The U-Turn Podcast show

The U-Turn Podcast

Summary: A Music Composer at heart. Aspiring Psychologist in mind. Joint Business owner by adoption. An active Tennis Player by far. A fanatic reviewer for the City of London. Alex will be correlating all these aspects together in a format through his New Blog and current Podcast, The U-Turn Podcast, featuring more insights into how this has moulded him today. Sharing this through his everyday life experiences in Music Productions, Psychology Studies, Business Challenges, back playing Tennis and leaving reviews in exciting locations in London has inspired him to look further than ever.

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 S1: 047: The U Turn Podcast - [Unconscious Bias] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1850 Hey guys, Welcome to today's episode! I'm pleased to say that the #alexoversessions is well underway now - - So each week I'll be showcasing and talking on various platforms via #audio / #blog / #video Not only talk more about the #subject on the day but have a few different angles to approach it when doing this, which is excellent! So, today the #unconsciousbias -  it's a big subject, of course, and lots of angles to approach this. I think personally for me from my own experience, becoming more aware of what this is and how effected individual life choices is an essential factor — then being mindful also of how key this is. Therefore I've started to notice how this does play a significant factor in everyday life, and I'll be honest until I was doing these study works, I never knew how much this subject plays an effect daily. It's one which takes a lot of time to understand and can be very challenging. It has been for me. I will say that now. Next up is the #wednesdaylunchtimeblog - Followed by #take2 - #alexoversessions See you next time! Alex  

 S1: 046: The U Turn Podcast - [Expressing My Experiences] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1250 I am excited today! As it's the first feature for the #alexoversessions later! (which means video content is finally following these #podcasts and the #wednesdaylunchtimeblog - So make sure to keep an eye peeled via especially. Right, okay, back to the main point! So today is all about this concept, and I'm starting with 'Expressing My Experiences' - this is relevant as not only is this an extension to the podcast series and blogs but the whole Alex Over brand/concept. Main reasons I've found, so necessary for myself, and, maybe even for you (of course / I hope) - that once, I allowed this to happen. Now the podcast is almost a year through and by talking a lot of experiences - I can now dig probably this time around, like really showcasing some understanding around what's happened, skills and my ongoing love of why people act the way they do. Still, first, you must start to understand that yourself (meaning YOU) It is as simple as that, an unnecessary complexity becoming simple but effective in a way that allows you and me to talk about it freely. It's a real self-realisation of one's self, a time process. None of this is 'how' you do it, but in fact 'how' YOU choose to do it - (the one thing I would suggest is being mindful at least) a fixed perception which needs adjusting? Only you know. I hope my experiences weather previously, current or in the future give you some real insights to where you maybe are at too?! As they say, you can't help other's if you haven't or at least started with yourself. Talking a lot about all sorts of subjects, and, how Childhood experiences - have played a massive part to why I am the way I am today - (without stating the obvious but then again, is it?). Learning, growing and even going as far as understanding family traits, where I was at certain stages when at school and the impacts that had for me, oh, so much broader elements and steps to explore! You be amazed how much you still have that in you, that inner child never leaves ay! Can't wait to get stuck in but for now enjoying today's show. Awesome! See you!

 S1: 045: The U Turn Podcast - [Tension & Conflict] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1492 Ah yes! Today's episode is an extension of the #wednesdaylunchtimeblog - ( ) - I've now collaborated three of these #alexover concept and features together, which will now include #alexoversessions >> ( ) Every Wednesday to date, starting with the morning will be #theuturnpodcast of what's to come and including some in-depth details of why I am talking about a particular subject. The lunchtime blog will have have a short follow up and lastly we will have a slightly different spin too as the #alexoversessions videos will be something to finish it off - Excited and can't wait to get going with it! Back to today's subject(s), this one got me thinking today. I was all over the place and noticed how out of sync I was due to my planning going out the window. Not on purpose just a lot of things happening at once, in fact quite positive reasons which I haven't been so used to as of late but the vital point here is understanding why?! And, took me a few days to honestly think deeply about it. Tension is all around us, and we all face it regularly, and it really can be tough, there are no two ways about it + some conflict along the way also doesn't help either. So I'll leave you to decide on how this affects you and to honestly really think deeply about it. I've found it's right in front of me and for that reason, I wanted to share my own experience with you on this. See you at the next one!    

 S1: 044: The U Turn Podcast - [Acknowledgement] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1314 Today's session is a powerful one! It's focused and touches base on 'Who Am I' - bringing that 'Acknowledgement' to the forefront! Oh yes, exactly that. There are a few areas I've learnt a lot more about of late. The ongoing Psychology studies I'm doing is making me think very deep into these thought processes and providing some of my own experiences in its context. Remember guys it's 'How' you choose to approach this, I'm merely here to give a few of my insights as it's so relevant. Genuinely understanding yourself is a life long goal; it's something I feel is just continuous but never has an end goal, that's a tricky one for most to get there head around... it's an area I've found that being curious even more so has allowed myself to understand the true meaning of this. Let's dive in. See you!

