The Dad Presents: show

The Dad Presents:

Summary: The Dad is here, talking parenting, life, social issues, and to give out all kinds of advice that you would probably be smart to ignore. The Dad tackles all of the important subjects Americans care about today: spanking, racism, the drug war, and whether or not wives should get the death penalty for nagging. What The Dad won’t tell you is that the entire podcast is just a ruse to keep you occupied and distracted as he lures you into joining his cult. Next thing you know, you’ve given The Dad all your money, you’re living in a log cabin in New Mexico, drinking potion and getting ready to blast off to Zarcon-22. Muwahahahahaha! Tune in today to The Dad Presents to be entertained and amazed. Please click “follow” The Bride’s famous cookies to anyone who makes it out alive! (No, not that kind of cookies, you perverts!)

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 #90: Matt Finn, Fox News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:40

Fox News Reporter, Matt Finn, fresh off the Breonna Taylor story and subsequent riots comes on The Dad Presents to dish about their old hometown, Berwick PA, the state of the media, the power of social media companies, cancel culture, the divided nation, and our current political climate. All that, plus parenting questions. Enjoy! ________________ Please support our sponsors and help your boy feed his family: SHEATHUNDERWEAR.COM -The most comfortable underwear ever created, made from materials created by NASA (I’m not positive about this) with a special sheath pocket to keep your man junk fresh and clean and give it a little extra bulge. CBDMD.COM -Great CBD products for pain management and inflammation at use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order. CBDMD now has CBD products for pets in their PAW section. VESL.COM -Surfboards and Paddleboards from – The only boards The Dad uses __________ Also, buy and enjoy books from The Dad, J. Matthew Nespoli, on Amazon: “Daddy Versus The Suck Monster” - "A hilarious memoir on first time fatherhood for a 36 year old man-child": And Broken, by J. Matthew Nespoli – "A dark, fictional, comedic tale told with a razor sharp acerbic wit about the dark seedy underbelly of Los Angeles: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll":

 #89: Dr. Charles Johnson: Grandparents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:50

Dr. Charles Johnson, author of Grand: A Granparents Wisdom For a Happy Life on The Dad Presents to talk parenting strategies, life strategies, and 10 great rules to pass on to your kids. The Dad also answers parenting questions: this week's topic: Netflix's Cuties. Follow us on: Spotify and iTunesm (reviews welcomed and push our rankings) – great daily content Twitter: @thedadpresents Please support our sponsors and help your boy feed his family: -Great CBD products for pain management and inflammation at use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order. CBDMD now has CBD products for pets in their PAW section. -Surfboards and Paddleboards from – The only boards The Dad uses Also, buy and enjoy books from The Dad, J. Matthew Nespoli, on Amazon: “Daddy Versus The Suck Monster” - hilarious memoir on first time fatherhood for a 36 year old man-child: And “Broken” – a dark, fictional, comedic tale told with a razor sharp acerbic wit about the dark seedy underbelly of Los Angeles: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll:

 #88: Vice Presidential Candidate, Spike Cohen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:49

Vice Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party, Spike Cohen returns to The Dad Presents to chop it up with Matt. In this episode, Spike answers listener questions about why they should vote Libertarian. We cover: - The military industrial complex, Trump's record on war, and what Jo/Spike will do to end the wars - ANTIFA vs. Anti-fascism - Critical Race Theory and Identity Politics - The recent divide within the Libertarian Party between conservative and liberal Libertarians - Kids in Cages - Money in politics And More... Please Follow The Dad Presents on: – great daily content Spotify and iTunes Twitter: @thedadpresents Please leave a review of the podcast and help our rankings And please support our sponsors and help your boy feed his family. -Great CBD products for pain management and inflammation at use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order.

 #87: Musician, Actress, Writer, Powerhouse, Joy Villa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:51

The fiery, passionate, talented, and beautiful powerhouse, Joy Villa is back on the show dropping knowledge and roundhouse power kicks, talking politics, social issues, and more. Joy has a new book out called, "Kick Ass Conservative" and I know you're going to like it. Check it out. Follow us on: – great daily content and conversations here Twitter: @thedadpresents Please leave a review of the podcast and help our rankings And please support our sponsor and help your boy feed his family. Great CBD products at use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order.

 #86 Lisa Selin Davis, Tomboy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:51

Lisa Selin Davis, writer who's had pieces in the NYT, WaPo, and the author of "Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare To Be Different" is on The Dad Presents to talk about Tomboys, gender roles in children, raising well rounded kids, and how these gender roles affect them moving forward for life. It was a fascinating conversation with Lisa who has a lot of ideas you may be unfamiliar with. Please give it a listen and don't forget

 The Dad Presents: #85: Pete Dominick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:15

Hilarious Comedian, Pete Dominick, host of Stand Up: With Pete Dominick from Sirius radio, and now his own podcast by the same name, and they chop it up, about: - COVID - School - Biden v Trump - Free Speech and Cancel Culture, etc Pete is a passionate guy and he's highly informed. Give it a listen and let us know what you think. Send your parenting questions to @theDadPresents on all social media.

