Power Your Platform show

Power Your Platform

Summary: Welcome to Power Your Platform, the podcast for women who are building bold story brands! Each week, we’ll explore big ideas about story building and shine a spotlight on courageous women just like YOU who are owning their story, following their purpose and changing the world. Whether you’re a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro, this podcast is for you. I'll help you move your mindset from uncertain to unstoppable and provide you with the storytelling tools you need to make a real impact. Because we all have a story to tell. And somewhere, someone is waiting to hear yours.

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  • Artist: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach
  • Copyright: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach


 SUMMER RECAST SERIES: What's Inside Your Suitcase? 3 Powerful Reasons to Unpack Your Signature Story | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:23

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the idea of Unpacking Your Signature Stories and I can’t wait to share with you the 3 reasons signature stories are so powerful and how you can begin unpacking yours. I think we can agree we all of us have stories that we carry with us through life. And these stories have the potential  to connect us to each other and make a huge impact. The problem is most of us don’t even know what our stories are. We sit on them, just as though we were sitting on a stack of old, dusty suitcases. We don’t peek inside or unpack what could be useful to us or to the other people in our lives. But remember, life’s a journey and as travelers we’re not meant to stay in one place forever. Those suitcases we’re sitting on? What’s inside is meant to equip us for what comes next, providing us with the tools and wisdom that will guide us through the next challenge we face. So what exactly is a signature story? And why do we need them when building a story brand? Your signature story is the message you’re best known for. Ideally it stems from your personal experience, expertise and insights. Not only should your signature story have a personal connection, however, but it should also have a universal application. So why are signature stories so powerful? First, they clarify why you do what you do. When we share our origin story, people understand what motivates us. Secondly, signature stories can also reveal the values behind the brand. This helps customers align with brands they can relate to on an emotional and moral level. Signature stories can also shape company culture. When you share the why behind your brand and what the values are that drive your business, then your employees will better understand how they should be operating day-to-day. If you’re interested in starting to unpack your own signature story, click on the link below. I’d love to connect! EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES: Stretching Your Story Muscle: How to Create More Confidence + Better Content | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:24

Today we’re exploring the topic of story stretching and how you can avoid getting stuck when comes to your own creative process. Have you ever suffered from a case of BPS? Blank Page Syndrome is a condition that can slow your progress and leave you feeling frustrated and alone. The truth is, there is a LOT of writing that’s involved when it comes to building a brand. Besides coming up with social media content and your ideal customer profile, there’s also the web site copy and emails and newsletters, not to mention your core platform content for your blog, podcast or YouTube channel. But slow down for a moment – and let’s take a breath. Because you can do this. What it comes down to is remaining mentally confident and flexible so we can respond to the needs of our business quickly and efficiently, with plenty of creativity to spare. Throughout my years as a writer, I’ve adopted three tried-and-proven story stretches to help me stay flexible when it comes to new content creation, while also giving me a boost of confidence when it’s needed. 1 – Explore new paths. Get out of your rut and go for a walk or take a drive! Movement creates momentum… 2 – Get back to play. Sometimes playing for the simple sake of playing is all that’s required sometimes. And when we lose ourselves in play, it helps unlock that creative part inside of us that so often gets lost as we become adults. 3 – Embrace new collaborations. Collaboration is such a powerful tool, because it helps us get out of our own heads and see things from  a brand new perspective. I particularly enjoy working with women who don’t come from exactly the same type of background as me. As a creator and marketer, I pursue conversations with people in different types of fields, to see how they’re solving challenges within their own industry. When I do, I’m always introduced to new ways of solving problems, and it all helps me to stretch my own story muscle by causing me to look at the world through new eyes.   I hope these simple tips help you stretch your creative story muscle and remind you of all of the amazing gifts, talents and abilities you have inside you. Let’s make Blank Page Syndrome a thing of the past. Good-bye writer’s block – hello, creativity! EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES - How to Repurpose Your Main Platform to Save Yourself Time and Maximize Your Resources | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:31

