Truth Reconstructed show

Truth Reconstructed

Summary: I have the urge to write something wordy and presentable to you about the structure of this podcast and organization, but part of me is tired of creating hoop-la for people to have to read through the lines. So here it is in the simplest way I can explain it. Truth Reconstructed is a collaboration (still a big word) of True Family Men and Truth Built Women. What we aim to do is build strong families in the midst of life, love, heartache and triumphs. We want to address struggles and needs that are specific to men in the True Family Men podcast, and the venture into the heart of a woman and her needs in the Truth Built Women podcasts, sometimes we will come together and hash out life and love together in general in our Truth Reconstructed Podcast. We seek to have good conversations for you to listen to with people who are just like you and I. These people have dealt with various struggles many of us can relate to and found great personal Truths in the midst of pain to be able to triumph in this thing we call life. We hope that you can identify with these interviews and be able to tear down some walls of lies that have been built around your similar situations and begin to build on Truth again.


 TFM 76: Leaving a Kingdom and Family Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:48 On episode #76 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of leaving a legacy. I discuss two different types of legacy, a legacy we leave our family and a kingdom legacy. Family legacy is so important especially when we have children. When i speak of legacy Im not to interested in leaving a legacy of inheritance of money, possession, or material items, but i discuss the importance of leaving a legacy of influence. Realizing our children will one day become adults and right now their brains are like sponges of influence. As a father our legacy is left through our children how we influence them with our beliefs, attitude, and our behavior will mold them into adults very similar to us. This is important to realize because our good and bad qualities will be inherited by them and ultimately our legacy will be left in the form of our children becoming adults who we molded and shaped by everything they see us do. When it comes to kingdom legacy living a daily legacy is so important. We can influence everyone around us in the workplace, our family, and friends each and every day just by little acts of God light. Living a life that influences others by how we speak, behave, and serve will plant Godly seeds in others hearts that hopefully one day will come into full bloom Please remember we may never see the results of our legacy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. I believe we all want to have a lasting impact on our loved ones and also see others souls and hearts won over to Christ. Support the podcast: Facebook: twitter: snapchat & instagram @truefamilymen Extend your legacy knowledge:

 TFM 75: The Power of Being Grateful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this weeks episode of the True Family Men podcast I talk about the importance of being grateful. I discuss my recent revelations of the power of gratitude and how it can shift your perspective and mind set into alignment with Christ. I share 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and use this verse to show the importance…

 TFM 75: The Power of Being Grateful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:29

On this weeks episode of the True Family Men podcast I talk about the importance of being grateful. I discuss my recent revelations of the power of gratitude and how it can shift your perspective and mind set into alignment with Christ. I share 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and use this verse to show the importance of gratitude. I also share my recent struggle in archery and how it ties in with being grateful. It’s so awesome how the Holy Spirit brings us revelation using everyday circumstances. Support the podcast: Snapchat and instagram @truefamilymen Thanks for listening and have a great week!!

 TFM 74: Let’s Talk About Prayer With Shane Calkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this episode of the TFM Podcast my brother in Christ Shane Calkins joins me to talk about prayer. Shane is no stranger to the TFM Podcast, his first appearance was on episode # 5 where you can find at Shane shared his journey of marriage, parenting, and what challenges life has thrown at…

 TFM 74: Let’s Talk About Prayer With Shane Calkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:36

On this episode of the TFM Podcast my brother in Christ Shane Calkins joins me to talk about prayer. Shane is no stranger to the TFM Podcast, his first appearance was on episode # 5 where you can find at Shane shared his journey of marriage, parenting, and what challenges life has thrown at him thus far on that episode. Im so grateful to have Shane come on this episode because of his passion and overall gifting in all things prayer. Shane was so transparent as I asked some very in depth and sometimes personal questions, but I believe this episode is going to help a lot of you who are pursuing a more in depth and disciplined prayer life. Would you like to support the TFM Podcast? head over to to find out more. Also if you found this episode beneficial or helpful in anyway please share this podcast to any of your friends and family ( This helps spread the TFM message). For more information or to just say hello head over to Thanks and have a great week.

