Dan Lok Show show

Dan Lok Show

Summary: Discover how to “Unlock” your greatest success in business and in life each week as bestselling author and internationally renown business mentor Dan Lok shares his inspiring insights, interviews the world’s most brilliant business minds, including influential celebrities, to inspire you to develop high income skills, create financial momentum, and unshakable confidence and help you to unlock your higher self.


 4 Ways To Have Energy All Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

What do you do when you encounter someone who is exploding with energy, the kind of person who starts and ends each work day with the same high level of enthusiasm? You probably give that person a Whats-Wrong-With-You look, or you wonder what was in that person’s drink or food. Someone that hyped up can’t be normal. Society just doesn’t accept people that can bounce off walls, even on bad days. Something is wrong with them… obviously. Normal is when someone asks you, “How’s your day?” and you answer “Fine. Good,” even though your energy couldn’t drop any lower without hitting the floor. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Sandra Yancey: Emerging Female Leaders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:18

Sandra is an award-winning entrepreneur and is recognized by the International Alliance for Women as one of the world’s 100 Top Difference Makers and by CNN as an American Hero. The eWomenNetwork Foundation she created has, to date, awarded cash grants to 115 non-profit organizations and scholarships to 167 emerging female leaders of tomorrow. In this podcast, she shares her views on the importance of having a mentor to be successful in business, why entrepreneurs benefit from having a network, and the need for relationships in our lives. Despite a busy schedule, she manages to invest in her own learning, stay innovative, and prioritize what’s most significant in her life. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Why College Degrees Are Not Always The Answer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:03

Is it possible to make a six or seven figure income as a coach or consultant without a college degree or credentials? Here’s the truth: the only person who actually cares about your credentials is you. Two positioning secrets will get you that high income you desire, regardless of your education. The first secret is internal positioning. Secret #1: Your Mindset Or Internal Positioning Another name for internal positioning is mindset or self esteem. What’s holding you back from becoming a highly paid coach or consultant is your lack of education or perceived lack of education or credentials. But you can forget about college because no one in the marketplace cares. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Matt Barrie: Intimate Conversation With Founder of Freelancer.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:00

Matt Barrie is an award winning technology entrepreneur. He is Chief Executive of Freelancer.com, the world's largest freelancing marketplace connecting over 30 million professionals globally, which has been awarded by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences eleven Webby Awards, the "Internet's highest honour". As founder of Freelancer.com he bootstrapped a US$2.5m investment for an acquisition to listing without any further funding rounds in an IPO that opened at a market capitalisation of US$1.1 billion, the third biggest opening ever on the ASX, generating a 15,700% return for investors. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Why Successful People Spend Time Alone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:50

f you want to be successful in business, then you must set aside alone time. Two times a year, Bill Gates spends time all by himself for a week in the forest. No cellphone, no computer. He just totally disconnects from the outside modern world and calls that the think week. Now, why do successful people spend time by themselves? You see, very often, we are so close to our issues that we don't take enough time to think about it. We need to step back and ask, "What exactly is the problem here?" During his thinking time, Bill Gates does a lot of reading, thinking, and journaling. And during that time, he thinks about what he does. I also practice something similar to the think week. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 [3 of 3] How To Sell Millions Without Ever Opening Your Mouth! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:21

Is it possible to sell millions without ever opening your mouth? It is if you’re a strong copywriter. I’ve already shared with you some tips on how to sell with the written word. In the last episode, I talked about using emotions and cliffhangers to keep your customers hooked on reading more about your offer. Next, let’s look at the last three steps, beginning with what I call preemptive credibility. Most people nowadays are very skeptical no matter what you do. Consumers are more skeptical than ever and more demanding than ever. So what you need to do is stack up your credibility. What do you have to offer? Maybe you have a long history of being in business. If you have a lot of happy customers who have left reviews, use that. If you have case studies, use that. You can also talk about the scientific research that went into your product. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 [2 of 3] How To Sell Millions Without Ever Opening Your Mouth! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:32

Is it possible to sell millions of dollars without ever opening your mouth? You can if you use the written word to create a compelling offer. It’s step two of my copywriting secrets, which I started to explain in the previous episode. In step three, you tell your customer what will happen if they buy your product. Listing Features and Benefits In this step , you list every single feature and benefit about your product or service. For most copywriters and business owners, your list will be very short because you’re too close to your offer. You’ll miss things. For example, if you sell computers, you might forget that a keyboard is a feature. Now, before you start your list of every feature and benefit, make sure you don’t confuse the two. A feature is what something is. A benefit is what something does. Doing the following exercise will help. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 [1 of 3] How To Sell Millions Without Ever Opening Your Mouth! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:14

