examine and Takeaway.   1. NOTICE - Without paying attention to the details of our lives, we’ll never notice the knowledge nuggets along the way. So it’s important that we to set our intentions at the start of every day to be mindful and notice the people, the places and experiences that come our way.   2. EXAMINE – What are the types of things we notice when we take time to examine the stories that surround us? We probably notice what’s visible to the eye, as well as the emotions of the story, not to mention the story arc (beginning, middle, end).   3. TAKE AWAY THE KEY LESSONS - What are the takeaways you can spot in the stories you’ve collected? The great stories – the ones worth sharing with others --- will have some sort of a lesson, a reminder or an aha moment that you can share. Whatever it is, keep it simple and state it clearly so your audience isn’t confused about what the takeaway is, and how they can apply it to their own life. When you do, your story collection will be in the perfect position to make a real impact.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 16–Seven Unexpected Places to Share Your Brand Stories | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:24

Have you ever wondered WHERE you should be sharing your signature stories? Well, that’s what today’s episode is all about! We’re going to get into the creative art of weaving your personal and professional stories throughout your marketing materials.   Today I’m going to share with you 7 tools that are often underestimated marketing touchpoints. Some of the interactions I’m going to share with you occur daily, but are overlooked by most business owners as storytelling opportunities. And – wait for it – they’re all completely free.   1. Your Email Signature - This often overlooked piece of digital real estate is actually gold because it’s seen by virtually everyone who receives emails from you   2. Your Voice Mail Message - This is a simple, but highly effective way to remain relevant and timely when connecting with your customers.   3. Your Social Media Bios - These are prime digital real estate since they're often located at the top of your page and tell people what you're all about.   4. The About Me Section of Your Web Site - Talk to your audience in the first person and include a photo that looks 'em right in the eye. Consider it your digital handshake with visitors to your web site.   5. Your Customer Invoices - Remember, it’s five times more expensive to attract a new customer than to nurture an existing one.   6. Your Customer Surveys - These are a great way to engage your customers with your brand story, and get valuable feedback while also weaving in your story messages throughout free survey platforms like Survey Monkey.   7. Your Customer Receipts - Think about every receipt you hand out or email to your customer as an opportunity to build your relationship further.  Can you think of any other underused marketing opportunities for sharing your brand story? Let me know about them!   EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 15 - How to Build A Strong Personal Brand with Pamela Sylvan | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:37:48

In today’s show, I’ll be interviewing Pamela Sylvan, President of Mojomaker Productions in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia.   As a professional Mojomaker Pamela is passionate about building trust and helping her audience have greater influence, impact and confidence in their business and careers. She’s been a sought-after speaker and mentor for the past 25 years and I’m also lucky enough to say she’s a wonderful friend of mine. I know you’re going to be blown away by the wisdom she shares in today’s podcast.    In this 30-minute interview, Pamela and I talk about everything from personal branding and the power of community to how to monetize your ideas to the importance of self-talk. I just loved catching up with Pamela in this interview and I hope you’ll enjoy listening in on our conversation.    Here are my top 10 takeaways from this interview:    1. Our brand story must have an online presence.    2. We need to take our personal branding seriously (while also having some fun).    3. We’re never finished facing our limiting beliefs.    4. Stay connected with your own thoughts; they’ll help keep you grounded.    5. Success is an inside job.    6. Choose the branding tools that feel most like home for you.    7. Be grateful for the inspiration so it continues to come to you.    8. Believe you know something worth sharing with the world.    9. Do it scared – because when you do, you’ll inspire someone else to do the same.    10. There’s medicine in community.    EPISODE LINKS:  Pamela Sylvan, Mojomaker Productions - https://www.pamelasylvan.com/  Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807  PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/  Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 BONUS - Discovering the Story Inside Your Popcorn Box | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:11

