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 The Tatiana Show - David Bailey Of BTC Media & Dave Cahill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:49

Tatiana interviews David Bailey of BTC Media & Dave Cahill. - As Chief Executive Officer of BTC Media LLC, David Bailey is an industry leader in the digital currency and blockchain space. After founding yBitcoin, the world’s leading publication about digital currency, David launched BTC Media, a corporate group including Bitcoin Magazine, the world’s first information outlet and news desk dedicated to digital currency, and Distributed, a leading source for banking and corporate information on distributed ledger technology. - Dave Cahill is a incredibly gifted singer, songwriter, musician and producer who has composed and published six albums of original music and has played over a thousand live performances in his young life. He is a passionate vocalist with a dynamic understanding of songwriting, not to mention an accomplished, monster of a guitar player, spirited entertainer and exciting performer If you like this content, please send a tip with BTC to: 1444meJi7YjgQGNg3U8Z6qYZFA5cgz4Gmj More Info:

 The Ancap Barber Shop - Hoppean Physical Removal And Trump’s Travel Ban | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:29

Hoppean Physical Removal and Trump’s Travel Ban Scott has changed his diet again trying to find out what works best for him. He’s already lost about 40 pounds but still wants to lose more. He recommends the Hulu documentary, The Perfect Human Diet. But, don’t take our advice on diets because we don’t know what we’re talking about. Hans Hermann Hoppe made waves with his claim that some people would need to be physically removed from society to keep it libertarian. The quote was taken from his 2001 book Democracy: The God That Failed: There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They–the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centred lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism–will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order. So, should we start kicking communists from helicopters now? Augusto Pinchoet, former president of Chile, would say yes. Make sure to check out The LAVA Flow podcast! Will Trump’s “Muslim Ban” lead to more terrorist attacks? We talk about why these specific countries were chosen for the ban and if this will have blow back for America. Will the left become anti-war again now that Obama is no longer the president? We sure hope so! The travel ban is being fought in the courts right now. As of recording of this episode, a court rejected a bid to restore the travel ban. Don’t forget to check out the Anarcho-Yakitalism podcast!

 The Scott Horton Show - Trevor Aaronson On The Intercept’s Cache Of FBI Documents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:02

Trevor Aaronson, a contributing writer at The Intercept and executive director of the nonprofit Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, discusses the classified FBI documents obtained by The Intercept showing that the FBI has expanded its role far beyond federal law enforcement after 9/11, and that it is now a domestic and foreign intelligence agency with “extraordinary secret powers.”

 The Jason Stapleton Program - Ayatollah Vows Retaliation For Trump’s Comments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:48

You knew this was coming. Anyone who thought the Iranians were just going to roll over and capitulate to Trump’s ultimatum does not understand the culture or the social pressures of the Middle East. Now Ayatollah Khomeini has fired back in a statement saying the Iranian nation will respond to Trump’s comments on February 10th. Nobody knows what that means, but I’d expect it means another missile test designed to send a big “SCREW YOU” in America’s direction. While Trump has worked had to avoid a conflict with Russia he seems determined to start a new conflict with Iran and ruffle feathers with China and Mexico. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve got no issue with our President ruffling feathers. There’s far too much consideration given to public sentiment and media response. But I do worry when our Presidents words could expand our war footing and put American lives at risk. *** We’re also going to talk a little about gun control and open carry today. You won’t find anyone more pro-gun than me, but theses open carry nuts often do more harm than good with their provocative display of weapons. It’s another great show, Don’t forget to like and share. Jason

 Proven & Probable - The Media, Divide And Conquer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:51

Bob Moriarty the founder of 321gold and 321energy sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the fake media and the propaganda they expel on the citizenry. We will discuss the CIA and demonetization of President Trump.In addition, we will address the virtues of a Republic versus a Democracy and immigration and Middle East. Finally, we will be discussing the future of America and what actions you the investor needs to take! Great Interview!

 The Freedom Report - Donald Trump Breaks John Stossel’s Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:35

By Kody Fairfield In an Op-Ed for Fox News, former television show host and liberty journalist John Stossel penned that President Donald Trump had “broken his heart” in regards to his actions on immigration, threats of punitive tariffs, and “trashing trade.” The liberty stalwart started off his opine by admitting that he was never a Trump supporter, though he found excitement in his first days as President, explaining that, “on TV I have called him a bully, a narcissist, etc. — but his first days were thrilling!” Stossel exclaimed “finally” there was a President who “meant it when he said he’d cut red tape that kills growth, a man who mocks political correctness and sneers at leftist reporters.” He lauded the people Trump had picked for his various cabinet positions, say that these people were not “the political hacks I’ve come to expect from D.C. — not the smug bureaucracy-lovers Hillary Clinton would have inflicted on us.” The long time journalist continued, “[they] understand the limits of government command and control, people eager to lift the web of opportunity-smothering rules.” “Trump revived the Keystone pipeline, froze federal hiring. Wow.” said Stossel. It was at this point that Stossel, a reformed liberal turned lover of liberty, started to explain why, after all his previous praise, President Trump had broken his heart. His immigrant ban is bad. I won’t write about it until I know more. But even before that, he said he’d impose a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports, and he trashed trade by insisting that “we want the (Keystone) pipe to be manufactured here!” I know — he said stuff like that when campaigning, but I didn’t think he meant it. His own businesses use overseas suppliers if they are cheaper or better. He must know that tariffs punish Americans, that a trade war helped create the Depression. “Protecting” jobs with bans and tariffs is counterproductive. Stossel, after mentioning the economic protectionism, predicted that Trump supporters would sneer at him for his comments, but her went on to explain: Yes, some steelworkers’ jobs are saved by buy-American edicts, but more jobs will be lost. It’s hard to recognize this because of a conflict economist Frederic Bastiat called “the seen vs. the unseen.” We see the jobs at a steel plant. If it closes, our cameras record the moment. We interview the workers on their last day. Our hearts break at their disappointment. Many won’t find other jobs, or jobs that pay as well. We want to “do something” to help. What we don’t as easily see, though, are the many jobs created if companies are free to use steel that’s a little cheaper. We don’t see the jobs created by the dynamism that results when people are free to buy and sell all over the world. Alternatively, we don’t easily see the jobs that neverget created because tariffs or “buy American” rules make ingredients more expensive. “History makes it clear: Where trade is free, prosperity follows. When it is restricted, stagnation follows.” said the libertarian-minded host. To validate his claim against “protectionism,” Stossel explained the degression of China, where in 1400 the country was a beacon of innovation, proliferating the use gunpowder, paper and printing process. “Then they walled themselves off. They burned the trading ships. The emperor wanted to ‘protect’ the Chinese from outsiders.” he said. “The result was stagnation. By last century (before free market reforms), China was one of the poorest nations on earth,” Stossel concluded. Stossel then moved to speaking about Trump’s inauguration speech, in which Trump promises “to take power from Washington and give it ‘back to you, the people.’ America ‘must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.'”

