IT in the D show

IT in the D

Summary: So what do a couple of IT guys from Detroit talk about when they go to the bar? Welcome to the IT in the D show, brought to you by long-time Detroit IT veterans Bob Waltenspiel (The Sales Guy), and Dave Phillips (The Geek). The duo has been putting on free networking events for the metro Detroit information technology community for over 10 years, helped more than 1,200 people find new jobs, and been featured in local and national news stories and publications for their efforts. After taking on speaking engagements starting in 2011 that helped refine their message, in 2013 they took their ramblings to a broadcast format that has proven to be far more popular than anyone expected. The IT in the D show is more conversational and less instructional – it is far more geared toward entertainment and local goings-on in the metro Detroit area than a deep-dive about specific technical issues. It’s a bar chat, not technical seminar. You’ll hear more movie quotes than MySQL queries and more Depeche Mode than development methodologies. Not that the guys don’t roll up their sleeves and deep dive from time to time, but with guests ranging from local CIOs and CEOs to roller derby girls and pop culture icons from the 80s, don’t let the “IT” in “IT in the D” scare you. Each weekly two-hour show typically includes current events and stories, guests ranging from local entrepreneurs to local IT rock stars to people with great local stories to tell, rants, raves and everything you’d expect from a couple of guys who have known each other and been drinking together for nearly two decades.

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  • Artist: IT in the D
  • Copyright: The "IT in the D" show and all marks are the property of The Detroit Networking Group, all rights reserved


 Episode 337 – Exceptional Academy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:16

Hey, this is episode 337 of the one and only it in the D show. Guests this week include Dave and Steve there with the exceptional Academy and like museums. No, no, no. Like no actually better, actually better. They are doing training programs for disabled people but they're not just training programs. We're talking CCNs and upper echelon it training programs, getting people with autism, getting people with severe disabilities, seizure disabilities, getting them gainfully trained up, employed. So I cannot wait for that conversation. Should go great. And in the meantime, you know what Dave, you may uh, I got, we're, we're, we've can barely see each other cause there's room stocked full of toilet paper and water. Um, but we'll talk about that in a minute. You may hand sanitize, you may fire when ready. Hey, what's going on? This is the one and only it in the D show... Hey, this is episode 337 of the one and only it in the D show. Guests this week include Dave and Steve there with the exceptional Academy and like museums. No, no, no. Like no actually better, actually better. They are doing training programs for disabled people but they're not just training programs. We're talking CCNs and upper echelon it training programs, getting people with autism, getting people with severe disabilities, seizure disabilities, getting them gainfully trained up, employed. So I cannot wait for that conversation. Should go great. And in the meantime, you know what Dave, you may uh, I got, we're, we're, we've can barely see each other cause there's room stocked full of toilet paper and water. Um, but we'll talk about that in a minute. You may hand sanitize, you may fire when ready. Hey, what's going on? This is the one and only it in the D show.   We made it all the way up to episode 337 broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast Detroit in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitter's fine. Us. He's a Twittering. He is following people around. I don't know who this is, who followed me. Um, finding us online it in the D. dot com and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. All right, so what do we got? We got a tomorrow night at haymaker. See, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Nice work. I, I got it this time. I wrote it down. I was good. A torn at the Anarbor social event is happening at, at haymaker. Uh, go give him a look.   Check them out. Come say hi. Then we have our events on the 19th, uh, the next Metro Detroit event, which is going to be at cozy lounge. And they could like, literally, I've gotten like six texts from the owner's daughter. They could not be happier that we're going to be there. Go ahead. Eat your chicken biscuits and your burgers. Get, get the cheese, steak and cheese, no mushrooms though, you and your mushrooms and whatever. Uh, and then, uh, if you're out in a balance, uh, there's still time you can sign up for free podcast day, which is the Saturday, uh, which is happening in all three of our studios. Uh, Royal Oak, downtown Detroit and Northville. Uh, and then if you're bored and want to come hang out or you, you like history and you want to hang out, shout a history. He's also doing a live broadcast on Saturday from whiskey in the jar in Hamtramck.   Uh, that should be a fun one. I believe. Uh, the gentleman, his first name is Greg. I am blanking on his last name right now, who literally wrote the book about prohibition bars, uh, in Hamtramck is going to be one of their guests. Um, and he's also the chair of the Hamtramck historical society. So that should be kind of a cool conversation. I don't know if I'm going to be there cause I'm going to get in line for the bread and milk. So I mean,