In today's bonus episode of the Power Your Platform Podcast, I do an unboxing (and taste testing) of Lucky Elephant Pink Candy Popcorn, a throwback to my younger years. I even discover a prize inside!    This episode is a reminder that inside every one of your life experiences, there’s a prize. Sometimes it’s hidden, but it’s that knowledge nugget you take away that makes you say, Here’s what I learned”. AHA! I get it now.  Maybe it was a good lesson. Maybe it was a bad one. But either way, it was a lesson. SURPRISE!  If you’re lucky, the surprise is a DELICIOUS ONE and it’s something you can well, really chew on. And as you do, the true flavour starts to come out, am I right? Especially when you get to the kernel of truth inside the lesson. Ok ok, enough popcorn puns!   Here’s the thing though – not everyone looks for the prize inside their story journey. And that’s too bad. Because frankly if we don’t get the prize the first time, we often find ourselves repeatedly opening box after box of popcorn without enjoying the prize inside.  What’s more, when we find the prize inside our story journey and we take it out of the box and we take off the wrapping, we usually examine it and we turn it over in our hands, and if we’re really excited about it, we show it to someone else. Right?   When I’m speaking with my clients, we often talk about the knowledge and expertise and life lessons they’ve collected throughout their lifetime. And here’s the thing – we all have a different story path that we’ve experienced.  So they have story prizes that they can share me and I have story prizes that I can share with them.  The thing to remember is that there are SOLUTIONS inside the prizes we’ve collected over time. And those solutions can provide a shortcut to other individuals who are looking to save themselves time, money and energy by learning from what YOU have learned and the prizes you’ve collected.   Now a true prize inside a story journey is the one that has a personal flavour, but also a kernel of truth with a universal application. We actually talked about this back in Episode #11 of the Power Your Platform Podcast, so if you missed it, be sure to go back and download that podcast episode.  I also wanted to mention here that it’s very typical for a prize to be at the very bottom of your popcorn box. It would be great if it was right on top so you didn’t have to do any work. You would just open the box and see it and say, hey, there’s my prize! And the same thing is true with your story journey.  It would be AWESOME if the lesson we were about to learn was shared with us at the start of one of our difficult seasons, -- wouldn’t it? Because it think it might make any pain or suffering more bearable if we were well-aware of the prize we were getting out of the experience. But life doesn’t work that way.  The truth is that the prize is usually buried. And again, it might be buried underneath something DELICIOUS or it might not. But you’re the one who’s going to the work to uncover it. We don’t know what the prizes is until we come THROUGH the experience – but that’s what makes it valuable. We’ve earned that prize. It actually wasn’t free after all. Just like my box of Lucky Elephant Pink Candy Popcorn was actually $1.99. So was my prize really free? Not really.   So my challenge for you today is to dig to the bottom of your pink candy popcorn box. What are the personal lessons you’ve uncovered lately that also have a universal application? Those are the prizes that you can share with others.  LINKS:  Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 14 - The Art of Story Stacking: 6 Story Bricks for Building a Powerful Brand | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:26:32

Today’s episode is STACKED with powerful and tactical learning strategies I think you’re gonna love.  If you’ve ever struggled with how to start building your brand using storytelling, then you’re in the right place! Because today is all about the 6 story bricks you need to begin building a powerful story brand.  Here are the 6 Story Bricks I want to share with you today:   1. Your Purpose Story - This is your WHY or your origin story. What is the purpose behind your business? You can share this in a number of places like your web site, your social media, podcast interviews or just about anyplace that people are willing to listen.    2. Your People Story - Your people story should paint a picture not only of the audience you want to serve, but should reveal portraits of people you have already served. This provides social proof and it continues to build on your people story. 3. Your Promise Story - Your brand promise is the clear value statement you provide to your client or customer that tells them which problem you are going to solve for them and how. 4. Your Platform Story - Your Platform Story tells people where they can find you, what great value they’ll find there, and how they can help you share your platform with others who may be interested. 5. Your Promotion Story - Your Promotion Story is the story you’re constantly telling through your visibility tools (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) that shares who you are and what you're about an encourages others to share your story with their own network. 6. Your Posse Story - Your Posse Story is all about reminding your community what you have in common, how you can serve them and why they are the most important people in the world. And in turn, they will most likely become your greatest brand ambassadors. Once you stack these story bricks one on top of another, you’re going to have a colourful and vibrant story  brand that stands out and interlocks beautifully with your purpose and does an amazing job of serving your core audience.   EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 13 - Why Our Brains are Wired for Storytelling with Jill Hewlett | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:33:07

