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 Liberty Entrepreneurs - Creating A Win - Win By Hiring A Virtual Assistant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:05

What you are going to LEARN in this episode: Learning on the VA job vs “formal” College education Typical working hours and salary for a call center technician How the freedom from working at home benefits both VAs and Clients Call Center job vs being a Virtual Assistant Welcome back to Liberty Entrepreneurs Podcast! Today’s guest is Dexter “Dex” Carreon, Team Liberty’s very first Virtual Assistant! Dex joined Team Liberty in Summer 2016 as the “Virtual Podcast Manager”. He’s role includes editing audio, designing social media graphics, competitor research, WordPress management and even building an Woocommerce online store. The purpose of this episode is to, again, give you an inside look at the background and experiences of another Virtual Assistant and the journey to finally becoming a VA. Like many of us, Dex started off stocking shelves in a grocery store, then was hired for the night shift for a technical support call center and now as a technical Virtual Assistant. Tune in to hear how Dex used to spend 5+ hours/day to travel to-from work and put in 11-hour workdays during the “graveyard shift”. Listen to his enthusiasm as he describes how his life has gotten so much better now that he works as a Virtual Assistant. More money; way fewer hours and work from home without the need to travel. We also discuss his experience without having a 4-year college degree, but getting the same types of jobs and picking up skills and “software upgrades” that continued to raise his market value. In the end, Dex could never go back to the Call Center jobs. The lack of dynamic tasks and flexible schedule can’t compare with the awesomeness of working from home as a Liberty Virtual Assistant! Remember, when you hire a Virtual Assistant you are creating a win/win scenario and helping improve the lives of someone on the other side of the world. #winning Tune in next week to hear my Tip to Effectively Communicate with your Virtual Assistant.

 Gold Newsletter Podcast - The War On Cash - Cui Bono? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:55

There is a battle on two fronts that is circling and tightening the strings on cash for transactions. Both intellectual figureheads and policymakers are limiting particular uses of cash and, in some cases, banning higher denominations. Lawrence White of George Mason University takes a look behind the scenes and applies the "Baptists and bootleggers" analogy. There are the true believers, and then there are those who stand to profit. White is a long-standing specialist in free banking and monetary economics, and he has earned his place as a leader in the field. He also holds research positions with the Cato Institute and the Mercatus Center.

 Wake Up Call Podcast - How We See Nullification And The Tenth Amendment Applied Today | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:59

Episode Summary Shane Trejo joins Adam Camac to discuss the Tenth Amendment, nullification, decentralization, and how we see nullification used today with marijuana legalization, opposing the war on drugs, fighting against NSA surveillance, right to try laws, and more. About the Guest Mr. Trejo is the founder and state director of the Michigan Tenth Amendment Center. He is the National Campaign Lead for Peace on Our Streets, which is an organization dedicated to promoting marijuana and industrial hemp reform in state legislatures across the United States. He previously was the National Campaign Lead for the OffNow Project, and he still contributes to the OffNow Project. You can follow his work via the Tenth Amendment Center and the OffNow Project. You can find him on the Facebook pages for the Tenth Amendment Center and the OffNow Project. Biographical information is from Movie Mentioned 1. Dallas Buyers Club Resources Mentioned 1. Tenth Amendment Center 2. Tenth Amendment Center’s Tenther Blog 3. Shane Trejo’s Tenth Amendment Center Archive 4. Michigan Tenth Amendment Center 5. Peace on Our Streets 6. OffNow Project Upcoming Event Mentioned 1. Mises Institute Event in San Diego, California (February 25, 2017) Related Episodes 140. The Fourteenth Amendment, the Incorporation Doctrine, and Decentralization with Dr. Kevin Gutzman (Monday, December 19, 2016) 135. How to Drastically Lower Healthcare Costs with Dr. Josh Umbehr (Friday, November 25, 2016) 9. The FDA and the Pharmaceutical Industry with Dr. Mary Ruwart (Wednesday, March 9, 2016) FREE Audiobook Offer Get your FREE audiobook here from Audible by signing up for one of their FREE 30-day trials and choosing from their selection of over 180,000 available audiobooks.

 You, Me, And BTC - Spells Of Genesis Predictions & Altcoin Debates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:16