 S1: 043: The U Turn Podcast - [Blaming Others] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1350 Hey guys, It's been a few weeks since the last episode, so thanks for waiting for today's one. Touching base on the subject around 'Blaming Others,' it's just an extended version of #wednesdaylunchtimeblog I do go a little deeper on this front because of the importance of this - it really is something that needs talking in more detail of course, but it really does have a core reasoning for it and the effects it can play without one knowing it too. I find personally from experience the more we understand why we do / others do too is down to a few elements like (inflated Ego) - I tend to call it that, plus acknowledgement, self-awareness, patterns and the list goes on. It's one I will be talking a lot more about, and now it's time to think in your context and how it affects you and what first steps you may need to take to improve this situation and your environment. See you!

 S1: 042: The U Turn Podcast - [Conformity] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1128 Hey everyone! Thank you for your patience on waiting for this next episode. Firstly before I dive in, I've used some of my study work based on today's subject around 'Conformity' - which I'll post some reference links below also for you to check out with it! I have even touched base on a little bit of my own experience away from this, which is something I always like to do. The three case studies carried out by Dr Phillip Zimbardo on 'The Stanford Prison Experiment' + Soloman Asch's 'Conformity Experiments' and lastly 'Robbers Cave' by Psychologists Muzafer and Carolyn Sherif. (not sure about Zimbardo's one, as I particularly feel they are so sufficient to today) As stated in the audio, these were particular ones given to me to work more / research on. What I found interesting to these is my thought process on what Conformity mainly meant and also my viewpoints on how Complex this is but also 'How' complex we do make things. The significant part about all of this is learning more about Human Behaviours which I love looking more into, of course. As a viewpoint - it's making me come to the point on how I feel that, if we truly know who we are then conforming can be a choice, which is up for debate but an interesting one. I'll leave you to listen to the rest. See you! References...  

 S1: 041: The U Turn Podcast - [Signs] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 883 Sweet! An excellent subject to move slowly from Patterns. I enjoy also talking about a variety of impacts, experiences and all the goodness in-between. I woke up in the early hours of Monday morning and knew this was the perfect subject to start the week, gets you thinking. As always think about your context and what this means to you??? :) It's a powerful one, honestly, one which I have not used anywhere near to where I 'Thought' I was..... how about you? Those patterns, of course, become habits, but what if the signs are telling you something else? Subconsciously? But you need to bring it to the forefront? Interesting stuff. See you on the next one.

 S1: 040: The U Turn Podcast - [Patterns] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1263 A significant milestone is hitting episode NUMBER 40! Feels great to be at this point with the podcast and this subject today is a gentle reminder to why I do this and hopefully, it's something for you to get your teeth into. Been having deep thoughts about this one and to be honest was tricky to get out, what I was looking for but happy with the result. I feel it's an important subject as well as today's #wednesdaylunchtimeblog around 'Expressing Your Experiences'! Back to this, though, I touch around some essential factors to think a lot. It could be harmful patterns you keep coming back too and therefore create these habits (like me) to unwind and fully understand this even more so. I call that real honest to yourself, to allow how you feel about these patterns and how you could change this? Interesting stuff! See you on the next one. Have fun. See you!

 S1: 039: The U Turn Podcast - [Outcomes Of Greed] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1228  It's great to be able to go deep into specific subjects, and infact it's refreshing. These last two episodes have been a fascinating insight and as always based on experience. This episode got me thinking about the greed behind money and people feeling like they have the power over everyone even though, it takes more than one to make one's work excel, leaving others potentially behind. It's got me thinking lately to why people's behaviour works like this and really what? Insecurity, being better than others or just purely feeling like they deserve it? Interesting. Food for thought... See you on the next one. See you!

 S1: 038: The U Turn Podcast - [Forgiveness] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 892

A big one today. 'Forgiveness' - Just in terms of what this subject means to you? Let's face it we could go really deep into this and it could mean such an array of things also. Like always I literally go into some of my own experiences and what impacts this has had but not just in a negative way but more so in a positive way and that's the whole point behind 'The U Turn' concept and the message around this, without stating the obvious which sometimes again isn't always 'obvious'. I touch base a little more on this. I've found that forgiving is really about understanding situations fully (or too as much as you can, by the information provided to you, of course) - that's another subject itself when writing this. Sometimes forgiving really is just about being a better version of you because I've noticed that, like most of us we always try and have control of our situations, if not (all) but then again these things can change within a second - so really do we have much control? So a thought process I've had is forgiveness otherwise it's always chasing your tail or trying to be almost like 'right' with your view points only, I guess? It's an interesting thought process which has got me thinking, as a mate of mine said about this subject, literally this morning as I was about to record a different episode but infact this was more relevant. Funny how the universe spins round, energies or whatever you want to view it as. Also before I stay talking forever ha! The NEW updated website is up :D and in the intro of this session, I talk about what this actually means moving forward.  There's a new feature where you can help and support this podcast by donating, which will really help towards the next stages of this podcast series. I'm looking to interview people in the very near future, which is exciting to even think about :) As always I hope this brings something to you?! Makes you think about your own context of your life, never telling how but you choose how to approach it. Have a great rest of your weekend and I'll see you on the next one. See ya! @alexeover

