The Disruptors show

The Disruptors

Summary: Long-form TED level conversations with top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the technology, trends and societal norms for a better world. If in-depth, unscripted conversations with the researchers, startups and future thinkers transforming our future in a Tim Ferriss meets Sam Harris, Kara Swisher, a16z and Joe Rogan Experience type no-holds-barred interview show is your cup of tea you’ve come to the right place. Some episodes feature Intelligence Squared esque lively debates and Planet Money like in-depth discussions on health and intermittent fasting, automation and unemployment, healthcare, the economy, etc... while others would fit right in with a Kevin Rose or Jason Calacanis casual fireside chat. We cover EVERYTHING, from artificial intelligence, the ethics, economics and leadership of our coming century, futurism, combatting climate change, fixing blockchain and redesigning democracy and politics from the ground up. Longevity, virtual reality, surveillance capitalism and social media... we got it all. Past guests including Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human, Isaac Arthur of SFiA, Cory Doctorow, Nikola Danaylov of SingularityFM, Fraser Cain of Astronomy Cast, Aubrey de Grey, presidential advisors, top economists, venture capital investors and more... Visit our site and download our FREE Existential Risk Guide: Love great podcasts? We curate the best of the best around the web. Get our Exclusive Top Notch Tuesday roundup: About the host: Matt Ward is a serial entrepreneur, investor, futurist, startup advisor and business consultant whose built and sold 3 companies, created multiple top podcasts and is focused on building a better world through innovation and entrepreneurship.


 141. How Nanotech Tattoos Will Give Us Superhuman Strength, Senses and Merge with Biotech | Carson Bruns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:28

Carson Bruns (@BrunsenBurner) is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he directs the Emergent Nanomaterials Lab, inventing nanomaterials, tech-enabled tattoos and more that Sci-Fi authors have forever dreamed of. Carson's has co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including the celebrated book The Nature of the Mechanical Bond: From Molecules to Machines and his work has been featured in Inked Magazine, Chemical and Engineering News, Colorado Public Radio and TEDx. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * The future of implantable computing * How molecular machinery works and what it means for our future * Why Carson's so bullish on tech-enabled tattoos * The pros and cons of embeddable vs wearable tech * Augmented reality and wearables * How far off are we from a Star Trek replicator * The key difference between nanotech and synthetic biology * Why Carson went on a 3-day silent Buddhism retreat and studied philosophy * What Japan taught Carson about life * The value of being well-rounded in today's world * Why diverse teams actually leads to better outcomes * How Carson thinks about the research funding landscape today * What technologies most worry and excite Carson most, and why Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate  

 140. How to Have Your Meat and Eat It Too While Combatting Climate Change | Bruce Friedrich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:27

Bruce Friedrich (@BruceGFriedrich) is co-founder and executive director of The Good Food Institute (@GoodFoodInst), a nonprofit that promotes plant, dairy, and eggs-based meats as well as clean meat (also known as cultured meat and cell-based meat), as alternatives to the products of conventional animal agriculture. Bruce is a TED Fellow (whose TED Talk has been viewed over 1M times), Y Combinator alum, and popular speaker on food innovation. He has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Wired, and many other publications and appeared on The Today Show, NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, TED Radio Hour, and a variety of programs on MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * The pros and cons of the various types of clean meat alternatives * How market dynamics will determine the adoption of plant and cell-based meats * Why animal agriculture is one of THE BIGGEST contributors to climate change * Why Bruce believes lab-grown meat will ultimately be the biggest alternative meat * The reason Bruce started a non-profit rather than a benefit corp * How effective altruism makes non-profits more impactful * What YCombinator startups taught Bruce about successful charity organizations * How to engineering healthier meat * What does the future of agriculture really look like * Bruce's thoughts on GMOs and their future * Why plastic straws aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things * Why individuals should evaluate their efforts and possible effect before choosing careers Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the ...

