Fortress of Faith - Daily show

Fortress of Faith - Daily

Summary: Resisting Islam - Rescuing Muslims - Reviving North America

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 Taking the Gospel to the Jews – Part 1 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

On today’s broadcast I had Ken Overby. He is with Jewish Awareness Ministries. We are looking at how to defend our faith when we come up against those with different belief systems. He have looked at creationism and other things. Today we are going to look at Judaism.

 Doctrine of Tanzib - Part 2 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today we are going to continue with our discussion on Islamic doctrine. The reason we are doing this is, as Christians, we are to defend our faith against those who make accusations and those to teach false doctrine. Islam makes outrageous claims, saying that their religion is superior to our religion and that our religion is flawed. It claims that Jesus is not the Son of God, that He was just a man, a prophet, but just a man.

 Doctrine of Tanzib - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I am going to start discussing some of the doctrines of Islam. My goal is to simplify the complexity of Islam. Islam has been around for 1,400 years and can seem very complex. They have about twelve major books that need to be studied to understand their doctrine. The first book is the Qur’an. Everyone thinks that is all of their scriptures, but it is only a portion of it. The Qur’an contains the words of their god, Allah. The other eleven books are the words of their Prophet, Muhammad.

 Answers To Questions - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Answers to a couple of questions

 More About Tom - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

More about Tom's background

 Tom's Background - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I thought I would talk to you about my background. It is good to know who you are listening to. It will help you understand what makes me tick, and why I do what I do, the way I do it.

 Do Over - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Have you ever taken a do over? As a kid, did you ever swing at a ball and miss, and then say "do over, do over?" When we get older we still do them, we just don't call them do overs. When we play golf we call them a Mulligan. I was reading how this came to be a part of golf. Of course it isn't part of the official rules, it is what I call "preacher's rules."

 Is God Sovereign? - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

It may surprise you, but "God helps those who help themselves: is not in the Bible. Somehow it has been accepted that we must be busy making it happen. God will see your good works and efforts, then He will step in and help you out. This statement seems to have originated with Algernon Sydney in 1698, an English political theorist, in his article titled Discourses Concerning Government.

 Southern Poverty Law Center and Free Speech - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

The SPLC is a leftist attack group that tries to smear Christian organizations that stand for wholesome, godly values. They want us to believe that you are a hate group if you believe that life is precious and that it begins at conception. If you say that the killing of the unborn is murder, you are a hate group. If you say that marriage should be between a man and a women, you are also is classified as a hate group. Those who say that Islam is a false religion, will be classified as a hate group as well. The fact is, they want to shut us down because they feel we are a danger to their agenda.

 Muslim Invasion In Europe - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

On today's broadcast I had a special guest, Yurgan, who is a national pastor in Germany. He is a good friend of mine from Bible College, and he married a good friend of my wife's. We discussed the invasion of Muslims into Europe, especially into Germany.

 Mass Immigration In Europe - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I want to look at the problem of mass immigration in Europe. Tomorrow I will share an interview with a friend of mine from my Bible College days. He is a national pastor in Germany.

 More On The Shooting In Texas - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Churches need to realize that they are a soft target for Muslims, for those who are anti-God, and even for some crazed individuals. Churches need to have some kind of a security protocol. Doors need to be locked during services, there needs to be security personnel who are watching what is going on and who are prepared to take the necessary action to protect those in attendance. It is sad that we are in this situation, but the truth is, that is where we are today. I fear that we will see more of this kind of thing.

 Shooter In Texas - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

No doubt you have heard about the shooting in the church in Texas yesterday. A shooter by the name of Devin Kelly, who had been dishonorably discharged from the Air Force, took a weapon and shot up the church. People were killed both outside and inside the church. There have been at least 26 killed and 20 injured. Many others have been traumatized by this sickening event.

 NYC Terrorist Attack - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I looked at the solution to the terrorist problem in the world today, especially in America.

 The Arab/Israel Conflict - Part 4 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

The Arab/Israel conflict, or the Isaac/Ishmael conflict, goes back many centuries. It goes back to a family squabble between two half brothers, both of them son's of Abraham. It is a fight over what is sometimes called the Holy Land or the Promised Land. It is called the land of Canaan in the Bible, and today some call it Palestine.


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