To Your Good Health Radio show

To Your Good Health Radio

Summary: Dr. David Friedman offers a cutting edge approach to achieving optimal health by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Each week he interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures and New York Times bestselling authors who all share a common goal of helping others get healthy in the sickest developed country in the world… good ole USA.

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 Encore Episode: The Clever Gut Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Your gut contains millions of neurons and is home to the microbiome, and army of microbes that influences your mood, weight and immune system.Your gut is astonishingly clever. It contains millions of neurons -- as many as you would find in the brain of a cat -- and is home to the microbiome, and army of microbes that influences your mood, weight and immune system. Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor In his newest groundbreaking book, The Clever Gut Diet, Dr. Michael Mosley takes us on a journey through the gut, showing how junk food and overuse of antibiotics have wiped out many “good” gut bacteria, leading to a modern plague of allergies, food intolerance, and obesity. Setting the record straight on everything from prebiotics to probiotics, fermented foods to fasting, Dr. Mosley provides scientifically proven ways to control your appetite and boost your mood. This is the definitive guide on the newest frontier in science and health, explained by the nation’s most trusted health writer. The book is loaded with facts and examples, but, above all else, a practical template for anyone who wants to fine-tune their body by revolutionizing the workings of their gut. The Clever Gut Diet is packed with delicious, healing recipes, menu plans, checklists and tips -- all the tools you need to transform your gut and change the way you eat forever. Listen in as Dr. Mosley joins Dr. Friedman to discuss gut health and share insights from the book. Buy on Amazon The Clever Gut Diet: How to Revolutionize Your Body from the Inside Out Sponsor: Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote.

 Encore Episode: Wearapy: Use Your Clothing to Change Your Mood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Wearapy describes how you can manipulate your mood from the outside-in through style.A few years ago, Jeannie Mai started using the term “wearapy” to define her psychology of style. Wearapy describes how you can manipulate your mood from the outside-in through style. Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor In fact, color and emotion can often be intertwined. Breathe easier with Molekule, the world’s first Molecular Air Purifier. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save $75! - sponsor For instance, red is a color of stimulation while blue can have a calming effect. Just like you might tend to grab a pair of black sweatpants when you’re under the weather, wearing a favorite color can have the reverse effect and uplift your spirits when you need it the most. Jeannie's favorite thing about wearapy is that anyone can try it. Her Aunt Linh, for example, is currently living with relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS), a chronic and often debilitating disease that impacts more than 2.3 million people worldwide. With symptoms that include fatigue and weakness, there are days that her aunt just doesn’t feel her best, and wearapy becomes an important part of her routine. Her aunt refuses to be defined by her disease, so select changes to her style and beauty regimen allow her to still feel fashion-forward and on-trend despite some of the challenges she may be facing. Jeannie joins Dr. Friedman to explain how she's changing the face of fashion for those who suffer from various health conditions. Sponsor: Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. Sponsor: Breathe easier with Molekule, the world’s first Molecular Air Purifier. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save $75!

 The Plant-Based Solution for Better Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Discover why a plant-based diet may be the key to saving your life.With more and more physicians promoting grass-fed beef, free-range eggs, and organic butter as miracle foods, leading cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn is here to set the record straight. He says the real solution is eating plant-based foods and that doing so can save your life. Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor As a vegan for 30 years, he’s helped tens of thousands of patients improve their lives where traditional medicine has failed. From diabetes and autoimmune diseases to cancer, could the answer to achieving optimal health be found in the produce section? Join Dr. Friedman and Dr. Kahn as they explore such topics as: Reversing diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases with a plant-based diet. Plants and your gut health. Preventing chronic diseases like MS, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s through plant-based nutrition. Why plants might hold the key to better aging. The surprising link between vegan diets and sex drive. How plant-based eating impacts global warming. Expanding compassion through vegan living. Sponsor: Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote.

 The Dental Diet: Key to Life-Changing Wellness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dental health has often been characterized as a reflection of our overall health. What if we thought about dental health as the foundation for our physical health as a whole?Throughout the years, dental health has often been characterized as a reflection of our overall health, where bad oral health results from issues with other parts of our body. Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor But, what if we flipped the paradigm? What if we thought about dental health as the foundation for our physical health as a whole? Dr. Steven Lin, an experienced dentist and the world’s first dental nutritionist, has analyzed our ancestral traditions, epigenetics, gut health, and the microbiome in order to develop food-based principles for a literal top-down holistic health approach. He's compiled these principles in his book, The Dental Diet: The Surprising Link between Your Teeth, Real Food, and Life-Changing Natural Health. Merging dental and nutritional science, Dr. Lin lays out the dietary program that can help ensure you won’t need dental fillings or cholesterol medications -- and give you the resources to raise kids who develop naturally straight teeth. With our mouth as the gatekeeper of our gut, keeping our oral microbiome balanced will create a healthy body through a healthy mouth. Listen as Dr. Lin joins Dr. Friedman to explain more about this connection.  Dr. Steven's Website Buy The Dental Diet on Amazon Sponsor: Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote.