 The Dad Presents: #84, Mailbag | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:51

Today, The Dad, J. Matthew, goes at it alone, opening up the mailbag and answers your parenting questions: - Why you should never try to euthanize a raccoon in your front yard. - Matt punches a tiger shark - Camping with your kids is racist - Is your ex pregnant or is your ex a liar? Best gun for a newbie for home protection. All that and more, dont forget to follow The Dad Presents on all social and follow the pod wherever you listen! - parent question: My kid swore around his best friend and now the boy's parents won't let them hang out.

 #83: James Lindsay, Fighting Wokeness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:51

James Lindsay, fresh off the Joe Rogan Experience is on the show to bravely discuss how wokeness is destroying America, what their goal is, and why we need to fight back against it. James gets into Cancel Culture, Marxism, Intersectionality, and more. James is a mathematician and author and was behind the controversial "Grievance Studies Affairs" which were dozens of faked scientific papers about woke issues like: Fat Body Building and Dog Park Rape which they wrote and published to expose the severe infection of wokeness in Universities. Much to their surprise, their papers were embraced by the "scientific community" and published in some of the most esteemed journals as if they were fact. Listen, subscribe, like, and support James by buying his new book "Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity-And Why This Harms Everyone." As always, this podcast is brought to you by: Their products will get rid of all your aches and pains. Use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order. Thank you for supporting

 #82: To school or not to school w/ Miss Rose Alhanti-Ayala | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:41

The gang is at it again, dishing out the parenting advice regarding- - Should I send my kid back to school? - My child is reading White Fragility and I dont like it - Divorce Also, the team digs into: - Ghilisine Maxwell - Nick Cannon's racist rant - Will and Jada And more Please listen on Spotify or iTunes and follow us there. Thanks for listening!

 #81: Protect your family at all costs, with Miss Rose Alhanti Ayala | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:52

The gang is back together, in studio, Miss Rose shows up in a dress and looking tight, and the reunion is oh so sweet. Check in with the team as they give you parenting hacks to: - figure out the upcoming challenges of schoolinng during Covid - selffish kids - protecting the family in the time of the abolition of police. Nate in Oregon meets a girl and falls in love, but guess what, she has a kid and COVID, and she lied about both. B and Rose gang up on Matty and attack the white couple in Missouri that were protecting their home, and the boys scouts are getting woke! All that and more. Check us out on Spotify and like and follow on facebook and Twitter @theDadPresents Oogle the stunning Miss Rose on Insta @MissRoseAyala

 The Dad Presents: #80: Mark Hymen: Pardongate, Clinton's abuse of pardons for personal gain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:54

Mark Hymen on the show discussing how Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton handed out a record amount of pardons to hardened criminals like child rapists, the cali cartel, and mass murderers, on their last day in office, for personal favors and straight up cash for themselves and family members. This is not conspiracy theory, anyone can look this up. It just never got any media attention (surprise) It will blow your mind. Mark's new book: Pardongate is available today on Amazon This podcast is brought to you by: Use promo code: THEDADPRESENTS for 15% off your order

 #80: Mark Hyman: Pardongate, Clinton's abuse of pardons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:54

Mark Hymen on the show discussing how Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton handed out a record amount of pardons to hardened criminals like child rapists, the cali cartel, and mass murderers, on their last day in office, for personal favors and straight up cash for themselves and family members. This is not conspiracy theory, anyone can look this up. It just never got any media attention (surprise) It will blow your mind. Mark's new book: Pardongate is available today on Amazon This podcast is brought to you by: Use promo code: THEDADPRESENTS for 15% off your order

 #79: Spike Cohen, Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:44

In episode #79, Spike Cohen gives an airtight case for why Libertarianism is the only pathway to ending the plutocrats stranglehold on middle America, rural white America, black urban America, and every other sector of America where the citizens aren't making $100 million per year. Spike gives the greatest explanation of Systemic Racism that I've ever heard, and I'm positive it's one you will get behind. He also explains how the CDC was the cause of the coronavirus explosion in America, and believe me, it will piss you off. Spike explains the problems facing Americans today and how government over involvement has caused every single one of them. Big government is controlled by Big Business. Everything government does benefits them and hurts you. Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen want to remove their influence over your life and give you a fair shot. This podcast is brought to you by the wonderful people at Go there for high quality CBD products and use the code TheDadPresents for 15% off your order. Get some pain relief and help support this podcast and Facebook page. Listen, please subscribe on Spotify or iTunes, Follow us on: Presents

 The Dad Presents: #78: Horace Cooper, Project 21 for Black Conservatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:21

The Dad Presents Horace Cooper, a powerful voice for black conservatives. Today, we discuss: - Black Lives Matter - Policing - Fixing the Black Communities - COVID And more. Please check it out, like, subscribe, and follow us on all socials at @thedadpresents

 #77: Dr. Jo Jorgensen, 2020 Libertarian Candidate for President | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:52

Dr. Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian nominee for President of the United States, is on The Dad Presents discussing: - the police state and demilitarization of the police - the elite and the two party problem in America - Coronavirus and how the lockdowns have destroyed us - Where Liberals went wrong - Feminism - Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare All this and more! If you're a fan of what we do here, you do not want to miss this one. Our two party state is not working for most Americans. Give Dr. Jo a listen. I'm sure you'll like what she has to offer.


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