Fortress of Faith - Daily show

Fortress of Faith - Daily

Summary: Resisting Islam - Rescuing Muslims - Reviving North America

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 Why The Golden Age of Islam Ended - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

We have been looking at the Golden Age of Islam for the last couple of days. It lasted for 70 to 75 years. The Reason it ended was the trial of the Caliph, Al Ma’mum. I guess the best way to describe Al Ma’mum is call him a revolutionary. He was an anomaly in the Islamic world. He championed critical thinking and cultivated intellectual and scientific developments. He started what was called the House of Wisdom in Baghdad after they moved the seat of government from Syria to Persia.

 Islam’s Golden Age (Cont.) - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 841

Today I want to continue on the subject of Islam’s Golden Age that I started yesterday,. We hear so much today about how much Islam has contributed to science and the culture of the world. We are being fed the lie that we are indebted to Islam for the scientific development of the modern world. They tell us that we owe Islam for the advances in astronomy, alchemy, mathematics, medicine, optics and so forth.

 Islam's Golden Age - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I want to look at the claim we hear saying that Islam has brought us many great scientific advances, that they have brought enlightenment to the world, that they have given us innovation and technology, and that we are indebted to the Muslims for these things. Today and tomorrow we are going to expose the truth, and the lie, in this claim.

 Jerusalem: The City of God - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

As you have probably heard, a couple of days ago President Trump followed through on his promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and officially recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. This move has been met by almost unanimous condemnation from leaders around the world. This is, of course, no surprise.

 Legal Immigration: The Refugee Resettlement Program – Part 2 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today we are looking at information from Leo Holman’s book, Stealth Invasion. It grew out of two and a half years of research and writing for World Net Daily on the subject of Islamic immigration and all of the out of control programs. There is a lot of data in the book, but Leo has tried to make it as readable as possible. There are a lot of true life illustrations that have happened in various cities and small towns across America which have been transformed by the refugee resettlement program.

 Legal Immigration: The Refugee Resettlement Program – Part 1 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today we had Leo Hohmann on our radio broadcast. Leo writes for World Net Daily (WND), and has written a book cald “Stealth Invasion.” He started looking into the illegal immigration problem, and as he did, he found that there was a big problem with legal immigration, especially the refugee resettlement program. There was a lot of positive media attention on the refugee program, but no one had ever looked at its dark side.

 Foolish Pastors - Part 2 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Many Christians, and sadly many pastors, are making some big mistakes when they try to reach out to Muslims. A big part of our ministry is reaching out to Muslims and we want to see Muslims come to Christ.

 Foolish Pastors – Part 1 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I want to look at a story where a Group of “Christians” tries to build bridges to their Muslim counterparts and share the love of Christ with Muslims. I am fully behind sharing the love of Christ with Muslims but this group is very naive. We are going to talk about some mistakes they are making.

 Trump's Tweets on 'Anti-Muslim videos' - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

I believe that President Trump is right in trying to bring back our nationality. The Democrats and the liberal left are trying to take away our nationalism. To them, being called a “nationalist” is taboo. They get upset with anyone who is for America, and for what America has stood for. The left is against America and does not want our Christian values. They want their multiculturalism that says every culture is equal to every other culture. One of their slogans is “Diversity is our strength.”

 If God removes His Sustaining Hand - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Irony of how the world wants to live without God and His rules but when trouble and moral problems arise, they complain! Want to Drink but don’t want the problems with drunkenness Want to abandon the 10 Commandments and live wantonly, free of any restraint but also free of the results. Want to have Free Sex but don’t want Consequences of Diseases or Babies. Want to eliminate the problem – the Baby – Kill it but don’t want the Guil

 Sexual Assault Allegations - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today I want to discuss all of these sexual assault accusations that are in the news. The Bible tells us the importance of a good name: A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Proverbs 22:1)

 Who Has The Spirit Of God? - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

The Bible tells us that if we are truly born of God, if we are truly Christians in the Bible sense, the Holy Spirit lives within us. If the Holy Spirit lives in us, we will have spiritual fruit: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

 Thanks Giving Message - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

I know that Thanks Giving is already past, but I want to give you my Thanks Giving message. We know that everything we have is from the Lord, and every day should be a day of thanks giving.

 Taking the Gospel to the Jews – Part 3 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

For the last few days we have been looking at sharing our faith with the Jews. The Jewish faith is very close to what we believe, but sadly you can be close and still not make it to Heaven. In the New Testament, many Jews believed in God's redemptive plan, but they rejected Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Many of them are depending on their own good works, and their self-righteousness. Many are still doing that today.

 Taking the Gospel to the Jews – Part 2 - Audio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 840

Today we are going to continue with our discussion with Ken Overby, a missionary to the Jews. How do we present the Gospel to someone of a different religion, for example a Jew? A good starting point is Isaiah Chapter 53. You can’t beat the power of this passage. Most Jewish people have never read this chapter. It is not in the daily Synagogue readings as they read through the Old Testament. Even in the time of Jesus, it was not one of the prescribed readings.


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