Hey there, Story Sister – you are in for a treat today! This is my first interview on the Power Your Platform podcast and today’s guest is going to win you over, I have no doubt.    Jill Hewlett is a nationally recognized speaker, author, Brain Fitness Expert and Wellness Authority. She combines user-friendly neuroscience and inspired common sense strategies to draw out the resources and resilience in individuals and organizations across North America.  Her work supports her clients in achieving greater levels of productivity, wellness and success.   In this interview, we talk about everything from storytelling and overcoming limiting beliefs to stepping outside our comfort zone and cutting through the information clutter. Jill is such a wonderful human and it was an absolute pleasure to interview her for this show .    Here is a list of the Top 10 Takeaways from this interview:    1. Our brains are wired for storytelling.    2. You can only take the next step.    3. Be curious and soak up knowledge like a sponge.    4. Stay open to new opportunities.    5. Do what you energizes you.    6. Stimulate your brain by moving your body regularly throughout your workday.    7. FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real.    8. Step outside your comfort zone.    9. Brain coupling takes place when we exchange stories with each other.    10. Stories are a powerful way to cut through the information clutter and connect with our audience.    EPISODE LINKS:  Brain Fitness Web site - https://www.jillhewlett.com/  PowerHER Platform Web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/  Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 

 12 - Written, Audio or Visual: Which Storytelling Platform is Right for You? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:45

In today’s episode, we’re going to explore how you can take your experiences, expertise and insights and begin sharing them on a purpose-driven platform that has the potential to make real and lasting change.   And I’ll let you in on a secret --  your platform probably won’t look like anyone else’s, so you don’t have to worry about comparing yourself to someone else.   The goal of today’s podcast is to help you narrow down your choices, and get you focused so you can go all in the platform that best suits your personal presentation style and intended audience. If you’ve been feeling torn between all the platforms out there or you feel like you’re just spread too thin, then today’s podcast is for you.   So when it comes to choosing your purpose-driven platform, there are really 3 storytelling styles to keep in mind: written storytelling, audio storytelling and visual storytelling.   Written Storytelling - Written storytellers are often voracious readers which is great because that allows them to continually  improve their writing skills. They’re often – though not always -- introverts. They are intensely curious, but tend to avoid the spotlight and typically work well on their own and most often, behind the scenes. If Written Storytelling is your happy place, then you likely feel comfortable communicating in a variety of written formats. If I was to recommend an ideal platform for women who thrive as written storytellers, I’d recommend blogging. And no, blogs are not dead. In fact, they’re still one of the best ways to optimize your web site for Google search results, especially when they’re combined with something like a Pinterest strategy.   Audio (Oral) Storytelling - If you’re an Audio Storyteller, then you’re likely the type of person who loves to meet up with friends at the local coffee shop and tell them in great detail about your last blind date or the strange late-night habits of your neighbor across the street. You’re also more likely to spend a lot of time on phone calls with the people who matter most to you, including your clients. Audio Storytellers are most often ambiverts which means they can move between introvert and extrovert easily. While they do enjoy presenting to live audiences, they can still find them nerve-wracking at times. If this describes you, then you might already be comfortable on a number of platforms like podcasts, Instagram or Facebook lives and even onstage, at live events. But remember, what we’re looking to do when we build your purpose-driven platform is to choose a platform that’s free, public, allows long-form content and has a long shelf life. So in that case, I’d suggest podcasting for Audio Storytellers.   Visual Storytelling - This group of communicators adds beauty to every corner of our lives, from the clothes we wear and the houses we live in, to the art we hang in our hallway. As artists and creators, Visual Storytellers capture our attention through what is visible to the eye. Often they’re highly detailed oriented, but they can also be perfectionists when it comes to their own work. Does that sound familiar to anyone? But for the most part: they just want to create! That’s why visual storytellers tend to be prolific content creators. And that content can show up in all types of formats from fashion design and architecture to videography and even mural painting. But remember, I want you to focus on ONE type of purpose-driven platform. And for Visual Storytellers, the platform I most often recommend is YouTube because of the highly visual component.   EPISODE LINKS: Web site- https://www.powerherplatform.com/  Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 11 - What's a Purpose-Driven Platform? How to Find Your Story Sweet Spot | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:20:53

