Mindful Mondays Podcast show

Mindful Mondays Podcast

Summary: Weekly meditations & reflections to start your week right

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 MM 35 Meditation: Black Balloon Clearing Meditation (Paired with Binaural Beats) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:42

Taken from The Mindset Makeover 10-Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc This meditation will help you clear your subconscious blocks that prevent love, success, happiness, and prosperity in your life. Caution – Please read (More info below description): If you meet any of the following conditions whether knowingly or not should not use this product without first consulting with a physician (this is due to isochronic tones): Epileptics Pregnant women Individuals prone to seizures Individuals under the influence of medication or drugs Inner Bliss Binaural Beats (For best results please wear headphones) About this session: Base Frequency: 136.1Hz 136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus; Resonates with the earth year (Note=C#) (Color=Turqouise Green) (Effects=calming, meditative, relaxing, centering) – Period it takes earth to revolve around sun (Tempo=63.8*127.6) (Chakra=Anahate/Heart chakra)(Effects=relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos, associated with the soul {“frequency of the soul}) (Medicinal=Sedative) (Other=significant tone in Indian music {called it the “sadja” or “father to others” – it was a keynote} – corresponds to “OM” & the Christian “AMEN”) Tones Used: 0.9Hz- Euphoric 10.5Hz- Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking potent stabilizer & stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence. Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter Lowering Blood Pressure; Associated with Heart/Anahata chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life, love of self & others) (Note=F) 2.5Hz- pain relief, relaxation; production of endogenous opiates; Use for sedative effect; Sedative effect – reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, and sinusitis. Also may be associated with sexual arousal. 1.0Hz- Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance 38.0Hz- Associated with endorphin release (All rights purchased from Free Binaural Beats.com) For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 34 Reflection: How to Foster Love in All Areas of Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:49

Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc This month we are talking about love. Not necessarily romantic love, finding that special someone, or bettering a partnership, although everything we reflect on will help if those are things you are looking for. We are going to be talking about love as it applies to everything. Loving oneself, finding a life purpose you love, leading with love instead of fear, judgment, or anger, expressing love in all forms, and being a loving force in this world. Quote: “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Love is a powerful force. Much more powerful that it is given credit for. We feel powerful in our negative emotions and we feel vulnerable in love. Negative emotions are simply works of the ego. They trick us into feeling powerful, but all they do it muddy our perceptions, interfere with our logic and cause us to react in ways we later regret. This is not strength. This entire month I want us all to become just a little stronger, and use love as our means to get there. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 33 Meditation: Peace Love & Joy Guided Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:06

Purchase MP3 Download here: https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/AHappyLifeShop/tools/listings/559933170 For more free resources: www.mymbse.com Please note: This is paired with .33Hz Binaural Beats. (See information and restrictions below.) It is infused with positive Reiki Energy for feelings of Love, Joy, & Peace. Instantly raise your vibration to the three highest frequencies of Love, Peace, & Joy

 MM 32 Reflection: How to Realistically Prioritize For a Successful & Happy Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:39

"Indeed, this life is a test. It is a test of many things - of our convictions and priorities, our faith and our faithfulness, our patience and our resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires." ~Sheri L. Dew [American Author] We live in a complex world, full of decisions, obligations, and a constant feeling of being pulled in a million different directions. In our hearts, we want it all. Success, love, healthy relationships, balance, and happiness. We make decisions every day that either bring us closer to our goals or pull us in the opposite direction. It would be helpful if we all had crystal balls that would tell us exactly what to focus on at certain times so we can take all the "right" steps to lead us to the life we desire. We, unfortunately, do not have this crystal ball. We are not all-knowing. We are essentially doing the best we can, taking cues from our environment, the opinions of others, and what our imperfect minds and instincts tell us to do. This can make the act of prioritizing our lives a muddy, mucky mess at times. This leads us to ask the question, can we even have it all? Can we find success, balance, love, health, and happiness? And if this is a possibility, how should we prioritize to accomplish this picture-perfect state of existence? Learn the answers to some of these questions in this week's episode. Holly Butchers Letter: http://www.samanthawillsfoundation.org/contributors/2018/1/6/holly-butcher-1990-2018?rq=holly%20butcher For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 31 Meditation: Guided Walking Mindfulness Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:32