 Remso Republic - Is Taxation Theft? Understanding Taxes With Logan Albright From Free The People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:57

Flat, fair, or simply theft? Do Republicans care about tax reform? Was the Tea Party movement for nothing? And who will build the roads? Returning guest Logan Albright (and former Homeless History host) from Conservative Review and Free the People dives into the tax game and the truth behind why the government takes so much.

 Welcome To The Midside - The Fascism Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:38

Live from Midside headquarters (aka Justin's apartment) for the first time ever, the guys discuss if Donald Trump is a fascist, his "Muslim ban," his friendship with Tom Brady, and if the Jedi are so yesterday.

 The Justin Mohr Show - GDP Growth In 2016 Was A Miniscule 1.6% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:49

The GDP growth numbers for 2016 were recently released and it was below expert expectations. GDP growth for 2016 was only 1.6%! The average GDP growth for the last 7 ½ years was only 2.1%! Those are some really lousy numbers! The question is, why has our economy grown so slowly these last 7 ½ years? It’s mainly because government spending is crowding out private sector investment! We need to shrink the size of government! That is how we make America Great Again!

 You, Me, And BTC - The Real Reasons We Distrust The Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:36

This is episode 160 of You, Me, and BTC – your liberty and Bitcoin podcast! Today’s episode is all about an absolutely amazing message we received from one of our biggest fans. We called for feedback last week, and Mathew O’Keefe came in clutch. He asked three specific questions that will guide this entire episode. First up, we’ll chat about Satoshi Nakamoto. Way, way back in episode 98, we considered the possibility that Satoshi could win a Nobel Prize in Economics. Mathew wants to know if Bitcoin’s creator gets enough credit, so we’ll share our thoughts. Then after that, we’ll discuss Andreas Antonopoulos, an extremely respected man in the Bitcoin space. He’s one of our biggest role models, but should we worry that he’ll one day use his influence to negatively affect Bitcoin? And to wrap things up, we’ll get to one of the most important topics in YMB history: the government. Mathew is from Australia and says that his neighbors respect the government way more than people do in America. So to explain our political skepticism, we’ll share our own, personal stories about how we came to believe in true liberty. Your hosts this week are Daniel Brown, Tim Baker, and John Stuart. Tune in to hear the deepest, darkest secrets about our history in anarchy! Leave a comment and tell us if you think Satoshi Nakamoto deserves a Nobel Prize! We’d also like to thank this episode’s sponsor, Head over there to play the slickest Bitcoin dice game on the web! Every click helps. If this Bitcoin podcast was interesting, entertaining, obnoxious, or anything else, use the share buttons to let others know that it exists! Or to support YMB more directly, subscribe on Patreon and earn perks! Tips appreciated: 1Kiy8x4pwMS7RQuH7xDeVcfqeup7gUTqA

 The Tatiana Show - Jeff Berwick Of The Dollar Vigilante & Shidan Gouran Of Gulf Pearl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:14

Tatiana and Josh interview Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante & Shidan Gouran of Gulf Pearl.

 The Tim Preuss Podcast - Interview With Andrew Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:22

Tim spends some time talking with Andrew Miller, who under the tutelage of Roger Stone, worked on behalf of local and national political campaigns. The duo discuss the Libertarian party, Gary Johnson, Donald Trump, and of course, Roger Stone.

 The Power & Market Report - Doug Casey - Trump's Tactical Brilliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:33

Trump is outrunning the talking heads on TV and Casey loves it.

 The Culture & Anarchy Podcast - The Dial - Introductions, Both Ancient And Modern | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:35

I thought it might be interesting to sketch a foundation of The Dial, both in the original and in the reincarnation currently underway. The Dial of 1840 was a joint-production of libertarians, freethinkers, transcendentalists looking to forward a unique culture of liberty for an American continent in the age of "Classical Liberalism" (Free Markets, individualism, and rationalism). Thus, I bring you the Advertisement from the original 1840 edition, shortly followed by the introduction to the rebirth of 2017.

 The Jason Stapleton Program - Opposition Mounts As Trump Pushes Agenda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:51

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