Hey there, Story Sister! Today, we’re going to talk about what it means to share your message on a purpose-driven platform and how you can start thinking about building one.   I think it’s going to really simplify your message strategy and help you maximize your time, energy and resources. All good news, right?   So today I’m speaking to those of you who are Story Builders and who are looking for a way to start sharing the message or story that you feel compelled to share with the world. I might also be speaking to some Story Pros out there who are overwhelmed by all the systems and processes you’ve created – only all of that hard work isn’t actually getting you any results.   If that’s you, you might be wondering: is there a way to make this all, well, simpler? The answer is yes, there absolutely is.  Now, here’s the thing: it can be super daunting to think that you have hundreds of platforms to choose from and you should really be on as many as you can. That’s just not the case. In fact, when I talk about platforms, there really are only three I would even consider. Not hundreds. Three.  And in this episode I’ll share with you what those are and why they’re different from things like visibility tools or your paid products. So what is a purpose-driven platform? Let’s dive in to that a bit.   A purpose-driven platform is built around your why. In episode #6, I talked about the importance of uncovering why you do what you do. Because understanding your core purpose gives you direction and a focus and a clear vision of what your purpose-driven platform needs to look like.   So since your WHY is so important, let’s use those letters -- W H Y -- as the structure for our approach to think about a purpose-driven platform.   The W stands for WHO: who do you serve?  The H stands for HOW: how do you serve them?  The Y stands for YES: when you know your who and your how, it makes it much easier to say YES to the right platform for you.  So which are the three platforms you should be considering?  I recommend selecting a platform that is free, public, allows long-form content and has a long shelf life. Those platforms tend to be: podcasts, blogs and YouTube channels.   Now, podcasts, blogs and YouTube tend to appeal to different types of Storytellers, but that’s OK. Because you really only need to choose one. And once you do, you need to go ALL IN on that platform. That’s where you spend 80% of your time developing content that will PUSH your message out to your audience rather than using PULL marketing which is what social media is all about.   When you create great, consistent content on your ideal platform, your brand will automatically rise in the Google rankings, allowing you to be found more easily by prospective clients. It will earn you the loyalty of your audience as well, since you are consistently providing excellent value that speaks to their pain point and provides solutions that solve their problem. That’s why you want to zero in on the platform that’s right for you.   But we’re going to do that in our next podcast because we’re out of time for today.   Be sure to join me next time as we take a look at which purpose-driven platform is the right fit for YOU.   EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 10 - Three Powerful Reasons to Unpack Your Signature Story | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:16

 In today’s episode, we’re going to dive into the idea of Unpacking Your Signature Stories and I can’t wait to share with you the 3 reasons signature stories are so powerful and how you can begin unpacking yours.  PLUS Don't forget to join us inside the Power Your Platform Community too!  I think we can agree we all of us have stories that we carry with us through life.  And these stories have the potential to connect us to each other and make a huge impact.   The problem is most of us don’t even know what our stories are. We sit on them, just as though we were sitting on a stack of old, dusty suitcases. We don’t peek inside or unpack what could be useful to us or to the other people in our lives.  But remember, life’s a journey and as travelers we’re not meant to stay in one place forever.  Those suitcases we’re sitting on? What’s inside is meant to equip us for what comes next, providing us with the tools and wisdom that will guide us through the next challenge we face.  Now, I realize that not all the stories we carry around are meant to serve us.  In fact, in Episode #5 we talked about the Stories We Tell Ourselves, and discovered that some of the stories we carry with us through life do more harm than good.  But once we’ve sorted through the dirty laundry in our suitcases, it’s time to consider what else lies inside.  Because inevitably there’s always something tucked away in a corner pocket that escapes our notice at first – but which could actually be of vital importance. Something small that goes unnoticed for a while –– until we need it.  When it comes to unpacking our signature stories, we need to do the same.  We need to do a thorough search through our personal baggage and see what we might have missed the first time or thrown carelessly aside.  So what exactly is a signature story?  And why do we need them when building a story brand? Your signature story is the message you’re best known for. Ideally it stems from your personal experience, expertise and insights.   Not only should your signature story have a personal connection, however, but it should also have a universal application.  The story of Malala and her encounter with the Taliban is an example of a signature story.  Signature stories are powerful for three reasons:   1. They clarify why you do what you do.   2. They reveal the values behind your brand.   3. They can shape your company's culture. If you’re interested in starting to unpack your own signature story, visit us over at PowerHerPlatform.  I’d love to connect!  And if you enjoyed today’s episode, take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @poweryourplatform when you do! We’d love to share you post with our followers!  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 BONUS - Story Routines and Rituals: 7 Ideas to Get You Out of Your Writing Rut | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:18:05

