The Disruptors show

The Disruptors

Summary: Long-form TED level conversations with top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the technology, trends and societal norms for a better world. If in-depth, unscripted conversations with the researchers, startups and future thinkers transforming our future in a Tim Ferriss meets Sam Harris, Kara Swisher, a16z and Joe Rogan Experience type no-holds-barred interview show is your cup of tea you’ve come to the right place. Some episodes feature Intelligence Squared esque lively debates and Planet Money like in-depth discussions on health and intermittent fasting, automation and unemployment, healthcare, the economy, etc... while others would fit right in with a Kevin Rose or Jason Calacanis casual fireside chat. We cover EVERYTHING, from artificial intelligence, the ethics, economics and leadership of our coming century, futurism, combatting climate change, fixing blockchain and redesigning democracy and politics from the ground up. Longevity, virtual reality, surveillance capitalism and social media... we got it all. Past guests including Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human, Isaac Arthur of SFiA, Cory Doctorow, Nikola Danaylov of SingularityFM, Fraser Cain of Astronomy Cast, Aubrey de Grey, presidential advisors, top economists, venture capital investors and more... Visit our site and download our FREE Existential Risk Guide: Love great podcasts? We curate the best of the best around the web. Get our Exclusive Top Notch Tuesday roundup: About the host: Matt Ward is a serial entrepreneur, investor, futurist, startup advisor and business consultant whose built and sold 3 companies, created multiple top podcasts and is focused on building a better world through innovation and entrepreneurship.


 101. Engineering the Economy Out of Its Debt Fueled Destructive Spiral and Towards a Sustainable System that Also Solves Climate Change | Jarl Jensen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:56

Jarl Jensen (@jarljensen) is an inventor, entrepreneur and best selling author. He served as President and CEO of EuroMed, Inc. from 2004 to 2009, has nine issued patents, with many more pending for medical devices that have grossed over $500 million dollars. Jarl's author of Optimizing America where he applied his out of the box thinking to America’s economy in the book and he's also written various other non-fiction books examining the origins of power, wealth and democracy in the American political system. He's now the CEO of Inventagon, an outsourced R&D company working to partner with tech players to license and development intellectual property and help bring them to market. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes Today we discuss: * The big problem with a Fed-controlled interest rate and economy * How to incentivize solutions to climate change while increasing the cost of pollution as well * Why debt-based banking is such a damaging and unsustainable model for our future * The cause of economic recessions and how we can engineer our economy to avoid it * Why the US wins with today's debt-based USD banking system * What Jarl thinks about the future of healthcare and how to fix it * How banks have come to create a self-destructing model where they always win * Jarl's unconventional approach to universal basic income and why it just might work * Why Jarl isn't optimistic about blockchain * How automation will affect jobs and economic growth * Why greed is a result of the system and not an inherent human quality * The probable causes of the impending recession if we don't change things fast Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate  

 100. Why CRISPR is Overrated and Gene Drives are Terrifyingly Powerful | Gabriel Licina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:04

Gabriel Licina (@glimsd) is a Molecular Biologist, Research Consultant, hardcore biohacker and the Chief Research Officer of Scihouse, a research-focused makerspace working to make science and technology accessible for everyone with a variety of classes on topics from programming and computer skills, to botany, chemistry, 3d printing and more. In 2015 Gabriel chemically induced night vision in his eyes with a controversial, yet successful experiment and is very active in the self-DIY movement. He's also been very involved in the ecology and sustainable development spaces, serving as Biologist in Residence at Exosphere HQ. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes Today we discuss: * Why CRISPR's overhyped and still has a long way to go * The reason genetic engineering is so hard and yet so promising * Why Gabriel is hopeful, respectful and somewhat scared of gene drives * Where we are headed with gene editing and designer babies * How Gabriel and his team chemically induced night vision by studying deep-sea fish * A CRISPR solution to climate change and why all the tech in the world may not be enough * What Gabriel thinks about bioterrorism and its risks * How venture capital pollutes hobbyists and innovation * The problem with open-source biology and funding * What the future of healthcare looks like and where the power will rest * Why the FDA helps and hurts innovation and progress * How biohackers drive biotech and health science * The problem with the university route to fundamental science The Best Performance Nootropics From The Smartest Biohackers Daniel Schmachtenberger (prev on podcast) and the folks at Neurohacker are some of THE smartest biohackers on the planet, and their Qualia line of brain-enhancing nootropics make it obvious why. Get $15% off ANY order, or 50% OFF 1st order and 15% OFF ALL orders if you order a subscription with Coupon Code: DISRUPTORS At Disruptors, we’re big on health and biohacking for a reason!         Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 99. Why Hacking and Cyberwarfare is Big Business for Russia, the Mafia and CIA | Eric Cole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:12