 Episode 336 – United Shore Career Fair, Over 300 Open IT Jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:23

Well, if you're looking for a new job in the information technology field, you're probably going to want to keep this event next week in mind.  Listen in as the CTO and lead recruiter talk about the upcoming job fair for United Shore's open IT positions... Details at: Speaker 1: Hey, what's going on? This is episode three 36 of the it and the D show guests this week include Jason Bressler. He is the CTO Matt Turner. He is one of the head recruiters of United shore mortgage. They're putting on a career fair on March 4th over 300 open it positions, everything from coding to networking. They're going to be talking all about it. You're going to Snowmageddon in Detroit and we got a lot of funny stories and Dave, you may fire when ready. Hey, what's happening? What's going on? This is episode three 36 of the one and only it in the D show. We are broadcasting live here in studio one podcast. He threatened beautiful snowy Royal Oak, Michigan spot. The sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitters, find us online it and the D. dot com and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials, subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts Speaker 2: or sold. Hey, so what do we have? We got a the Anarbor event coming up on, uh, three, three, uh, I forget. I always forget the odd even thing. I should have that memorized by now and I just don't two years now. Yeah, I am. I, my brain refuses to commit that to memory. Uh, and then we had, uh, well the next one is, uh, the 19th that will be at the cozy lounge. Uh, and they are really kind of dorked about us being there. And not only that, they're named for one of the best burgers in Southeastern Michigan. Yeah. They were like one of the, yeah, the one of the top 10 burgers, right? Like, Oh my God, they're so cool. I agree. And I would like James [inaudible] from Mabel gray who was like, I think he's James Beard. He's one of the top chefs in, yeah. Speaker 2: He like swears by their chicken biscuits. So like that honestly, God for, it's a little dive bar. It's a little townie bar, but they've transformed that they can do like kind of a cool little place, great little place. And we're looking forward to it. And, and you know, and then the last week we had our event at Woodbridge pub. Um, really? Well, that was the first time I remember being there. I haven't been there before, but I haven't been since my Wayne state days. Oh yeah. And, and like that place like just brought back tons of, yeah. It was phenomenal. Like love that place, love to go back. Everybody was like, it couldn't have been happier and it was yet another one. That's like, a lot of the people that showed up were like, Oh my God, heard about this place. Never been here. Really digging it. Speaker 2: And they have decent sipping room and you know, and they have food as long as you don't want the chicken wings. No chicken wings. Yeah. Chicken wings are gone. I was in the mode, but then I had, I ordered that chicken one tons. That sounds weird. All over to that. And it's chicken egg rolls. It's like you take the bottom of chicken soup and you slab in an egg roll and it was actually pretty good anyway. Yeah. Looking forward to it. Looking forward to cozy. It should be good. Um, and then, Hey, uh, just on a personal note, I would be remiss if I didn't mention, um, Hey, rest in peace. Kelly Tucker, uh, great guy. Uh, local, uh, I mean he, he did, uh, stuff with us back in the raw radio X days. Uh, he was a sound guy over at the Ritz downtown at st Andrews. Speaker 2: He did stuff out at diesel. Uh, Kate, one of our engineers actually went to graduated specs wait time. A lot of people touch a lot of lives. They, I was, uh,

 Episode 335 – Anthony Michael Hall, Playing Catch Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:43

Listen in as we resume some semblance of normalcy as we dive into the news, events, and items that caught our eyes over the past week, and then our interview with Anthony Michael Hall... IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 The Ten Commandments of Networking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:11