I was thinking about something today on my way home from my son’s baseball game and I thought I’d share it with you today as a bonus episode.  You see, my son was pitching in the game this afternoon and before he pitches he’s got this little ritual. He takes off his hat and wipes his forehead, and he brushes the hair out of his eyes. Then he puts his hat back, he takes a deep breath and tucks his baseball glove under arm and kind of wrings the ball as if he’s squeezing all the juice out of it. And then he gets into his stance and he pitches.  And as I was watching him today, I realized that part of what he does when he’s pitching is ritual and part is routine. He’s actually been taught by his coaches how to pitch well, and so he follows through on those motions almost without thinking. But before he pitches, his actions are actually rituals. Those are the actions he takes to get him to slow his breathing and clear his mind from whatever happened in the last pitch and get him focused for what’s coming next.  Every pitcher does this a bit differently. And that’s why it’s more ritual than routine. So watching him pitch today got me thinking about the difference between story routines and story rituals, and I thought I’d hop here toady and record a little episode to help you build your storytelling muscle and providing you with some ideas to help you get out of your writing rut.  First, what's the difference then between a routine and a ritual? Both are habits actually, but routines are those actions we carry out in our day without really giving them a second thought. Like when we wake up in the morning and we brush or teeth or comb our hair or put on deodorant. Those are really non-negotiables I think for most adults I know.  On the other hand, rituals are actions we take that have a deeper level of meaning. They may be actions we also take every day, but there’s a greater purpose behind them. For instance, maybe you do yoga every morning to help you focus and find your centre. If you’re a woman of faith, you may read a devotional. Others may use affirmation cards or listen to a particular piece of music to get themselves in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day.  So because they are intentional and are more purpose-driven, these actions I’ve just listed would be considered rituals.  Here is a list of 7 Story Rituals to consider adopting as a part of your day or week:  1. Start a story journal.  2. Play some word games.  3. Write someone a longhand note of thanks or congratulations (or just because).  4. Listen to a story-related podcast (like this one!).  5. Look up new words or acronyms that pop up during your day.  6. Watch an inspiring TED Talk.   7. Subscribe to our Power Your Platform weekly story prompts. When you do, we'll send you an email each Monday with a story prompt to help you kick writer's block to the curb. Whichever story rituals you make a part of your life, keep stretching your storytelling muscles - -and, hopefully like my son in his next baseball game (fingers crossed), you'll be hitting the ball out of the park when it comes to your next project.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 9 - Tossing Your To Do List: 3 Simple Ways to Create Successful Story Habits | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:13