Eric Cole (@drericcole) is arguably the #1 cyber security expert in the US with a resume including the Obama administration, the CIA, the Gates Foundation and CTO of McAfee and was inducted into the 2014 InfoSecurity Hall of Fame. Eric is an expert in information technology, with a focus on secure network design, perimeter defense, penetration testing, vulnerability discovery, and intrusion detection systems. He has also authored many books, including Online Danger, Advanced Persistent Threat and many more, an inventor with more than 20 patents and the founder of Secure Anchor, an elite cybersecurity consulting firm. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes Today we discuss: * The importance of cybersecurity and why hacking always gets easier * What the CIA does when it comes to cyberwarfare * Why the US is actually one of the biggest perpetrators of hacking worldwide * What is the future of politics in a post-Trump world * Which monopoly scares Eric the most and why * How Alexa and smart home devices drive even greater surveillance and tyranny * Why Eric is terrified of autonomous vehicles and thinks they're overhyped * How Eric views social media and our future * Why politicians probably can't fix the cybersecurity threat * How to think about increased polarization * What Russia taught us about social media and influence * Is Huawei actually a threat to US infrastructure Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate   Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine, grass-fed whey protein and Total Human, the all-in-one to live and perform at your best. Save 10% on ANY ORDER (except fitness equipment) with Coupon Code: disruptors  

 98. Becoming an Opportunistic Optimist and Saving Our Kids from Soul-Crushing Effects of School | John Doran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:34

John Doran(@awaytowellbeing) has been a teacher and guidance counselor for over 24 years and is the author Ways to Wellbeing,. a book about creating a positive educational experience in the 21st century which taught in over 140 schools worldwide. John's passionate about the transformative power of education to disrupt poverty, and help young people succeed. He's a board member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a TEDx speaker and frequently called on to speak all levels of organizations, government, and educational institutions. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   In today's episode we discuss: * The performance-enhancing drugs available to anyone with no negative side effects * Ways to recreate the school system to lead to happier, healthier adults * How John became a Board Member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and what you can learn from his experience * The effects of social media and connectedness on depression and mental health * Why we're living longer, more miserable lives than ever * How debate could create a class of critical thinkers * The importance of mindfulness and positive self talk on health and happiness * What John would overhaul with existing schools power of a purposeful teacher in transforming kids lives * How to solve hate on social media * Why purpose and passion is the most important force there is * The way parents, schools and society limit kids creativity and optimism * How to become an opportunistic optimist * Strategies to reunify our isolated, polarized world You can listen right here on iTunes   Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Superhuman Brain Nootropics Daniel Schmachtenberger (prev on podcast) and the folks at Neurohacker are some of THE smartest biohackers on the planet, and their Qualia's line of brain-enhancing nootropics make it obvious why. Get $15% off ANY order,

 97. The Most Important, Non-Obvious Technologies and Trends of 2019 and Beyond | Rohit Bhargava | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:14