In this episode we're exploring the ways you can repurpose your platform by squeezing all the goodness out of each segment so you’re able to add delicious flavour to everything that you do. As I’ve said before on this podcast, I believe one of the keys to consistent communication with your audience is a purpose-driven platform. And I also believe there are 3 main platforms we should consider as a free and shareable public space to share our long-term content. Those three platforms are podcasts, blogs and YouTube channels. Remember, you don’t need all three platforms. You really only need to focus on one. Once you’ve decided on which platform will be your focus, that platform becomes the source of all the content you need for your visibility tools (social media, newsletter, etc.). The cool thing about podcasts, blogs and YouTube channels is that they’re already neatly divided into segments. For podcasts and YouTube channels those segments are called episodes and for blogs those segments are called posts. What’s really useful about thinking about your platform in segments is that it provides multiple opportunities per episode or post to repurpose the content for your visibility tools. The beauty of repurposing is that you’re taking the same original content that you produce one time, and you’re using it over and over for maximum reach and effect. And the way you do that is by finding the little bits and pieces you can peel away from your main segment and scattering those throughout your social media content to get the most out of your time and streamline your day.   Thanks so much for listening in to today podcast episode! If you enjoyed it, then be sure to rate and review Power Your Platform on Apple Podcasts and Spotify – and thanks to every one of you who have been sharing this podcast with your friends and colleagues. I truly appreciate it. Until next time, keep owning your story, following your purpose and raising your voice – because the world is waiting to hear your story!  EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 Story Sister Archetypes Episode - https://tinyurl.com/mr28sjnc

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES: 4 Proven Ways to Get Better Story Traction in Brand Building | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:01

In today’s episode, we’re talking about traction. Because when it comes right down to it, without traction, we won’t be able to engage our audience over the long-term and really help them get results. So what is traction? Traction is what happens when you get a good grip on something and you’re able to hold onto it securely. Kind of like when you’re driving down the road on a snowy day and you’ve got snow tires on your car. Rather than slipping and sliding all over the place, the snow tires help you get a grip – or traction – on the road so you stay the course and get to your destination. How can you create a story brand that grips your audience’s attention and HOLDS it long enough for them to understand your message and take action? This is one of the biggest challenges companies face since there are so many competing messages in the marketplace today. In this episode, we’ll explore 4 simple ways to get more story traction: 1 - Know your audience. 2 - Optimize your language. 3 - Start a conversation. 4 - Build a community. Thanks so much for listening in today! I hope you found at least one aha moment in today’s episode, and hey, if you did, I’d love to hear from you! Click below to connect. EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 The 6 Story Sister Archetypes - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2s00O0KbySqWh95M2SpPCS

 BONUS: Live Workshop Replay - "Building Your Story Pillars" | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:35:17

In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you a replay of a workshop I hosted a few weeks ago about “Building Your Story Pillars.” Now the workshop was an hour long so I’m not actually going to replay the entire workshop. But I am going to share with you the 5 story pillars that we discussed during that workshop, and I hope that as you listen in, you’ll jot down a few notes that relate to your own brand or business. Because as business builders, it’s important that we’re aware of what our story pillars are and the important role they play in branding. The good news is that we all have a story to tell, and our audience is waiting to hear it. And as you listen, if you feel like you could benefit from some extra support as you build your own story pillars, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by clicking on the connect link below. I’d love to hear from you and help coach you as you create a brand that creates true impact. To recap, here are the five key story pillars we discuiss in this episode: 1.  Your Personal Story 2.  Your Purpose Story 3. Your People Story 4. Your Product Story 5. Your Promise Story Thanks so much for listening in to today’s podcast episode. If you’re looking for a community of women spekaers, leaders and entreprneeurs who are building their own brands and making an impact in the world, be sure to join us inside our FREE Power Your Platform Facebook community. You can click below to join today! Until next time, keep owning yoru story, following yoru purpose and raising your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear YOUR story!   EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES - 3 Strategies to Help You Find the Courage to Take Action (Even Before You Feel You're Ready) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:11

