Simple Self Care Podcast show

Simple Self Care Podcast

Summary: Simple Self Care is a podcast dedicated to simplifying the healing journey by aligning your self-care practices with your own inner wisdom and the natural cycles outside and within. Though self-care has become quite the buzzword, it’s actually a vital tool that can fit beautifully into your everyday life. Join in as we explore how to create a deep and meaningful relationship with ourselves naturally, intentionally, and simply.

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 Bonus: Danielle LaPorte on Self Love, Service, and Living Your Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:52

There is a lot of talk out there about self-love and living your best life, but it is rare to meet someone who has walked the walk and can really teach and inspire you to love yourself from a deep and authentic resource within. It is my pleasure to bring you Danielle LaPorte, a multiple best-selling author, a highly acclaimed spiritual teacher and speaker, a poet, a mother, and an all around incredible human being, here on the podcast. Take a listen as Danielle shares her truth bombs on being your own best friend, the life-saving reasons for self-care practices, how to hear your own inner wisdom, how to serve in an empowered way, the importance of knowing your core desires, and so much more.

 030: Self Care for Mental Health Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:15

This week’s episode is a continuation of last week’s conversation all about the important and complex topic of mental health. If you missed it, I recommend taking a listen before you sit down with this one, so you’ll have more context of where I’m coming from and what points were already made. Last week was more of an overview of the mental health issue and what we as a community can do about it. And in this week's Part 2, I dig into more of the nitty gritty of how you can tend to your own mental health needs with my top tips and things to keep in mind as you brave your own wilderness.

 029: Self Care for Mental Health Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:14

My personal self care journey began shortly after I was diagnosed with depression in my teens. And my path to heal and maintain that part of myself is the substance the powers what I bring to the world, including through my work and through this very podcast. The subject of mental health is so near and dear to my heart that honestly, I'm a bit nervous to talk about it in this format. But with all that is going on, with so many people out there that suffer alone or don’t know how to help, I feel like it would be a disservice to keep sitting on the sidelines in this arena.  So, I’m going to be taking the next two episodes to talk about the timely and timeless topic of mental health, my personal journey with it, the stigma around it, how you can really help others, and how you can use self care to help yourself. This episode (part 1) is all about the issue at large and how we as a collective community can help each other. The following episode (part 2) will cover simple self care practices specific for mental health, including thoughts on using or not using medication, how to tune in when you fear what you might hear, the concept of a good day and bad day routine and more.

 028: Lily Diamond on Honesty, Vulnerability, and Sharing it with the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:55

In a world where we’ve become all about the likes and the followers and the curated feeds and all of that, it’s hard to know if we are really connecting with each other online. And if we are, it's hard to tell if that connection is feeding our deep need to connect or feeding our addiction to escape and compare.  A leading force for good is writer and photographer Lily Diamond. Lily is the author of Kale and Caramel: Recipies for the Body, Heart, and Table. But she has also started quite the movement on social media with the hashtag #honestinsta.  Take a listen as we discuss how to be honest on social media and why it’s so important, being the space holder of a movement, vulnerability and how to reach out in a way that is proactive instead of destructive, the importance of being a witness for each other, the joy of keeping it simple when it comes to self care, and the power of mental sanitation.

 027: Summer Rituals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:41

As much as we dream of long summer nights, weekend adventures, times to chill out and relax, Summer can oftentimes feel chaotic and stressful and just the opposite of what you want it to be. In this episodes, I share my top three simple summer practices to keep in mind to help us slow down in some ways, perk up in some ways, and overall savor this time of the year.

 026: Finding Your Own Outdoors with Ruth Allen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:15

The wonderfully inspiriting Ruth Allen from Whitepeak Wellbeing chats with me about her experience with the outdoors and her outdoor therapy practice in the UK. As an indoor and outdoor counselor and coach, and as an outdoor enthusiast herself, Ruth shares her wisdom on how to chill out to hear your inner voice, how to use nature to be more playful, the importance of silence, how to bring the outdoors in, balancing nature and technology, and how to honor and listen to the enticing call of the outside world. Insta: @whitepeak_ruth

 025: Carving Your Own Path with Kym Ventola | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:32

Kym Ventola is not only an amazing life and business coach, community garden manager, and wife and mama, but she is the founder of NINE Retreat, a community dedicated to empowering women through connection, wellness, adventure, and wisdom. In this episode, Kym shares her own journey of need to carve her own path when it came to self care and caring for her family and community. We also chat about the perks of taking social media breaks, setting healthy boundaries in everyday life, making the time for your passions, the joy of hitting rock bottom, living with less waste and a simpler lifestyle, and the power of gathering in a judgement free community. It is a jam-packed, delightful conversation that I know you will get a lot out of.