 Chew on This with Kim Barnouin: Sneezing Dangers, Raw Cow's Milk, Coffee Enemas & Oatmeal Myths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Friedman and Kim chew on sneezing dangers, health risks of raw cow's milk, trendy coffee enemas, and oatmeal myths.Dr. Friedman and Kim chew on sneezing dangers, health risks of raw cow's milk, trendy coffee enemas, and oatmeal myths. Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor Sneezing Dangers According to the British Medical Journal, a man who held in his sneeze suffered a serious neck injury and a perforated trachea. He was hospitalized for two weeks. A sneeze produces pressurized air that can explode at speeds of 100 miles per hour. In Dr. Friedman’s office, he’s seen patients come in with cracked ribs, debilitating headaches and herniated discs after sneezing. Dr. Friedman shares the best way to sneeze to protect yourself from being injured. Health Risks of Drinking Raw Cow’s Milk If you have consumed raw cow’s milk, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says you need to see a doctor. The CDC was especially concerned that people who bought raw milk from a company called Udder Milk could be infected with a serious germ called Brucella abortus. They issued a national warning when a New Jersey woman became ill after drinking raw milk from the company. The infection can destroy the spleen, liver and heart valves and may eventually lead to death. Despite decades of government and industry propaganda about the health benefits of dairy products, unbiased science proves that cow’s milk is not healthy for humans (raw or pasteurized). Contrary to all those milk mustache ads, milk doesn’t build strong bones. In fact, research shows milk is a contributing factor to the cause of brittle bones. We are taught as children if we want to grow up big and strong we need to drink milk. Yet, children that drink milk get more chronic ear infections, have more allergies, are more likely to be overweight, and are at greater risk of diabetes. Dr. Friedman and Kim discuss why milk is not a good source of calcium and offer other, more beneficial foods the provide an appropriate calcium/magnesium ratio. Coffee Enemas Coffee Enemas are becoming trendy for health and well-being after actress Gweneth Paltrow featured an at-home device in her wellness magazine Goop. Many other celebrities have embraced coffee enemas for improving health, including Madonna and Suzanne Somers. Coffee enemas are a type of cleanse in which you insert coffee through the rectum into the colon. This therapy has been used as a remedy for everything from depression and autoimmune disease to allergies and even cancer. Dr. Friedman and Kim chime in on this latest trend and discuss the potential health risks, including infection, rectal burns, perforation, proctocolitis (inflammation of the rectum and colon) and even death. Oatmeal: Good or Bad? Research has proven oats can help lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart attacks. But, that isn't the whole story according to Paleo Diet advocates. They claim all grains are unhealthy and since "our caveman ancestors didn’t eat them, we shouldn’t either.” Dr. Friedman and Kim debunk this fad diet restriction and discuss the health benefits of adding oats to your diet. Sponsor: Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote.

 Encore Episode: The Buddha Diet: Ancient Art of Losing Weight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The real Buddha was thin... not the current vision we have of the big Buddha belly. How can his principles help you lose weight?There’s a lot you probably don’t know about the Buddha. For one, the real Buddha was thin... not the current vision we have of the big Buddha belly. And, before he became the “Enlightened One,” he was a pampered prince named Siddhartha. He tried dieting once and didn’t like it any more than you do. Instead, he sought a “middle way” between unhealthy overindulgence and unrealistic abstinence. The instructions he gave his monks about eating, more than 2,500 years ago, were surprisingly simple. Fast forward to today, and modern science confirms what Buddha knew all along. It’s not what you eat that’s important, but when you eat. Instead of the modern world's "around the clock" eating, this approach focuses on an eating clock; essentially a window of time within which you eat. For example, a nine-hour window would allow you to eat between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The rest of the time you would fast. You don’t need to follow the latest fads or give up your favorite foods. You just have to remember a few guidelines that Buddha provided... guidelines that, believe it or not, will help you lose weight, feel better, and stop obsessing about food. Sure, Buddha lived before the age of doughnuts and French fries, but his wisdom and teachings endure, providing us with a sane, mindful approach to achieving optimum health. Listen in as Dan Zigmond & Tara Cottrell, authors of Buddha's Diet: The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind, join Dr. Friedman to explain what the Buddha Diet is and how it can help you lose weight and get healthy.