Today we’re going to take a look at the last step in our 4-part Story PATH framework series. This episode is all about HABITS and let me tell you, this is one HOT topic in the business world today.  The reason the topic of habits is such a popular one these days, is because business owners are realizing that it doesn’t matter if you have a great framework or system that gets you results – if you’re not implementing it consistently by building it into your calendar, then all you’ve got is a great action plan with no impact.  One of my favourite books on this subject is "Badass Habits" by Jen Sincero. In it, she writes “Contrary to popular belief, habits are more about who you’re being than what you’re doing.” Wow, right?  So let’s break that down a bit.  Who are YOU being when you show up to your life every day? Are you a person who takes action? Or a person who procrastinates? Are you deciding to be a person who’s focused? Or a person who’s easily distracted? Are you showing up as a person who’s driven by purpose? Or overwhelmed by public perception?  Who we’re being ultimately determines what we’re doing which of course leads to our habits. But the great news is this: we can intentionally show up differently in our lives every single day, and develop new habits simply by focusing on a new way of being.  #1 is to Create a Habits Inventory. And be honest with yourself: what are the habits you’re proud of in your life, and which ones are holding you back from success? If you’re struggling, get a close friend or family member to help you zero in on some of your great and not-so-great habits. But brace yourself, you may hear some things you don’t want to hear. And that’s OK. Because growth is going to cause you some discomfort, so it’s a good idea to get into that mindset right from the start. Once you’ve created your habits inventory, it’s time to move on to step  #2 – Replacing Your To Do List with your To Be List. Because we’ve already established that creating new habits and getting rid of old ones isn’t about doing things differently, it’s about being different. This is going to take some self-reflection, but that’s OK because investing the time to get to the heart of your purpose and practices is never time wasted. Ask yourself: if I’m going to adopt this new habit – for example, being more punctual for meetings – then who do I have to be in order to make that happen? Using this example, I would ask myself: who am I being when I show up on time for meetings? I would say that makes me a person who respects other people’s time as well as my own. So if my goal habit is to be more punctual, I could commit to becoming a person who respects my own time as well as the time of others and over time, that state of being, becomes a state of doing.  #3 is to Create Your Own 21-Day Habit Challenge. This is a 3-week commitment to your new INTENTIONAL way of being. Of course, it's hard to do alone. You might want to consider finding an accountability partner by asking a friend or colleague -- or a Story Coach -- to join you in your habit journey. You could even join our free Power Your Platform Facebook group where we can cheer each other on together!   Thanks for listening in today! If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love for you to take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @PowerYourPlatform when you do! We always enjoy sharing listener posts.  Until next time, remember to raise your voice, speak your truth and make your mark. Because the world is waiting to hear your story.

 8 - Get a Grip: 4 Proven Ways to Get Better Story Traction | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:09

In this episode, we’re going to continue our conversation about the Story Path that leads to your purpose-driven platform. We’re on Step 3 of 4 in our Story PATH framework today. And I can safely say that this is the episode where the rubber meets the road.  So stay tuned --- it’s going to be a fun ride! But before we go any further, I want to invite you to join me after the show in our FREE Power Your Platform Facebook group. That’s the place where I’ll be sharing even more story strategies, free tips and other valuable resources to help you build a story brand that gets noticed and creates an impact. I hope to see there!  For now -let’s get into today’s episode! Are you ready? Let’s turn up the volume!  Traction is what happens when you get a good grip on something and you’re able to hold onto it securely. Kind of like when you’re driving down the road on a snowy day and you’ve got snow tires on your car. Rather than slipping and sliding all over the place, the snow tires help you get a grip – or traction – on the road so you stay the course and get to your destination. I know that’s a super-Canadian example, but hopefully if you’re listening from a sunnier part of the world and you didn’t even know there was such a thing as snow tires, it’ll still makes sense to you.  So today we’re talking about traction in terms of your messaging. How can you create a story brand that grips your audience’s attention and HOLDS it long enough for them to understand your message and take action? This is one of the biggest challenges companies face since there are so many competing messages in the marketplace today.  In this episode, we explore 4 simple ways to get more story traction.  #1 - Know Your Audience. Creating a specific customer persona is the first step to ensuring that message traction takes place – because it forces you to go deep when it comes to getting to know your core audience.  #2 - Optimize Your Language. This step is all about using language that resonates with your core audience. Once you get to know your audience as outlined in Step #1, you should have a better idea of the words and phrases that will attract your core customer as well as the words and phrases that will repel them.  #3 - Start a Conversation. If we’re looking to get traction with our audience, we need to start a conversation. It actually improves our chances that people will not only take notice of our message, but respond. We call that audience engagement and it plays a huge role in message traction.  #4 - Create a Community. After all, when one person is communicating a message, it takes a lot longer to get the word out than when an entire community is sharing that same message. But remember, you can’t just start with community. You need to start with Step #1 which is knowing your audience. Once you do, you can begin speaking the language your audience connects with. That leads to Step 3 which is starting conversations. And once you have regular engagement with your core customers, you’re ready to start building a community.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 7 - Wonder Woman Lives Here: Becoming Your Own Action Figure | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:24