This is episode 162 of You, Me, and BTC – your liberty and Bitcoin podcast! First up in this week’s show, we’ll cover the upcoming blockchain-based trading card game, Spells of Genesis. The project seems to have tons of potential, but some people don’t like the way it’s being developed and think it could fail. We’ll explain how the game works and decide whether or not we expect it to succeed. Then after that, we’ll share some conflicting opinions about altcoins in general. Many coins have gained value over the past few days, but some Bitcoiners still insist that they can’t live forever. We’ll chat about what we think is the purpose of altcoins, which ones we expect to survive the longest, how they compare to Bitcoin, and much more. Check the list below for some of the specific stories we’ll cover! BLOCKCHAIN CARDS AND BITCRYSTALS FOR EVERYONE! Crypto Traders Flock to Altcoins Amid Bitcoin Price Malaise 90 Percent of Altcoins Won’t Survive But Bitcoin Is Sustainable Your hosts are Daniel Brown, Tim Baker, and John Stuart. Don’t forget to scroll down so you can keep up with our open tweet lines, vote in this week’s Bitcoin poll, and share your thoughts in the comments! Every click helps. If this Bitcoin podcast was interesting, entertaining, obnoxious, or anything else, use the share buttons to let others know that it exists. Or to support YMB more directly, subscribe on Patreon and earn perks. Tips appreciated: 1Kiy8x4pwMS7RQuH7xDeVcfqeup7gUTqA The #YMBLive Open Tweet Lines If you have a comment, a question, or a Bitcoin headline that you’d like us to cover on the air, use the button below to send us a tweet! The tweet lines are open all week long, so you can send a shoutout even when we’re not live and we’ll still get to it during the show. We’ll do our best to read all #YMBLive tweets on the air and respond to any questions.

 Welcome To The Midside - The Lobster Porn Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:37:22

The guys discuss lobster porn, celebrities denouncing the Under Armour CEO, and the Left giving up on facts. They also give advice about what to do on Valentine's Day if you're single.

 The Isaac Morehouse Podcast - Back For A Quick Update On Something New! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:46

Hey hey hey! Did you miss me? Quick pop-in to tell you what's going on and about a new project you should check out. It's a podcast of a different kind, plus a new book.

 The Justin Mohr Show - The Economics Of The NFL And Starving Venezuelans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:39

The super bowl this year turned out to be an incredible game with the comeback win by the patriots. Tom Brady, who is arguably the best quarterback of all time, was a 6th round draft pick! When each NFL team has a salary cap of $155 million a lot of strategy and opportunity cost comes into when putting together a “winning” team. Then we move over to Venezuela and those people are going through a lot and have been for some time now as they are going through an economic collapse. The people of Venezuela are starving to death and are now eating pink flamingos, ant eaters, dogs and cats just to survive! This is what central planning looks like in all its glory!

 The Tim Preuss Podcast - Trouble In Trump - Land | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:12

Recorded Wednesday, February 15th Beer of the Week – Pearl Street Brewery Raspberry Tambois Tim is joined in studio by Gus Willman to chat about the Michael Flynn revelations, and whether the outrage over many of Donald Trump’s policies is justified. The two get into immigration, transgenderism, and even humorously discuss invisible aliens.

 The Jason Stapleton Program - Michael Flynn Resigns As Media Sharks Smell Blood In The Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:22

Once again the media has taken a non-story and turned it into a scandal. Here’s the short of it. Flynn as committed no crime. He was cleared by the FBI of any potential issues as it relates to his conversations with the Russian Ambassador. He DID, however, tell the Vice President that he had not discussions regarding Russian sanctions, a statement that was later proved to be false. So, Flynn is guilty (at worst) of lying to the Vice President, and that assumes it was, in fact, a lie and not merely a misstatement. I find it hard to believe the former national security advisor would intentionally lie to the Vice President especially considering he had done nothing wrong. Naturally, we don’t know the whole story, but we do know this is, at worst, a minor controversy involving internal White House communications. It hasn’t stopped the media from blowing this story up into a full-fledged frenzy. I’ll lay out the truth for you on the show today, and We’ll also talk about some creative ways to pay for education that doesn’t involve taxes. Great show today, don’t forget to share! Jason

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 4 - Optimization Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:13

We’re continuing with a discussion of the most important subject of study there is, namely, understanding the causes of things. I hope you will come to the realization that it is also the most exciting subject and the most challenging subject. For our human race, in the beginning, the causes of everything were a great mystery. Why the great mystery? Because the true cause of virtually everything is hidden from view, as I have said, and will continue to say. I gave you this quotation, “Things do not come neatly labeled cause and effect. We have to decide ourselves when and where to pin labels.” The problem for all of us, then, is just how do you decide when and where to pin all of the labels? When the question is when and where to pin labels on the causes of physical actions, the physical sciences have been giving us better and better labels. When the question is when and where to pin labels on the causes of biological actions, the biological sciences have been giving us better and better labels. But when the question is when and where to pin labels on the causes of human actions, the so-called social sciences have been giving us a lot of mislabels. As I will demonstrate, what has been missing in the social sciences is one thing: Science. In the name of science, much of the mislabeling has been based upon entrenched dogma and popular superstition. The result of this mislabeling is a continuation of the major social crises of our time.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 5 - The Principle of Poverty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:41