 Encore Episode: Dr. Drew Talks Addiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why has opiate addiction taken such a devastating turn?Pain is a huge problem in today's world. It's how you deal with pain that becomes an even greater issue. Oral opiate addiction has steadily been on the rise in the last few decades. A whopping 90 percent of oral opiates are consumed in America.  Why has opiate addiction taken such a devastating turn? According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, a movement began with the premise that pain was being under-treated. Pain became the "fifth vital sign." This movement gained a legal and political presence, and now, there is a giant philosophy that pain is what the patient says it is. There is no objective proof of pain.  And, no good evidence exists that opiates are effective for chronic pain; they were designed for acute pain.  Doctors have a massive responsibility when dealing with chronic pain patients. They must look at history of addiction or family history of addiction. Paying attention to potential abuse risks could mean the difference between life and death. Remember, addiction is a brain disorder. Just because you can't see it or cut it out doesn't make it any less powerful than something like cancer. It can also have a genetic link.  If you're suffering with pain, there are alternative pain management methods, such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, etc. Listen in as Dr. Drew joins Dr. David Friedman to explain why opiate addiction is so prevalent.

 Encore Episode: Stressed Out? Flex Your Resilience Muscles with Anne Grady | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can you find the courage and resilience to triumph over daily stressors?How can you find the courage and resilience to triumph over daily stressors? Anne Grady knows what it’s like overcome unbelievable odds. After being told repeatedly, "You're so strong, how do you do it?" She realized this... you don't have to be "so strong," you just have to be strong enough.  Humans hate being uncomfortable. We intrinsically resist change. Part of growing resilience and strength is navigating the difficult times.  If you're not happy with results in your life, you have to make a change. Are you willing to make the decision to shift your story and reframe your thoughts? Excuses can be real, but are they serving you? Look at each decision you make and ask, "Will this get me closer to or further away from my goal?" Anne also says that you have to recognize your relationship with stress. Are you making daily decisions that exacerbate it? Social media is an instigator. How much time are you spending on your device or in wait for that "ping" alerting you of a like or retweet? Proactively manage your struggles. You CAN log out of Facebook.  It's not about getting rid of the stress completely; it's always going to be there. Take the steps to mitigate it. What works for others might not work for you. Just because your friend can chill out with kale smoothies and yoga, doesn't mean that will have any impact on you. Finally, enlist the help of a therapist or life coach who can give you objective feedback. If not one of those options, turn to a spouse, significant other or best friend who will tell you what you might not want to hear. Allowing negative thoughts and emotions to fester will only bring you further down the rabbit hole. Listen as Anne joins Dr. Friedman to share how she found courage, strength and triumph (and still works towards it), as well as some practical steps you can take to start reducing stress in your own life.

 Encore Episode: Reverse Thyroid Symptoms & Regain Your Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Learn how to reverse thyroid symptoms and regain your health.According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and about 13 million of them are undiagnosed. A whopping 95% of people that have hypothyroidism may actually have an autoimmune disease called Hashimotos. Number-one New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Isabella Wentz, joins Dr. Friedman to share how to reverse thyroid symptoms and regain your health.

 The Craving Cure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The real reason so many of us can’t stick to a healthy diet? Our favorite foods are engineered to be addictive.In her new book, The Craving Cure: Identify Your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural Appetite Control, Julia Ross, best-selling author and expert in nutrition and overeating, exposes the real reason so many of us can’t stick to a healthy diet: our favorite foods are engineered to be addictive. Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor At her clinic in California, Ross and her colleagues treat food addiction where it starts--in the brain--by triggering our natural appetite-regulating neurotransmitters with nutrients called amino acids. It turns out that these protein concentrates boost our neurotransmitters, which broadcast sensations of satisfaction that no food, including chocolate, can override. Thousands of Ross’ clients have abolished their cravings for high-calorie confections using this simple nutritional strategy. Listen as Ross joins Dr. Friedman to explain how you can use amino acids to reclaim your natural appetite control and strengthen your dietary defenses. Visit and use discount code “goodhealth” to receive 20% off your order!!

 Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation without Really Trying | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When properly understood and practiced, meditation should feel easy, calming, and comfortable.Imagine you’re sitting on a cushion with your legs crossed, ready to tap into unlimited joy. There’s just one problem: You can’t get comfortable (let alone still), and your head is full of way too many thoughts. Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor The problem is not with meditation, or you, though—the issue may be with your approach. When properly understood and practiced, meditation should feel easy, calming, and comfortable. In his new book, Bliss More, maverick instructor Light Watkins provides the tools for making it E.A.S.Y. (Embrace, Accept, Surrender, Yield), dispels the biggest myths and misunderstandings, and shares real-world tips and straight talk for hacking into this ancient practice. The result: a happier and healthier you, inside and out. Whether you’re a novice or experienced practitioner, Watkins explains how you can get on the path to a clearer mind, better sleep, and more bliss in everyday life. Listen as Watkins joins Dr. Friedman to share insights from the book. Visit and use discount code “goodhealth” to receive 20% off your order!!

 Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food Is Killing Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fast foods have become the primary source of calories in the United States and consequently the most far-reaching and destructive influence on our population.Fast food is far more than just the burgers, fries, and burritos served at chain restaurants. It is also the toxic, human-engineered products found in every grocery store across America, including cold breakfast cereals, commercial and preserved (deli) meats and cheeses, sandwich breads and buns, chips, pretzels, crackers, fried foods, energy bars, and soft drinks. Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor Fast foods have become the primary source of calories in the United States and consequently the most far-reaching and destructive influence on our population. The indisputable truth is that our highly processed diet is the source of a national health crisis that is exploding into a genocide with unseen tragic implications. Heart attacks, strokes, cancer, obesity, ADHD, autism, allergies, and autoimmune diseases all have the same root cause: our addiction to toxic ingredients. New York Times bestselling author, board-certified physician, nutritional researcher, and leading voice in the health field Joel Fuhrman, MD, joins Dr. Friedman to explain why the problem of poor nutrition is deeper, more serious, and more pervasive than anyone imagined. Visit and use discount code “goodhealth” to receive 20% off your order!!

 Encore Episode - Chew on This with Kim Barnouin: Stop Stress PLUS Aspirin's Pros & Cons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Friedman and Kim chew on the devastating effects of stress and how to combat them, as well as the pros and cons of aspirin use.Dr. Friedman and Kim chew on the devastating effects of stress and how to combat them, as well as the pros and cons of aspirin use. Stop the Stress According to the American Psychological Association, stress can induce the following emotional, cognitive and physical consequences: Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has declared stress a hazard of the workplace. What are some ways you can reduce the stress in your life? Practice stress-reducing tactics such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, and acupuncture. If you can't change it, don't stress about it. Listen to music that you like (not necessarily calming varieties; just what you like). Take a hot Epsom salt bath. Visit your chiropractor regularly. Avoid inflammatory triggers such as sugar. Instead, choose stress-reducing foods like cashews, walnuts, oatmeal (steel cut), blueberries, dark chocolate, avocado, and green tea. Enlist the help of a supplement like SAMe (about 400 mg a day). Pros & Cons of Aspirin Approximately 44 million healthy Americans take aspirin as a preventative measure to stave off heart disease. And, it's the leading pain reliever. But, aspirin thins the blood, which can lead to other health concerns such as stroke, excessive bleeding and bruising, stomach irritation, and even vision problems. The best approach is to follow the advice of your doctor and to recognize that aspirin is medicine, not a vitamin. A more natural alternative (that's also easier on your stomach) is white willow bark. Dr. Friedman and Kim also answer a listener's question: what's the best alternative to cow's milk? Don't miss these intriguing topics!

 Encore Episode: Beat Belly Fat with Travis Stork, MD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Your gut microbiome has a great deal to do with your weight, specifically belly fat.Your gut microbiome has a great deal to do with your weight, specifically belly fat. Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor Dr. Travis Stork joins Dr. David Friedman to share tips on how to maintain healthy bacteria in the gut while increasing your fiber intake, which is responsible for a large component of one’s gut bacteria. Instead of meat, use beans and lentils for increased fiber. Eat high fiber fruits and vegetables like raspberries, blackberries, green peas, artichokes. Pick a high-fiber cereal for the breakfast. Try and incorporate flaxseeds into meals. He stresses that this approach is not so much about eating less, but about eating right. Listen in to gain a better understanding of what exactly is going on inside your gut and how it affects your weight and health. Visit and use discount code “goodhealth” to receive 20% off your order!!

 Whole30 Day by Day: Keep Your Nutrition on Track | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bestselling author Melissa Hartwig provides insights from her two new books and how they can get (and keep) you on track in your health and wellness efforts.Author of the New York Times bestseller, The Whole30, Melissa Hartwig now has two new books, The Whole30 Day by Day and Whole30 Fast and Easy, which are excellent companions to the original. Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “goodhealth” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor The Whole30 Day by Day is a daily handbook to keep you motivated, inspired, accountable, and engaged during your Whole30 journey. It’s like having Melissa coaching you through the Whole30 one day at a time, sharing a day-by-day timeline, personal motivation, community inspiration, habit hacks, and meal tips. Plus, each day offers guidance for self-reflection, food journaling, and tracking your non-scale victories to keep your momentum going and help you plan for the days to come. The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook features: Recipes perfect for weeknight cooking, lunches in a hurry, and hearty breakfasts that still get you out the door on time. Nearly effortless skillet meals, stir-fries, sheet-pan suppers, and slow-cook and no-cook meals, most of which can be made in 30 minutes or less. Creative, delicious meals using widely-available ingredients found in any supermarket. Melissa's favorite kitchen hacks, designed to save time and money while maximizing flavor. Listen as Melissa joins Dr. Friedman to share insights from these two new books and how they can help you get -- and keep -- on track of your Whole30 journey. Visit and use discount code “goodhealth” to receive 20% off your order!!


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