Power Your Platform show

Power Your Platform

Summary: Welcome to Power Your Platform, the podcast for women who are building bold story brands! Each week, we’ll explore big ideas about story building and shine a spotlight on courageous women just like YOU who are owning their story, following their purpose and changing the world. Whether you’re a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro, this podcast is for you. I'll help you move your mindset from uncertain to unstoppable and provide you with the storytelling tools you need to make a real impact. Because we all have a story to tell. And somewhere, someone is waiting to hear yours.

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  • Artist: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach
  • Copyright: Kerry Ramsay, Story Coach


 BONUS - How to Get the Most Out of This (or Any) Podcast | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:06:54

Today, I’m going to talk about the 3 ways you can get the most out of this – or any – podcast.  Has there ever been a time in your life when someone shared a piece of advice with you that seemed tailor-made for the struggle you were facing at that moment? Maybe their words of wisdom steered you clear of a bad relationship or helped you make a better business decision. If you’re anything like me, that positive word of advice probably made you stop in your tracks and say –ohhhhhh! I get it now. Why didn’t I see that before?  We’ve all experienced those aha moments – the flashes of understanding that suddenly clear up a soupy, mess of a problem we’ve probably been dealing with way too long. I live for those moments, don’t you? But here’s the thing. We never know where they’ll come from next. And that’s why we always need to be paying attention. Some people call it being mindful or self-aware. But whatever you call it, if you’re not watching and listening carefully to what’s happening around you, even the brightest moments can pass you by.  So here’s the thing: when you’re listening to this podcast – or any podcast for that matter – I’ve got 3 quick tips to help you focus in and get the most out of your listening time.  #1 - Move your body while you listen. – Whether it’s walking the dog or weeding your garden or doing the dishes, there’s something powerful that takes place inside our brains when we move.  #2 - Hit the pause button. - Taking the time to pause and reflect can help our brains better process what’s being said. And what’s more – by repeating it, we’re more likely to remember it. And if we remember it, we’re more likely to take action.  #3 - Get the notes! I know it’s hard to jot down ideas when you’re moving like I suggested in Tip #1– but don’t worry! The key takeaways for every Power Your Platform episode are captured in the show notes. So all you need to do is check them out.  If you enjoyed this mini-episode, feel free to take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @PowerYourPlatform when you do! We always enjoy sharing listener posts.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 5 - The Stories Inside Our Head: 4 Powerful Substitutes for the Negative Stories We Tell Ourselves | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:33

In today’s episode, we’re going to dive into the stories we tell ourselves. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I predict this one is gonna get you thinking.  Can you think of a story that’s been rolling around like a marble inside your own mind about who you are and how much you’re capable of?  Chances are, you’re carrying around some stories that other people have told you as well about who you are and what’s right for your life. Often these stories come in the form of expectations of how others see our lives unfolding.  Parents and family members have a particularly strong influence when it comes to creating the stories we carry around inside our heads. They may be projecting their own fears on us about risking too much or dreaming too big or steering us clear from unknown paths because “no one else in our family has ever done it that way”.  Without realizing it, those stories in our heads create success barriers. Thankfully, not all of the stories inside our heads are necessarily negative ones. Maybe we were encouraged to do great things and live bold lives. Maybe the story inside our mind is that we’re here for a purpose – to help others and add value to the world. Those are great story lines and we need to continue carrying with us. But what about the others? How do we replace the negative stories in our heads with positive ones?  Here are four tips I offer my clients who are facing this challenge:  #1 – Pay attention to your thoughts. Listen closely to the stories you’re telling yourself day in and day out. Notice when the stories you’re repeating to yourself aren’t serving you anymore. Think about where those stories originated. Are they still true today? Were they ever true? Reflect on which stories need to be revised and which stories can stay if you are to move ahead in your success journey.  #2 – Dare to flip the script. What would the story inside your head look like if it were the complete opposite? For instance, if you’re telling yourself like I did that you belong behind the scenes, what if the opposite were true and you actually belong front and centre? What would that new story look like in your life? If the story you tell yourself is that no one in your family has ever started a business before, imagine the opposite to be true: imagine yourself being the first person in your family to lead a highly successful company that employs other smart and capable individuals to make real change in the world.  #3 – Remind yourself of your new story constantly so it begins to take root in your mind. Say it out loud to yourself. Write it out in short form on post-it notes and put them in places you won’t be able to miss. Share your new vision with someone in your life that you can trust – not for their approval necessarily, but so you can hear yourself telling a new story about your own life. With time, you’ll start to believe it too.  And finally #4 – Look around for role models. Who are the other people around you who have changed their own story? How did they flip the script? Where possible, reach out and learn from them. If they can do it, so can you!  If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love for you to take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @PowerYourPlatform when you do! We always enjoy sharing listener posts. Until next time, remember to raise your voice, speak your truth and make your mark. Because the world is waiting to hear your story.  EPISODE LINKS: Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 Web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 4 - Story Quiz: What Kind of Storyteller Are You? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:18