[editorial note: This is the original version, as published back in July of 2009.  As with all good things, it's been updated over time.  You can find the most recent version here: ] As I sit here watching History of the World, Part 1 for, oh, it must be the 8,173rd dawned on me. If Mel Brooks can use the Ten Commandments to completely crack me up every time I watch his film, then surely I can use them to help those asking "What's networking?" (it's when a bunch of people get together with a common purpose...and, I know...don't call you "Shirley") Yeah, sorry.  I watched Airplane!, too. Anyway, so as I sit here answering emails from folks after our last networking event on the 16th and those starting to filter in about our Pink Slip Party on August 27th (and, yes, watching old comedies that I've seen a bajillion times), I thought I would take the time to put my thoughts towards another Don't Be That Guy blog entry...because as Mel would surely agree...we've all met That Guy that breaks them.  And so I give unto you these fifteen...[shatter]...oops...ten.  Yes, TEN Commandments...for all to obey. (and if you don't catch that reference, do yourself...and me...a favor.  go rent History of the World, Part 1.  Immediately) 1.  Thou Shall Understand The Importance Of Networking. This one blows up in people's faces.  A lot.  We all know "That Guy".  The person that you've tried to get out to a networking event (ours or another) so that they can meet people.  Or maybe you just wanted to get them out for drinks with a few people from work.  Or maybe there's a recruiter that you invited them to come along for lunch and meet.  But they always have a reason not to go.  They're too busy.  There's too much work.  There's something else that needs to be done.  They don't want to.  Whatever the reason...they never seem to make it.  And then...and this happens so many times...suddenly they need to network.  They get fired.  They get laid off.  The company closed.  Whatever the they're the ones ringing your phone off the hook and filling up your inbox asking when the next event is, or can they have the name of that recruiter again?  The one that always comes to mind for me is a guy that I tried to talk into coming to a event for seven months, and he always had a reason that he couldn't make it.  And then he got fired.  At the end of the day on the very day that his wife went into labor.  Guess who called me from the parking lot of the hospital the next morning as he drank a coffee after watching his son come into the world to make sure that the event was still taking place the next night?  Bingo. 2.  Beware of False Prophets. There are many kinds of networking events out there.  Some are designed to help you find jobs.  Some are designed to convince you to cash out your savings to start selling some freaky new juice to your friends and co-workers.  Some are designed to be a support group to let you talk with other unemployed folks to compare notes.  Some are introductory events for multi-level marketing "systems".  Don't get us wrong - if those events are what you're looking for, then we hope they work out for the best for you.  Just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into beforehand.  Just because they call themselves a "networking event", or "Job Fair" or even a "Pink Slip Party" doesn't mean that they're what you're looking for.  We've all made the mistake of not asking enough questions before attending an event...and it usually doesn't turn out well.  Remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is, and don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to in order to feel comfortable before showing up.  Especially when you're in an immediate need,

 Episode 334 – Ming Chen, Augie, Eddie, Astronomicon Recap, and a Complete Trainwreck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:02

This episode brought to you by the life lesson of "Dave should not drink on an empty stomach with bartenders".  Our post-Astronomicon episode is... definitely a departure from our norm.  No stories, just diving in with Ming Chen, Augie from Whiskey in the Jar who stopped by, Remy from the Tales from the Barside show that hung out in the studios after his own show was done, and a miraculous appearance by our buddy Eddie who finally left his damn house for once... I'd say listen and enjoy but, well, Dave's still apologizing to Bob for how rough this one is... IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 Episode 333 – Banking Security, Face the Consequences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:14