Is it possible to sell millions of dollars without ever opening your mouth? It is if you understand some very fundamental things. First, you need to understand that before you are selling you are marketing... and marketing is about communicating your message to your buyers. You can share your message in a number of ways. One way is through social media like YouTube. My messages grew my subscribers from 100,000 to 1,000,000 in one year. It’s a way to share my teachings and my marketing using the spoken word. But what about marketing with written words? Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Dwayne Clark: How To Build A Multimillion Dollar Company | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:48

Dwayne J. Clark is the co-founder and CEO of Aegis Living, one of the most sought-after assisted living facilities in the country.his mission was to redefine an industry that had great potential but was failing in execution. He studied business models from companies known for world-class innovation, all based in Seattle: Costco, Nordstrom and Starbucks. With the knowledge gained from these companies, he grew Aegis Living from a dream to a company that has over $1.5 billion in real estate assets, over $175 million in operating revenues, over 2,000 staff members and seven projects currently under development in the Seattle area. Aegis Living is one of the most sought-after operators in the country. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 How Entrepreneurs Really Get Rich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:17

What do you do as an entrepreneur? Now, before you answer, consider this: how you answer will determine how much revenue your business makes. So what exactly do you do as an entrepreneur? If you say something like, “I own a plumbing business. I own a restaurant. I own a flower shop. I own a landscaping business,” then you’re a business owner. What you do is narrowly specific, very focused. In comparison, an entrepreneur makes money by execution and innovative ideas. Successful entrepreneurs do many things to generate money and revenue. They start companies, grow companies, and sell companies. Someone like Richard Branson with the Virgin brand is in so many verticals: an airline, mobile phone, music, health, aerospace, etc. This is the strategy to getting rich. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 David Meltzer: From Rags to Riches… then to Rags… then to Riches again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:20

David Meltzer is the Co-Founder and CEO of Sports 1 Marketing and S1Media House. He's a two-time #1 best-selling author and has been named a Top 10 Keynote Speaker by Forbes and Entrepreneur. He's also an advisory board member to over 45 companies and charities. In this podcast, David shares how financial hardship in his family inspired an entrepreneurial spirit in his childhood. By his early 20s, David had risen to the top of his game in the business world, becoming a millionaire. He lectured around the globe and saw rapid success in every business project he touched. In his 30s as a multimillionaire, he went on a rapid downward spiral that ended in bankruptcy. It was only then that David realized, in order to revive and thrive, he needed to systematize what had made him successful in the first place. He has since emerged to realize even more rewarding heights of success in business and life. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 Sales And Marketing – What’s The Difference? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:11

What’s the difference between sales and marketing? If you’re not sure, then chances are, you aren’t making much in revenue. People use the term “marketing and sales” because they don’t know the difference between the two and lump them together. So let me define it once and for all. Marketing is anything you do to attract and keep a customer. Sales is what you do to convert a lead, a customer, into sales or money. They are two very distinct functions of a business. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 How To Overcome The Fear Of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:15

Do you know what’s holding people back more than the fear of failure? It’s the fear of success. The fear of the unknown. So how can you overcome the fear of success? Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 The #1 Key To Attracting High-End Clients For Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:36

The worst clients in the world are cheap clients, wouldn’t you agree? They negotiate prices, they try to nickel and dime you. You have to do everything on the cheap to make them happy, and it creates a bad experience for everyone when they pay you so little that you cannot do much. You’d rather be selling to people with money. High-end clients are the people you want to attract to your business. Even McDonald’s is upgrading to McCafé to be a bit more high end. Your life would be less stressful, and it doesn’t take more effort to sell something for $10,000 than $1000. In some cases it takes less effort. Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/

 The #1 Secret To Closing High-Priced Coaching & Consulting Services | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:19

Who should you help? The entrepreneur holding $1000 cash in his hand, askNow here's a truth that nobody dares to talk about. How many of you work with and sell to entrepreneurs? Like business owners? B2B. Okay, nice and high. Okay wow, a lot of people in the room. Okay, beware of this. Beware those who speak entrepreneur but don't live it. Meaning that most of the clients can talk the talk but won't walk the walk. Most entrepreneurs are full of shit. And I mean it. They say they want to grow, they say I want more customers. They say I want this, they say I want that. They say now this goal. But when shit hits the fan, when it comes to, hey you know what? I can help you get results. Oh, no. They have so much mental garbage in their minds, that it's holding them back. That it's holding them back. And I'm saying is not your job to fix it. I'll say it again, it's not your job to fix it. Don't get into the fixing business. I tried that, does not work, okay? Ready to unlock life-long financial confidence and become unstoppable? Pre Order Unlock it Here http://www.unlockitbook.com/ Join The Next Free Masterclass By Dan https://www.highticketcloser.com/masterclass Show notes and free resources https://danlokshow.com/


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