In today’s episode, we’re going to get to know a lot more about YOU and your storytelling stage! Specifically, we want to find out: are you a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro?  We’ll even give you a link to a quiz to help you decide which storytelling stage you’re at, PLUS a FREE tool to help get you started no matter where you fit in.  One thing my clients hear me say all the time is that the world needs to hear your story. And it really can’t wait any longer.  That’s why I work closely with the women in my world to help them get clear on what their message is, how they can get that message in front of the people who need hear it, and finally how they can get paid to deliver their signature story.  I really do believe there’s never been a more important time for women’s voices to be heard than right now. So we really can’t waste another day of sitting around and waiting for someone else to step up. That someone else is you and me, sister. We’re it! This is OUR TIME. Now I get it - it can be hard to know where to start.  It’s actually kind of overwhelming to think about creating a signature story and putting it out there for the rest of the world to see. Am I right?  So in this episode, I’m going to introduce you to three Storytelling Stages today which I call the Story Starter, the Story Builder and the Story Pro.  I hope that by the end of today’s episode, you’ll have a clearer picture of where you fit in to the storytelling continuum and what your next moves are to help you build momentum.  So listen in -- and don't forget to take our FREE QUIZ that will get you more free resources to help support you on your storytelling journey! Are you ready for it? Let's turn up the volume and dive in now!  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 3 - Three Daily Mindset Habits to Embrace on Your Story Journey | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:35

If you’re looking to build a powerful story that builds meaningful connections with your audience and ultimately inspire them to take action, then you’ve come to the right place. Because in today’s episode, we’ll be exploring the three mindset habits you’ll need to embrace as you embark on your own StoryPATH.  Mindset is hands-down the biggest story blocker for the women I work with – and I’ve worked with hundreds.  That’s why I created the StoryPATH framework for my clients when I realized that many of them were getting overwhelmed by the idea of sharing their own story and making an impact on their audience.  If you want to learn more about this specific framework, you should definitely listen in to the upcoming episodes where I’ll be explaining in greater depth what the StoryPATH is all about, how to break it down into sections, and how to apply it to your own life or business.  But for today, what I can tell you is that your StoryPATH is the roadmap you develop that weaves your personal and professional experiences into the key message you’re delivering to your audience, no matter which platform you’re using.  To do this, it takes focus and commitment – and that’s why today’s episode explores the three transformational mindset practices that will help you flourish once you step onto your own StoryPATH.  So let’s take a look at each of these daily habits one at a time:  Number one is to learn to trust your gut.  The best way to tune in and listen to what your gut is saying to you is first to find a time to be still and quiet during each day. I know I know -- the moms with toddlers are bent over with uncontrollable laughter right now. And I hear you, sister. I promise you – I’ve been there. But building in quiet time for ourselves – even if it’s just 5 minutes in the shower – is absolutely key to hearing where our inner GSP is directing us, and ultimately following its lead.  The second daily habit we need to develop before we embark on our StoryPATH is spotting the clues along the way.  Studies have shown that women tend to absorb more information through their senses and tuck it away in their brain for future use more than men tend to do. I like to think of this as our inner Nancy Drew. We’re always noticing and picking up on the clues in the room that others tend to overlook. These clues are the key to understanding our audience, reading a room, knowing which language to use and which to avoid, and knowing when to hold space for larger emotions that may be at play.  The third daily mindset practice we need to develop before we start out on our own StoryPATH is the practice of forward momentum.  Yes, there are times when we need to rest. But that doesn’t mean we need to quit. Setting daily micro-goals helps ensure we keep moving forward, even when we don’t feel like we’re making any real progress.  So there you have them. The three daily mindset practices I highly recommend as you get ready to build your StoryPATH in the upcoming episodes of this podcast.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 2 - What the Heck is a Story Coach? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:03