We always love our chats with Adrian, not just because he's got phenomenal insights into internet and banking security, but he's also one of those people who always has about eighteen irons in fires at any given point in time from a creative perspective, and that lends him some rather unique insights into what he knows, what he doesn't know, and what he stumbles across in his endeavors that apply to multiple areas of his life.  So listen in... Face the Consequences is at: Adrian's kid's book that we couldn't stop laughing about is at: Hey, welcome to episode 333 or three, three, three palindrome episodes shot. So I hate you're trying to draw a velodrome or palindrome. Which one do you go around in the world? I dunno. Oh, okay. Most of Raptor is episode three, 33 of the it in that he show we have a great guest in the studio. He is a, what I would consider a Renaissance man. He is a a game. You brought us Turkey legs. He brought us sausage. He did bring a sausage, but he uh, invented a board game. He has a children's book. He's a techno DJ. And Oh by the way, he was the vice president of cybersecurity at some bank around town. Um, so we're gonna, we've got Adrian in the house. We're going to be talking a lot of things. It's going to be a great conversation. Uh, some cool things we talked about in the green room. Uh, and we'll start from there. Yay. So, Hey Dave, you may fire when ready. Welcome back. Thank you for clicking play. This is the one and only it and that he show, we made it all the way up to episode 333 this is a kind of monumental because it's three numbers right in a row. It hasn't ever happened before and it'll never happen again. Oh, no way. I mean, I guess unless we start season two after 333 episodes of podcast, the second that's self report and 333 seat 333 episodes season that seems to grow. But we are broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast heats, right? And beautiful. Royal Oak, Michigan, Bob the sales guy, Dave the geek. Randy. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitters, find us online it in the and do us a favor, give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. All right. What do we got? We got a, the Ann Harbor event is at the haymaker. Tomorrow's pressable passion. Dammit. My calendar says, Hey n****r. So I don't know why, whatever, uh, Tara or haymaker, I don't know. I'm just, whatever. Uh, so ignore me. It's possible. Uh, and then we will be at fantastic on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Astronomic con to what is my PR dude. I am, I've been doing that too. You have not had a drink and I, my problem is I've been doing, that's why it could be it astronomic on PFS principal's six, seven posts. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I did that last week. Right. So you'll get astronomic on this weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Um, and trying to get, trying to get Robert Carradine, AKA Skolnick from friends Leonard's to do a drop. We'll just bully him to fail as a human. If that doesn't happen Pulliam until it happened, call him David [inaudible] or I came soon, or take Anthony Michael Hall to H. I really still choked up about your brother's dad. He listens. Or we can take Anthony Michael Hall to eight mile. I don't know which would be better. Well, apparently he's coming with his girlfriend, so to speak. I'll take her with, I don't care. Whatever. Uh, and then I'll have my two crutches and then the 20th we'll be at Woodbridge pub. Uh, which, ah, good times indeed. It's one of those ones that's been there for so long and you forget that it's there. Like it's one of those Detroit bars, you know, apparently old Miami is 40 years old. I saw that. Yeah, they turned 40 this week. Yeah. So are they going to call it older Miami or a Cougar Miami notes?

 Episode 332 – Astronomicon, Fundraiser for Wildlife in Australia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:03

Well, it's almost time for our first con of the year, so let's dive in with the Astronomicon crew to talk about their third annual event, and then there's a fundraiser for Australian wildlife threatened by the fires Friday night over at Whiskey in the Jar... Astronomicon is at The Outback Give Back is at Wave's invoicing solution is at The BankUnited $54,000 giveaway can be entered by following  @BankUnited on Twitter and tweet @BankUnited your answer to "what would you do with 54 thousand dollars?", using the hashtag #GoForMore54 CapitalOne is at Hey, welcome to episode 332 of the it and the D show a strap on your seatbelts. This one's going to be a fun one. We got Mike and Dustin in the house talking astronomic on coming up. February 7th and eighth at the Wyndham garden in Sterling Heights. The all star lineup of guests that's coming to this thing is sick and this is one of the, literally my favorite comic con of the year. We're going to talk a lot more about it and we've got August gets like in the house. Uh, he's got a cool a benefit they're doing called Outback. Give back, uh, helping out, uh, people affected in Australia. We were going to a steakhouse. Yes. Cool. Bio bloomin' on you get 15, 15% get dedicated, uh, donated to Australia. Um, you know what on that? No. You may fire when ready? Welcome back. Thanks for hanging out with us. This is episode 332 of the one and only IT in the D show. Broadcasting live here. Studio one in podcast. He tried and beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. Hey, always hanging out with Dave, the geek Ranee I do the Twitters is doing the Twitter's finding us online it in the and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold, right. So what do we got? We got a, we got the Ann Arbor event coming up on the fourth. Well first off I went, I want to thank Detroit Detroit city distillery. That was our first time going there. Yeah, last week. Last Thursday. Um, and it's the perfect bed. We've packed the place. Holy crap. Well it's the perfect venue for what we do. Uh, I think we, we brought in about 50 ish people. Uh, not that person all there at five o'clock. Holy crap. It was weird. They were all there at five o'clock. It's in right in Eastern market. Uh, it's the perfect venue. I've do, I've gone ahead and booked once a quarter for the rest of the year for that place. I've, I look forward to going back there and I thank you to the staff or the parking lot. No. Great. Everybody loved it. And again, it was one of those things where people were like, Oh my God, I've never been here before. Keep hearing about it. Keep meaning to go here. Yeah. I love it. I think the only, cause that's kind of the, one of the sidewalls of our meetings and I think the only complaint I heard was that some people's nav took them the wrong direction on Rio poll. Oh, that's fine. Yeah, fine. Whatever. Uh, but no, so, uh, the fourth, uh, is the Anarbor event. Uh, principal probably pretzel, but I was gay. Uh, so, yep. And uh, and then, Oh geez. And after that we will be at go figure astronomic con, uh, the following weekend, uh, or actually that weekend. Uh, and then our next event, uh, in Metro Detroit is going to be at the Woodward troub on the 20th. And yeah, that's the scoop. That's my story. I'm sticking to it cause I remember to set it up for the third Thursday. Not the fourth Thursday. That's fine. It's fine. It's like saying I put him on the pepperoni pizza. I'm so stupid. Or put him on it to meet on the pizza. Just deal with it. Still felt dumped. My um, one of it is my favorite article of the week and this one hit hom...