Mindfulness is an extremely simple concept but one that can be very difficult to implement. It will instantly reduce stress and anxiety, and with habitual practice, will vastly improve quality of life. It is rooted both in social science and spirituality, and research has proven its effectiveness. Its simplicity and power might be the reason it has gained popularity in recent years. Using this walking meditation and simple 21-day mindfulness guide, you will begin to master the art of being mindful, present, and stress-free in every moment. 25-minutes of guided meditation to listen to while you take a walk! Get exercise and meditate at the same time. You can listen to the entire meditation, or simply 10-15 minutes of it while taking a quick walk to quiet your mind and reduce stress. It takes you through all areas of mindfulness and helps you focus and appreciate your body, your surroundings, and the peace of the present moment with each step you take. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 31 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 21-Final Day. What's Next?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:20

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Six (Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation). ** What to expect? Conclusion Congratulations on making it through the challenge! It is not easy to commit yourself to such a journey. You have now established a strong mindfulness base and with continued practice, you will regain control of your thinking, emotions, and your life. Situations that once frustrated you will no longer seem important. You will be able to savor life’s precious moments and be peaceful in almost any situation. Mindfulness will also help you face obstacles and challenges without becoming overwhelmed. By staying mindful through all situations, good, bad, and indifferent, you are able to remain centered and calm no matter what is happening in your world. Others will notice the change as well. Family and friends appreciate the undivided attention and you may also encourage others to be more present-focused. The calm energy you give off will become contagious, affecting everyone you come in contact with. You will also find you get far more accomplished. A lot of time is wasted on indecisiveness. Mindfulness creates a clear mental environment that facilitates ease of decision-making. Also, by only focusing on one task at a time, you will accomplish tasks quicker and more efficiently. Trust the mindful process. Know it takes practice and your ingrained habits and thinking patterns will try to coerce you back into old, comfortable patterns. With effort, practice, and commitment, you will begin to live the blissful life we all desire. If you need to take a few moments in your day to re-plan, that’s okay. Just be sure to engage in every present moment fully instead of thinking about what is next. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 30 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 20-Mindfully Prevent Worry About the Future) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:44

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Six (Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation). ** What to expect? Not Thinking About the Future Today will be similar to yesterday, but opposite! Today you will not allow yourself to think of the future. What?!! This sounds crazy! How will you ever get anything done?? Yes, this may be the most anxiety-provoking activity so far, if you let it. Ideally, mindfulness is the consistent practice of being in the present moment which means there is no thought about the future. However, with work and responsibilities, it can be almost impossible to live in such a manner. For this exercise, feel free to engage in a modified version true mindfulness. Make a schedule for the day and/or plan out what needs to be done for work or any other responsibilities. Other than this brief planning, do not think about anything besides what you are doing at that moment. If you are answering emails, focus only on what you are writing at the time and not what you need to do after you send the email. If you are eating lunch, enjoy your lunch and do not think about what you need to do after you finish. If you are driving your children to an activity, be fully present in that experience instead of thinking about what you have to do after you drop them off. This will likely be very challenging at moments, but by now you are fully equipped to handle it. When you notice your thoughts drifting to the future, near or far, let them drift out of your mind and refocus yourself in the present situation. Draw from any practices you learned during this challenge to help you do this. You will likely find everything you need to get done, gets done, and with a lot less stress and drained energy. If you need to take a few moments in your day to re-plan, that’s okay. Just be sure to engage in every present moment fully instead of thinking about what is next. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 29 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 19-Mindfully Come to Peace with the Past) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:49

