Parenting with a Story Podcast show

Parenting with a Story Podcast

Summary: Tell a young person what to do - play fair, be yourself, stick to the task at hand - and most will tune you out. But show them how choices and consequences play out in the real world, with real people, and the impact will be far more effective and long-lasting. Based on interviews with over 100 people from around the world and from all walks of life as they reflect on their most profound and unexpected moments of clarity about who they are and how they should treat others. The lessons help teach 23 powerful character traits that will help your child grow into the adult you'll be proud to call your own. Character Traits from Parenting with a Story: ambition, open-mindedness, creativity, curiosity & learning, courage, integrity, self-reliance, grit, hard work, self-confidence, money & delayed gratification, health, positive mental attitude, dealing with loss, kindness, patience, fairness & justice, humility, respect for others, friendship, social intelligence, forgiveness & gratitude, appreciation of beauty.

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  • Artist: Paul Smith
  • Copyright: Copyright © Paul Smith - Parenting with a Story 2014


 The day masked gunmen burst into my high school history class | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:31

The most unforgettable lesson I ever learned in school was when four masked gunmen burst into my high school history class. It was the first day of classes my junior year in a small-town high school in Arkansas in 1983 – Jim Owen’s World History class. Mr. Owen had a reputation for being one of [read more]

 “Aww. . . you missed it, Daddy.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:36

Bob Woolley* had been running his Astronomical Adventures program in Arizona for several years. He gave tours of the Grand Canyon and other sites during the day, and at night his guests enjoyed tours of the night sky with his massive homemade telescopes. A tour of the Canyon On one particular tour, Bob and his [read more]

 Giving without having: When kindness meets creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:48

Giving some of what you have to those less fortunate is one way to think about charity. But what if you don’t have anything? Does that mean you can’t be charitable? Of course not. A beautiful example of that from Marvin Abrinica. When Marvin was growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, his family wasn’t the wealthiest [read more]

 “But Jim, I didn’t know I was needy.” Gratefulness precedes graciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:46

We’ve all heard “It’s better to give than to receive.” But the relationship between giving and receiving is a bit like the relationship between a leader and a follower. Before you can be an effective leader, you have to learn to be a good follower. So it is with giving. You’ll be a more caring, [read more]

 Getting your kids to use their noodle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:51

HERE’S A RIDDLE FOR YOU: You‘re driving along on a wild, stormy night and along the way you pass a bus stop. There are people waiting for the bus: an old lady who is about to die; an old friend who once saved your life; the perfect man or woman you have been dreaming about. [read more]

 How a 5-year-old boy found his compassion on a street corner in Caracas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:25

Learning to be generous with what we have is difficult for most people. By nature we’re selfish. Our instincts drive us to find food, shelter, and clothing— not for strangers, but for ourselves and our immediate family. Nurturing compassion and generosity for others means demonstrating it through your own behavior, but also celebrating it when [read more]

 “Why are you sitting on your ass?” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:35

As is true with many people, Shawn Callahan learned much about what he thinks about work from his earliest job. Only unlike most people, Shawn’s first boss was a former United States Marine, and his father. Shawn’s dad served in the Vietnam War, after which he was assigned a post at the U.S. Embassy in [read more]

 Persistence, grit, and the presidency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:17

The psychologist most responsible for the study of grit, Angela Duckworth, defines it as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” It’s a combination of zeal and persistence even in the absence of encouraging feedback. So grit isn’t just about trying hard. Anyone can try hard . . . once. Grit means continuing to try hard [read more]

 The long division contract: learning what it means to keep your word | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:43

“Your word is your bond.” We say that to our children, but what does it really mean? Holly Getter can tell you. At the age of ten she had to stay up half the night doing math just to find out. Holly grew up in Rockford, Illinois, in a time when much experimentation was going [read more]

 Finding curiosity through the gift of discovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:18

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents. I have only been passionately curious.” Despite the obvious understatement, being passionately curious clearly does something for us as humans by paving a strong path to learning, which often leads to success. It’s akin to necessity being the mother of invention. If you have an insatiable [read more]

 When kids call the shots: how to regain control and enjoy being a parent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:21

My guest today is Sean Grover. He’s a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist with 20 years experience working with adults and kids. In fact, he has one of the largest private group practices in the US. His work has been featured in Newsweek, New York Magazine, NPR and elsewhere. He’s also the author of a new book, titled: [read more]

 How Lotus Blossom learned to walk. . . at the age of sixteen. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:58

If you learn the discipline of self-reliance as a youth, there’s almost nothing you can’t do as an adult. A beautiful example of that is the story of Don Schoendorfer and his personal mission. The inspiration Don and his wife, Laurie, took what would turn out to be the most fateful vacation of their lives, [read more]

 Ambition: How to become an adult, raised on your childhood dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:08

Renaissance artist Michelangelo once observed, “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” I’m convinced that’s true, and perhaps best example of what happens to someone when they set high goals, even if they [read more]

 Choose your friends wisely. It could save your life. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:13

When Vijay was a young boy growing up in Chennai, India, his grandmother shared with him a piece of wisdom that most readers will be familiar with, regardless of where you grew up. She told him that if you put one rotting mango in a basket of good mangoes, soon the entire lot will spoil. [read more]

 One high school boy’s walk of shame to the nerd table | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:14

Being kind to strangers is a good start. But far more impactful is being kind to the people we know and see every day. In fact, if you were to ask someone who’s been on the receiving end of unkindness, odds are it didn’t come from a stranger. It came from a classmate, a coworker, [read more]


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