The Disruptors show

The Disruptors

Summary: Long-form TED level conversations with top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the technology, trends and societal norms for a better world. If in-depth, unscripted conversations with the researchers, startups and future thinkers transforming our future in a Tim Ferriss meets Sam Harris, Kara Swisher, a16z and Joe Rogan Experience type no-holds-barred interview show is your cup of tea you’ve come to the right place. Some episodes feature Intelligence Squared esque lively debates and Planet Money like in-depth discussions on health and intermittent fasting, automation and unemployment, healthcare, the economy, etc... while others would fit right in with a Kevin Rose or Jason Calacanis casual fireside chat. We cover EVERYTHING, from artificial intelligence, the ethics, economics and leadership of our coming century, futurism, combatting climate change, fixing blockchain and redesigning democracy and politics from the ground up. Longevity, virtual reality, surveillance capitalism and social media... we got it all. Past guests including Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human, Isaac Arthur of SFiA, Cory Doctorow, Nikola Danaylov of SingularityFM, Fraser Cain of Astronomy Cast, Aubrey de Grey, presidential advisors, top economists, venture capital investors and more... Visit our site and download our FREE Existential Risk Guide: Love great podcasts? We curate the best of the best around the web. Get our Exclusive Top Notch Tuesday roundup: About the host: Matt Ward is a serial entrepreneur, investor, futurist, startup advisor and business consultant whose built and sold 3 companies, created multiple top podcasts and is focused on building a better world through innovation and entrepreneurship.


 6. Ethereum, IoT, Augmented Reality and Exploring Crypto Rabbit Hole | Kyle Samani of Multicoin Capital | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:23

Kyle Samani (@kylesamani) is cofounder and Managing Partner of Multicoin Capital, a venture capital-esque crypto hedge fund with at least $250M in assets under management (AUM). Prior to starting Multicoin Capital, Kyle ran (a Google Glass company for surgeons) as CEO, raising $5M and ultimately being acquired. Kyle’s writing and thought leadership have built him up as someone to follow in the ever-evolving industry in addition to a strong focus on technology, entrepreneurship, sales and marketing and finance. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * How Kyle first discovered ethereum when it was only $10 * Kyle's thoughts on the future of augmented reality and IoT * Why blockchain fundamentally disrupts so many industries * Which areas of crypto Kyle and his team are most excited about * Why Kyle believes Bitcoin will become irrelevant * What you need to know about the crypto rabbit hole * How the future of money will edged government * Why decentralization is more important than most people realize * How crypto investors can think about blockchain protocol value -- Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate   Uplevel Your Meditation and Mind Do you meditate? Muse is a neurofeedback (ie EEG based brain-sensing) device that helps meditators/anyone learn to control their mind and quiet the thoughts. The science is great, neurofeedback helps meditators achieve zen-level results in less time. I'm a big fan of meditation (as you know) and Muse is hooking listeners up with 15% OFF when they use our link  

 5. Jamais Cascio on Forecasting Future, Climate Change and Geoengineering and the Biggest Threats to Human Civilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:56

Jamais Cascio (@cascio) is a writer, speaker and futurist that focuses on the intersection of emerging technologies, environmental dilemmas, and cultural transformation, specializing in the design and creation of plausible scenarios of the future - writing mainly on the importance of long-term, systemic thinking, emphasizing the power of openness, transparency and flexibility as catalysts for building a more resilient society at Selected by Foreign Policy magazine as a Top 100 Global Thinker, Jamais Cascio specializes in the creation of provocative future scenarios. He explores emerging possibilities in print and in speaking events world-wide, and has appeared in in multiple television and film documentaries. Cascio serves as Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for the Future, and published his first non-fiction book, HACKING THE EARTH, in 2009. He was a featured speaker at the TED 2006 conference, "The Future We Will Create," in Monterey, California. “My worst-case scenario is us continuing to have short-term-track thinking.” — Jamais Cascio Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * Why we may be heading towards a 5-6 degree warmer world * The biggest threats to humanity's existence * How technology and humanity intertwine and co-evolve * Why Jamais is pessimistic in the short term and optimistic in the long term * Jamais' thoughts on the cons of geo engineering * The important but often overlooked drivers climate change * Why Jamais forecasts rather than predicts the future * The actual implications of autonomous driving and automation * Why our political and economic systems are outdated and how to fix this * Why the future may have a lot more sex and drugs NOTE: A couple times Jamais references terms/concepts which popularly used yet politically charged like pink-collar jobs. He is in no way endorsing or a fan of gender-roles/stereotypes but just observing them in action. Recommended Books * The Culture Series: Book 1 - Consider Phlebas * Transmetropolitan, Vol 1: Back on the Street  -- Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe.