In today’s Summer Recast episode, we’re talking about courage and how we can find the strength and the mindset to take the necessary steps to put our dreams into action. The first strategy for taking action even before you feel like you’re ready is to remember your purpose. The second strategy for taking action even when you’re feeling full of self-doubt and fear is to think about the next step, rather than the whole journey. The third strategy for taking action before you’re ready is to surround yourself with other action takers. And here’s the magical part about taking action -- and that is that action CREATES confidence! The very thing you’re scared of doing right is the very thing that’s going to make you more brave as you move forward. Isn’t that awesome? So it’s time to stop making excuses and get out of your own way. It’s time to grab your own 20 seconds of courage and make them count. Because there’s a whole world out there that’s waiting to hear your story -- and all you need to do is make the first move. EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES - Unlocking the Power of Small Stories: How to "Catch" the Small Stories All Around You Using a Story NET | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:36

Today we’re digging into the Power of Small Stories and talking about how we can unlock the potential of ordinary teaching moments.  Because let’s face it, we’ve all been impressed by the history-changing stories of women like Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart and Laura Secord. But the truth is, that small stories matter too. And what’s more, they’re a lot easier for most people to relate to.   So today I’m going to share a tool I’ve created called the StoryNET. And I hope it’s as useful for you when it comes to story catching, because I know it’s been helpful for me.   Small stories matter in a big way. And here’s the thing: we’re surrounded by small stories every day of our lives, am I right?  Of course, since we move through our lives at such a breakneck speed, we often don’t take the time to notice the small stories because we’re so distracted by so many other things. Now some of these things could actually be tragedies or crises in our lives which obviously demand our full attention.   But most often, we’re NOT distracted by the big stuff. We’re distracted by, well, pretty much everything. It could be a notification on our phone or it could be the fact that we’re trying to multitask and juggle three or four activities at once.   If you’ve never seen this in action, by the way, just attend a child’s soccer game and keep your eye on the parents who are answering emails while cheering on the home team while also chatting with the other soccer parents about who’s turn it is next week to bring the popsicles. And yes, I may be speaking from personal experience here.   So how can we flip this script? How can we start paying attention to the amazing moments all around us and giving them our full attention? Because when we do, that’s when the stories -- and the lessons they teach -- come into focus.   And here’s the tool we can use to to do it. It’s called the Story NET and it’s a simple strategy for catching the everyday stories in your life before they pass you by.   NET stands for Notice Examine and Takeaway.   1. NOTICE - Without paying attention to the details of our lives, we’ll never notice the knowledge nuggets along the way. So it’s important that we to set our intentions at the start of every day to be mindful and notice the people, the places and experiences that come our way.   2. EXAMINE – What are the types of things we notice when we take time to examine the stories that surround us? We probably notice what’s visible to the eye, as well as the emotions of the story, not to mention the story arc (beginning, middle, end).   3. TAKE AWAY THE KEY LESSONS - What are the takeaways you can spot in the stories you’ve collected? The great stories – the ones worth sharing with others --- will have some sort of a lesson, a reminder or an aha moment that you can share. Whatever it is, keep it simple and state it clearly so your audience isn’t confused about what the takeaway is, and how they can apply it to their own life. When you do, your story collection will be in the perfect position to make a real impact.  EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES - The Story Smore Recipe: How to Create Simple, Sweet and Sticky Messaging | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:25