 Episode 331 – MEDC Entrepreneurship Programs, Smart Zones and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:34

MEDC (the Michigan Economic Development Corporation) returns to our show to chat about entrepreneurship opportunities, grants, smart zones where you can get additional incentives and benefits to get businesses off the ground, and a whole host of other topics that are vital to the changing Michigan economy and they're doing to keep our economic engines moving as times change... Find their programs at: Wave's invoicing solution is at The BankUnited $54,000 giveaway can be entered by following  @BankUnited on Twitter and tweet @BankUnited your answer to "what would you do with 54 thousand dollars?", using the hashtag #GoForMore54 CapitalOne is at Hey, what's going on? This is episode 331 of the it in the D show. We got a great guest lined up. He's the MEDC, that's the Michigan economic development Corp for those keeping score at home. He's the entrepreneurship and innovation vice president Fred Molnar. He's talking about, I guess there's thousands of high tech startups across the state, satellite companies. We always thought it was just like batteries and software, but no, there's a ton of stuff going on. Stuff I never even heard of, so I'm going to have a really, really fun time talking to Fred and should be a great show. Cool, and Hey, this show is brought to you by our friends at wave. Are you tired of chasing down payments for your small business waves? Easy. I am invoicing software. Hint, hint, wink, wink. You can customize your invoices, look professional and get paid faster for your work. Use waves, recurring invoicing feature. Hint, hint, wink, wink, so that you can sit back and relax and get back to doing what you love. Create your account at wave apps. It's WAV apps, and the D to get started with 100% free and unlimited invoicing. That's wave in the D. I'm so checking it out. Dave, you may fire when ready. Thank you for hanging out. This is episode three 31 of the one and only it in the D show broadcasting. Where are we? Back in studio one. We weren't. We are. We've, we're home Chewie. We're home. I feel comfy. Feel comfy at the end of the table here. Podcast. He traded beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy that go in the worst Chewbacca impersonation ever. Dave the geek. Randy. I do the Twitters. Walker is doing the twin. Oh my. I said your last C I D I forgot. I'm just kidding. Find a sunlight combobulated that too. If you don't know what I'm talking about. Randy's till we say, why didn't you save or why don't you only say my last name and no one else's, so I just used it a pause for like probably a good year at least. Yeah. Find us online it in the D. dot com. Uh, do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. Yep. Yeah, so we've got our event Thursday night, uh, which is this Thursday night, not last Thursday night because I'm a moron and scheduled it wrong. I feel like I owned that appropriately. Uh, we will be at Detroit city distillery, uh, and then next month, uh, in which will be the third Thursday, uh, we're going to try a new venue, a funnel hangout called Woodbridge pub. A great little spot. Loves great. Dave's is are going to go to Woodbridge. They go, where'd you get drugged in the last night? He goes, I'm not that shallow. First Facebook post is were wasted and it's at Woodbridge puppy with REM. And who posted that? Ran me. Oh, well yeah, I was there. Well, I told you what happened. It's like, cause last week's episode we were bitching about trying to find venues. And so I walked up to the bar and I'm ordering a drink and the bartender goes, Hey man. And he's like, you know, I listened to your show. And I'm like, and that's always a okay, why conversation? Uh,

 Episode 330 – Caston Thomas, Internet Advisor, Dave Sucks at Event Scheduling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:35