 TFM 73: What Is True Happiness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #73 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss what true happiness looks like. Many of us get caught up chasing after material possessions, titles at work, or even a certain health goal believing that once these things are achieved then we can be happy. I dive into this subject explaining how I…

 TFM 73: What Is True Happiness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:48

On episode #73 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss what true happiness looks like. Many of us get caught up chasing after material possessions, titles at work, or even a certain health goal believing that once these things are achieved then we can be happy. I dive into this subject explaining how I view happiness and that happiness is a choice that we have the power to choose each and everyday. Thank you for listening and next Monday will be a discussion with my brother in Christ Shane Calkins on prayer. Support the Podcast Financially:

 TFM 72: Learning From Others and The Call to Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #72 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of getting out of our comfort zones and having conversations with people from all different walks of life. I share how learning from others stories, mistakes, and success can help us in our own journeys through out life. I also talk about…

 TFM 72: Learning From Others and The Call to Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:29

On episode #72 of the True Family Men Podcast I discuss the importance of getting out of our comfort zones and having conversations with people from all different walks of life. I share how learning from others stories, mistakes, and success can help us in our own journeys through out life. I also talk about the importance of a daily and consistent prayer life. This has been a personal struggle of mine getting alone and having one on one time with God. Prayer is a direct line if you will to the throne of God were we can lay our burdens, desires, and hearts at his feet. Support the Podcast:

 TFM 71: Kids and Technology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Kids and Technology what a huge issue to tackle, well on episode #71 of the True Family Men Podcast I take on the challenge. I share how technology can be beneficial and also negatively affect our children especially when used in abundance. I share some ways we allow our kids to earn time with technology…

 TFM 71: Kids and Technology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:24

Kids and Technology what a huge issue to tackle, well on episode #71 of the True Family Men Podcast I take on the challenge. I share how technology can be beneficial and also negatively affect our children especially when used in abundance. I share some ways we allow our kids to earn time with technology and also how I replace what time they would normal spend on games, or screen time with fun activities the whole family can enjoy. Interested in supporting the podcast?

 TFM 70: Standing On The Shoulders Of GIANTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this weeks episode #70 of the True Family Men Podcast I talk about standing on the shoulders of giants. Many of us men are striving to become better fathers, husbands, and especially men of God, unfortunately some of us try to do it all on our own. I discuss my past experiences of hiding…

 TFM 70: Standing On The Shoulders Of GIANTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:37

On this weeks episode #70 of the True Family Men Podcast I talk about standing on the shoulders of giants. Many of us men are striving to become better fathers, husbands, and especially men of God, unfortunately some of us try to do it all on our own. I discuss my past experiences of hiding away and being very introverted. Thankfully through the leading of the holy spirit and guidance from friends I realized that there are so many great men out there in the world who have overcome most obstacles that I face. Standing on the shoulders of giants mean we can learn from the mistakes and failures of others and pick up from were they are now. Getting advice from someone who has already lived through similar experiences is like finding buried treasures. I hope you enjoy my discussion on what it means to stand on the shoulders of giants. Support the podcast:

 TFM 69: Why We Do What We Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On episode #69 of the TFM podcast I discuss why we do what we do. On recent episodes of the podcast I have been discussing the importance of challenging ourselves from getting into better shape, developing a more disciplined spiritual life, and becoming a better family man. Challenges are not always easy, i guess that’s…

 TFM 69: Why We Do What We Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:46

On episode #69 of the TFM podcast I discuss why we do what we do. On recent episodes of the podcast I have been discussing the importance of challenging ourselves from getting into better shape, developing a more disciplined spiritual life, and becoming a better family man. Challenges are not always easy, i guess that’s why they are called challenges. I dive in and talk about how I stay motivated when trying new and difficult things, also I talk about the importance of having the right mindset when facing any obstacle or trying to obtain a goal. Support the podcast:


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