 024: Permission to Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:13

Springtime is a season of change. Of transformation and reevaluation. On this episode, I share with you a personal example of a recent change I made due to a much needed reevaluation of how I was operating. Spoiler: It involves this very podcast. Take a listen to hear how it's ok to let go of the things that no longer work in our lives and what life tweak I made to bring you this week's episode.

 023: Healing with the Joshua Trees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:18

In honor of Earth Day, I take you with me on my recent trip one of the coolest places on earth, Joshua Tree National Park with my friend, adventure and plant loving buddy, and past podcast guest Kristen Runvik. There are many things that can fall under the self care umbrella, and I talk a lot about the day to day simple and practical things we can do to bring self care into every moment. But it is also important to think about the bigger picture ways of practicing self care. And to me, this is travel, exploring, and getting out in nature for extended periods of time. Join Kristen and me as we recount our trip and share what we learned, and we even take you on a special plant hike with a local guide. Hopefully this episode can inspire some adventures of your own and remind you that the world, the earth, even the plants blooming outside your window, are there waiting for you.

 022: Melissa Coleman on Simplifying Your Kitchen and Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:32

After my brief hiatus, we are back, and I am just giddy to bring you a conversation I had with the lovely Melissa Coleman from the beloved blog the Faux Martha. Her new book The Minimalist Kitchen just hit the stands a few days ago, and I got to chat with her not only about her book and simplifying the kitchen, but also some beginner steps for bringing minimalism into your life, how gathering around the table can bring healing, Melissa’s favorite self care rituals, and more.

 Time for a Refresh! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:18

In the spirit of Springtime, a time for dusting off the Winter and making space for a new season, I will be taking a break from this podcast until April 15th. In this podcast update, I explain the motivation behind my mini-break and invite you to do you own version of it.

 021: Artist Nichole Rae on Finding Purpose Through Pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:46

Today on the podcast I share with you and delightful and insightful conversation with the one and only Artist Nichole Rae. As her name suggests, Nichole is an artist specialized in mixed media book arts and hand lettering. And she now uses her creative talents to help others cultivate healing daily practices. With her workshops and online guides she teaches journaling and affirmations practices that inspire the creative spirit and connect you with your present self. I had her over recently to talk more about her healing path and get her advice on how to use creativity as a daily healing practice. Take a listen as we chat about how to declare your daily practice, using your uniqueness for healing, how to spark your own creativity, and finding purpose during painful times.

 020: Your Self Care Non-Negotiable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:52

Starting new habits can be extremely overwhelming. Especially when you’ve been doing “not so great” habits for a while and want to replace them with healthier ones. It’s easy to want to apply the “all or nothing” mentality to incorporating your self care practices because you are ready for results and you want them now. But most of the time, this way of going about it isn’t very sustainable. In this episode, I talk about setting non-negotiable self care habit. One doable thing that you will do every day to meet your self care goals. Take a listen to learn how this game changing habit can make self care simpler and more enjoyable.

 019: How to Meditate Anytime, Anywhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:48

Ah, the allusive art of meditation. It seems so simple, yet complicated; easy, yet difficult. And where to start? What to do? Who to study with? Are you even doing it right? In this episode, I share my two go-to meditation techniques that take the self doubt out of meditation and make it easy to bring the benefits of meditation into every area of life.

 018: The Joy of Community with Folkways | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:13

For the final week of the Month of Joy series, I chat with community builders and influencers Simone Wai and Joe Burgum with Folkways. From farmers markets to Christmas markets, canoe parades to mobile saunas, these two have been able to cultivate so much joy and connection in their hometown community and beyond. In our conversation we talk about how to fall in love with your hometown, the importance of connection and community, and how to make a difference and bring the joy to your city. I also take you on an adventure into the mobile sauna to get their take on winter wellness and cozying up your life.


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