Ladies and gentlemen, this will be a good test of your stamina. It is not easy to sit through an entire day at a seminar in a lecture. The only thing I can say is that if you’re able to maintain your concentration, you will get a lot of value out of this session, more value than you’ll get if you kind of fade away. And, at any time, you are more than welcome, encouraged, if you get a little groggy or whatever, to go outside and take a swig of coffee or something out there in the foyer area because that’s better than just tuning out. The law of human action tells us we’re all after satisfaction. Nature commands you to seek greater satisfaction. Nature doesn’t give you one clue as to how to get it. What are your options in this regard? You can guess at the means. You can follow established opinion, you can follow popular superstition, or you can reject all of these and apply a scientific approach to the identification of the true means. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do here. We’re going to have, I think, some fun doing it. At the conclusion of an earlier session I made this bold claim: Optimization Theory demonstrates the true means for the optimization of the greatest good for the greatest number. Prior to this time I don’t know of anyone who has even proposed this as a scientific goal. And since the very subject of science sounds pretty heavy to most people, and even awesome, let’s look again at the goal of science. The goal of science is to know reality. Sometimes we can communicate a concept more effectively by using common street language – the goal of science is to find out what the hell is going on. My friends, there is only one way to find out. There aren’t twelve ways, not three – one.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 3 - The Principle of Prosperity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:37

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll continue now with lecture three. Earlier I asked you to identify the primary cause of human failure. What failure, you might ask? Well, you name it. The cause of the failure to build peace in the world, or to build peace in your own home, the cause of the failure to build prosperity in the world, or to build prosperity in your own home. And so, the failure of the individual, the primary human failure, is the failure of the individual to apply science and rationality to identify correctly the causes of those effects that he likes and dislikes. The truth and consistency of this generalization will be confirmed in the sessions ahead. From time to time I will give you generalizations in advance of the support of those generalizations, but the support will come in future sessions. If we could support everything, if we can support all of optimization theory in one lecture, then we’d only have to give one lecture. Here again are the seven super problems caused by this primary human failure – international war, world starvation, widespread poverty, economic depression, monetary inflation, epidemic crime, failing education, and a lot more. We’ll have a lot more to say about other failures, numbers 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, and other problems. If we want to transform these seven super problems into super solutions, what must we do? If we want to go from international war to international peace, we apply science. To go from international war to international peace we have to apply the methods of science to correctly identify the causes of at least two things; One, war. Two, peace. To go from inhumanity and slavery to world humanity and freedom, we have to apply more and better science. To go from world poverty to world prosperity, again, we have to apply more and better science to identify the causes of poverty and the causes of prosperity. To understand the cause of one is to understand the cause of the other.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 1 - The Ideological Immune System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:08

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Did all of you answer all the questions? How many of you got all of them correct, a show of hands? Very good. I am really impressed. If you haven’t guessed already, my name is Jay Snelson and I am truly delighted that you have joined us. Before this particular session this morning is completed, I hope you will be delighted that you have joined us at this presentation. One of my main goals today will be to entertain you. Now of course almost everyone, everyone you know, enjoys entertainment. More than twenty years ago, MGM produced a motion picture with the title, That’s Entertainment. All of the great MGM musical stars were featured in the film – Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, Gene Kelley, and Liza Minelli. Here is, for example, the fabulous Ginger Rogers dancing with the master of dance, Fred Astaire. But entertainment involves much more than dancing, singing, and acting. To entertain means to hold the attention of someone’s mind in an agreeable way. In this seminar my aim is to hold the attention of your mind in an agreeable way. However, I want to warn you from the very beginning, this seminar is not designed to entertain everyone. So we’ll determine whether the seminar is designed to entertain you or somebody else.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 2 - Understanding Causality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

As we begin lecture two you should keep this in mind about the ideological immune system. Again, and I can’t overstress this, everyone has one. Let’s look again at how it operates. Your ideological immune system rejects your acceptance of any new basic ideas that would overturn any of your old basic ideas. You will find that most adults never suppress or hold back their ideological immune system. The result is they are fully protected 24 hours a day from new ideas, and especially they are protected from new major ideas and revolutionary ideas. Here is one result of their protection: the Locke, Planck, Mises Problem. Educated, intelligent, successful adults rarely change their most fundamental premises. Now, if you happen to live in a static society where little or nothing changes from one decade to the next, or from one century to the next, then it doesn’t matter because there are no new ideas being generated to be rejected in the first place. The medieval or feudal society was such a static society. But the more advanced the society, the more rapid the social changes and those who do not embrace new ideas will get left behind.

 Gold Newsletter Podcast - Marco Navarro - Génie - No One Wins A Trade War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:56

The Canadian foreign minister has threatened retaliation if the Trump administration imposes a tariff on imports from the north. Meanwhile, Trump has said he will cancel NAFTA unless there is a significant renegotiation of the treaty. Add the budding wall with Mexico, and a disruptive trade war looms. Our specialist is the president of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the go-to think tank in the Atlantic provinces of Canada. Marco Navarro-Génie fled Nicaragua in his youth and rose up the ranks of academia, before jumping ship and finding his home in policy research. He is the author of Augusto “César” Sandino: Messiah of Light and Truth, president of the Civitas Society, and a director of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.


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