Simple Self Care Podcast show

Simple Self Care Podcast

Summary: Simple Self Care is a podcast dedicated to simplifying the healing journey by aligning your self-care practices with your own inner wisdom and the natural cycles outside and within. Though self-care has become quite the buzzword, it’s actually a vital tool that can fit beautifully into your everyday life. Join in as we explore how to create a deep and meaningful relationship with ourselves naturally, intentionally, and simply.

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 4.8 Molly Yeh on Enjoying the Work + Life Balancing Act | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:04

Life is a constant balancing act. Right when you feel like you've figured things out, another obstacle comes your way and you have to rebalance again. But instead of always feeling defeated, what if this rebalancing became part of the joys of life? Someone who is a great example of this is world-renowned food blogger, author, and Food Network star Molly Yeh. And she's come back on the podcast to share with us how she balances being a new mom and hosting her TV show from her family farm in the Upper Midwest. Take a listen as we chat about: - the power of structure and planning when it comes to self-care with a newborn and high professional demands - how to deal with mom guilt - how to get over unrealistic expectations - the importance of alone time - embracing the seasons of things - using your everyday, mundane tasks as your moments of zen - how to savor the Winter months - setting boundaries when working from home Show notes at Support the show at

 4.7 Using Your Guilt For Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:11

Feeling guilty for taking time for yourself is one of the biggest hold-ups for people when it comes to anything self-care related. In fact, that word comes up with almost everyone I work with. And I get it. I've been there, too. I've been there to the extreme. And in this episode, I share my breaking point with this whole guilt thing and how I've learned how to transform it into something good, something that can serve us instead of bring us down. If you are ready to lighten the guilt load, then this episode is for you. Show notes at Support the podcast at

 4.6 Follow the Joy with Sarah Von Bargen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:07

What if your recipe for happiness was right under your nose? What if you are already living a joyful life, but you are too occupied with other things to even notice it? In this episode, I chat with Sarah Von Bargen from the popular blog Yes and Yes to talk about how we can tune into the joy we already have and follow what makes us happy so we can continue to recreate it in every area of our lives. Take a listen as we chat about: - how to live a rich and full life no matter how much or how little you make - how to follow your joy in the midst of making hard decisions - how to create your own prescription for self-care and hear our favorite self-care activities for this time of year - how to set intentions and boundaries for the holidays with your family and friends - the joy and beauty of traveling to small towns and travel tips - how to find the fun in going against the grain - and more Show notes at Bank Book affiliate link:

 4.5 Upcycling with Intention with Ashley Dedin Carlson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:49

When it comes to ethical and sustainable consumerism, reusing and repurposing what is already here and what you already have is one of the best things you can do. But upcycling can be overwhelming, and it's hard to know where to start. So this week I brought on Ashley Dedin Carlson of Remade to Remember to share with us her expertise in turning what you already have into a creative expression. Take a listen as we chat about the slow evolution of living a more eco-friendly life, how to use thrift stores intentionally, how to counter eco-anxiety, approaching repurposing what you have as a creative and even spiritual practice, and more. Show notes at

 4.4 Self-Care for Mental Health - Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:59

The topic of mental health is being talked about more than ever. The good news is that this means more solutions are being offered and the shame around the topic is diminishing. The bad news is that this means mental health struggles are more of an issue than ever. And if you don't deal with it yourself, you know someone who does. I was diagnosed with clinical depression in my early teens, and I've been on a healing journey with it ever since, with my own mental health and with helping my loved ones and clients with it, as well. This week, I revamp a podcast episode I recorded a while back. I reconfigured it a bit, added in some new thoughts, and provide a Mental Health Checklist guide for you in the show notes. Take a listen as I share more of my personal journey with depression, how to become friends with your mental health issues, how to use your struggles as important warning signs, how to create a mental health checklist to ease your triggers, and what your loved ones struggling with it really need from you right now, and why your own health is the best way to help the ones you love. Show notes at

 4.3 Realign Yourself with Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:46

Do you ever wonder how you got to where you are in life? Overwhelmed. Tired. So out of touch with yourself and your values. Or maybe how your day to day work and lifestyle got so out of alignment with what you actually want? It happens. We change. Our situations change. But sometimes not all of ourselves catch up and we end up feeling off, depleted, and unfulfilled. In this episode, I share my recent experience with getting out of alignment and what I did restore myself back into place. I also share how you can create your own version of this process to help you embrace and move forward with who you are now in every area of life. Show notes and accompanying handout available at Get even more resources and support the podcast at

 4.2 Fall Season Support with Kristen Runvik | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:07

While Fall is full of cozy sweaters and pumpkin-spiced everything, it can also be a frenzied time of year as we change our rhythms and rituals. To help us make sure we are properly grounded and nourished this time of year, I brought back my friend and herbalist and founder of Lagom Body Co. to share her wisdom on how to support your body, mind, and soul during this time Fall. Take a listen as we chat about how to evolve with your self-care practices each season, the power of getting outside despite the weather, and how to nourish yourself during this season change and even improve your health during this time of year. We share our favorite Fall rituals and herbal remedies like the magic of elderberry and echinacea. And we talk about why we need community more than ever this time of year and how to create your own group of like-minded folks. Kristen also offers up her Whole Body Wellness Guide for Fall ($40) to Patreon supporters. Get in on it and more podcast goodies at Show Notes at

