Parenting with a Story Podcast show

Parenting with a Story Podcast

Summary: Tell a young person what to do - play fair, be yourself, stick to the task at hand - and most will tune you out. But show them how choices and consequences play out in the real world, with real people, and the impact will be far more effective and long-lasting. Based on interviews with over 100 people from around the world and from all walks of life as they reflect on their most profound and unexpected moments of clarity about who they are and how they should treat others. The lessons help teach 23 powerful character traits that will help your child grow into the adult you'll be proud to call your own. Character Traits from Parenting with a Story: ambition, open-mindedness, creativity, curiosity & learning, courage, integrity, self-reliance, grit, hard work, self-confidence, money & delayed gratification, health, positive mental attitude, dealing with loss, kindness, patience, fairness & justice, humility, respect for others, friendship, social intelligence, forgiveness & gratitude, appreciation of beauty.

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  • Artist: Paul Smith
  • Copyright: Copyright © Paul Smith - Parenting with a Story 2014


 Curiosity, and the Invention that Almost Never Happened | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:25

One day, nine-year-old James was in the kitchen with his mom’s sister. Well, while Auntie was sitting at the table having a cup of tea, James was standing at the stove watching the tea kettle boil. And he was just fascinated with it. He watched as the steam came out of the top of the [read more]

 “Is that really what I need to be happy?”: How one Summer in Bombay Changed Me Forever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:12

Ami Desai Mathur was born in New York, a first-generation natural-born American citizen. Her parents were born in India and immigrated to the United States after getting married. During her first few years of life, Ami spent half the year living in New York and half the year in her aunt and uncle’s home in [read more]

 The Shared Blanket: Life’s Most Important Lesson in a Single Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:49

Imagine you had to pick a single sentence to encapsulate all of the world’s knowledge about how we humans should behave. What would it be? What one statement could capture several millennia of history’s best thinkers, philosophers, and prophets on the topic of ethics and morality? I think you’d be hard pressed to do better [read more]

 Why I Wish I’d Never Bought That Fancy Red Sport Car | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:35

Jun-seo’s father loved fine automobiles. He always drove nice cars himself, and went to all the high-performance car shows — a real car aficionado. So Jun-seo grew up with a taste for fine cars himself. Having his own fancy sports car someday was a goal he set for himself at a young age. But buying [read more]

 The Gift We Love to Receive But Hate to Give | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:53

Not too long ago, “ropes” courses were all the rage. Remember those? Outdoor team-building programs where people climb through trees on ropes and ladders. The idea is that going through some hardship together builds camaraderie and team spirit. So learning the value of patience was not what Dave Orewiler expected from his nine-day ropes course [read more]

 How to Build Confidence in New Situations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:49

I think all parents want their kids to have a healthy sense of confidence, especially when they’re going into a new or unfamiliar situation — like attending a new school, or moving to a new neighborhood. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a proven way to do that in exactly those situations? Well, it turns [read more]

 “What do you care what other people think?” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:38

One of the most prevalent human frailties — one that begins in childhood and stays with us the rest of our lives — is a concern about what other people think of us. To a 10-year-old, it might be what the other kids will think of her new tennis shoes. To a teenage boy, it [read more]

 The Problem of Getting Something for Nothing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

Thomas Paine once observed, “That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly.” If true, that might suggest that something we obtain for free we don’t esteem at all. But so what? Does it really matter if we esteem something too lightly? One person who knows something about that is John Chancellor. Paying for [read more]

 What Happens When a Japanese Woman Decides to be Friends with a “Very White Male” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:52

Becky Okamoto is the principal and founder of an operational consulting company called the Evoke Strategy Group, LLC. But she’s an engineer by training, and spent most of her career in and around manufacturing. Meeting Marvin Earlier in her career, she was part of the leadership team at a production facility in California. It was [read more]

 Surviving Prom Night | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:52

Prom night is supposed to be one of the most exciting events of our lives. At least that’s what Walethia Aquil thought as a senior at Northwestern High School in Flint, Michigan. Unfortunately for her, it turned out to be one of the worst. Just a few weeks before the prom, Walethia didn’t even think [read more]

 Here’s What Happens When You Wait Too Long to Say, “I’m Sorry” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:53

When Darrell was in the third grade he did something he’s regretted for the thirty-five years since. What was his unforgettable and unpardonable sin? He wrote a poem. A very bad poem. Darrell’s class had been learning the rhyme and meter of several forms of poetry. One particular week they learned about limericks. That’s a [read more]

 The Only Way to Listen Better by Talking More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:14

Listening is one of the most important communication tools we have. In fact, it’s one of the only two requirements for actually having a conversation — the other being it’s far more popular teammate: talking. But even when we do listen, most of us listen with the intent of responding, not with the intent of [read more]

 Dealing with Loss: The Great Berkeley Fire of 1991 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:33

People lose things every day—a set of keys, a matching sock, or the homework they can’t find on their computer—all minor daily frustrations. Not the kind of loss most people need help dealing with. The kind we need help with is the kind of loss that stops your heart, forever alters the course of your [read more]

 Professional Comedian Drew Tarvin Shares an Antidote for Prejudice and Hatred | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:04

If you follow my Lead with a Story blog or podcast, you’ll know that last week I had professional comedian and self-described “humor engineer” Drew Tarvin on to talk about one of the most attractive parts of human nature — courage. This week I’m having him join me on my Parenting with a Story channel to [read more]

 Facing Down the Demon of Perfectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:12

Giving up isn’t always a bad thing. There are many legitimate reasons to give up on any task. Maybe you’ve accomplished enough of it already. Maybe the cost of continuing outweighs the benefits of succeeding. Or maybe you’ve just lost interest in the goal. But there are some bad reasons to give up as well. [read more]


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