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Six (Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation). ** What to expect? Not Thinking About the Past There is peace in the present. The past does not affect you unless you remember it and associate feelings with it. The past is simply a moment in time. Today, practice living in the moment and not thinking about the past. Notice anytime a thought of a past experience enters your mind. This can be a situation, a person, a conversation, or a moment. Do not continue to think about or pair any emotion with this thought, good or bad. Just let it pass out of your mind as easily as it came in. If it tries to come in again, let it go again. Do not put any more energy into it other than noticing it is a thought passing through. As soon as the thought passes, be extra mindful in that moment. What are you doing? Draw from all of the exercises to practice this mindfulness. Remember the past is any moment that has passed. It can be 10 years ago or 10 minutes ago. Today, you will aim not to think about anything that has passed. If you have a conversation with a parent on the phone, as soon as the conversation is over, you will not think about what was said. That moment has passed. Simply focus attention on the current moment. If you just heard a hilarious joke, do not think about that joke afterward. Not reminiscing about positive events may seem counterproductive, but anytime you think of something from the past you are not being mindful. For today, do not focus on anything that comes up about any passed event, good or bad, near or far, and just stay present. Say it now: Today I will not think about any past event, good or bad, and will only focus on each present moment. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 28 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 18-Have a Mindful Night's Rest) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:48

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Six (Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation). ** What to expect? Mindful Bedtime and Sleep Prep As the final stage of the day-long mindfulness practice, you are going to focus on being mindful right before sleep. During this period, people like to replay all the events of the day, think about stressful situations in their lives, and plan and/or worry about everything they need to get done the following day. This is not beneficial and can be very detrimental to your sleep quantity and quality. It may be helpful to journal in the evening before you practice mindfulness, especially if bedtime is something you struggle with. You can write down a to-do list for the next day or write anything you need to get out your mind about present or past situations. This is not part of the mindful practice but fosters a beneficial mental state for mindfulness. The instant you get into bed, only focus on sensations during each present moment. Feel the pressure of your body against the mattress and feel the covers touching different areas of your body. Focus on the temperature of your body and if any parts are warmer or cooler. Focus on how your body feels and if parts are tense or relaxed. Focus on your breathing and how the breath feels entering and exiting your lungs. Focus on any sounds and smells. Remember not to place a single judgment on anything you observe. If your partner is listening to TV loudly in the other room, do not say the TV is loud, but simply note it is a sound and move on to other sensations. The less you allow thinking and judgments to enter your mind, the less likely you are to spin into a state of negativity or anxiousness, which prevents you from falling asleep. Note the feelings as you become more tired and allow yourself to drift off naturally. If you fall asleep one minute after lying down, great! Do not feel pressure to stay up just to be mindful, but be mindful for as long as you are awake. If you struggle, pick a mindful meditation that worked well for you and go through it to calm your mind and body in preparation for sleep. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 27 Meditation: Mindful Challenge Meditation #6 {Mindful Sensations Relaxing Meditation} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:38

Part of 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge! Preparation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take 5 slow, deep, calming breaths to get you into your meditative state. Body Sensations Focus on the sensations of your body as a whole. Feel its weight. Feel its temperature. Feel any sensations inside of it. Feel any sensations outside of it. Do not judge any sensation. Focus on your body being present in the moment. When your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to the sensations. If it helps, you can pick one part (i.e. legs) or one sensation (i.e. the feeling of clothing against skin) to bring your attention back when your thoughts start to wonder. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 26 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 17-Have an Wonderfully Mindful Evening) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:38

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Five (Mindful Mind Meditation). ** What to expect? Mindful Evening Just as you have done the previous two days, you will be mindful for a pre-determined period of time. Whatever time you stopped your mindful exercise yesterday, begin at that time today. Remain mindful for the entire evening. End the exercise before bed as that will be the focus tomorrow. Make sure you are mindful during eating, relaxing, all tasks, preparations for the next day, and during all conversations. Try to only engage in tasks that will make it easy to be mindful. For example, watching mindless TV or searching the web are situations that make it challenging to stay mindful. Instead, think of activities such as exercise, an artistic endeavor, or even meditation you can engage in to relax and remain present. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 25 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 16-Enjoy a Mindful Afternoon) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:21