Today I’m going to share with you my very own recipe for a Story Smore. And by the end of this episode I hope you’ll pick up some sweet tips for creating a delicious connection with your audience that keeps them hungry and coming back for smore.  Are you ready for today’s episode? Sweet! Let’s get cooking!   Not many people know this, but the recipe for smores cookie sandwiches has actually been around since the 1920s. And here’s a fun fact: the first smores recipe actually appeared in a girl scout’s guide called Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts. But back then the treat was actually known as Graham Cracker Sandwiches.   In case you’ve never heard of a smore, by the way, let me explain the preparation and cooking process. I promise it will only take 60 seconds.   First, you take two graham crackers and in between you slide a layer of chocolate – my favourite is Aero or Hershey, but it doesn’t really matter.  Next, you want to toast a marshmallow over an open campfire if possible or if not, you can do the cooking in a microwave.  Once your marshmallow is toasted, you want to smush together the graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow combo – by the way, I’m pretty sure “smushing” is the technical term in case you’d like to look it up.   And then – ahhhh, the sweet taste of that glorious mess of goodness. There’s nothing quite like it!   But let’s break down this recipe further for today’s Story Smore Cooking Lesson.   Now, the purpose of a Story Smore is to make your content so delicious and so worthwhile that your audience keeps coming back again and again. So how do we do that?  First, let’s consider the three ingredients of a traditional smore: graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate. That’s it, just three components. So you’ve gotta love the simplicity.   Today, we’re going to use each of the three smore ingredients to represent a different technique for creating a message that melts in your audience’s mouth and keeps you top-of-mind.   Here they are:  Graham Cracker #1: Start with a message hook that draws your audience in to your story.   Melted Chocolate: Sweeten the deal by offering your audience a value statement addressing their key pain point(s).   Toasted Marshmallow: Create a sticky message they can remember and that they can take with them.   Graham Cracker #2: Finish off with a clear call-to-action that answers the question “What next?”   Remember, when it comes to your brand message, keep it simple, sweet and sticky. Happy story snacking! EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 SUMMER RECAST SERIES - Joyful Storytelling: 3 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Business Storytelling | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:16:17

Are you ready to have a little bit of fun? I hope so, because in today’s episode, we’re talking about Joyful Storytelling. Studies show that people who have fun at work are healthier, more inspired, more satisfied with their work and – oh yeah – more productive. They’re also a whole lot nicer to be around! Recently,  I started paying more attention to my own workday routines to see how much fun I was having on the job. And as I’ve gotten better at making room for fun in my workday, my storytelling has become more… joyful! Why is joyful storytelling important? I believe that if you’re going to convince someone to check out the work you’re doing and maybe even become a paying customer – then they’re going to need a little convincing. Remember, you’re probably not the only one who’s offering whatever it is you’re selling. So the story surrounding your product or service is really important. And if the story you’re telling comes across as desperate or uncertain or fearful even, then that’s not going to inspire someone to invest in what you’re putting out into the world. Here are 3 fun ways I infuse more joy into my day, to help ensure my storytelling is equally joyful and connects more deeply with my core audience. The first fun strategy is to look for the laughter. Experts tell us that when we laugh, we actually recalibrate our brains to focus and concentrate more fully on our work. As a result, laughter can actually improve our productivity. Who knew!? What are the things that make you laugh? How can you invite more of that type of activity into your day? It could be as simple as a phone call with a hilarious friend over the lunch hour or watching a 5 minute comedy clip. Maybe it’s just laughing at your pet’s crazy antics if you work from home. Whatever works for you, build in some time for laughter! The second strategy is to find your tribe. Loneliness can lead to some dark days if we’re not careful. I think we all realize by now that when left alone with our own negative thoughts, we can do some real damage to our own self-esteem AND the way we think about our business. This negative vibe can actually STOP us from sharing our story and lead us to withdraw completely from interacting with our core audience. Or, if we do put out content, it tends to be less exciting a little more negative in tone. But when we come together with others who share similar goals and values, then we can draw strength from the group. Actress Kate Hudson once said, “The more we connect, they more content and happy we feel.” And that feeling of contentment and happiness inevitably leads to a more joyful sharing of our own business story with the world around us. The third way we can brighten our business story is by prioritizing play and creativity. Because here’s the thing: when we make room for play and creativity in our workday, we make room for better problem-solving, more innovation and overall better business results. One woman I know only writes in purple ink! I like to build dance breaks into my day or time to play with my dog. So go ahead and get creative today – and remember, it’s a practice, so the more you do it, the easier it will get to step into your creative flow when you need it most. EPISODE LINKS: Download Your Joyful Storytelling Checklist - https://www.powerherplatform.com/joyful Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 140 - Season 2 Wrap-Up Party: Looking Back on 3 Aha Moments from This Past Season! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:36