 4. Creating Artificial Life and 3D Printing Personalized Medicines | Prof Lee Cronin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:59

Lee Cronin (@leecronin)'s lab at the University of Glasgow does cutting-edge research into manufacturing and 3D printing complex molecules, like medicines on-demand - a breakthrough he presented at TEDGlobal 2012. He has one of the largest multidisciplinary chemistry-based research teams in the world, having raised over $35 M in grants and current income of $15 M. Lee has given over 300 international talks and has authored over 350 peer reviewed papers with recent work published in Nature, Science, and PNAS. He and his team are trying to make artificial life forms, find alien life, explore the digitization of chemistry, understand how information can be encoded into chemicals and construct chemical computers. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * How Lee believes we can create artificial life * The relationship between biology, chemistry and our understanding of the universe * What Lee's team is looking at when it comes to 3D printing medicines and molecules * The future of personalized genetic medicine * Why Lee is skeptical of artificial general intelligence * The real problem with fake news * How the scientific research funding process works and the politics involved * Why researchers need to be able to sell their ideas * The way Lee looks at problems to tackle * Why chemical computers may be a bigger deal than quantum Transcript Producing this podcast and transcribing the episode takes tons of time and resources. If you support FringeFM and the work we do, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. If you can’t afford to support us, we completely understand as well, but an iTunes review or share on Twitter can go a long way too!   Professor Cronin: Some of the smallest people appear to come from the most difficult backgrounds and so I always kind of try and spread my bets on people every student comes to my lab or any person. I always give them what I think would be a Nobel prize winning project and I think it's quite funny cause I've never won a Nobel prize and he never liked me too, but it doesn't stop me giving them one. And then when they failed to win the Nobel Prize or the Nobel project doesn't work, we're kind of surprised and I mean they make it easier and then in the end that we make it, when it still continues to fail, we go, well what can we do? And that's when suddenly I realise this. And some of my group members realize that we are really doing science, because suddenly we work out what we can do is interesting and I know if you haven’t done, and you start climbing the mountain you’re already half way up. Cause you've started and you failed to kind of, some height where people wouldn't dare to go to start with. So I love being ambitious and I don't mind failing I love to fail particularly well. Matt: I like it and if you set a huge goal is then you've still gotten pretty insignificant progress. Professor Cronin: Exactly and that's why I think humanity will be fine. I mean that's all I have four big problems because someone said,

 3. Transhumanist Technologies to Live Forever, Become Bionic and Build Better Political System | Zoltan Istvan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:50

Zoltan Istvan Gyurko (@zoltan_istvan) is an American transhumanist, journalist, entrepreneur and Libertarian futurist who ran for President of the United States in 2016 to raise awareness for transhumanism. In 2017, Istvan announced his intent to run for Governor of California in the 2018 election as a member of the Libertarian Party - see his website: for more. Formerly a reporter for the National Geographic Channel, Istvan now writes futurist, transhumanist, libertarian and secular themed articles for major publications including Vice's Motherboard, Wired, The Huffington Post., TechCrunch and Newsweek. Istvan also regularly appears on television and video channels discussing futurist topics and is one of the world's most influential transhumanists - believing transhumanism will grow into a mainstream social movement in the next decade. Istvan is also the author of The Transhumanist Wager, a philosophical science fiction novel. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * Why Zoltan believes he will live forever * How Zoltan thinks about AI and the future of intelligence * The exciting science of life extension and which areas are most promising * What happens to nation-states when humans start to live longer * How and when genetic engineering and implants will start to impact society * Why transparency may be the savior of humanity * How Zoltan sees blockchain in the bigger picture * Why Zoltan wants a mechanical heart ASAP * What average individuals can do to live longer -- Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate   Superhuman Brain Nootropics Daniel Schmachtenberger (prev on podcast) and the folks at Neurohacker are some of THE smartest biohackers on the planet, and their Qualia's line of brain-enhancing nootropics make it obvious why. Get $15% off ANY order, or 50% OFF 1st order and 15% OFF ALL orders if you order a subscription with Coupon Code: DISRUPTORS.