You might not realize it, but you’ve just stepped into an action-packed episode today. Literally. It’s all about action.   And I’m excited because if you get what’s at the heart of this episode, there will be no stopping you.  Because here’s the truth: your story is your superpower. And you were born to share it. So hold onto your seat ‘cause this is gonna be GOOD!  When I talk to my clients today about the importance of taking action, it’s a concept they embrace in theory. But it’s a lot harder to live out in practice, possibly because a lot of these women weren’t immersed in action figure messaging from the time they were kids.  What I do see is a lot of women accessorizing their business ideas with beautiful social media feeds, high-end photo shoots and strong branding campaigns.  But when it comes to the action part of the equation, there’s a real lack of substance. Why this matters is that no matter how committed we may be to our purpose, it means absolutely nothing without action. In fact, if we’re aware of a problem that needs changing in the world and we do nothing about it, we become a part of the problem.  So what do I mean by taking action? Well, what I don’t mean is creating a carefully curated Instagram feed although there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m talking about having an actual action plan. Fortunately, I can help you in that department.  My 4-step action plan helps get my clients get unstuck and moving in the right direction.  Here’s how it works:  #1 - Know your mission. Remember, your purpose is your WHY and your mission is your HOW (action).   #2 - Seize your opportunities. Don't sleepwalk through life. Be mentally alert and present in the moment. Remember the Japanese tea ceremony saying, "Ichigo Ichie" which literally translates as “One time, one meeting.” The broader meaning is that “This happens once in a lifetime – be present and treasure it.” Don't miss out on your opportunities!  #3 - Know your value. In this episode, we talk about the difference between your "worth" and your "value". You are absolutely priceless as a human being; your worth actually can't be measured. But your "value" can be measured based on your years of experience, your reputation, your level of proficiency and (very important) what the market is willing to pay for your product or services.   #4 - Evaluate your progress. Use SMART goals to evaluate your actions along the way. SMART stands for Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Timely. Don't wait until your product or service is perfect; just take it to market, and the market will perfect your product.  There are more details on each of the above points in the episode, so be sure to listen in!  If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love for you to take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @PowerYourPlatform when you do! We always enjoy sharing listener posts. Until next time, remember to own your story, follow your purpose and raise your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear your story.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 6 - Rebel Cry: 3 Questions to Ask to Help Bring Your Purpose into Focus | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:33

In today's episode, I'm introducing you to the StoryPATH, a simple framework that I created to help my clients clarify what they speak about, who they speak to and why.  For nearly 20 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women just like you to build their story brands and propel them onto their purpose-driven platform. To do this takes a plan, and fortunately for you, I’ve got a great place for you to start today.  The StoryPATH Framework consists of four key elements: purpose, action, traction and habit. P.A.T.H. Yup, that spells path for the smart kids in the class.  So today I’d like to focus on the first part of the Story PATH which is purpose.  Now stay with me here: a lot has already been said and written and recorded about finding your purpose. I get that. But today’s episode isn’t about finding your purpose, it’s about following it.  Because purpose – and just not passion – is what we need to follow if we are going to make an impact on this world with our gifts, knowledge and expertise. Waking up in the morning and knowing WHY we’re doing something will compel us to do it, even when we feel discouraged and completely unmotivated. Trust me, I’ve faced a lot of mornings like that in my own life.  Without knowing why we’re doing something, procrastination can easily set in. But when we know our purpose and who is waiting for us to take action, then we’re able to set aside the distractions and prioritize what really matters. One of the best ways I’ve found to crystalize what your true purpose is, is to think about it as your rebel cry.  There’s a great book called 3 Word Rebellion by Dr. Michelle Mazur that talks about taking a good, hard look at the things you want to change about the world and figuring out how YOU can play a part in that change. I really do think that’s the key.  So here’s an exercise I highly recommend.  Ask yourself the following 3 questions and record your answers in your Story Journal.  #1 is What’s one thing that’s driving me crazy about the world today?  #2 is What’s one thing that’s breaking my heart?  And #3 - What’s one change I’m praying to see happen within my own lifetime?  To hear how I answered those questions, listen to the full episode.  Once you discover your rebel cry, let me know by tagging @poweryourplatform on Instagram or sending me a DM. I'd love to hear from you!   EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe


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