Truth Reconstructed show

Truth Reconstructed

Summary: I have the urge to write something wordy and presentable to you about the structure of this podcast and organization, but part of me is tired of creating hoop-la for people to have to read through the lines. So here it is in the simplest way I can explain it. Truth Reconstructed is a collaboration (still a big word) of True Family Men and Truth Built Women. What we aim to do is build strong families in the midst of life, love, heartache and triumphs. We want to address struggles and needs that are specific to men in the True Family Men podcast, and the venture into the heart of a woman and her needs in the Truth Built Women podcasts, sometimes we will come together and hash out life and love together in general in our Truth Reconstructed Podcast. We seek to have good conversations for you to listen to with people who are just like you and I. These people have dealt with various struggles many of us can relate to and found great personal Truths in the midst of pain to be able to triumph in this thing we call life. We hope that you can identify with these interviews and be able to tear down some walls of lies that have been built around your similar situations and begin to build on Truth again.


 TFM 68: Going Into Your Secret Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #68 I discuss the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many of us men get tied down with serving in church, leading our families, and loving our wives, that we forget to carve out some alone time with Christ in our calendars. I talk about the importance of stepping away…

 TFM 68: Going Into Your Secret Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

On episode #68 I discuss the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many of us men get tied down with serving in church, leading our families, and loving our wives, that we forget to carve out some alone time with Christ in our calendars. I talk about the importance of stepping away from social media and any distractions we may have. It’s imperative to have a place we can go or get away to and be alone with God. Sometimes getting away can be difficult, but on this episode I share some stories and insight on why getting away and getting alone with God can change your life. Want to find out more about how to support the podcast? Thanks to Ronald Durbin for supporting this episode of the podcast!!!

 TFM 67: Supporting Your Wife | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #67 of this weeks podcast I discuss the importance of supporting your wife. There are three main areas I go into on this weeks show on how i personally support my wife and what makes her feel loved. The three areas are: -Prayer -Speaking her love language -Showing up even when I don’t…

 TFM 67: Supporting Your Wife | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:55

On episode #67 of this weeks podcast I discuss the importance of supporting your wife. There are three main areas I go into on this weeks show on how i personally support my wife and what makes her feel loved. The three areas are: -Prayer -Speaking her love language -Showing up even when I don't want to Support for this weeks podcast goes to Zack Forche! thank you brother for supporting the podcast. For more information on how to support the show head over to

 TFM 66: 100% Effort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #66 of the True Family Men podcast I discuss how important it is to cut out time wasting practices to help you focus on living a more full and meaningful life. I shared a awesome quote by Cameron Hanes “ I would rather live 50 years at 100% effort then 100 years at…

 TFM 66: 100% Effort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:35

On episode #66 of the True Family Men podcast I discuss how important it is to cut out time wasting practices to help you focus on living a more full and meaningful life. I shared a awesome quote by Cameron Hanes “ I would rather live 50 years at 100% effort then 100 years at 50% effort. I hope this episode inspires you to pursue a life that is meaningful. I have recently realized how important it is to live a life with all my heart serving Christ, my wife, and kids. Lets live a life of no regrets, loving with all our hearts and not being ashamed of showing our love for our family and friends.

 TFM 65: It Takes Work! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On Episode #65 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of putting the work in. We live in a world where everything is available in a instant information, food, conversations, internet, etc. All these sources come so easy to us without you having to put much work into the process. When it…

 TFM 65: It Takes Work! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

On Episode #65 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of putting the work in. We live in a world where everything is available in a instant information, food, conversations, internet, etc. All these sources come so easy to us without you having to put much work into the process. When it comes to serving Christ, being a great husband, loving father, and even staying in shape while striving for all these things, it’s not easy. On this episode I talk about the hard work it takes to achieve our goals and to live up to become the men God has called us to be. I discuss how to stay motivated and the importance of surrounding yourself with like minded people to help you stay inspired! Support the Podcast: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @truefamilymen

 TFM 64: What I learned From Asking Stupid Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #64 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss my recent pursuit in asking stupid questions. This may seem odd, but recently I have been interested in learning more about hunting and more specifically bowhunting. As I began to research this new interest of mine the more I realized I was way over…

 TFM 64: What I learned From Asking Stupid Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:39

On episode #64 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss my recent pursuit in asking stupid questions. This may seem odd, but recently I have been interested in learning more about hunting and more specifically bowhunting. As I began to research this new interest of mine the more I realized I was way over my head. There is so much to learn and I was overwhelmed with information right off the get go. I decided I needed to drop my ego and seek the advice of men who knew more then me about the subject. Through out this recent journey i have realized the importance of surrounding yourself with wise counsel. Sometimes it’s hard to drop our egos and ask some stupid questions, but we must admit at time we are truly clueless. On this episode I believe the lessons I have learned in my bowhunting pursuit can be applied to all areas of our lives. Supporting verses: • A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. (Proverbs 1:5) Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. (Proverbs 9:9) Support the Podcast: Twitter: Facebook:

 TFM 63: Are You Accepting the Challenge? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #63 of the True Family Men podcast I discuss the importance of challenging ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We live busy lives and sometimes we become stagnant in our growth in all three of these areas. Obviously challenging ourselves spiritually is on the top of our list of priorities, but I talk about…

 TFM 63: Are You Accepting the Challenge? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:37

On episode #63 of the True Family Men podcast I discuss the importance of challenging ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We live busy lives and sometimes we become stagnant in our growth in all three of these areas. Obviously challenging ourselves spiritually is on the top of our list of priorities, but I talk about some ways I challenge myself mentally, and physically that might surprise you. I have found that focusing on mental, physical, and spiritual growth have tremendous carry over in many areas of our everyday lives. Support the podcast: Facebook: Twitter:

 TFM 62: His Yoke is Easy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #62 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of not carrying spiritual and mental burdens. As men we try to do everything on our own and often times our ego gets in the way and we end up carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. We can not…

 TFM 62: His Yoke is Easy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:22

On episode #62 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of not carrying spiritual and mental burdens. As men we try to do everything on our own and often times our ego gets in the way and we end up carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. We can not do this forever. Eventually we will break down mentally or spiritually, but there is hope and a God who will yoke up with you and help with the load. In the book of Matthew 11: 28-30 Jesus said “Come to Me, who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” On this episode I focus on the importance of surrendering our burdens to Christ and finding hope in him. Don’t carry the load on your own brother’s when we have his promises in verse 28-30. We serve a good God who wants to care for us in all problems big or small. website: Facebook: Twitter: @truefamilydave Support the Show:

 TFM 61: The Impact of a Father | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #61 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss why being a dad is so important. Now that I am the ripe old age of thirty I realize the impact my own father had on me and it’s no different with my own children. On this episode I discuss some key principles in…


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