 2. Growing Meat in Test Tube to Feed Humanity, Combat Climate Change and Explore Outer Space | Mike Selden of Finless Foods | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:11

Mike Selden (@mikeseldenFF) is co-founder and CEO of Finless Foods, a food startup that uses cutting-edge cellular-agriculture technologies to grow marine-animal cells, creating fish and seafood products enjoyed around the world. They are working toward a sci-fi, soon-here world where everyone has access to healthy, delectable seafood, without the environmental devastation or the health hazards of traditional fishing and aquatic farming. Mike has a background in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, he is dedicated to climate justice and science advocacy. Before co-founding Finless Foods, he was working at the Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine in high-throughput cancer screening. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * The clean meat revolution and end of animal agriculture * How Mike's company Finless Foods is growing fish in a laboratory * The exciting science of foodtech * Why people need to embrace GMOs * How agriculture is increasingly driving climate change * Why we aren't far off from growing usable human organs * How hard it is to fund traditional deep tech * Why we are entering a foodtech revolution * How human's will eat and thrive in space * Why we need to start pricing pollution into our products Transcript Producing this podcast and transcribing the episode takes tons of time and resources. If you support FringeFM and the work we do, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. If you can’t afford to support us, we completely understand as well, but an iTunes review or share on Twitter can go a long way too!   Mike: Yeah, I mean this is probably the only way anyone would ever be able to eat meat in space and actually we were invested in specifically by an investment firm that the focus is entirely on space because they know that this is kind of the only option so we're very, very excited to be the first fish in space. I do know that because of human polluted activities we're going to end up with more plastic in the ocean by weight than fish by 2050 is the estimate that I've seen. So that's like well within our lifetimes and at that point we're gonna have you know an ocean this completely filled with plastic like what are we going to do in order to get food from that? I think we should A: stop poisoning the ocean and B: start to move our food sources out of it. Matt: They're using cutting-edge cellular agriculture technologies to grow marine animals from cells creating fish and seafood around the world. It's the sci-fi future that's here today; delectable, healthy and great for the environment. In today's wide-ranging discussion will discuss the clean meat revolution and the end of animal agriculture, how Mike's company Finless Foods is growing fish in a laboratory - it's real, the exciting science of food tech, why people need to embrace GMOs, how agriculture is increasingly driving climate change, why we aren't far off from fully growing human usable organs, and how we’ll fuel humanity's rise and expansion in space. Without further ado, I give you Mike Selden. Just a quick note, we wanted to apologize for the audio on Mike’s side, we did the best we could. It got a little bit garbled up at times but it's easy to follow and incredibly valuable. Now I give you Mike Selden.

 1. Singularity University’s Pascal Finette on Why VCs Suck at SciFi Tech Investing and Why AI and Synthetic Biology are the Industries of the Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:58

Pascal Finette (@pfinette) is Fastrack’s Executive Director and Singularity University’s Chair for Entrepreneurship & Open Innovation. He focuses on helping change makers tackle the most intractable problems of our times. He got started on the net before there was a web browser, founded a series of technology startups, led eBay's Platform Solutions Group in Europe, launched a consulting firm helping entrepreneurs with their strategy & operations, invested into early-stage tech startups, led Mozilla's Innovation Lab, created Mozilla's accelerator program WebFWD, headed up Mozilla's Office of the Chair and has invested into social impact organizations around the globe at Further he founded the nonprofit organizations Mentor for Good and The Coaching Fellowship; the "GyShiDo" (Get Your S%#& Done) movement and publishes the opinionated newsletter, "The Heretic", which is read by ten of thousands of change-makers globally. Recently he published "The Heretic - Daily Therapeutics for Entrepreneurs" book. Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Android | Overcast | Spotify | Youtube You can listen right here on iTunes In our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including: * How Pascal thinks about AI and the future of intelligence * The exciting space technology that no one is talking about * What happens to nation-states when humanity goes interplanetary * How and when genetic engineering will start to impact society * Why synthetic biology may in fact be the most exciting industry of our generation * How tariffs and NAFTA could affect investment in Canadian startups * Why traditional venture capital sucks for true moonshot businesses * Why Pascal is doubtful of a Skynet situation * Is China's totalitarian regime a better system -- Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support FringeFM FringeFM is supported by the generosity of its readers and listeners. If you find our work valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon, via Paypal or with DonorBox powered by Stripe. Donate     Big On Health and Human Optimization? Designed for and by athletes and top performers like Joe Rogan, ONNIT makes top-notch supplements and workout gear. Big fan of MCT oil when I’m doing keto, their F*CK YEAH! Coffee with 2x the caffeine, grass-fed whey protein and Total Human,


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