Rohit Bhargava (@rohitbhargava) is an innovation and marketing expert and the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of five books on topics as wide-ranging as the future of business and building a brand with personality. His signature book Non-Obvious is updated annually with 15 new trend predictions and has been read by more than 1 million readers. He has delivered sold-out keynote presentations and workshops to business leaders in 32 countries.  Rohit has been invited to share his insights at some of the most forward-looking organizations in the world including Intel, NASA, Disney, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Microsoft, American Express, BP, the World Bank, Coca-Cola and hundreds of others. Outside of his consulting work, Rohit also teaches a popular course on storytelling and marketing at Georgetown. For the past 14 years, Rohit has written his personal “Influential Marketing Blog” and he has been featured in publications including Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, and NPR. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes Today we discuss: * The importance of likeability and why it actually trumps competence * What are the non-obvious technologies and trends of 2019 * Why Rohit thinks Facebook will be broken up and likely fall * Ways to fight fake news and why it may be impossible * Which monopoly scares Rohit the most today * How marketing and commerce change in an age of Alexa * Why Trump may have changed politics forever * How Rohit thinks about the future of social media * Why the future and the past are both right and wrong * How to think about and remedy increased polarization in our world * Why Rohit is most worried about facial recognition and AI Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate

 96. Polarization, Powerful Billionaires and the Eroding Effects of Inequality | Rahaf Harfoush | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:25

Rahaf Harfoush (@rahafharfoush) is a digital anthropologist, bestselling author, and speaker researching the impacts of emerging technologies on our society and is focused on deep (and often hidden) behavioral shifts that are taking place within organizations and individuals in this digital era. She also teaches Innovation and Disruptive Business Models at SciencePo’s Masters of Finance and Economics Program in Paris and is the author of Hustle & Float, The Decoded Company and Yes We Did! (an inside look at how Obama used social media to win in 2008. Rahaf's also the Executive Director of the Red Thread Institute of Digital Culture, a thinktank, and special projects agency focused on the intersection of technology and culture. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes   Today we discuss: * The polarizing problem of social media and sharing * Why inequality is such a big deal * What Obama and Trump did effectively in their campaigns * The reason ADD is killing creativity * Why social media's perfect for information warfare * How billionaires are breaking the world * Why protesting and media mobs may be the new norm * How to think about worker rights * What's wrong with the gig economy and where it heads * How privacy is eroding faster than we realize * Why AI and automation could ruin society Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate   Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the thoughts. The science is great, neurofeedback helps meditators achieve zen-level results in less time. I'm a big fan of meditation (as you know) and Muse is hooking listeners up with 15% OFF when they use our link  

 95. How to Fix Politics, Redesign Education and Stop Climate Change Cold | Mark Stevenson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:28

Mark Stevenson (@optimistontour) is a reluctant futurist, bestselling author, frequent speaker and occasional comedian. He's one of the world’s most respected thinkers on the connection between technology and society, helping governments, NGOs and corporates adapt to the future for sustainable success. He is the author of An Optimist's Tour of the Future and We Do Things Differently, is an occasional comedy writer and his first play, the farce Octopus Soup (co-authored with Jack Milner) tours the UK in Spring 2019. He is also one half of The Futurenauts. His parents still have no idea what he does. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes   In today’s episode we discuss: * A better way to think about and tackle climate change * Ways Mark and I would like to reform the education system * Richard Branson and Al Gore's profitable plan to save the world * The reason we're becoming more politicized and possible solutions * Why we're already saving the world but just don't know it yet * How Mark thinks we can redesign government for the 21st century * The effect of comedy on fixing societal issues * How the arts impacts and often drives innovation and progress * The problem with optimism and bigger issue of cynism * Why Brazil may be beating the US when it comes to governmental innovation * The reason future literacy and systems thinking is the most important skill for the future Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan,

 94. How Renewable Energy Killed Coal and Why Radical Life Extension Isn’t Going to Happen | Ramez Naam of Singularity University | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:18