IMPORTANT NOTE: due to Dave not paying attention, the networking event this month is on the 23rd at Detroit City Distillery.  We know, it's always 3rd Thursday... he screwed up, it's a thing, move on.  That being said, tonight we're joined by Caston Thomas to chat about our recent appearance on the Internet Advisor show, as well as an upcoming seminar series he's doing about securing iOT devices and networks that you probably want to pay attention to... Happy patch Tuesday. This a special recording of the IT in the D show recording a day late. But that's all right. We've got a special guest in the studio Caston Thomas in the house. We're going to be talking about all of the fun stuff that you, a and security that we just got off on. WJR to go home and home are thrilling experience on am radio. Yeah, yeah. We were talking about that and talking about security and property security. Uh, you know what, Dave, you may fire when ready going on. Thanks for hanging out. This is the one and only it in the D show. Broadcasting live here in studio three and podcast. He traded beautiful Royal Oak. Michigan has chaos. May have it happens. They say, is Bob the sales guy? That was Dave the geek. Randy. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitters. Find a some ways. Find us online it in the D. dot com. Do us a favor, give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. And so because I'm an idiot and I freely own it and I admit it. Uh, so the meetup for this month was not set up for the third Thursday. It was set up for the fourth Thursday. So it is not this Thursday. It is next Thursday, the 23rd. Uh, it will be at Detroit city distillery. Come on out. Hang. Should be a fun night. Love the venue. Love the liquor. It's a good time. I'm not gonna lie, it's big coming. Extremely difficult to book a venue in this town. It is, and we've talked about this for two years now. We're like, you know, places that, you know, we went for, you know, six, seven, eight years when nobody cared about them and nobody went there. All of a sudden now they want, they got the a, they got the no, because they've got somebody booked a holiday play there and now they think everybody's got 1000 bucks an hour. My ass Russell, they booked an M and M video and how they think they can get top dollar, but like I called a, it's a new retro bowling alley in Royal Oak. That's shall not be named that has pull in the name. Um, I'm only like 200 bucks an hour just to show up. No food. No, I'm good. Thanks. It's kind of like, Hey, and I said, we can always just crash a joint. Right? Yeah. But I don't want to do that because then we, you know, the people ask, the thing is you need to have buy in from the front desk. Like, Hey, I'm here for it in the day. True. Whoa. What? Yeah. Um, so like I go, Hey, there's going to be like 30 to 50 and flash mobs or so, 2001 we don't, do they need to die? Well, they know. I say this is the way I set it up. I go, we don't charge because here's the thing, I can understand what the venue is when you charge. Like, Hey, I'm going to use your 50 bucks to walk in the door and then I charge you 20 bucks. Like kiss my ass. Yeah. But I'm saying, Hey, we don't charge cover. We don't take sponsors. There's no speakers. Everyone's on their own for food and whatever they want to order. Um, we just need someplace to hang out. Yeah. Okay. It'll be 200 bucks an hour. Like for, for, for, for what? Bye-bye. Yeah, exactly. Cause you're so crowded on a random Thursday night that you can't use the additional business, you know, then smell you in the window. You know, if you're, if you're, if you know someone that's a bar owner, like literally that would want us reach out to us. Please. We're glad to hear about it. These phone calls, it's ridiculous. Like, or we'll just keep doing all of our events at whiskey in the jar. It'll be that simple.

 Episode 329 – More Star Wars, Guinness World Record Online Gaming Guild | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:02

