Today’s Health Tip show

Today’s Health Tip

Summary: This is your Daily Health Tip brought to you by The Guud Company, a cool wellness company that wants to be your daily health coach. Sharing tips and suggestions for making life a little bit healthier. Also on instagram @theguudcompany and on Alexa in the Flash Briefing section. Add us, tune in and be well!

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 Headaches and Caffiene | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:05

Caffeine can stop a headache in it's track.   Whether it’s a run-of-the-mill tension headache or a migraine, caffeine can help. That’s why it’s an ingredient in a lot of popular pain relievers. It can make them as much as 40% more effective. For example EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE contains 65 mg of caffeine per caplet which puts the recommended dosage of two caplets at 130 mg – slightly over what one cup of coffee contains. Listen in today for using caffeine to cure headaches.

 Headaches: Try Migraeeze | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:56

I rarely recommend something that I haven't tried but 1. I like the science behind this product 2. It was personally recommended to me from fellow migraine sufferers 3. The reviews wowed me 4. I ordered it and will be trying this myself Migraeeze from Life Extension is a combination of the herb butterbur, ginger and vitamin B2 also known as riboflavin. Take two (2) softgels daily in divided doses with or without food. Supplementation with Migra-Eeze should be carried out for four to six months. Discontinue Migra-Eeze after the initial cycle of four to six months, after which it will maintain its benefits. Resume supplementation for another four to six month cycle when symptoms begin to increase. You can find it here on Amazon:

 Wellness Necessities: Exfoliate! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:21

One of the best ways to add a simple wellness exercise into your daily routine is to regularly exfoliate your skin. Remember: your skin is your largest organ.  Removing dead skin cells is crucial for maintaining good skin condition.  As we age the cell turnover process tends to slow down. Older cells on the surface take longer to slough off, resulting in a dry or rough appearance of the skin. The pile up of old skin and debris also blocks the pores, spurring acne, other blemishes, and a dull skin tone in some individuals. Try the Kese exfoiating mitt.  Best after a bath or sauna when skin is soft and cells are loose and primed for exfoliation. Listen in for why we love this low cost solution for maintaining skin integrity. The product we love on Amazon is here: Give it a try, it's Guud for you!

 Wellness Necessities: A good air purifier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:44

Did you know that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air? Chemical off-gassing from furniture, paints and finishes, pet dander and fur, mold and fungi, dust and cooking odors and smoke all contribute to an unhealthy home environment. You should consider a home air filter especially if you have small children or have allergies. One that we like, which is both affordable and gets great reviews is the Levoit brand HEPA filter.  It is a 3 stage filter that traps microparticles.  Best thing is that the filters are affordable. You can check it out on Amazon here:

 Wellness Necessities: Collagen Peptides | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:46

Something new to try: Collagen Peptides. If you want longer thicker hair and nails, if you are looking to have a healthier gut, less creaky joints and stronger bones then you might want to add some collegen peptides to your routine. I love a scoop of this in my morning coffee.  It is tasteless and odorless.  You can mix it into any liquid and it's great in smoothies. You can read more here: Want to give it a shot?  Order from Amazon here: 

 A little encouragement and some Mindful Awareness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:47

Bringing awareness to simple every day tasks.  Turn these touchstones into a mindfulness practice.  And take it step further and add a small bit of gratitude for a really powerful exercise. Learning to let it go is LEARNED and must be practice.  Come join me on this odyssey of mindfulness. (join me on instagram too: )

 Internal Auditing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:48

What's your default setting?  Do you over work and over think things?  How about you try "just being".  And I don't mean zoning out or chilling.  It is a learned practice we need to cultivate.  You can.  So can I. How about we do nothing together? Listen in for how to do this. Come visit me on Instagram.  Lots more content over there and you get to see my face! 

 Mindfulness for Everyone: Mindful Observation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:35

Quiet yourself and find a point of focus for this quick meditation.  Observing something in detail - as if for the first time. When you find your mind starts to wander let it pass ~ then bring your breath and focus back and look for one more detail on your focal object.  Conclude with a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Your moment of mindfulness is complete!

 Yoga: Recap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:28

Yoga really is for everyone.  Are youma yogi?  Maybe its time to explore a new style?  Are you new to yoga? Listen in for basics and how to begin. Remember, YouTube is a great place to start if you are interested in learning.  Also, you can find over 100 audio files of Yoga Nidra here:

 The Infrared Sauna | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:12

Yo..the infrared sauna is for YOU. It is gentle, it can help with: DETOX WOUND HEALING RELAXATION WEIGHT LOSS (RIGHT!!) PAIN RELIEF LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE ANTI-AGING - near infrared is amazing for your skin.  Also great for wound healing. My sauna from Sunlighten:   I think it's the best out there! Give it a try!!

 Halotherapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:10

The term “Halotherapy” comes from “halo”, the Greek word for salt. Simply put, Halotherapy is the use of salt vapor to treat respiratory ailments, skin irritations, and combat mental lethargy. For centuries, monks used naturally-occurring salt caverns to treat respiratory ailments. Today, manmade Saltrooms recreate salt caverns, with one huge improvement over nature: in a Halotherapy room, a salt vaporizer pumps dry aerosol salt vapor into the air, so you can breathe it deep into your lungs. Listen in to hear my experience with Halotherapy. For more check out:

 Time to relax and color! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:51

Self Care sunday calls for some solid downtime.  What a better way than to pick up an adult coloring book and get to work.  Listen in for why coloring can be a meditative process.   Don't own an adult coloring book?  You can download and print pages here: Also my favorite gel-ink pens and gorgeous coloring book are over on our Amazon Wellness Warrior Checklist here: 

 Iyengar Yoga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:44

Based on the teachings of the yoga master B.K.S Iyengar, who is credited to bringing yoga to the western world. this style of practice is all about bringing the body into its best possible alignment, often using props such as yoga blankets, blocks, and straps to assist students in mastering proper form.  More on Iyengar:

 Yin Yoga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:08

One of my favorite types of yoga is Yin Yoga.  I love the deep stretch.  I love that I can do these poses virtually anywhere.  I like that poses are held for 3-5 minutes allowing you to work with your breath to deep your stretch.  I always leave a Yin Yoga class feeling longer and stronger. Check out this great 40 minute Yin Yoga video:

 Yoga: The Basics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:08

If you have never tried yoga, now is the time.  If you once had a practice it's time to restart.  Great for stress reduction, for increasing flexibility and balance and for general well-being. It can be done almost anywhere with no equipment at all.  Loose, comfortable clothing is recommended and perhaps a towel or exercise mat to help create your personal yoga space. There are many types of yoga but we suggest that everyone without experience start with a beginner class as postures and breathing techniques must be learned. We like two videos we found on YouTube (which makes them free!) For complete beginners we liked this seated and very gentle 20 minute class:   Here is an advanced beginner class with a little flow, beginning with child pose progressing to downward facing dog and plank  Its great for mornings and only 15 minutes.  Are you yogi?  You just might be... Give it a try and come over to our FaceBook page and tell us 


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