In this episode, we're talking about what the heck it means to be a Story Coach!  If you’re flying solo when it comes to creating your own purpose-driven platform, then you probably already know the value of having a wing woman at your side: someone to act as a sounding board, to keep you accountable and get you back on you on track when you get shiny object syndrome.  A Story Coach does all that and more. Michelle Obama once said, “Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.” Talk about a mic drop moment.  Because owning your story truly is the key to succeeding in everything you do. Why? Because it creates authenticity which basically means that it help you get comfortable with who you are, and being your true self around other people. This is particularly true when it comes to building a personal or professional brand.  The challenge is articulating your story in a clear way that connects you with your audience and inspires them to take action. And that’s where a Story Coach comes in.  Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped hundreds of women like you get out of their head and onto their own purpose-driven platform. Because without a platform, your story will never have the full impact it’s intended to have.  Think of it like speaking into a microphone for hours and hours, only discover that the microphone is actually on mute. So in other words, working with a Story Coach is like turning up the volume on your message so even the people in the back of the room can hear what you’re saying.  If I was going to highlight the top three advantages of working with a Story Coach here’s what I’d say:  #1 – A Story Coach helps you get clear on the message you were born to share.  #2 – A Story Coach helps you package that story in a way that resonates with others.  And #3 – A Story Coach can help get you figure out which audience you were born to serve, and how to get in front of that audience. So thanks for listening in today!  If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love for you to take a screen shot and share it to your Instagram feed – and be sure to tag @PowerYourPlatform when you do! We always enjoy sharing listener posts. Until next time, remember to own your story, follow your purpose and raise your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear your story.  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe

 1 - It's Time to Own Your Story! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:40

So this is it: the launch of my new podcast and (I really hope)... a new movement!  Because let’s be honest: there has never been a more important time for women’s voices to be heard.  And not just any voice. YOUR VOICE.  Because you’ve got a story the world needs to hear.  But if you’re not stepping into all you were made to be and serving the people you’re meant to serve, there’s a huge gaping hole in the universe - -and coincidentally, that gaping hole is just your size. It’s the space that you’re meant to fill with the story you’re meant to tell and no one else can do it except you. Deep down inside, I think you know I’m right. Otherwise, probably you wouldn’t still be listening to this podcast trailer right now.  My gut tells me that you have a story that needs to be shared. Even without meeting you, I know you’ve had experiences that have made you who you are today, and that you’ve learned a ton of lessons along the way that could save other people time, money, struggle, heartache and energy. All you need is someone to show you the ropes. And that’s where this podcast comes in.  For the past 20 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, speakers and students from around the globe -- and I’ve gotten really familiar with some of the common roadblocks that keep us from making bold moves and owning our story. When it comes to stepping out from behind-the-scenes and onto centerstage, many of us face a giant list of common fears and struggles. And those struggles can stand in the way of our success. I’m a big believer that if you can see, you can be it.  That’s why the Power Your Platform podcast series is designed to showcase the stories of women like you -- who had an idea of how their story could make an impact. And guess what? They faced exactly the same human fears that we all face. The difference? They took action. And that action led to momentum, and today, they are changemakers. Listen. We may have never met. But I think I know you. Because I am you. Or at least, I think a lot like you.  Because we both share a human brain and those brains are designed to protect us against all odds. They’re meant to shield us from the unknown and hold us back from uncertain situations. But if you’re equipped with the right tools and strategies to help you uncover and tell your story, there’s nothing stopping you from building your purpose-driven platform and becoming an unstoppable force for good in the world.  In this podcast series, we’ll talk to women who have overcome ordinary and extraordinary obstacles. We’ll walk together through the process of discovering your unique story path and identify the key elements that will help you connect with the audience you were born to serve. Because when you start to share the common parts of your human experience, there’s always someone in the room who can relate. And when we relate to each other, we learn from each other.  And when we learn from each other, we get better. We learn shortcuts that help us navigate our way through life. And here’s the exciting news: are you ready for it? People are willing to pay for those shortcuts.  And that’s the third part of this podcast series. Building a business around a purpose-driven platform is a reality right now for hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. So why not you?  Don’t worry, we’ll get into all the mind drama around the money struggle too including how to price your services – you won’t want to miss that either!  1. Story Starters   2. Story Builders   3. Story Pros  See you next time!   LINK: PowerHER Platform web site

 Official Trailer - Power Your Platform Podcast | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:01:08

Welcome to Power Your Platform, the podcast for women who are building bold story brands! I’m your host and Story Coach, Kerry Ramsay!  Each week, we’ll explore big ideas about brand building and shine a spotlight on courageous women just like YOU who are owning their story, following their purpose and changing the world. Whether you’re a Story Starter, a Story Builder or a Story Pro, this podcast is for you!  I’ll help you move your mindset from uncertain to unstoppable and provide you with the storytelling tools you need to make a real impact.  Because we all have a story to tell. And somewhere, someone is waiting to hear yours.  Join us each week for inspiring interviews, aha moments and step-by-step action plans that will provide the framework to help you create your very own purpose-driven platform. Are you with me? It’s time to power up!  EPISODE LINKS: Power Your Platform Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807 PowerHER Platform web site - https://www.powerherplatform.com/ Subscribe to our Story Fuel Newsletter - https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe


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