Chicken Soup for the Soul with Amy Newmark show

Chicken Soup for the Soul with Amy Newmark

Summary: Start your days with inspiration and motivation from the best of Chicken Soup for the Soul and editor-in-chief Amy Newmark. There's nothing like learning from the personal, revealing stories of other people. Amy shares her favorite stories and the wisdom, advice, and easy-to-implement tips that thousands of people have shared in 25 years of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Tips and advice on Mondays and Wednesdays, and interviews with fascinating writers and influencers on Friend Fridays. It's Chicken Soup for the Soul to go!

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  • Artist: Author, editor and publisher Amy Newmark shares inspirational stories from the iconic book series.
  • Copyright: Copyright 2016 - 2024. All rights reserved.


 Six Keys to Happiness that Really Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 841

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul. You know, we get thousands of Chicken Soup for the Soul stories that focus on happiness—how to find it and how to keep it. Here are six ways you can find your happiness, from six of the 101 stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Your 10 Keys to Happiness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Amazing Coincidences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 549

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles and the Unexplainable. These stories are about amazing coincidences, ones that were like messages from heaven for our contributors as they provided a connection with a family member who had passed away. I don’t know how to explain how these things could have happened. But you listen and see what you think! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 The Biggest Beneficiary of Your Acts of Kindness Is You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 497

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to start sharing stories with you from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Attitude of Gratitude. This is an important topic and one of the keys to happiness in my experience. We are constantly getting stories from people who have turned their attitudes around by actively counting their blessings and focusing on what they have instead of what they lack. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Children's Author JaNay Brown-Wood Discusses Writing for Children and Her Four Chicken Soup for the Soul books for Babies and Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1396

Hey everyone, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today we have a special guest for Friend Friday, JaNay Brown-Wood, who is the author of four new books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series for Babies and Kids. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Basking in the Kindness of Strangers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 460

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today we’re talking about how the kindness of strangers can turn around a bad day and make into a memorably good one. I’ll be sharing two stories from our new bestselling book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Kindness Matters. I think the lesson I take away from this collection of stories is that if you have an impulse to do something unexpected for a stranger you should just go with it and not overthink it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 When What You Say Is Not What You Mean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 526

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories from our latest humor collection, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! This is our third collection of funny stories—we’ve done one each spring since the pandemic started and they’ve been very popular. No one is safe in these true stories— from spouses to parents to children to colleagues to friends. And some of the the funniest stories revolve around words, like those times when what you say is not what you mean. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Get Back to Your Authentic Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 501

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories about positive thinking and authenticity and self-confidence from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Your 10 Keys to Happiness. This book is the synthesis of what I’ve learned in 14 years of editing and reading tens of thousands of Chicken Soup for the Soul stories—stories that talk about what worked and what didn’t work in people’s lives. Some of the stories share such simple easy-to-implement life-changing advice. And today I’m going to tell you two of those stories, ones that will help you focus on whether you are living as your authentic self. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Sometimes You Just Can’t Explain How Things Happen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 711

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles and the Unexplainable. These true stories of answered prayers, angels, breathtaking coincidences, miraculous healing, and messages from heaven show us that miracles are all around us if we open our eyes. Miracles, divine intervention, amazing coincidences and unexplainable, but welcome, surprises happen every day for people from all walks of life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 When Saying Thanks Can Change Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 431

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today we’re talking about gratitude and how saying thank you can change your life, with two stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Attitude of Gratitude. We are constantly getting stories from people who have turned their attitudes around by actively counting their blessings and focusing on what they have instead of what they lack, so I wanted to share these with you as potential role models. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Make Yourself a Priority Every Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 602

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories about positive thinking from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Your 10 Keys to Happiness. People have asked why I made this book, and my answer is that after 14 years as editor-in-chief of Chicken Soup for the Soul I’ve been exposed to the personal, revealing stories of tens of thousands of people and I’ve learned from them what works and what doesn’t work in their lives. One of the keys to happiness that has emerged from this is the need to make yourself a priority for at least a little bit of each day. That necessary “me time” could be half an hour a day for exercising, or reading, or meditating, or just sitting and watching the squirrels in the back yard. And if you can’t find that time in every day then make sure you find a block of time each week to make yourself a priority.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Wise Words to Help You Power Through Adversity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 551

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories with you from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude is an important tool in your happiness toolkit, and the nice thing about it is that you can learn how to use its power even if it doesn’t come to you naturally. Today I’m going to share a couple of stories in which our writers had their attitudes of gratitude put in place after hearing some wise words from a stranger. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 How to Open Your Eyes to the Blessings in Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 592

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to continue sharing stories with you from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Your 10 Keys to Happiness. This is a collection of stories that illustrate what I believe are the ten keys to happiness based on my reading of tens of thousands of personal revealing stories from our writers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 When Technology Goes Wrong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 455

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m going to share a couple of stories with you from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! If you’re like me you’ve undoubtedly had more than one misadventure with today’s modern devices, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today—when technology goes wrong. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Role Models of Kindness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 544

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m sharing two stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Kindness Matters, which has been a big bestseller for us. These stories are about role models of kindness, people who went out of their way to be kind and compassionate and helpful. Not only did their actions make the recipients feel great, but they also showed them how they could pay it forward and do the same for other people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 A Case of Mistaken Identity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 530

Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul. Today I’m going to share a couple of stories from our newest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! This is our third collection of funny stories—we’ve done one each spring since the pandemic started and they’ve been very popular. No one is safe in these true stories— from spouses to parents to children to colleagues to friends. And some of the funniest stories are the ones about mistaken identity, which is what we’re talking about today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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