 139. The AI Arms Race to Build Humanity’s Successor or Spark World War III | Dan Faggella | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:35

Dan Faggella (@danfaggella) is the Founder and CEO of Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research that helps world-leading organizations like the World Bank, the United Nations, INTERPOL, CERN, Harvard and more navigate the competitive landscape of AI capabilities, and build strategies that win. He's also the host of AI in Industry podcast and grown and sold two previous companies. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * How human-machine augmentation could help humanity last longer * The reason humanity's future is bleak at best * Is conflict between China and the US inevitable * Why the question of consciousness is the most important one we SHOULD be solving * How AI will impact the future of power, nations and life * Why Dan thinks we're all headed to a VR powered matrix of bliss * The reason Dan's not too optimistic about our future * Why building AI is creating our successors * What happens when we automate more and more jobs * Why Chinese dominance is almost inevitable * Is breaking up big tech more dangerous than it's worth * Why driverless cars are anything but the most exciting aspects of AI * How close we are to real-time translation * Why Dan's not so sure about UBI Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine, grass-fed whey protein and Total Human, the all-in-one to live and perform at your best. Save 10% on ANY ORDER (except fitness equipment) with Coupon Code:

 138. How Functional Medicine and Community Health Insurance Cure Chronic Disease, Increase Longevity and Save Money | James Maskell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:14

James Maskell (@mrjamesmaskell) is the founder of Functional Forum, the world's largest integrative medicine conference and KNEW Health, a transformation alternative health-sharing insurance model. He's health advocate and entrepreneur, that's spent a decade encouraging a shift from conventional western medicine toward a wellness-centered, functional medicine model—starting with the doctors themselves. He’s also the founder of the Evolution≠ of Medicine, a community e-commerce platform for highly customized , tools, products, and services, to embark on a new way of managing healthcare. His book of the same name is available now. James lectures internationally and has been featured on TEDMED, Huffpost Live, TEDx, the HuffingtonPost and more. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * What Western healthcare got wrong with medicine and health * Ways to fix the healthcare incentive problem, which actually work * How growing up on a commune influenced James' life * The problem with pharma's quick-fix silver bullet * Why James decided to reinvent the healthcare system * How community and belonging can beat out any medicine * What James thinks about wearables and genetic testing * The one constant among Blue Zone societies * Why functional medicine is the solution to health * How to design health into our societies * Why we need direct democracy * The surefire way to avoid regret * Why AI and brain-machine interfaces worry James * The scary truth about soil quality * What you NEED to know about Obamacare and insurance * Why regenerative agriculture needs more focus now Sponsored by RocketDollar Special thanks to RocketDollar, the low-fee startup helping individuals invest securely and easily in Real Estate, Precious Metals, and more. Build Your Perfect Retirement Portfolio with a Self-Directed Solo 401(k) or Self-Directed IRA and put your money to work. Use PROMO CODE: DISRUPTORS to support and set yourself up for financial freedom! Do You Meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the thoughts. The science is great, neurofeedback helps meditators achieve zen-level results in less time. I’m a big fan of meditation (as you know) and Muse is hooking listeners up with 15% OFF when they use our link. Enjoy and happy chilling!             Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors

 137. Nir Eyal on Habit Forming Products and Why Tech is More Like Cannabis than Cigarettes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:50

Nir Eyal (@nireyal) is a writer, entrepreneur, teacher and investor focused on the intersection of psychology, technology, and business MIT's Technology Review dubbed “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology.” Nir founded two tech companies since 2003 and has taught at the Stanford Grad School of Business and Institute of Design and is the author of the bestselling book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. In addition to blogging at, his writing has been featured in The Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today. Nir is an active investor in habit-forming technologies and his past investments include Eventbrite, Product Hunt, and a series of other very successful companies. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * Why the anti-tech trend is wrong about the big picture * The ways to incentivize productivity and happiness * How to overcome habit-forming products and be indistractable * Why liberals overemphasize tech's role in electing Trump * What Nir thinks about surveillance, corporations and government * The destructive--and constructive--power of social media * Why regulation isn't the answer to tech addiction * Nir's thoughts on pros and cons of privacy * The important distinction between regrets and results * Why Facebook and Google are inherently good and what we can do about it * Are algorithms to blame for increasing radicalization * Simple smartphone hacks to make you happier * Why tech is more like cannabis than cocaine Sponsored by Special thanks to Brilliant for supporting The Disruptors, and learners worldwide. Brilliant's the place hobbyist's and pros go to build skills in math, science, and computer science with fun and challenging interactive explorations. First 200 listeners get 20% OFF an Annual Premium Membership!   Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 136. Bob Metcalfe on Free Enterprise, Why Income Inequality is a Good Thing and the Evolution of an Energy Internet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:43