It’s hard to believe we’ve already reached the end of Season 2 of the Power Your Platform Podcast! Over the past few months, I’ve had the chance to interview some incredible, some of whom you’ll get to hear from today in this special episode. To celebrate, I’ve created an audio mash-up of interview clips that inspired me and others, and which really helped to make this past season meaningful. Thanks to everyone who was a guest on this podcast in Season 2 – you know who you are, and you know how much I appreciate you and the work you do! Aha Moment #1 – How to Take a Story from Good to Great In Episode 103, I love that Sonja mentioned the importance of authenticity when storytelling, and not only that, but the difference between spewing information and actually creating a human connection with our audience. Brilliant! Aha Moment #2 – Building Confidence through Image Clarity In Episode 115, I spoke with Diana Renelli, a Toronto-based brand photographer who works with women to help them amplify their message through intentional photographs. In this conversation, Diana and talked about the importance of imagery in storytelling and how we become more confident the clearer we become in our messaging. Love it! Aha Moment #3 – Separating Your Self-Worth from Your Net Worth In Episode 126, my guest was Hadriana Leo of Money navigator International. Hadriana’s superpower is helping women understand and rewrite their money stories which is so vital to the success of any business. And in this conversation, she really drills down to the some core issues, one of which relates to becoming more confident storytellers and business leaders. The distinction Hadriana makes in this interview clip between net worth and self-worth is a thought I still carry with me today. Have a listen! Once again, I'd like to thank ALL of the amazing women I was able to interview on the podcast during Season 2. While I didn’t have the time to recap every single conversation here today, I invite you to go back and listen to what they had to say about everything from marketing to mentoring. You won’t be sorry you did. Up next: stay tuned for our Summer Recast Series which begins next week! EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 BONUS: Get All the Juicy Details on my Latest FREE Workshop Taking Place June 21st! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:20

Today I’m inviting you to join me on Wednesday, June 21st for a free, 1-hour workshop on Building Your Story Pillars. If you’ve been around this podcast for a while, then you’ve no doubt heard me mention story pillars from time to time. Because when it comes to creating a strong foundation for your brand story, I really believe that story pillars are truly a secret to success.  So on Wednesday, June 21st from noon – 1 p.m. EST I’m inviting you to join me for a free virtual workshop that will help you uncover YOUR story pillars so you can begin building a story brand that makes an impact. Who is this workshop designed for? First of all, this workshop is a great fit if you’re someone who struggles to come up with fresh content to share with your audience on a regular basis. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that many people find it challenging to engage their audience with interesting stories that create connection, credibility and ultimately, a community of raving fans. But the good news is that by building your 3 to 5 story pillars, you’ll have an endless supply of resources and materials to draw on, plus we’ll make sure you know how to leverage that content to reach your ideal audience. Next, this workshop is great for people who tend to get off-track when it comes to their brand messaging. And hey – we’ve all been there! But if distraction is getting in the way of consistent communication with your audience, then it’s time to consider adding a new power tool to your belt. And I believe your story pillars are just the thing to help you get clear and keep focused no matter how busy life becomes. Finally, the Building Your Story Pillars workshop is an ideal for anyone who tends to procrastinate when it comes  to sharing their core message, because they just weren’t sure where to start. If this is you, no worries. We’ll make sure you have a clear action plan that reminds you what your key story pillars are, and how to use them to make an impact. In this 1-hour session, we’ll cover:  - What a story pillar is and what it's used for - How to get clear on your main story pillars - And why building your story pillars can help you maximize your time + streamline your messaging I’ll also be sharing with you my own story pillars and how they’ve allowed me to simplify my overall marketing strategy to make sure I keep on course and deliver value-added content regularly to my audience. PLUS we'll also take time to answer your questions live and guide you in completing your own digital Story Pillars Worksheet. So if your interest is piqued and you think Building Your Story Pillars could be the next move to help you get clear on your message, while building continuity and consistency, then be sure to join us! EPISODE LINKS: Building Your Story Pillars Workshop:  https://tinyurl.com/26dcy9mf Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 139 - The 3 Stories to Avoid Telling in Your Brand or Business Starting TODAY and Why It's Important to Avoid Them | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:09