 4.1 Breaking the Twitch with Anthony Ongaro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:20

How often to do you check your phone without thinking about it? Have you ever reached for just a handful of popcorn and before you know it, the whole bag is gone? Our everyday, mindless habits make us who we are, and if we don't stop and break this "twitch" we can end up living a life totally out of alignment of who we want to be. So to help us take a deeper look at these habits, and to kick of Season 4 of the podcast, I have Anthony Ongaro from Break the Twitch on for a joint conversation and creating intentional habits. We share our individual origin stories for how we've come to preach what we practice and how to break the mindless twitch of habits that don't align with who we are. We dig into how to turn your personal growth and life lessons into a tangible practice, we deep dive into how to turn up the volume on your own inner wisdom, we share the power of continuing to begin again, and we even share what we would do if we knew we would die tomorrow. It's such a full and fun and valuable conversation, and I know you will get a lot out of it. And check out the new patreon page for the podcast where you can get exclusive content and score some free 1:1 Self-Care Mentoring with me.

 And We're Back! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:56

Just popping in to say hello after my Summer break to let you know that we are back with Season 4 of the podcast next week! Anthony Ongaro from Break the Twitch will be here chatting with me about the power of simplifying your daily habits and so much more, so stay tuned for that! And listen now to hear all about Courtney Carver's new course Soulful Simplicity and how when you get in on this amazing 6-week course, you get a free self-care mentoring session with me! Click here to learn more, sign up, and get your free session: Be sure to hit subscribe wherever you are listening and join me here next week for a new and exciting season!

 3.10 You Are Not Alone + Other Summer Self-Care Musings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:22

On the final episode of Season Three, I get to answer some very relatable listener questions about moving forward into Summer with more confidence, more time, and more intention. I also share some very important announcements about changes to the podcast, my break from social media over the Summer, and my biggest life lessons learned from the high’s and low’s from this past season. Listen along as I chat about: - The power of asking for help and leaning on your community - How to practice self-love while bringing that Summer bod out of hibernation - How to not overcommit to social pressures and obligations this time of year - How to refuel and refresh and savor the sweetness of Summer Stay up to date on all the fun changes to the podcast by joining my newsletter community at See the rest of the show notes at

 3.9 Finding Your Freedom with Michelle Knight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:28

Feeling free and fulfilled in life can sound like a distant, far off goal. And sometimes it can sound almost impossible. But with this week's episode, Business + Branding Coach Michelle Knight of Brandmerry Coaching is here to share with us how close we are to figuring out what freedom means to you personally and how in reach it actually is. Take a listen as we chat about building a life around your definition of freedom, how to create freedom with wise structure and daily routines, the power of simplifying your life and your business, the importance of constantly checking in with what you need and how you are evolving, sharing your hopes and dreams with others, the danger of getting too comfortable, and more! Show notes at

 3.8 Overcoming Addiction + Depression with Rynda Laurel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:25

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I chat with mental health and addiction advocate Rynda Laurel who has not only overcome her own serious addiction and clinical depression, but she now educates others how to do the same. She even started her own supplement company called VRYeveryday that has blends filled with the powerful ingredients that have helped her heal on a biochemical level. Take a listen as we chat about taking the shame out of mental health and addiction, how to stand up for your own healing path, how to focus on the positive instead of what you lack, how to find community while making big changes, and more. Show notes and discount codes at

 3.7 Coming Back to Nature featuring Rodin Lyasoff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:46

The natural world is reawakening this time of year and so are we as we continue to make our way through the transition from Winter to Spring to Summer. And it's the perfect time to reintroduce ourselves with the nature around us and be more prepared and intentional about connecting with the outdoors right now and in the months to come. To help get us inspired about making the outdoors more a part of our way of life, this episode features a conversation with my dear friend Rodin Lyasoff who shares his experience balancing his career in the tech industry in Silicon Valley with adventuring into nature he loves. Take a listen as we chat about how our relationship with nature and the outdoors changes over time, the importance of connecting with the nature that is the most accessible to you and your current lifestyle, how to balance our time with technology and our time with outdoors, and how to always have your adventure bag ready. Show notes at

 3.6 Embracing the Messiness of Spring | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:48

The coming of Spring is refreshing and exciting, but it can also be muddy and messy and honestly a little bit overwhelming. In this candid, unscripted episode I share with you how to: - get unstuck this time of year - melt and flow and evolve with the nature around us - break the habits of what no longer is serving us from Winter - get clear on the purpose of this season so we have something - grounding us as we move into the usual seasonal decluttering and cleansing rituals I also share the evolution and growth of this podcast and some updates that will take shape as we all navigate the beautiful and necessary messiness of this time of year.

 3.5 Joshua Becker on Simplifying with Families | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:06

Decluttering, simplifying, intentional living. All sounds like a great idea, right, but it can also seem daunting and overwhelming. Especially if you share a home with a partner and even more so with children. Luckily I’ve got best-selling author Joshua Becker from Becoming Minimalist on the podcast to help give us some inspiration and step-by-step guidance on how to jump on the decluttering train this Spring. Take a listen as we talk about how to simplify as a family and how that can bond you together, what do to when simplifying gets hard and emotional, how decluttering can make space for what really matters like our faith and real connection with our loved ones, and so much more. Show notes at


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