Bob Metcalfe (@bobmetcalfe) is an MIT-Harvard-trained engineer/entrepreneur Internet pioneer who invented Ethernet in 1973 at Xerox Parc, and founded 3Com Corporation in 1979. About 1.2B Ethernet ports were shipped last year — 400M wired and 800M wireless (Wi-Fi). His company went public in 1984, peaked at $5.7B in annual sales in 1999, and after 30 years became part of HP in 2010. Bob was a publisher-pundit for IDG-InfoWorld for 10 years and a venture capitalist for 10 years with Polaris Venture Partners, where he is still an Emeritus Partner. Bob's also the Professor of Innovation and Murchison Fellow of Free Enterprise in the Cockrell School of Engineering, and Professor of Entrepreneurship at The University of Texas at Austin. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * How Xerox Parc pioneered so much of the early internet * Why we need to build an energy "internet" now * How to deal with black swan risks and rewards * Why Bob believes free enterprise is always the answer * The prospect of biotech in health and healthcare * What to think about technology pathologies and progress * Why Bob quit Twitter and is skeptical of social media * The reason education is the future of research * Why fake new influences your thoughts more than you think * Arguments for libertarianism * Why income inequality is a good thing * What to do to save the world from climate change driven disaster Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the thoughts. The science is great, neurofeedback helps meditators achieve zen-level results in less time. I'm a big fan of meditation (as you know) and Muse is hooking listeners up with 15% OFF when they use our link

 135. AJ Jacobs on Happiness, Helping Tim Ferriss and Answering the Age Old Question of Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:32

AJ Jacobs (@ajjacobs) is an author, journalist, lecturer and human guinea pig and Editor-At-Large at Esquire. He has written four New York Times bestsellers, including Thanks a Thousand--the secret to happiness through gratitude; The Year of Living Biblically--where he followed the Bible word-for-word; Drop Dead Healthy--his overly extreme attempt to become the healthiest human, ever; It's All Relative--the world's most entertaining family tree...among others. He has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, The Ferriss Show, Good Morning America, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, Conan and The Colbert Report, given several TED talks and is a periodic commentator on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube     You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * How AJ met Tim Ferriss and helped him write a bestseller * The pros and cons of genetic testing and ancestry * Is religion net positive or negative on the world * The secret of happiness * How to go about fixing media and fake news * Why AJ's worried about data privacy and surveillance * How to deal with existential risk * Why we need clean meat now * What AJ learned from following conventional health advice * The state of the publishing industry today * What to do when good advice backfires * How to choose projects to work on * The reason biology is such a scary medium to manipulate * Unintended consequences of 23andme Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their

 134. Augmented Reality, Automation and Life After Move Fast and Break Things | Galit Ariel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:09

  Galit Ariel (@galitariel) is a transdisciplinary creative and strategic thinker and self-defined Digital Hippie, very focused on augmented reality and experiential tech. Her book Augmenting Alice – The Future of Identity, Experience and Reality explores the manner in which Augmented Reality’s diffusion will shift cultural and functional paradigms and redefine core concepts related to culture, space, experience and ethics. Her agency, Wondarlands, helps clients and brands shape their augmented futures, exploring immersive narratives, interaction tools, brand touch-points, and experience creation. She's an international speaker and mentor that's been featured at TED, The Next Web, SXSW, Fifteen Seconds, Slush Tokyo, IVRPA and many more. She is also a member and co-founder of a UK based think-and-do-tank connected to the Ravensbourne University Architecture research center, looking at the future of urban environments and how they might influence the human experience. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * Life beyond move fast and break things * How augmented reality will connect us in unexpected ways * What Galit thinks about automation, jobs and more... * Why Galit's worried about the lack of humanity in tech * How to tackles society's biggest challenges through collective action * When can you expect AR epicness and where will it come from * The reason the attention economy is so destructive * Why AR will trump VR and be the next major paradigm * What Apple means for the future of AR * Why holograms and AR are already here * The reason Google Glass failed and visual AR isn't ready yet * Why Galit's worried about privacy and rights going forward Sponsored by RocketDollar Special thanks to RocketDollar, the low-fee startup helping individuals invest securely and easily in Real Estate, Precious Metals, and more. Build Your Perfect Retirement Portfolio with a Self-Directed Solo 401(k) or Self-Directed IRA and put your money to work. Use PROMO CODE: DISRUPTORS to support and set yourself up for financial freedom! Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 133. Why Blockchain and Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Threaten Governments and What a Decentralized Renewable Energy Future Looks Like | Abe Cambridge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:08