Today I’m sharing the Three Stories to Avoid Telling. If you know me, you know I spend nearly every podcast episode talking about why we should tell our stories and the power that results when we do. But lately, I’ve also been realizing that there are at least 3 stories we need to STOP telling. So in today’s episode, I want to get to the bottom of those three stories and talk about why they are NOT stories worth sharing. 1 – The “Woe Is Me” Story We’ve all found ourselves frustrated and feeling sorry for ourselves, haven’t we? It’s a part of being human to want to lick our wounds when we’ve been hurt. The problem is when we put these stories forward regularly as a central part of our personal or professional brand story, they can do more damage than good. As much as we would like to believe otherwise, people just don’t care about our Woe is Me stories. Because, frankly, they have their own Woe is Me stories. And what they’re really looking for is someone to help them find their way to the other side of THEIR struggle. So don’t get stuck in the rut of sharing your Woe is Me story. Instead, consider how you can make someone else’s life better, while drawing on the wisdom of your own experience. 2 – The “I Can Do No Wrong” Story In this case, the storyteller is claiming that NOTHING is going wrong and that EVERYTHING is coming up roses. But this façade of perfection can be off-putting to our audience members who are definitely experiencing their own share of struggles and frustrations. The truth is, we need to present a balanced story which is what I refer to as authentic storytelling. When we can admit to our audience that we’re NOT perfect, it can be a pretty humbling experience. But I also think its freeing. Because when we’re humble, we’re admitting to ourselves and everyone else that we’re still learning. And that gives the freedom to make mistakes. After all, failure is not the opposite of success – it’s a part of success. 3 – The Off-Brand Story Off-brand stores are confusing to our audience and dilute the clarity of our mission. The key to avoiding Off-Brand Storytelling is to stick to our own story lane. Because we want our clients and customres to be 100% clear about what we do, who we do it for and why. EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 138 - Storytelling for Startups with Donna Griffit: How to Deliver Winning Sales Pitches to Customers, Clients + Investors | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:27:47

In today's podcast, I'm interviewing California-based author and corporate storyteller Donna Griffit. Donna has written a book called “Sticking To My Story, The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups” and in the book she shares how to deliver winning investor pitches using the art of storytelling. As Donna explains in today’s episode, our human brains are hardwired for storytelling. So when we use a storytelling framework when approaching our investor or sales pitches, we’re setting ourselves up for business success. In today’s episode, Donna and I talk about what our audience is REALLY listening for when we’re telling a story and why our business vision is one of the biggest keys to pitching success. Here are my Top 10 Takeaways from today's conversation with Donna: 1 - Stories are powerful tools to use when pitching an audience since they tend to stick in the minds of our listeners long after other data is forgotten. 2 - Authenticity is the secret to successfully telling – and selling – your story. 3 - Recognizing your origin story and the “why” behind your business is key to communicating your unique market position with your audience. 4 - Every business needs a why story which includes your what, your how and your way. Remember, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. 5 - It’s important to identify a vision for your company that takes you beyond the moment you’re in now. When we share our vision with our audience, they’ll get a clearer idea of where the path is taking us. 6 - Creating a story in four acts can also help to create clarity for our audience. Those four acts include: The Problem, The Solution, The Action Plan and the Next Moves. 7 - Our audience is listening for three things when we tell a story: credibility, likeability and momentum. 8 - As women, we tend to play down our accomplishments. Instead, we need to be spotlighting them to build greater credibility. 9 - Being likable isn’t about being cute; it’s about being someone who can work well with others to get the job done. 10 - And finally, when it comes to building momentum, our story needs to demonstrate that we’re making progress in our business. When we do, others will want to be a part of that progress as well. Thanks so much for listening in to today’s podcast episode. I’d love to hear YOUR key takeaways, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Until next time, keep owning your story, following your purpose and raising your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear YOUR story.   EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 Sticking To My Story – www.stickingtomystory.com