Ramez Naam (@ramez) is a computer scientist, futurist, angel investor and award-winning author best known for his Nexus Trilogy: Nexus, Crux and Apex His other (non-fiction) books include: The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet and More than Human: Embracing the Promises of Biological Enhancement. He's currently co-chair of energy and the environment at Singularity University and earlier in his career led teams at Microsoft working on Outlook, Internet Explorer and Bing where he co-patented 20 inventions, many alongside Bill Gates. Ramez has appeared on Sunday morning MSNBC, Yahoo! Finance, The New York Times, WSJ, PopSci, Wired, and many more. Ramez holds more than 20 patents, and many of those are as a co-inventor with Bill Gates. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * Why we're at a tipping point for carbon-emitting cars sold * What it was like working directly with Bill Gates * What is Ramez predicted about renewable energy and why it's better than even he thought * How technologists are solving global problems by fixing incentives and driving down costs * What it's like to be both a bestselling fiction and non-fiction author * Why Ramez is no longer a big believer in radical life extension * The brain2.0 movement and why we're becoming cyborgs * What Ramez thinks about CRISPR and genetically engineering people * The importance of sci-fi to shift societal attitudes * How to think about technological trends when tackling big problems * Why innovation often leaves behind a lot bodies * The reason Ramez is fundamentally optimist despite all the challenges we face * Why the secret to a better future is to create it Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 93. The Importance of Internet Censorship, Power of Authoritarianism and Collapse of Digital Advertising | Ben Hammersley of Wired UK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:05

Ben Hammersley (@benhammersley) is a technologist, futurist author and Editor-at-Large of UK’s WIRED magazine. Ben explores the effects of the internet and the digital network on the world’s business, political and social atmospheres. His latest book, 64 Things You Need to Know Now For Then gives us the essential guide to the things we need to know for life in the 21st century. He's the writer, host, and narrator of Netflix and BBC television series Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley that was shot in over six countries across the globe. As the first specialist correspondent on the internet for The Times and The Guardian, he became the inventor of the popular term, ‘podcast.’ Ben's been called upon to advise three governments and countless tech organizations, including a seat on the European Commission High-Level Group on Media Freedom of the European Union. He has a private pilot’s license, is a Rescue Diver, and is a nationally registered Emergency Medical Technician in the USA, with an additional wilderness medicine diploma, and he holds qualifications in genomic science, disaster response, and advanced cardiac life support Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * How societal norms and social media breakdown without problem guidance * The future of publishing and media in an age of outreach * Why Ben thinks we can change politics and we're both excited about the future for Millenials * What it's like as a futurist and why most companies are living in the past * The effect of GDPR and Europe's rules and regulations * Why internet censorship is important and key to democracy * Is democracy or authoritarianism a better model going forward * Why Ben isn't worried about AI and thinks blockchain is overrated * What happens when China becomes THE economic powerhouse of the world * How Ben accidentally invented the term podcast and why it's haunted him ever since * What it's like working with Netflix and the future of solo-media companies * Why Ben believes digital advertising is an enormous bubble Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 92. Education, Isolationism and Power of Clayton Christensen’s Market Creating Innovations | Karen Dillon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:56

Karen Dillon (@kardillon) is the former editor of Harvard Business Review magazine and co-author of the three books with Clayton Christensen, including the forthcoming The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty and bestsellers Competing Against Luck: the Story of Innovation and Customer Choice and How Will You Measure Your Life?  She is also the author of The Harvard Business Review Guide to Office Politics. Karen previously served as deputy editor of Inc magazine and was editor and publisher of the critically-acclaimed American Lawyer magazine and London-based Legal Business and was named by Ashoka as one of the world's most influential and inspiring women. She is currently a contributing editor to Harvard Business Review and Editorial Director of BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube In today's episode we discuss: * How innovation and entrepreneurship both alleviate and income inequality and abject poverty * The three types of innovation and how they impact our economy and world * Why we're not living in a new age of robber barons * The reason Karen thinks today's top tech giants will ultimately be disrupted * How to combat the growing education crisis * The dangers of increasing isolationism and why sometimes it is actually beneficial. * Why individuals need to be thinking about their goals and futures now more than ever * What's the real future of publishing and media * Why Karen thinks we'll all be working more, not less, in 20 years time     You can listen right here on iTunes Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mi...