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Five (Mindful Mind Meditation). ** What to expect? Mindful Afternoon Just as yesterday, you are going to be mindful in every task during a chunk of time. Pick the time you stopped the exercise yesterday as a beginning point. It may even be helpful to set an alarm for yourself so you do not forget. Also, pick an end time in the early evening (between 4-7 o’clock) to finish the exercise. Your mind will inevitably wander during this time, and when you notice it does, simply bring yourself back to the present. Be mindful during any relaxing, walking, eating, commuting, conversations, afternoon tasks, thoughts that arise, and anytime you experience emotions. You are equipped to be mindful in all these situations; it is simply time to put them together and practice. Notice if this time period is easier or harder than the morning. Often, we become tired in the afternoon, which may benefit or hinder your mindful attempt. You may also observe times that are challenging, such as after a meeting or during your evening commute. Be aware of what makes certain situations or times harder to remain mindful. It can provide invaluable insight into thinking patterns and sources of stress in your life. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 24 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 15-How to Have a Mindful Morning) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:36

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Five (Mindful Mind Meditation). ** What to expect? Mindful Morning Focus on being mindful from the time you wake up until midday. Set an end time for yourself around noon and aim to be mindful for the entire chunk of time. Your mind will stray, but when you notice it does, simply bring yourself back to the present. Be mindful during any relaxing, walking, commuting, conversations, morning tasks, thoughts that arise, and anytime you experience emotions. You are equipped to be mindful in all these situations; it is simply time to put them together and practice. After the morning is over, reflect on how it went for you. Did you struggle during a particular time, with certain situations or tasks? Try to figure out what happened during those times that led you to become unmindful. Once you are aware of challenges, you are able to be extra mindful during these situations in the future. Don’t worry, you will have time again tomorrow to practice this exercise. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav

 MM 23 Meditation: Mindful Challenge Meditation #5 {Mindful Mind Meditation} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:51

Mindful Mind Meditation Part of 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge! Preparation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take 5 slow, deep, calming breaths to get you into your meditative state. Head Focus For this meditation, you will focus on the sensations of your head. Typically we associate the head with a place where thoughts are constantly being fired off, but in this meditation, you will focus only on the sensations and feel what it is like to have a peaceful head space. Feel the sensation of the top of your head. Temperature, hair follicles, etc. Move down to your forehead and repeat. Next feel your eyelids closed over your eyes. What do you see? Move down to your nose and feel your breath moving in and out. Move down to your lips. Notice if they are closed or open and if they are tense or relaxed. Finally, pay attention to any sensations of your chin. Move now to the back of your head. What sensations do you feel? Is there pressure or weight? Finally, pay attention to the inside of your head without any thoughts. Are there any sensations? Keep this mindful focus until the end of the meditation.

 MM 22 Reflection: 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge (Day 14-Mindful Gratitude Reflection) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:06

Welcome to Day Two of 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge. Please go back to Day One if you are just starting. **Please also see Mindfulness Meditation Four (Mindful Focus Meditation). ** What to expect? Mindful Gratitude Expressing gratitude has been shown to drastically decrease stress, anxiety and a variety of other negative emotions. When we express gratitude we focus on what we have to be grateful for in our lives. This practice, combined with mindfulness, can drastically shift one’s outlook. For today, be mindful of everything you have to be grateful for. Often, our minds want to focus on negatives, especially in moments of agitation, but there is always something to be grateful for. Perhaps, be mindful that your heart and lungs are working efficiently, or you have full control over all of your limbs, or you are surrounded by people you love. Throughout the day, bring mindful attention to what you are grateful for in each moment. Any time you experience a negative emotion, anger, frustration, guilt, anxiety, overwhelm, etc. refocus your mind to what you are grateful for in that moment and watch how this impacts the negative emotion. For weekly blog, additional meditations, & free trainings go to www.mymbse.com For more resources check out: FREE Mindset Makeover Training: www.mymbse.com/pages/free-trainings Mindset Makeover 10 Day Challenge: www.mymbse.com/store/mCkS3AYc Mindful Book Collections: Mindfulness Guide (3 Mindful Books in 1)-Complete Guide to Happiness & Peace in Every Moment: www.amazon.com/dp/B0744LX99S Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness in a World of Chaos: amzn.to/2BLXVCQ Mindful Mornings: Daily Reflections and Meditations to Start Your Day Off Right: www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3C2556 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Stress-Free & Happy Life: amzn.to/2Bz7jav


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