Abe Cambridge (@abecambridge) is a serial energy entrepreneur who establishes businesses and projects around the world that use solar energy to bring about out major socio-economic shifts. In 2010, he pioneered utility-scale solar in Britain and in 2012 one of his businesses, The Renewable Energy Co-operative, was nominated ‘International Co-operative of The Year’ in the United Nations Year of Co-operatives. In 2014, Abe launched Sun Exchange—a global solar micro-leasing marketplace that closes the funding gap for commercial- and community-scale solar projects in emerging markets, while streaming monetized sunshine all over the world. Sun Exchange has been named Best Bitcoin & Blockchain Business in Africa two years in a row and Abe delivers keynote speeches around the world. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube   You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * How to speed the transition to renewables and why it's inevitable * What blockchain and Bitcoin means for governments and commerce * Why cryptocurrency is the future but the ownership is up for grabs * What Facebook's Libra coin means for the rest of the world * The reason decentralization is so valuable and needed in our world * Why Africa has a more sophisticated payments system than America * What crowdfunding infrastructure means for emerging markets * What areas are most ripe for blockchain-based disruption * Pros and cons of decentralization * Why climate change is 100% real regardless of global warming * What distributed solar really means for the world Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate  

 BONUS Future Snippets: How China’s CRISPR babies change the game for genetic engineering | Paul Root Wolpe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:55

Welcome to The Disruptors: Future Snippets: Bite-sized clips with TED level top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the trends, technologies and societal norms for a better world. We'll be publishing a few of these mini-episodes in the main feed before transitioning them over to their own separate feed, which you can subscribe to at Paul Root Wolpe (@parowol) is the Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Research Chair in Jewish Bioethics, a Professor in the Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Biological Behavior, and Sociology, and the Director of the Center for Ethics at Emory University and spent 15 years as Senior Bioethicist at NASA and is now their first Chief of Bioethics. Paul sits on a number of national and international non-profit organizational boards, has testified twice to the President’s Commission on the Study of Bioethical Issues in DC. He’s a popular speaker internationally, has won the World Technology Network Award in Ethics, has been featured in a TED talk, and was profiled in the November 2011 Atlantic Magazine as a “Brave Thinker of 2011.” He is also been featured on 60 Minutes and profiled in the Science Times of the New York Times. Subscribe to Disruptors Snippets:

 132. The Failed Drug War, Unintended Consequences and Future of Sustainable Agriculture | Richard Brion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:27

Richard Brion (@richardbrion) is the founder of Revolution Agriculture—a patent-pending solution to the food security challenge—and an ex-US Navy officer focused on making farming more adaptable to a climate change-driven world with less resource 60% less water, faster production, and higher yields. He's the winner of the USAID & Humanity United Tech Challenge to Prevent Mass Atrocity, has lived in 66 countries and has a wealth of experience in every corner of the business. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * The future of agriculture: both big and small * How humanity can solve our food shortage going forward * Politics and realities of eating organic * How Richard's deployment in Afghanistan shaped his world outlook * Why Richard's worried about GMOs and unintended consequences * The aquaponics and reinventing the future of food * Why GMOs have faced such harsh criticism * What Richard likes about the Swiss system of forced military service * Why political leaders need more military perspective to govern effectively * What happened with the Drug War and the law of unintended consequences * The reason isolationism isn't a good policy for the US or anyone * Why AI is more dangerous than we think * The scary truth about Trump's rhetoric on Europe and NATO Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the thoughts. The science is great, neurofeedback helps meditators achieve zen-level results in less time. I'm a big fan of meditation (as you know) and Muse is hooking listeners up with 15% OFF when they use our link  