 91. Coal is Dead, Climate Change is Real, and Bezos and Alexa for President | Nikolas Badminton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:44

Nikolas Badminton (@nikolasfuturist) is a world-respected futurist speaker, author, and researcher. He wows audiences with keynote speeches on the impact of exponential technologies including: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality; Work Productivity; The Sharing Economy; Autonomous Transportation; Smart Cities; Education; The Future of AI integrated with Life and Business; and Predictions for humanity from 2017 to 2030, and beyond. Nikolas regularly appears on the BBC, CBC, CTV, Global News, Fast Company, VICE, and writes for the Techcrunch, Huffington Post, Forbes, Venturebeat, Betakit, TechVibes,, and other media. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * The reason the world's most valuable company has yet to be created * Why we need to start taking climate change seriously and saying screw you to lobbyists * The biggest problems with the traditional education and a few creative ways to solve them * Why China is making such fast technological and economic progress and what it means for the future of the West * The future of energy and why it is renewables all the way * What Amazon Alexa and voice assistants mean for the future of work and parenting * How agritech and AI will change the future of cities and supply chains * Why the singularity is and isn't almost here * The reason some companies and kids dominate the world while others die out * Why genetic engineering and CRISPR based designer babies aren't something that worries Nikolas * How to address the issues social media * Why the future is never really knowable and rarely predictable Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine, grass-fed whey protein and Total Human, the all-in-one to live and perform at your best.

 90. Smart Cities that Function Like Startups and Ayesha Khanna | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:41

Dr. Ayesha Khanna (@ayeshakhanna1) is Co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI, an artificial intelligence (AI) solutions firm and incubator that was named one of 4 top AI companies in Asia. She has been a strategic advisor on artificial intelligence, smart cities, and fintech to leading corporations and governments and serves on the Board of Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Singapore government's agency that develops its world-class technology sector to drive the country's digital economy and power its Smart Nation vision. Her clients have included SMRT, Singapore's largest public transport company; Singtel, Singapore's largest telco; SOMPO, Japan's largest insurance firm; Habib Bank, Pakistan's largest bank; and Smart Dubai, the government agency tasked to transform Dubai into a leading smart city. Prior to founding ADDO AI, Ayesha spent more than a decade on Wall Street developing large scale trading, risk management, and data analytics systems and was the co-founder of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a research advisory group established to analyze the social and economic impact of accelerating technologies. Ayesha is the co-author of Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization. She has been published or quoted in most major publications and presented at major financial, technology and other industry conferences, provided high-level government briefings, chaired symposiums such as AI Asia and spoken at TEDx events. Ayesha is also the Founder of 21C GIRLS, a charity that delivers free coding and artificial intelligence classes to girls in Singapore, a Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and on the Board of Advisors for Humanity+ and directed the Future Cities Group at the London School of Economics, and has been a Faculty Advisor at Singularity University. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * How Singapore's government operates like a startup to promote innovation * What the future of smart cities holds and why it should be citizen-centric * Why data privacy and governmental policies are so important to the future of all of us * The ways changing transportation systems will affect our physical cities, beyond what's normally discussed * How to design the cities, city-states and nations of the future * The reason Ayesha is working to overhaul education and how we should structure it instead * Why the future will increasingly be defined by the East * What the jobs of the future look like and how governments can cope * Why Ayesha is optimist and a little worried about AI and society Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 89. Avoiding Apocalypse by Doubling Down on Team Human and Reinventing 21st Century Business | Douglas Rushkoff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:34

Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff) is an author, teacher, and documentarian who studies human autonomy in a digital age. He has been named one of the “world’s ten most influential intellectuals” by MIT. Douglas' work explores how different technological environments change our relationship to narrative, money, power, and one another. He coined such concepts as “viral media” and “social currency,” and has been a leading voice for applying digital media toward social and economic justice. Douglas is the author twenty books including bestsellers Present Shock, Throwing Rocks and the Google Bus, Program or Be Programmed, Life Inc, and Media Virus and is releasing his new book Team Human based off his podcast. He has written and hosted three award-winning PBS Frontline documentaries – The Merchants of Cool looked at the influence of corporations on youth culture, The Persuaders, about the cluttered landscape of marketing, and new efforts to overcome consumer resistance, and Digital Nation, about life on the virtual frontier. Most recently, he made Generation Like, an exploration of teens, marketers, and social media. Douglas is also a research fellow of the Institute for the Future, and founder of the Laboratory for Digital Humanism at CUNY/Queens, where he is a Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics. His novels and comics, Ecstasy Club, A.D.D, and Aleister & Adolf, are all being developed for the screen. Douglas also served as an Advisor to the United Nations Commission on World Culture and regularly appears on TV shows from NBC Nightly News and Larry King to the Colbert Report and Bill Maher. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * The reason billionaires are planning for the "inevitable" apocalypse and why that's a big problem * How broken the US political system is and how we can fix it * The big issue with the stock market and venture capital and how we can reinvent business for the 21st century * Why our future is in our hands and what we can do about it * Which tech giants will get broken up and which will reign * The problems with social media and plans to fight back * How regulations affect business and monopolies and where we are headed * Why people are pushing back against tech and how it impacts our world * What Google's walkout means for the future of tech * Why Douglas thinks companies are the key to changing our world * The reason Douglas is very worried about growing inequality * Why capital is the only thing that counts today * How to redesign our education system for the modern era Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon,

 88. AI, Apple, Autonomous Vehicles and Reducing 51% of CO2 Emissions | Kevin Surace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:12

Kevin Surace (@kevinsurace) is a futurist and disruptive innovation speaker, creator of the first smartphone and digital assistant and innovator of the decade. Surace has disrupted every industry he has entered from communications to A.I. to clean energy, been named Inc. Magazine’s 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year, CNBC’s Innovator of the Decade, and inducted into RIT’s Innovation Hall of Fame.  He helped develop soundproof drywall with lower carbon footprints and more energy-efficient windows to completely retrofit the Empire State Building and NYSE in record time and under budget, was the co-inventor of multivariate reverse auctions and has now turned his attention back to AI As CEO of, Surace’s company is now disrupting the software testing industry by eliminating the need for human testers. He has a life outside technology as well and in his latest project “Big, Bold, and, Brassy,” Surace serves as conductor for a 28-piece orchestra featuring international jazz star Nicole Henry where they play selections of broadway and pop tunes for corporate events. Surace’s work has been featured in Businessweek, Time, Fortune, Forbes, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and FOX News. He has keynoted hundreds of events, from INC5000 to 15 TED Talks to the US Congress and even been awarded 28 patents. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * How artificial intelligence will actually impact work * The earliest forms of digital assistants and why they weren't entirely successful * Why Kevin is passionate about reducing construction emissions, and why it is literally 1/2 the problem * Where we are headed with respect to climate change * The reason we're both worried about social media and political polarization * What is the future of work and will we have jobs * How to think about tariffs and trade * Who owns the autonomous vehicles of the future * Which companies win the autonomous vehicle race * Why AI will actually make our lives awesome * Why you may soon have a robotic chef in your kitchen Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 87. Atheism, Evolution and the Future of PZ Myers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:10

PZ Myers (@pzmyers) is a well-known atheist blogger, science popularizer and an associate professor of biology at the University of Minnesota Morris. His primary blog, Pharyngula went on to be acquired by National Geographic and he currently blogs at where he criticizes creationism, supports feminism and writes about topics and trends important to the future of all of us. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * The problem with religion and creationism clouding public discord * Why evolution is so important to understand and how conservatives have created fake doubt * How embryos evolve and why understanding the stages is actually quite important * Why PZ's more than a little worried about CRISPR and genetic engineering * The truth about Gattica and designer babies * Why Buddhism's not much better than other religions in PZ's book * How religion came to be and why we're still a long way off from eradicating it * Why fake news mirrors religious beliefs and is caused by many of the same human flaws * What scientists should learn from preachers and priests * How to think about education and reforming communities * Why the world is so divided and what we can do about it * The science of gene testing and why we know a lot less than we think we do -- Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine,


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