 137 - Where Have Our First 100 Episodes Gone? Taking a Behind-the-Scenes Look at Our Podcast Spring Cleaning Frenzy | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:04:47

Welcome back to the Power Your Platform Podcast! Today I want to give you a quick update about where our first 100 episodes have gone… Because in case you hadn’t noticed lately, I recently edited our podcast episode library down by about 100 episodes, so that means that when you scroll down to the start of this podcast, you should now see the first episode as Episode 100.   Now some of you may still see some of our older episodes, but that depends on whether or not you still have them downloaded in your app.   The reason for this spring cleaning frenzy is that during our first 100 episodes, I was really experimenting a lot with the technical aspect of this podcast. Not that we’re perfect yet, but some of those earlier episodes were super-cringy with annoying technical glitches and I felt it was finally time to delete them from the podcast library.   Now the good news is that I’ll be re-recording several of those same episodes this summer, so you’ll get to enjoy a fresh, new take on some of the content that helped us get to our first 10,000 downloads.   I have to say, that I really enjoyed experimenting with sound and content during the first 100 episodes of this podcast. And I think that’s a lesson I can pass on to any business owner who’s listening right now. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Go ahead – play, have fun and don’t be afraid to do it messy, especially if it’s not costing you any money.   Through playful experimentation, I’ve learned what type of content our audience responds to the most and the format that helps them best remember the content as its shared.   So thank you so much to anyone who has provided me with feedback in the past about any of our podcast episodes. Two-way communication is key when it comes to tweaking any business offer and I hope that as a listener, you’ve found that to be true with this podcast.   If you haven’t yet reached out to me to let me know what works for you about the Power Your Platform Podcast and what doesn’t, I hope you’ll do that today.   It’s so simple – just send me an email at powerherplatform@gmail.com. You can also leave us a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode!   EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807

 136 – Product vs. Service Story: How Knowing the Difference Can Help You Build Better Brand Messaging for Your Business | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:27

In today’s episode we’re going to talk about the key differences between product and service brands, and how we need to adjust our storytelling in response to those differences. I’ll also be sharing a few story examples from my own business as well as some of the clients I’ve worked with to demonstrate how product and service storytelling can not only set your brand apart, but help to generate business success.   Here are the key takeaways from today’s episode: 1 - We are surrounded by brands every day, and each of those brands has a story behind it. 2 - Product stories generally focus on the features and benefits of a product, because that’s what the consumer tends to care about most. 3 - When product companies are led by an original founder, however, the story should also integrate the origin story of  the company and the why behind the business. 4 - Service company stories differ from product company stories, because they are all about the service provider. In this case, our stories need to be human, authentic and connect in a meaningful way with our audience.   If today’s episode has piqued your interest and you’d like to book a 1-hour strategy session to help you get started with your own product or service story, then be sure to click on the contact button below. Until next time, keep owning your story, following your purpose and raising your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear YOUR story. EPISODE LINKS: Let’s Work Together- https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact PowerHER Platform Web Site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807


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