 BONUS Future Snippets: What you need to know about asteroid mining and space settlements | Frans Von der Dunk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:58

Welcome to The Disruptors: Future Snippets: Bite-sized clips with TED level top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the trends, technologies and societal norms for a better world. We'll be publishing a few of these mini-episodes in the main feed before transitioning them over to their own separate feed, which you can subscribe to at Frans von der Dunk is a Professor of Space Law at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Director of Black Holes Consultancy, and is generally recognized as one of the world’s leading space law experts. Franz has served as an adviser to a number of governments, the European Commission, ESA, the United Nations, the OECD, various national space agencies, the Association of Space Explorers, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, and a number of companies. He is Director Public Relations of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Member of the Board of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), and Member for the Netherlands in the International Law Association’s (ILA) Committee on Space Law. Subscribe to Disruptors Snippets:

 131. 68 Years Young and the Prospects for Superhuman Longevity and a Better Tomorrow | Mark Sackler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:41

Mark Sackler (@marksackler) is a futurist/foresight analyst, the North American Correspondent of The Age of Robots Magazine and the host of the Seeking Delphi podcast where he talks space, sustainable energy, the future of transport and biotech with the innovators creating the world we're all racing towards. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In today's episode we discuss: * Why Mark became a futurist at the age of 66 * Mark's initial forays in the longevity space, in the 70s * How the space race galvanized Mark's initial interest in the future * Ways to change the way we all think about the future * The big problems with linear thinking and other traps that cause massive harm * Why horse manure is a great example of a simply stupid philosophy we all fall for * Which areas of biotech have Mark more excited and why * Thought on existential risk and the importance of optimism * The news paradigm and how to shift the story * What anti-aging technology will mean for society * The under-discussed importance of clean meat * Why diversity is so lacking in tech and futurism * Ways to change your perspective for better Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support The Disruptors The Disruptors is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine, grass-fed whey protein and Total Human, the all-in-one to live and perform at your best. Save 10% on ANY ORDER (except fitness equipment) with Coupon Code: disruptors  

 BONUS Future Snippets: The reason renewables have already won and where we’ll be 10 years | Mark Disendorf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:43

Welcome to The Disruptors: Future Snippets: Bite-sized clips with TED level top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the trends, technologies and societal norms for a better world. We'll be publishing a few of these mini-episodes in the main feed before transitioning them over to their own separate feed, which you can subscribe to at Mark Diesendorf (@markdiesendorf) teaches, researches and consults in the interdisciplinary fields of sustainability & energy, energy policy, urban transport, ecological economics, and practical sustainability Prior to joining the Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW Australia, he's been a Principal Researcher and lecturer at various higher institutions. Snippets Episodes on iTunes:

 BONUS Future Snippets: The technologies and trends that most worry Nikola Danalyov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:28

Welcome to The Disruptors: Future Snippets: Bite-sized clips with TED level top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the trends, technologies and societal norms for a better world. We'll be publishing a few of these mini-episodes in the main feed before transitioning them over to their own separate feed, which you can subscribe to at Nikola Danalyov (@singularityblog) is a keynote speaker and futurist, tech philosopher, vegan and the host of Singularity.FM, one of the top tech futurism and ethics podcasts where he’s interviewed 200+ of the best scientists, writers, entrepreneurs, film-makers, philosophers and artists, debating the most important issues. Nikola’s the bestselling author of Conversations with the Future and also published over 1000 articles on AI, the singularity and the future of all of us. He’s been featured in BBC, the Huffington Post, WIRED, TV Japan, io9, ZDNet, BoingBoing and others and is regarded by many as the Socrates of Today. Subscribe to Disruptors Snippets:


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