 S1: 037: The U Turn Podcast - [Overload] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1396

Feeling hyped and for a few reasons! Before we dive into today's episode - the new 'Wednesday Lunchtime Blog' is now going into it's four week, which I guess is almost a small addition currently to this Podcast series. It's a soft, light hearted post (I like to see / view / read it as your balanced healthy meal of the day) yeah, yeah anyways ha! You can visit this via the website @ >> << Also to this, was our first 'Meet Up' group session in London. Which focuses currently around 'Mens Mental Health' and the great news is that people turned up (YES) It was a fulfilling and I got really excited by the energy and commitment from the guys as well as the deep honest conversations we all had. Everyone has a great story to tell, which creates  such deep meanings and connection, beats even something like a podcast (I said it) and social media posts, you know the kinda ones which make you look good. You know you just can't beat face to face interaction but you know what I mean ;) Wow - long winded and really didn't mean that... Good reasons though. So.... Back to today's episode on 'Overload' I feel this doesn't really need much of an intro but to just sit back and relax (while I blabber all the way through) But no honestly it's a brill subject to talk about and I hope you gain something from it and have a wee think what it means to you on your end. See you on the next on! See ya! AO

 S1: 036: The U Turn Podcast - [Trust] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1066

First of all I got a little excited by the new set up, it's super simple and the audio and video content is going to be so much better now, remember it's just about allowing yourself to take your time and learn the changes and improves along the way, which work for you :) Hopefully you can tell, nothing too fancy - literally just a few new additions and here we are! :D Today is just edging on the corners around the subject on 'Trust' I have had a few new experiences as of late, which made me reflect a little and what that impact that this had. It's quite odd sometimes because it really can be a situation where you don't really go deep into how you actually feel about it until there is a certain trigger that arises... this is what happened to me and I wanted to express my own feelings towards this. Hope it made you think around your own situation too. Have a great weekend!  See ya! Socials @alexeover 

 S1: 035: The U Turn Podcast - [Perspective(s)] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1503

First of all, missed out last Friday! Apologies but all good though as some great progress this end to make up for it ;) with some extra new additions :D (like always) ha! No seriously all good. Excited. More Content.. (Of course) And yes! This is a big subject.... one which will need some extra content to run alongside this as a LOT to be talked about.. happy though with it as it's great strides and is a core point to our behaviours and how we are and to why we are too! It can get super deep if you want to go into this subject yourself, from my own experience I just choose to understand more of my 'so' called perspectives and what I thought it mean't too me, until I looked at the bigger picture all round. Those childhood experiences were creeping up and coming back too me and the impacts of psychodynamic therapy, which really triggered it for sure. Oh wow, literally makes me think left, right and centre when typing this out.  As always though, incredible to learn more about and allowing yourself to do so, it is an amazing feeling. I hope this session you gain something out of it!? Have a great week guys, go smash it. Even when it's tough or maybe some 'Perspective' might help :) Socials @alexeover ***** P.S - The New - 'Men's Health London Learning and Wellbeing' Meet Up group in London this week!! First one is Thursday 24th Jan. Link below! ****** 

 S1: 034: The U Turn Podcast - [Change] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1292

[CHANGE] - Oh yes we all know this one for sure! ;) Not always a bad thing though I must say. In with it though and was literally just off the tip of my tongue.... Was feeling good about this subject and made me think a lot today in my own situation and what happened earlier but all good I must say. What change is it your facing? Are you fearful of it? Excited or just not sure how too make those changes? Well... hopefully at least this will make you feel a tad better or can give you a chance to reflect on your own situation possibly? I do hope so! Change is just another important factor around the subjects I touch base on but even in some of the most difficult situations it can be the best thing that can happen and have great positive impacts - even if it 'may' not feel it at the time?! Remember guys the new 'Alex Over Wednesday Blogs' is up via >>>>> <<<<< + Socials @alexeover Please, PLEASE keep in mind it's tough at times but oh my how things can change for the BETTER! Sub consciously if you really are trying to make positive impacts, you will get the other end sometimes first or after but also the good the good is so worth it, right?! More freshness on the way! :D See ya!

 S1: 033: The U Turn Podcast - [Spontaneous] - By Alex Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 968

First of all before I start! Make sure to check out the [NEW] = 'Alex Over Lunchtime Blog' which started this week, which you can visit via the website >>>> <<<< Next up today is Friday's episode around 'Spontaneous' - this session really was just that... :) Thought about it and went for it! It's such an important subject and I hope it gives you some nice clarity around it for yourself too. Remember you can reach me via socials @alexeover See ya! P.S - more new updates for the website coming in the next few weeks around 'Alex Over' Sessions' which will see more audio and video content to come. Oh yes oh yes :D Have a cracking weekend!! 


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