Welcome to our first episode of 2020, and we kick things off talking a little more Star Wars (because why wouldn't we), as well as diving in with James Allison... who's not only a geek and can talk sci-fi with the best of us, but has the distinction of being a Guinness World Record holder for the longest running online gaming guild, so we naturally have a lot of questions and it's a pretty interesting chat about the entire process and what he had to go through... Hey, welcome back. Thank you for clicking play. Happy new year. It's 2020. This is the one only it in the D show episode. Bob. Yeah, I told you I'd see it next year. Um, this is episode three 29. We've got an awesome guest in the house. Uh, Uber nerd. Jim Alison is in the house. He has a Guinness record. I think it's our only guest we've ever had it as a Guinness record and it is for something you wouldn't think. A humble guy, pinball guy. And Jim has won four of the longest running uh, online gaming Guild. So the way you, we're going to have a fun time talking about, uh, online gaming and memos. I know it's just going to be amazing. And uh, Dave, you may fire when ready. You're listening to the podcast. Detroit network. Visit for more information. Thank you for clicking play. It feels like we haven't done this in like two weeks cause it's been two weeks. Got it. Feels like it hasn't been like a year. Speaking of which, I have seen the happy new year. Happy doing it. This is the one that only it and that each show broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast Detroit in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I'm doing the Twitters is doing the Twitters. Find us and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. All right, so even though like you're not the point guy anymore and Arbor is still tomorrow. Yeah. Greg and Greg are tomorrow a haymaker so check them out for the first one. Thing two will be at haymaker. Yeah, and we've got to talk. Dave and I got to talk, or Randy, you can talk to with us, figuring out our year schedule. There's a few places around town that I wanted to have our offense. Chelsea's not at embryo anymore. I haven't talked to her in a while. Do you pay attention? Eh? Yeah. I've only been in the hospital since like November. You've had nothing. You had nothing to do with pay attention to people's Facebook updates, movies to eighties movies to watch star Wars movies to see. So speaking of, I will say a dude. So I have binged the hell out of like Disney plus I am getting every Penny's worth out of that. I ignored clone Wars and rebels when it came out. I did a kind of end sorta like Battlestar Galactica. I regret doing so now James almost one. Yes. Without a guy I want to do, we could do with these key and dude remember how like I was like, I was like, no, I'm not watching it. It's a remake. Screw you. I'm not. And then I watched it. I was like, when it came on BBC and I was like, Oh Oh that was really good. I'm mad I didn't watch it. They are doing clone Wars is really good. I was taping all of them. I was watching them and then I was like kind of watching them half-assed. Then I didn't get into it. And by like the pop culture constipation where like the backlog was just too much to push out. Yes, clear my watch Q but there's just chosen considering giving up on like the termed reboot. Season two just really has a common interest. Riverdale season four is a hot mess. Like the whole show has been a hot mess. I'll never forget I was doing work on my laptop and my daughter, my 12 year old daughter, she might've been 10 at the time and all I keep hearing is Archie and Veronica and Jughead. Right. And I'm like, what? And I look over and it looks like like nine Oh two one on Twilight a...

 Episode 328 – Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Reviews and Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:58

Most of the gang returns from last week's predictions episode to see how our thoughts ahead of time matched up with what the movie brought us, as well as our thoughts on the movie overall and what might be coming in the future... IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Predictions, The Return of Bob, Ann Arbor Meetup Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:24

Star Wars Episode IX, The Rise of Skywalker, hits theaters on Thursday, and so it's time for our traditional round-table discussion with our panel to chat about predictions, thoughts, fears, and more when it comes to the impending release.  We also chat with Greg 1 and Greg 2 who are taking over the Ann Arbor meetups for us in 2020. The panel: Dave, Bob, Randy, artist Dave Santia, Jamie Mouton, wrestler Dickie Bronson, Greg 1, and Calvin Moore. Plus, check out this event Friday for a fundraiser: ...and Sunday: Tune in next week for our take after having seen the film... IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 Episode 326 – Bob is Out, Augie is In, Tales from the Barside Bartenders Chat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:32

Bob's down and out following some chaos after his knee surgery, so we asked our buddy Augie of Whiskey in the Jar infamy to come hang out for the night... which made a lot of sense, given our guests.  Listen in as we chat news, events, and other things that caught our eyes... and then dive in with Lauren and Remy to talk about their new show on the Podcast Detroit network, Tales from the Barside which takes you inside the lives and minds of bartenders... and what they're really thinking / doing back behind the bar... Tales from the Barside is at IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 Episode 325 – Best of – Eric Thomas on Detroit, Panel Discussion on Being Black in Todays America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:40:29

Doing a bit of a "best of" this week as Bob's laid up in the hospital with a thoroughly wrecked knee and we weren't really sure what his timing was going to be getting back on his feet... so to speak.  So let's look back at two great discussion we had earlier on: one with Eric Thomas on his "Why I Hate Detroit" article, and the other with a panel of great folks for a marathon session of them discussing what it means to be black in America these days...   IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:

 Episode 324 – Grunts in the Smoke, Hammsgiving, Man Cave Happy Hour, New Northville Studios | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:51

Returning guest Brian James is in studio to talk about his new book "Grunts in the Smoke", a compilation of stories all involving the US Marines, and then we've got Matt and Jamie in from the Man Cave Happy Hour to talk about the Hammsgiving event taking place at Detroit Shipping Company on Thursday, as well as the new podcast studios opening up in Northville... Grunts in the Smoke is at: Hammsgiving is at: IT in the D On the web: On Meetup: On LinkedIn: On Facebook: On Twitter: Podcast Detroit is at: On the web: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Soundcloud:


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