Live Brave with Margie Warrell show

Live Brave with Margie Warrell

Summary: Are you living your bravest life? In today’s fearful world, living bravely has become indispensable for living well. Join best-selling author Margie Warrell as she shares practical wisdom and empowering conversations with world-renowned thought leaders such as Marianne Williamson, Steve Forbes, Sri Sri Ravi Shanker and Tal Ben-Shahar that get to the heart of what holds us back. This podcast will inspire you to master fear, reframe failure and find the courage to step fully into your own power to enjoy greater success and fulfillment in your work, relationships and life. Want to be a change maker but too often doubt if you can? Listen, dare, then do.


 020 - The gift of giving thanks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:15

We all know that gratitude is important, but let’s face it, sometimes it’s hard not to get pulled into negative comparisons; to dwell on what’s wrong, or missing or who’s to blame. In this heartfelt podcast, Margie shares how we can practice living from gratitude, regardless of what is going on in our lives and how by doing so, it magnifies our blessings and helps us deal with our hardships with greater courage, grace and humor.

 019 - Steve Forbes: Why you’ve got to risk more failure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:50

Forbes Editor-in-Chief and two-time US Presidential candidate nominee, Steve Forbes shares why taking a leap into the unknown and reframing failure is crucial for success. Having led the digital transformation of Forbes, his insights will help you navigate uncertainty, take smarter risks and find opportunities amid disruption.

 018 - What makes a great marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:43

There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, but as I celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary to a great man who has helped me become a better version of myself, I wanted to share a little hard-won wisdom about keeping love alive over the long haul. Whether you’re starting or ending a relationship or, like me, have been in one for over half your life, I hope my insights and stories of forgiveness and love will inspire you.

 017 - How are you interpreting your failures? It matters far more than you think. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:46

Is a past experience of failure keeping you from taking the actions required to enjoy greater fulfillment and success? How you choose to interpret your failures will either move you forward or hold you back. Every failure can be turned into a stepping stone; every mistake a lesson on what not to do; every setback an opportunity to dig deeper and discover courage you didn’t know you had. Every story of success is also a story of pushing past failure. What story are you writing?

 016 - Warwick Fairfax: Refinding your path when life knocks you down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:37

There are few business figures who’ve suffered such a public fall from grace in Australia as Warwick Fairfax. At age 26, he took over his family’s 150-year-old media empire and within a few years, the Fairfax media dynasty had ended. In this rare interview, Warwick shares his extraordinary journey of re-finding himself after a very public failure. His ‘hard-won wisdom’ will inspire you to live life on your terms and find deeper purpose when life knocks you down.

 015 - What emotions are you spreading? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:23

Emotions are contagious. The challenge we face in our everyday lives is spending more time feeling the positive emotions – optimism, gratitude, connection, confidence - that fuel our wellbeing and success, & less with the negative ones- fear, anxiety, resentment, & blame. Margie talks about how to short-circuit the low order emotions that sabotage success & hurt relationships & amplify the high order emotions that help you thrive. If you’ve been feeling flat or stuck or negative, listen up!

 014 - Rachael Robertson: A lesson from Antarctica on embracing adventure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:17

Ever wondered what it would be like to spend a year in Antarctica? Former Antarctic Expedition Leader, Rachael Robertson shares how she ‘accidentally’ found herself leading a team of 120 in the world’s most extreme workplace; what it taught her about human nature and embracing adventure in our everyday lives. Connect to Rachael at

 013 - Don’t wait to know everything before you begin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:59

If you’ve been putting off getting into action, this episode is for you! So much of our potential and creativity never gets to see the light of day. Why? Because we have bought into the belief that we have to know everything or be masterful or have a fail-proof plan before we even start out. Margie will not only talk about the importance of stepping into action but how you can move forward far more quickly than waiting until you’re sure you’re ready (because that may take a lifetime!).

 012 - Kristin Neff: Too hard on yourself? Why self-compassion isn’t just nice, it’s smart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

Many people can be pretty tough on themselves, focusing more on their faults and failings than on their strengths and wins. Maybe you’re one of them? If so you must listen to this interview with one of the world’s top experts on self-compassion, Dr Kristin Neff. She will share how to quiet your inner critic. Learn more about Kristin and the Mindful Self-Compassion Program at

 011 - Enough with proving, pleasing and impressing! Just be your ‘flawsome’ self. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

In this episode, Margie unpacks why the most impressive people are those who aren’t trying to impress. They are so at home in their own skin that they have no need to prove, please or impress. They don’t name drop. They don’t puff out or pretend. They are just themselves. While we all like to be liked, by learning to let go our need to be more like anyone else, we liberate ourselves to become the best version of the fabulous, fallible and flawsome person we already are.

 010 - Rich Fernandez: How mindfulness wakes us up to life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:51

Developed at Google to help employees thrive and perform better under pressure, the Search Inside Yourself (SIYLI) initiative is now a global program with a mission to make mindfulness mainstream. Rich Fernandez, CEO of SIYLI, shares how you can cultivate mindfulness in your daily life to stay calm under pressure, manage stress, make better decisions, & build deeper relationships. For more on the Search Inside Yourself initiative, go to

 009 - Got imposter syndrome? Get over your fear of being uncovered as a fraud. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:37

If you’ve ever worried that one of these days people are going to discover that you aren’t as smart, knowledgeable, worthy, or [fill-in-the-blank] as they think, you’re not alone. In this podcast, Margie unravels the psychology behind the Imposter Syndrome, explaining why its the domain of high-achievers and how you can stop letting your fear of being exposed hold you back and keep you from owning your value and celebrating your success. Follow and connect with Margie:

 008 - Kristina Karlsson: Dare to dream the boldest vision for your life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:21

Do you have a vision for your life that inspires you? Are you working toward goals that light you up? If yes, Margie's conversation with Kristina Karlsson, founder of KikkiK and author of Your Dream Life Starts Here, will help you stay in action toward bringing it into reality. Your life is as big as you dare to dream it. Find more about Kristina’s new book, Your Dream Life Starts Here, at:

 007 - Layne Beachley: You can never be enough when you’re driven by fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

World champion surfer and winner of seven world titles,  Layne Beachley shares how fear drove her success but robbed her ability to enjoy it. Her courage to finally confront the truth of her life and to let go her constant striving holds a powerful lesson on living a truly brave life and redefining what it really means to succeed. “It’s all feeling, “ she says. “When you open up your gut, your heart and your head that’s when your true life flow comes back in.” www.laynebea

 006 - Plans derailed? Fear not. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:00

ife is not linear. No matter how great your plans, it’s inevitable they will sometimes take a turn that you didn’t prepare for and don’t want. But life’s greatest gifts often emerge from our derailed plans. So if you’ve found yourself wrestling with a reality that is not what you planned on, you’ll enjoy hearing Margie’s journey of dealing with the curve balls. As Margie says, “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Learning to lean into the curves are where you discover its gold.


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