The Screw The Scale Podcast show

The Screw The Scale Podcast

Summary: Break free from your vicious yo-yo dieting cycle and learn how to make the mental and behavioral changes necessary to maintain your weight once and for all! Join Registered Dietitian Paul Salter as he discusses the latest research and proven strategies to achieve long-term weight-maintenance.


 Episode 52: Set In Stone Rules: Your Framework For A Successful Maintenance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:20

Compromise --> Complacency--> Quitting. Remember this. Always. In this episode, I dive into how impactful the above statement it is and why it's imperative to a successful weight-maintenance journey. By the end of this episode, you'll have a framework to build a successful weight maintenance phase upon and will feel confident doing so. Get My Weight-Maintenance Education Library:

 Episode 51: 4 Signs Your Maintenance Phase Is DOOMED In The First 4 Weeks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

In this episode, I share 4 red flags that you should be aware of that indicate your post-diet maintenance phase is likely doomed. If you're currently doing, or, not doing one of the four things I mention, you're far more likely to regain the weight you worked so hard to lose. 

 Episode 50: 4 Misplaced Fears About A Weight Maintenance Phase | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:49

In today's episode, I debunk four common misconceptions  - or, fears - related to what happens during a weight maintenance phase. We'll discuss the real reason you're gaining weight, what physique improvements you can make, and what an upward trend on the scale means. 

 Episode 49: Focus On What You're Gaining, Not What You're Giving Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:04

One of the biggest things holding you back from achieving successful weight maintenance (or even weight loss) is your focus on what you're giving up to achieve your goals, rather than what you're gaining. In this episode, I discuss making a simple mindset shift to help you focus on the many positives you're gaining by prioritizing healthy eating and exercise habits.

 Episode 48: How Your Morning Routine (or lack of) Influences Your Ability To Maintain Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:59

How you spend the first 30 minutes each day says A LOT about the likelihood of you being able to maintain weight loss and prevent weight regain for good. In this episode, I talk about how to use the first 30 minutes of your day to prime yourself for positivity, enhance efficiency and confidence, and spark lasting happiness...all of which positively influence weight maintenance! #1 Weight Maintenance Resource:

 Episode 47: Just Because You're Prepared For Weight Maintenance Doesn't Mean It Will Be Easy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:49

Just because you're prepared for weight maintenance doesn't mean ti will be easy. Remember - only 5% of people have successfully lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for 3+ years. In this episode, I will help you reframe your mindset and expectations about your very-own weight-maintenance journey so that you're fully prepared to embrace the journey ahead. Make Weight Maintenance 100x Easier:

 Episode 46: Yo-Yo Dieting Puts You At A Greater Risk For This Than Being Overweight... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:53

In this episode, we discuss how yo-yo dieting significantly increases your risk for three major chronic diseases. In fact, yo-yo dieting increases your risk for these diseases more than being overweight or experiencing linear weight gain...nuts! This is a very eye-opening episode...enjoy! Everything you need to know to prevent weight regain for good:

 Episode 45: Your Friends And Family May Be Making Weight Maintenance Harder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:27

This episode is a continuation of our series, “Why Is Weight Maintenance So Hard.” In today’s episode, we discuss how your friends and family members are likely making weight maintenance 1000x harder than it needs to be. We'll also discuss what you need to do to prepare to handle these challenges so you don't give in and lose sight of your goals.  Weight Maintenance Mastery:

 Episode 44: Take Action: Skip The Scale And Log 7 Days of NSVs! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:04

This is the first  "Take Action" episode. The point: to encourage you to take a specific action that will serve you well on your weight maintenance journey. In this episode, I detail the many benefits - and positive results achieved so far - of skipping the scale for seven days and, instead, logging a NSV every single night. You in? Are you ready to take action? Listen, learn, and then take action! P.S. Weight Maintenance Mastery $50 OFF:

 Episode 43: Defining Keystone Habits That Influence Your Likelihood of Preventing Weight Regain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:57

This episode is a continuation of our series, "Why Is Weight Maintenance So Hard." In today's episode, we define "keystone" habits and discuss how your keystone habits may be working for or against your weight maintenance goals, and which habits to specifically focus on. Save $100 on Weight Maintenance Mastery:

 Episode 42: Why Your All-or-Nothing Mentality Makes Weight Maintenance So Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:35

This episode kicks off the first of a series, "Why Is Weight Maintenance So Hard." Today, we look at the mental aspect of why weight maintenance is so hard, specifically examining the consequences of an all-or-nothing mentality. In this lesson, we'll provide context of how this mentality shows up when trying to lose or maintain your weight, and then discuss four actions steps you can take to overcome this thinking. Save $100 on Weight Maintenance Mastery:

 Episode 41: What You Can Learn From Your Recent Slip-Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

We all make mistakes. We ALL get off track with our nutrition. In this episode, I will help you identify the silver lining in your slip-ups and teach you how to handle such occurrences to minimize the chances of the same mistake happening again!

 Episode 40: How Your Social Circle May Be Influencing Your Weight-Maintenance Efforts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:59

In this episode, we'll discuss how three social groups - your co-workers, besties, and family - may be sabotaging OR enhancing your weight-maintenance efforts. We talk about handling intentional and unintentional saboteurs and how to say "no" in social situations in the recent issue of Maintenance Mindset Monthly - get yours today:

 Episode 39: How To Stay Motivated BEFORE You Start A Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

In this episode, I discuss what I've learned from trying to keep 100s of clients motivated to maintain consistency when asking them to first complete a pre-diet weight-maintenance phase before dieting. You'll learn how YOU can stay motivated before a diet so that you put yourself in the best position possible to keep the weight off! If you like learning about how to prevent weight regain then you'll love Maintenance Mindset Monthly:

 Episode 38: The Benefit Of Increasing EACH Nutrient After A Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:19

In this video, I will make a case for increasing carbohydrates, fat, AND protein after you finish your dieting phase and embark on your post-diet weight-maintenance phase. There are several key factors to consider when deciding which nutrients to increase - without breaking the calorie bank - and we'll talk about each in this episode.


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